007 Legends Announced



  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    Bad news fans for who having finished the moonraker mission and expect an ending rather than Bond going unconcious in the room with the posioness gas globes exploding the new DLC skyfall doesnt have an ending for it it just goes straight to the Skyfall Mission..and no dont get offended if there is no spoiler tags in this post because i reccomend not going anywhere near this game at all...seriously dont if you love Bond and video games avoid this like the plague or Justin Biber its that terrible
  • Activision's license is going to expire in 2014, I doubt they'll be making a game next year. I wish either Devolver or Rockstar acquire the license to make 007 video games. And it's just clear that the so-called cancelled Risico video game preview was a Third-Person Perspective footage of the Skyfall mission. Now, converted to FPS. It's clear that Activision won't be making 007 games anymore.
  • Posts: 2,107
    I somewhat enjoyed 007 Legends and reliving some of the early missions. Re-imaged or not. But there are better companies to publish and assign developers to carve Bond games, than the current licence holder. I think it's too much asked to see at least one original game, like Bloodstone, before the licence expires. Apart from Bloodstone, Activision has only greenlighted remakes and movie tie-ins.
  • Activision only cares about that COD crap.
  • michallo_wmichallo_w Szczecin, Poland
    Posts: 37
    oo7 wrote:
    daniel craig has two lines.

    Is it actually him then?

    Nope, it's not.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    michallo_w wrote:
    oo7 wrote:
    daniel craig has two lines.

    Is it actually him then?

    Nope, it's not.

    What a big f*cking surprise.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,077
    How anyone could be shocked by this news is unbeknownst to me. This game looked like a horrendous trainwreck from the start. I had a feeling they would butcher the SF DLC, but not this bad.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 9,893
    the game makes me feel like i was shot of the roof of a train well i guess that does tie it in with skyfall ;)

    Just a nice third person movie tie in for Skyfall would of been nice.
  • As long as Activision is the publisher of the 007 games, there won't be good games.
  • point taken
  • How I want the gameplay to be is:

    Percentage Health
    Locked Crosshairs
    No Gunlimits
    No QTE at all
    Manual Fistfights
    Tons of Gadgets
    Half-Life styled gameplay
    No Hints
    No First-Person Cutscenes
    Decent Levels
    The 90s/early 2000s feeling of the Bond franchise (AUF and NF)
    Decent Speedboat chase
    Underwater Bases
    Over-The-Fantasy McGuffins
    No Dark/Gritty Jason Bourne references
  • Posts: 183
    Thought I'd write an indepth review on 007 Legend's from a fan's perspective. (This doesn't include a multiplayer review however)

    When 007 Legends was announced, and the premise that was given, I was thoroughly excited. I've always loved the idea of playing a Bond game based on classic sequences from the films. My dream is for a 3rd Person TSWLM game where we kick ass as Sir Rog, in all sorts of classic scenarios. Even if TSWLM wasn't one of the films that were used, I'd still be incredibly happy with revisiting a past Bond film. However, I was to be bitterly disappointed with what would turn out to be one of the worst Bond games ever made... yes, as bad as Rogue Agent and 007 Racing.

    The first problem is the fact it's a FPS. Now it could be that I'm biased towards this genre, but truth is I did used to love this perspective. I loved Agent Under Fire and Nightfire, but with Activision, the game is a simple copy and paste job of Call of Duty, and when I play, I really don't feel like I'm the worlds greatest secret agent. Maybe the Daniel Craig era has warped Activision's idea of how a Bond game should be, but seriously, Everything or Nothing had invisible cars, freefalling off a cliff to catch someone and a bike with flamethrowers. That sounds ridiculous for a Bond movie, but for a game it was perfect, so instead we just get some boring shooter. If you want to recreate the style of the Daniel Craig era, then it should not be a FPS - that's for games that feature tons of shooting and killing, and if you've seen Skyfall, I'm sure you can count on one hand the amount of shooting kills Bond equals. To recreate the Craig era, it has to be a 3rd Person perspective, this way stealth, shooting and running becomes much more organic and cinematic.

    Now the gameplay. If you thought that being a FPS was a good thing, then the way the game plays will make you think again. I'm going to give a great example. The first mission for OHMSS, features Bond skiing trying to save Tracy. Sounds great, but if you end up smashing into a tree (you have to ski through a forest), you effectively have no chance of saving her. Don't crash into a tree I hear you say. That would be the way it works, but the fact that it takes forever to load the checkpoint up again makes this trial and error level the most frustrating game for a long time. This really is a level that should be in third person, but even if it was, it wouldn't save the rest of the game. The driving is perhaps the blandest driving levels I have ever played. Repetitive roads, mixed with cloned enemy cars randomly dotted on the roadside. Remember that awful driving level in the Tomorrow Never Dies game? Well that had more variety and excitement than this. Even the gadget laden Aston chase on the ice from Die Another Day - a chance for some mayhem - was stale. Talking of the Tomorrow Never Dies game - I just remembered - the skiing levels in that were waaaay better than the skiing level form this game.

    The graphics in most scenes were poor, if Everything or Nothing was in HD, I tell you, it would give this game a run for its money. But I won't get bogged down in that aspect. The same with the fact that Daniel Craig's mug replaced all the other Bond actors - I'm presuming (and hoping) it was to do with EON/MGM licencing (ie. the fact that the current Bond should be the star of the 007 games - the FRWL game was released between actors). But the faithfulness to the films represented was terrible. Sure it was updated to fit with the Craig era, but most levels were simply unrecognisable to it's movie counterpart, and with the average of two levels per film, therefore skipping out tons of other potential film to game sequences, it begs the question - why on earth bother in the first place?

    There are some things the game does get right...but not much. The music was brilliant, and was chuffed to hear tracks like the Laser Beam from Goldfinger and the OHMSS theme worked into the score. Another plus point was the ability to play the game in classic mode (health and armour pickups) in a selected difficulty, unlike the last GoldenEye Reloaded game that only let you choose that option if you played on the hardest difficulty setting. It made more old school FPS fans (like me) happier. But seriously, that really is it for positives. The raid on Piz Gloria was perhaps my favourite level, but honestly, that was pushing it.

    Overall, I'm bitterly disappointed. A wasted opportunity. The reason for this is lack of polish, poor presentation, terrible gameplay, and overall, general laziness of the creators of the game. A low point in Bond gaming history.

  • Posts: 612

    007 Legends Dev Hit by Redundancies
    Eurocom...will be focusing mainly on mobile opportunities moving forward.

    It's safe to say that we won't be getting another Eurocom Bond game. (Halleberrylujah)
    Regardless, people lost their jobs, which is a shame.
  • oo7oo7
    edited November 2012 Posts: 1,068

    007 Legends Dev Hit by Redundancies
    Eurocom...will be focusing mainly on mobile opportunities moving forward.

    It's safe to say that we won't be getting another Eurocom Bond game. (Halleberrylujah)
    Regardless, people lost their jobs, which is a shame.

    sad news indeed, but in reality these people had jobs 2 years longer than they should have.
    seems after this the only move for activision is for treyarch to flex the CoD engine again
  • Posts: 9,893


    007 Legends Dev Hit by Redundancies
    Eurocom...will be focusing mainly on mobile opportunities moving forward.

    It's safe to say that we won't be getting another Eurocom Bond game. (Halleberrylujah)
    Regardless, people lost their jobs, which is a shame.

    Yeah I am hearing rumors Treyarch is devloping a bond game for release in 2013... Hoping it's 3rd person and
    has the voice talents of Craig Fiennes Kinnear Winshaw and Harris

    but just my opnion
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 9,893
    i'm sorry but if they made a great game it would sell well.

    here is hoping for a better 3rd person bond game next year.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 14,830
    "This includes many very experienced, talented and highly skilled employees"

    Personally, I just wanted their environment texture artist/s fired. Good luck to every other employee.

    TBH, I'll still buy this game, no matter what the reviews imply. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,077
    I just think that things such as short deadlines shouldn't even be an excuse when it comes to something that costs a lot of money to make. I don't know how the entire development process works, but when a developer recognizes that they've delivered a half-assed product, it's pretty upsetting.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I watched the Skyfall dlc last night.........IN LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR!!! I wish I were joking. This is literally how it goes:
    *Bond storms into a bad remake of the room in Istanbul, and Patrice is seen fleeing. You have a minor gunfight, use a zipline in the form of a closeline, and give chase. He fires an RPG that just misses you and you jump to the next building, just making it. You give more chase until you and Patrice are on the streets. Patrice takes a motorbike, and you take the one next to him, chasing him through Istanbul. He hits the bridge, jumps over, you follow, and you do the stupid fighting mechanic. A cinematic plays, Bond gets shot, and then you see him washed up on land. And Activision didn't ever get the location of his bullet wound right!

    *Then, I kid you not, you skip clear through to the Shanghai mission, and spend the entire time shooting at Patrice through the glass in the highrise until you enter a cinematic and stupid recreation of the fight of the film, and then he dies. And the game just ends. No mention of Silva or the drive, nothing. Bond just calls M, tells her that Patrice is dead, and she apologizes for giving Eve the orders to shoot though there wasn't a clear shot. Bond says it is okay, you have to do what you have to do to survive or some BS like that, and then Bond gets his next mission.

    So the Skyfall missions didn't even follow the story besides some of the action in Istanbul, Bond getting shot, and the Shanghai setting and fight. No mention of Silva at all, the drive the plot revolves around at the start, and nothing showing Bond on retiremen in any way shape or form. And it takes less than half an hour to complete. Seriously? WHAT A FAILURE YOU ARE, ACTIVISION/EUROCOM! And I swear, I have seen PS2 era games with better graphics than this crap. The mere fact that Activision didn't use the potential of the film's climax at Skyfall as a mission is beyond me, considering it would be action packed and actually have an appearance of the film's main villain!!!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,077
    Thank you for saving me 29 minutes of my time, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7. Sounds like total trash.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    Thank you for saving me 29 minutes of my time, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7. Sounds like total trash.

    That, my friend, is an insult to garbage bins. ;)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,077
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, too right, mate. It's why I didn't even touch the game. Even when I saw it on sale for $25 yesterday, I thought my time would be better spent burning $25, slowly in one dollar bills, than purchasing this game. You couldn't hand me $25 to take that game for free.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, too right, mate. It's why I didn't even touch the game. Even when I saw it on sale for $25 yesterday, I thought my time would be better spent burning $25, slowly in one dollar bills, than purchasing this game. You couldn't hand me $25 to take that game for free.

    What?! It is down to $25 dollars already?! I don't think even Duke Nukem Forever went down in price that fast.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,376
    I'd only Buy it to play the Moonraker mission, but sadly I'd have to play the whole game.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,077
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, some Black Friday deals marked it down to that price, yeah. i wasn't too surprised about it - game doesn't look like it's worth $5.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    edited November 2012 Posts: 16,376
    Here's a link to download the soundtrack if anyone interested. It's got some good tracks actually. A few with rehashed Bloodstone tracks but It's still good.
    NEW: 007 Legends Soundtrack - recorded from a playthrough


    42 Tracks total. :)
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 1,856
    I watched the Skyfall dlc last night.........IN LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR!!! I wish I were joking. This is literally how it goes:
    *Bond storms into a bad remake of the room in Istanbul, and Patrice is seen fleeing. You have a minor gunfight, use a zipline in the form of a closeline, and give chase. He fires an RPG that just misses you and you jump to the next building, just making it. You give more chase until you and Patrice are on the streets. Patrice takes a motorbike, and you take the one next to him, chasing him through Istanbul. He hits the bridge, jumps over, you follow, and you do the stupid fighting mechanic. A cinematic plays, Bond gets shot, and then you see him washed up on land. And Activision didn't ever get the location of his bullet wound right!

    *Then, I kid you not, you skip clear through to the Shanghai mission, and spend the entire time shooting at Patrice through the glass in the highrise until you enter a cinematic and stupid recreation of the fight of the film, and then he dies. And the game just ends. No mention of Silva or the drive, nothing. Bond just calls M, tells her that Patrice is dead, and she apologizes for giving Eve the orders to shoot though there wasn't a clear shot. Bond says it is okay, you have to do what you have to do to survive or some BS like that, and then Bond gets his next mission.

    So the Skyfall missions didn't even follow the story besides some of the action in Istanbul, Bond getting shot, and the Shanghai setting and fight. No mention of Silva at all, the drive the plot revolves around at the start, and nothing showing Bond on retiremen in any way shape or form. And it takes less than half an hour to complete. Seriously? WHAT A FAILURE YOU ARE, ACTIVISION/EUROCOM! And I swear, I have seen PS2 era games with better graphics than this crap. The mere fact that Activision didn't use the potential of the film's climax at Skyfall as a mission is beyond me, considering it would be action packed and actually have an appearance of the film's main villain!!!

    This just keeps getting worse and worse!

    Oh well at least it gives someone else the chance to make it properly later.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 12,837
    @TPM007 Great review.

    After reading all these comments I decided to watch a bit of the game. I decided to watch the LTK mission, it's my favourite Bond film and I wanted to see how badly they could f*ck it up. The answer is very.

    It starts off at Felix's house with Bond punching a henchman in the face (a needless change). After discovering Della was dead he talks to Felix. Were you hoping to take part in the plane fishing to kidnap Sanchez? Well you don't get to. Bond has never heard of Sanchez, Felix explains who he is and tells him to warn Pam Bouvier (remember the fun meeting in the bar and the barfight after? gone).

    Felix says that the data on Bouvier is in his lighter. It's not a wedding present that made Sanchez's death personal anymore, it's a memory card.

    Bond doesn't kill Killifer in the shark tank, he doesn't meet Sharky or anyone else, he doesn't steal millions of dollars and plane water skii to escape, he doesn't try to kill Sanchez then pose as an agent turned assassin to destroy his organisation from the inside, no. None of that happens.

    The worst change is probably that Bond isn't rogue. That's right, the whole point of LTK that made it cool and different, is gone. He's ordered by M (talking to him through his trusty earpiece as always) to only kill Sanchez if he discovers terrorist connections. Bond goes along with this.

    But it turns out Sanchez DOES have terrorist connections. And so Bond destroys his base and after a nice game of punchout with Dario, him and Pam escape in a helicopter (at this point there's no reason to ask why not a plane).

    They even botched the tanker chase. Bond hijacks a jeep (again, why change that) and instead of tilting it onto two wheels to dodge one RPG, he instead speeds along while millions of rockets are shot at the jeep. But don't worry, the guy in the walkthrough got hit tons of times and he was fine.

    And then after one last game of punchout with Sanchez, the terrible Daniel Craig voice double says he did all for his friend (weren't you doing it to stop terrorists?), blows up Sanchez and as he's running away, the mission abruptly ends.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited November 2012 Posts: 28,694
    Bloody hell. I mourn for you @thelivingroyale. A Bond game for the fans? BS Activision!!! How badly did they mess up MR, GF, OHMSS and DAD? Come to think of it, could they somehow have managed to improve DAD by not even being DAD? What a paradox.
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