No Time To Die: Production Diary



  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Where are these scoops coming from?

    We have an inside source, don't we Wizard?
  • QuantumOrganizationQuantumOrganization We have people everywhere
    Posts: 1,187
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Where are these scoops coming from?
    He's a wizard, Donny.

  • QuantumOrganizationQuantumOrganization We have people everywhere
    Posts: 1,187
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Where are these scoops coming from?

    We have an inside source, don't we Wizard?
    We do, but we don't call him that.
  • DonnyDB5DonnyDB5 Buffalo, New York
    Posts: 1,755
    So what's the overall consensus on Craig returning?
  • Posts: 11,119
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    So what's the overall consensus on Craig returning?

    I'll link you to that tomorrow ;-)
  • Posts: 11,119
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Fuck sake, can I be......excited and happy??? Man, want me to throw myself off a building?? If you say "Calm Down!" then the same goes for you. No reason to get irritated by someone's sincere excitement!
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,411
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    So what's the overall consensus on Craig returning?
    General consensus: it's a lock.
  • Posts: 4,622
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    So what's the overall consensus on Craig returning?

    Speaking for myself, I think it's a lock. In fact I think he will sign for two films.
    I actually do support this, despite not being a fan of Haggis-Forster-Logan-Mendes drama Bond.

    Here's why. Craig has shown he can play Bond quite convincingly so I'm happy to see him lock into two more films and remove any uncertainty regarding the franchise short term.
    He may still have his two best Bonds yet in him, given the right story and direction.

    As much as I would like to see a fresh new younger Bond, soft re-booted into the role, that exciting development can wait.

    I think if that approach was on the table, the decision to change direction should have been made clear, early to mid 2016.

    So as "the writings on the wall" seems to have been for a SP continuation story all along, with Shatterhand elements, let's just get on with it and do it well.
    As others have said , a continuation story, doesn't have to be saddled with the brother baggage of the last film.
    A fresh approach with fresh director(s) could give us a couple of real good final Craig Bonds, with a returning Waltz-Blofeld, some Bunt maybe, some Garden of Death, some Shatterhand, even some Man with Golden Gun elements in a B26.
    A fully realized Dikko Henderson.

    I am rather stoked at the possibility of some of the iconic Fleming scenes and scenarios, from his last two novels being realized on screen.
  • DonnyDB5DonnyDB5 Buffalo, New York
    Posts: 1,755
    DonnyDB5 wrote: »
    So what's the overall consensus on Craig returning?

    I'll link you to that tomorrow ;-)

    Please do! Or PM me.
  • Posts: 4,622
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Fuck sake, can I be......excited and happy??? Man, want me to throw myself off a building?? If you say "Calm Down!" then the same goes for you. No reason to get irritated by someone's sincere excitement!

    You're not excited by the @wiz 's scoop bounty!?!
    Things are rounding into shape!!!!!!!!
  • peterpeter Toronto
    edited August 2017 Posts: 9,106
    Sir Rog's best performance as 007 was TMWTGG, and then, IMHO, OP-- nine years between each film...

    To say that a quality actor like Craig can't kill it in his swan song is to be ignorant of the man's raw talent.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,685
    I thought Craig was excellent up until SP, where he appeared to be bored and going through the motions, in my opinion. Hopefully if he returns for another he brings his A-game.
  • Posts: 1,680
    I love Craig just as much as everyone else, but I just dont see what meat he has left to dig his hands into,

    Were enduring another 4 year gap, they better make something on par or better than CR. Another Skyfall wont do, the next would better be original.
  • 007Blofeld007Blofeld In the freedom of the West.
    Posts: 3,126
    Filming will begin late 2018

    Yeah were you get this information from
  • Posts: 12,371
    I'd love to know the title, director, and main cast. We're probably still a year off though.
  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    Im afraid of getting over excited for a film coming out in over 2 years just to be let down yet again by P and W.
    Its not too late to hire someone competent
  • edited August 2017 Posts: 17,529
    With the result that was SP (which I was very excited about prior to the release), I think I'm going to approach B25 with much less excitement. Rather be positively surprised at the cinema. Still, following the production over the next two years is going to be interesting.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,554
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I'm trying to remember when the title was announced last time. Was it about ten months prior?

    More or less. It was announced in December, 2014, the day before shooting began.

    I was sort of hoping B25 would be a summer 2019 release, with a title and cast announcement in May 2018. Oh well.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I'm also down for a Summer release for a Bond film. It's been a long time since we've had any. Does it have to be Fall/Wintertime?
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Filming will begin late 2018

    OMG. Where? Link??

    Jesus calm down mate youre like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell.

    The film is realeased in 2019 so you don't have to be Woodward and Bernstein to surmise it will be filmed late 2018 into early 2019.

    A few more scoops:

    Post production will be done in mid to late 2019.
    The teaser trailer will be released in early to mid 2019.
    The poster will be released in mid to late 2019.

    Fuck sake, can I be......excited and happy??? Man, want me to throw myself off a building?? If you say "Calm Down!" then the same goes for you. No reason to get irritated by someone's sincere excitement!

    Well if if this statement of the obvious excites you I worry for your health when they actually cast anyone or the trailer is released.

    You need to watch your blood pressure because I hear an announcement on who's doing the on set catering is due soon.
    With the result that was SP (which I was very excited about prior to the release), I think I'm going to approach B25 with much less excitement. Rather be positively surprised at the cinema. Still, following the production over the next two years is going to be interesting.

    Absolutely. The lowness of expectation after SP and with the knowledge P&W are back means going in one can only be pleasantly surprised.
  • Posts: 17,529
    Absolutely. The lowness of expectation after SP and with the knowledge P&W are back means going in one can only be pleasantly surprised.
    Indeed. And, who knows - with the right director and a decent plot/script we might be in for a treat in two years time.
  • edited August 2017 Posts: 11,425
    Be careful what you wish for, all those saying that it's time for Craig to go.

    He's one of the best Bond actors we've had, clearly. Craig elevates mediocre material and brings gravitas and credibility that had long been missing from the films.Unless they're about to replace him with Fassbender, I'm not sure there's an obvious replacement out there.

    And with a lightweight actor in the role, it would be very, very easy for things to slip back to the sorry state they were in 2 decades ago.

    If you think SP was bad, then remember it can be a lot, lot worse.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Lets just say,its going to take something very special for me to get excited over BOND25 after last time.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited August 2017 Posts: 8,243
    Its highly likely that Craig will be back anyway, at this point. That's okay, because the soft reboot will still come, it's just delayed. I think there may be some weight to the idea that Bond has to truly stall out before it can come back stronger. DAF, AVTAK, DAD, without these films would we have gotten a new breath of life, or would things have fizzled out? SP is criticised by many, but it was still an appropriate jumping off point for Craig, and maybe that's the problem. Maybe EON have to be on the back foot before they can deliver gold. Maybe this fifth Craig film is what's best for everyone, but for different reasons.
  • Posts: 4,619
    Am I the only one who finds it amusing that at this point it's easier to predict the director of Bond 26 than who will direct Bond 25?
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,243
    Am I the only one who finds it amusing that at this point it's easier to predict the director of Bond 26 than who will direct Bond 25?

    I hope its Nolan, I really do. Each actors first entry has been great so far, and I just want one more "first film" where everything is shot on film and done for real. Not to mention what Nolan brings to the table in terms of filmmaking calibre. I expect a complete overhaul if he gets a hold of the franchise. As long as this happens in 2022, I'll be fine with a fifth Craig film to keep the Craigites happy.

    If you listen to how Nolan talks about the conventions of war cinema, it could easily apply to the conventions of Bond films also.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Contradictions. Contradictions everywhere.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited August 2017 Posts: 3,000
    Having seen Dunkirk in Imax recently, I think it's a masterpiece of a film, but I still don't want Nolan anywhere near Bond. He's far to artsy and serious for a franchise that ought to be a pleasure trip.
  • Posts: 4,619
    He's far to artsy and serious for a franchise that ought to be a pleasure trip.

    Movies of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception were exactly as serious as a great Bond movie should be.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    He's far to artsy and serious for a franchise that ought to be a pleasure trip.

    Movies of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception were exactly as serious as a great Bond movie should be.
    You mean confusing Rubik's Cube that tries to be a genius when it isn't.
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