Star Wars (1977 - present)



  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,867
    I have been very skeptic about that Solo film, but I wasn t exactly turned on by the premise for Rogue One either, and that turned out terrific.

    While I've yet to see 'Rogue One,' that one seems much more logical, detailing the events before the original trilogy. A spinoff of a young Han Solo, though, is absolutely unnecessary to me. There's no backstory to the character that I care to see.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,087
    We have comics and books for this sort of stories. But if they can pull off a Rogue One with this, I'm superjazzed.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I am sure it will be better than that Young Indy crap.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited February 2017 Posts: 17,788
    I am a Star Wars Original, that being that I was 17 when it came out. I also went to conventions in Luke costume. Long did I wait in between films. Suffered the Star Wars Christmas special on CBS did I.
    My ratings of the films this is....

    #1 A New Hope. Stand alone perfection.
    #2 The Empire Strikes Back. Dark, character driven awesomeness.
    #3 Return Of The Jedi. Hamill carries the film and single-handedly make it great.
    #4 Rogue One. A truly amazing and devastating lead in to New Hope.
    The following I consider expensive fan fiction level attempts....
    #5 Revenge Of The Sith. Inventive and exciting.
    #6 The Force Awakens. Convoluted but well executed.
    #7 Clones. Watch it for Natalie.
    #8 Phantom Menace. Watch it for Leeham.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,080
    chrisisall wrote: »
    I am a Star Wars Original, that being that I was 17 when it came out. I also went to conventions in Luke costume. Long did I wait in between films. Suffered the Star Wars Christmas special on CBS did I.
    My ratings of the films this is....

    #1 A New Hope. Stand alone perfection.
    #2 The Empire Strikes Back. Dark, character driven awesomeness.
    #3 Return Of The Jedi. Hamill carries the film and single-handedly make it great.
    #4 Rogue One. A truly amazing and devastating lead in to New Hope.
    The following I consider expensive fan fiction level attempts....
    #5 Revenge Of The Sith. Inventive and exciting.
    #6 The Force Awakens. Convoluted but well executed.
    #7 Clone Wars. Watch it for Natalie.
    #8 Phantom Menace. Watch it for Leeham.

    We have the exact same ranking \m/
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Maybe slightly off topic, but here is Carrie s father.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788

    We have the exact same ranking \m/

    We have the exact same ranking.

    Wait! Did you use a Jedi Mind Trick on me?
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    And mine is mostly different...

    1) The Empire Strikes Back
    2) A New Hope
    3) The Force Awakens
    4) Return of the Jedi
    5) Revenge of the Sith
    6) Rogue One (still not sure if I want to switch this with AOTC)
    7) Attack of the Clones
    8) The Phantom Menace
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited February 2017 Posts: 23,883
    Here's my updated list:

    1. The Empire Strikes Back (perfection)
    2. The Force Awakens (moving and entertaining even if Disney'esque)
    3. A New Hope (classic, even if quite dated now)
    4. Return of the Jedi (ending is off the charts - wraps it all up nicely)
    5. Revenge of the Sith (Palpatine!)
    6. Attack of the Clones (some decent moments, despite Hayden)
    7. The Phantom Menace (dull, but that Maul fight at the end and the pod chase are fun)
    8. Rogue One (did absolutely nothing for me. Sorry).
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    bondjames wrote: »
    Here's my updated list:

    1. The Empire Strikes Back (perfection)
    2. The Force Awakens (moving and entertaining even if Disney'esque)
    3. A New Hope (classic, even if quite dated now)
    4. Return of the Jedi (ending is off the charts - wraps it all up nicely)
    5. Revenge of the Sith (Palpatine!)
    6. Attack of the Clones (some decent moments, despite Hayden)
    7. The Phantom Menace (dull, but that Maul fight at the end and the pod chase are fun)
    8. Rogue One (did absolutely nothing for me. Sorry).

    I pretty much agree with you on Rogue One. I don't put it at the very bottom but it's close. It was the first time I left a Star Wars movie feeling underwhelmed and disappointed, and I saw the PT in theaters. There are good things in it though. Like Vader, Tarkin, and Leia. It also has my favorite space battle of all the movies. But those couldn't save the movie as a whole for me.
    The characters felt hollow and their struggle to get the Death Star plans seemed way too easy. Seriously, all they did was stroll into the base, steal the plans, climb the tower, and then uploaded the plans. There was no edge of your seat moments. The trailers had more of that!
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited February 2017 Posts: 23,883
    bondjames wrote: »
    Here's my updated list:

    1. The Empire Strikes Back (perfection)
    2. The Force Awakens (moving and entertaining even if Disney'esque)
    3. A New Hope (classic, even if quite dated now)
    4. Return of the Jedi (ending is off the charts - wraps it all up nicely)
    5. Revenge of the Sith (Palpatine!)
    6. Attack of the Clones (some decent moments, despite Hayden)
    7. The Phantom Menace (dull, but that Maul fight at the end and the pod chase are fun)
    8. Rogue One (did absolutely nothing for me. Sorry).

    I pretty much agree with you on Rogue One. I don't put it at the very bottom but it's close. It was the first time I left a Star Wars movie feeling underwhelmed and disappointed, and I saw the PT in theaters. There are good things in it though. Like Vader, Tarkin, and Leia. It also has my favorite space battle of all the movies. But those couldn't save the movie as a whole for me.
    The characters felt hollow and their struggle to get the Death Star plans seemed way too easy. Seriously, all they did was stroll into the base, steal the plans, climb the tower, and then uploaded the plans. There was no edge of your seat moments. The trailers had more of that!
    Yes, for me it's the highlighted items that disappointed, along with the fact that I found it rather dull. I watched TFA on blu ray afterwards and found the earlier film far more entertaining & lively, even if it is derivative and apparent that it comes from the Mickey Mouse studio.

    There are some good moments in R1 no doubt, but ultimately, like with SP, I just find it dull overall (Vader fan wank notwithstanding). I look forward to watching it again on blu ray to see if I can reassess positively.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited February 2017 Posts: 17,788
    R1's only real purpose was to flesh out Tarkin & a bit of backstory. The sacrifices the characters made to help the Resistance was really a gut punch to me, and makes a lot of what happens in New Hope feel much deeper now IMO.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    chrisisall wrote: »
    R1's only real purpose was to flesh out Tarkin & a bit of backstory. The sacrifices the characters made to help the Resistance was really a gut punch to me, and makes a lot of what happens in New Hope feel much deeper now IMO.
    I can see how the film can have this effect, if one empathizes with the characters and feels their motivations and struggles. This is where it didn't work for me, so the whole premise just fell flat. I just wasn't all that interested in them.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    I'm a big Donnie Yen fan, so that was a huge plus for me. :)>-
  • RC7RC7
    edited February 2017 Posts: 10,512
    chrisisall wrote: »
    R1's only real purpose was to flesh out Tarkin & a bit of backstory. The sacrifices the characters made to help the Resistance was really a gut punch to me, and makes a lot of what happens in New Hope feel much deeper now IMO.

    This is precisely what doesn't work for me. The originals adopted and retained that serial, pulpy feel - even Empire, despite it's ominous denouement - it was about action and adventure and there was a swashbuckling quality to it all. RO feels so tonally different to me, from Star Wars, that I find the decision to literally run from one to the next completely baffling. The concept of that gut punch, followed by the whimsically epic SW is just odd to me.

    Other than the final battle, where's the adventure, where's the awe? The majority of it just felt too po-faced. SW is fantasy and the more you try to layer in the reality the more it loses its whimsical edge. The main stumbling block is that there are way too many characters. Build in three and make me give a shit about them. I don't care about a squad of disparate, vaguely motivated rebels. I actually kept forgetting character names as the film progressed - that's unforgivable.

    Also, you need a Han (or equivalent) in there to lift the energy levels and spark some electricity between the other characters. It's all too ominous.

  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I mostly agree with @RC7 but I don't think the movie needed an equivalent to Han. If we do that for all the Star Wars movies it'll lose that spark.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    I mostly agree with @RC7 but I don't think the movie needed an equivalent to Han. If we do that for all the Star Wars movies it'll lose that spark.

    I perhaps didn't quite articulate that correctly. I don't think it should feature any sort of proto Han, just a character whose can switch the narrative up in a dynamic way. There's no real conflict within the group which is why it feels flat.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    RC7 wrote: »
    Also, you need a Han (or equivalent) in there to lift the energy levels and spark some electricity between the other characters. It's all too ominous.

    I get all that you guys are saying, and none of you are wrong at all. To ME, the only bright sparks in R1 come from the cool cameos, and Tarkin. It's basically a dark lead in to the actual trilogy, which c'mon face it, will never be topped. Yes, TFA was crackling with energy compared to R1, but the story was too contrived IMO. R1 was simple & direct. Steal the plans; pay the price.
    Basically now, I have all the Star wars I really need. I have no desire to ever see TFA again, I'll see the next two theatrically just for Mark, and a young Han movie I'll probably skip altogether.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,867
    @chrisisall, I'm with you on the 'Han Solo' spinoff. Someone that isn't Harrison Ford giving me a two-hour prequel on a character that needs absolutely no more backstory? Pass. There are so many more cool things they could do with the universe than something as boring as that.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,590
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @chrisisall, I'm with you on the 'Han Solo' spinoff. Someone that isn't Harrison Ford giving me a two-hour prequel on a character that needs absolutely no more backstory? Pass. There are so many more cool things they could do with the universe than something as boring as that.

    I'm completely with you on this. It's an idea that was flawed from the ground up.
  • edited February 2017 Posts: 6,432

    Thankfully they decided against young Han in Revenge of the Sith

    Han Solo film I am not keen on at this point.
  • NSGWNSGW London
    Posts: 299
    1 - Empire Strikes Back
    2 - A New Hope
    3 - Rogue One
    4 - The Force Awakens
    5 - Revenge of the Sith
    6 - Return of the Jedi
    7 - The Phantom Menace
    8 - Attack of the Clones
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812

    Thankfully they decided against young Han in Revenge of the Sith

    Han Solo film I am not keen on at this point.


    Thankfully they never got that far. I believe he was only in storyboards before they decided to not have him at the battle of Kashyyyk. Really, that would of been bad to have a kid Han Solo at that battle.
  • TheSharkFromJawsTheSharkFromJaws Amity Island Waters
    Posts: 127
    1. Star Wars (my favorite movie of all time)
    2. The Empire Strikes Back
    3. Return of the Jedi
    4. Revenge of the Sith
    5. The Force Awakens
    6. Rogue One
    7. Attack of the Clones
    8. The Phantom Menace

    I do very much like all of them though.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Yeah, but how many people aren't asking who Rey's parents are?
  • maxresdefault.jpg

    Thankfully they decided against young Han in Revenge of the Sith

    Han Solo film I am not keen on at this point.


    Thankfully they never got that far. I believe he was only in storyboards before they decided to not have him at the battle of Kashyyyk. Really, that would of been bad to have a kid Han Solo at that battle.
    It would have been dreadful, for a universe so vast the Star Wars universe is small the same characters appear constantly.
  • edited February 2017 Posts: 6,432
    1. Empire
    2. Star Wars
    3. Jedi
    4. Sith
    5. Rogue One :-O the last act is phenomenal.
    6. Menace
    7. Clones
    8. Awakens

    Hayden gets alot of stick, personally I think he is good in Sith

    Ian McDiarmid is phenomenal in Sith he changes character so many times... Insidious :- Darth Sidious fits perfectly.
  • Watching The Revenge of the Sith This film hits psychotic and emotional greatness. This film is totally insane, respect to Lucas
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Everyone is great except Hayden.
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