The Friday Salute: A user appreciation thread (THIS WEEK: StirredNotShaken aka SNS)



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    They say man is finite; that he can be beaten, bloodied, burned, and destroyed. His reputation can be tarnished, his life's work erased with one fatal blow and all that he stands for tested by his enemies who will stop at nothing to discredit him. HE, ladies and gentlemen, proved them all wrong. Legends say that the killing of Rasputin was a mere test to see just how much the human body could take because the world knew he was coming. Throughout his battles against injustices across lands both near and far he has been shot, drowned, poisoned, impaled, bled out, bombed, hung and burned, yet he has lived to tell the tale each time. He has faced many notable opponents during his time on this earth, having had a sword fight with Blackbeard (Davy Jones cowardly backed out at the last minute), mid-air dragon battle with Genghis Khan, pistol duel with Jesse James, tank battle through Russia with Stalin, dogfight with Hitler and his best pilots, and a knife fight with Castro all with his hands behind his back.

    His myriad of skills in the fighting arts have been honed over centuries of practice, including the aforementioned battles between some of history's most formidable opponents. But, his contributions don't end there. During a return visit to the states leading into the 60s he trained a young Bruce Lee with expert care as he touched down in a land foreign to his eyes. Bruce often became frustrated during sparring sessions with him because his movements were simply too fast to follow. Lee would often be hit in the face with a straight punch though it looked like his master hadn't moved an inch, causing some strain in their relationship at times. Gradually Bruce improved, and after the young fighter had reached peak level under his tutelage, the two bid goodbye.

    He continued to make his way around the United States after honing Bruce's skills, crossing paths with the likes of Terence Young, Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman who he managed to form friendships with. Over a booze filled night out, he even told the men about all his life's exploits, and they were all so enchanted that they used him as a consultant on a film called "Dr. No" that EON Productions were trying to get to the big screen, with some guy named Sean Connery cast in the lead role. After helping to inspire the greatest spy character ever and spark a franchise for EON, he trained Chuck Norris for most of his early life, until Norris turned into a huge action star with a bloated opinion of himself. Over time that arrogance cut a divide between them, and tensions soared. Norris even had the audacity to steal his legendary "Timothy Dalton facts" that he created for the actor and pawn them off as his own, a move that ended their relationship for good. For many years afterwards he took his teachings to the Himalayas, during which time he met a young and angry man by the name of Bruce Wayne who he trained to the peak of physical perfection during several grueling months of martial arts, sword and staff-fighting, kickboxing, and several forms of ancient ninja style teachings. Wayne left his services after that, and had arrived back in his home city of Gotham not long before some mysterious crime fighter emerged, who the papers called "The Batman."

    While he was quiet for many years after that, training children in dojos all around the world, he was still often phoned by government agencies asking for his security, and at times even had to break out his various forms of martial arts to combat world threats. Nowadays he is mostly retired from action, and his centuries of service have earned him his own private island where he know lives in peace after a dutiful life. He resides there beside his hundreds of wives, and has trained his untold numbers of offspring in all the ancient forms he learned during his lifetime in order to pass the knowledge on for posterity. His story alone proves that though legends may age, they shall never die in the hearts of those they touched with their enduring spirit.

    To put it simply, @thelivingroyale is a modern hero for the ages. He is a simple man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life, from women to a fine drink, and takes life by the proverbial genitalia. While he without a doubt possesses a great amount of passion for who and what he chooses to love in his life, his greatest traits are his bravery, sense of sacrifice and indomitable will to survive whatever lays ahead of him which he more than displayed in his courageous service of his country overseas. That act alone is worth a hearty salute, though his other aforementioned qualities outside of his war efforts are equally as commendable. He is as much of a great soldier as he is a great friend. Here is to you, @thelivingroyale!

  • Posts: 1,817
    @thelivingroyale, I remember you entered about the time I also joined here and since then I believe we have had some interesting exchanges, even if we could had different opinions. I admire your strong convictions, many about Dalton, but also about other things. If I'm not wrong, your favorite theme song from Mr McCartney, so live and let day, @thelivingroyale!

  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    top poster for me, really enjoy filling that mad max thread with him, good fan fic posts too
  • :)) Brilliant stuff @Brady, thank you for that. You're another member who I always respect even if I disagree with you and you're a very talented and intelligent member, so it's nice to read appreciation from you.

    @0013 Yep, my favourite Bond song, and one of my favourite songs in general. Thank you for that. We've disagreed on stuff before but you're another intelligent and respectful member, I've always admired your love of Bond music and the Fleming novels. Thank you :)

    @oo7 Cheers mate. I do like to think I've posted some decent stories on here, shame I never finish half of them ;) (for the record I do have another part ready for the last one I did but I keep changing my mind and editing it when I go to post it). You're a clever and funny member, and I've always appreciated the news you post. And anyone who likes Mad Max is ok in my book :)

    Anyway, we're voting for somebody else now aren't we? Think I'll vote for @RC7 this week.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Moving along in our week, I want to give another shout out to our member we are saluting now: thelivingroyale!

    A modest man whose adventurous and noble background have finally been made public thanks to the esteemed @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, thelivingroyale is many things: He can be thoughtful in discussion, unrelenting in his admiration for Timothy Dalton, talented and interesting in his fan fiction, an enthusiastic gamer, a loyal friend, and (somehow I am sure) a knight in shining armor for his fiance.

    Although when @CommanderRoss sent him such an appropriate musical salute (GunsNRoses), thelivingroyale was a bit coy. He said he's never been there (Paradise City) ... and yet, if we look on his profile page we see his location listed as: Paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Wishing thinking on his part? I think not.

    So here's to you, @thelivingroyale! May your grass always be green, the girls in your life (fiance then wife, daughters, etc.) always be pretty, may your favorite beer always be only an elbow's bend away, may your work be productive, your life satisfying, and may you meet Timothy Dalton one more time and actually get the chance to chat with him. I think Timothy would be honored.

    Cheers, mate! :-bd
  • Posts: 2,400
    Voting is now, yes. My vote once again goes to @Kerim. I just don't understand the logic behind never paying tribute to him.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,459
    I love and miss Kerim.

    However, this week I will vote for an active member again. And I vote for our lovely scientist and great contributor, @Sandy.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,335
    I'm voting for @Baltimore_007 He could use the appreciation and support in his time of loss.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The pleasure was all mine, @thelivingroyale. You are more than deserving of such praise. ;)

    As for the current voting, I join @Murdock in nominating @Baltimore_007, for obvious reasons. He has always been a great member, and now seems opportune to let him know just how much he matters around here.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited November 2013 Posts: 13,351
    I feel @Baltimore_007 has always been quite an underrated member, who's flown under the radar for a long time, too long in fact. This is likely because of just how well he fits in with us and the community as a whole. He's part of the forum's fabric and the fact that our members feel open enough to share their loss with us here, says a lot about this place I think. You couldn't do that in many others places.

    Needless to say, my vote goes to him.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,335
    So far.
    3 Votes Baltimore_007
    1 Vote Sandy
    1 Vote Kerim
    and 1 Vote RC7
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2013 Posts: 12,459
    Samuel001 wrote:
    I feel @Baltimore_007 has always been quite an underrated member, who's flown under the radar for a long time, too long in fact. This is likely because of just how well he fits in with us and the community as a whole. He's part of the forum's fabric and the fact that our members feel open enough to share their loss with us here, says a lot about this place I think. You couldn't do that in many others places.

    Needless to say, my vote goes to him.

    I quite agree. I voted for Sandy (and will continue to vote for her; she deserves this), yet I am happy if Baltimore is voted in this time.

  • Posts: 6,396
    Add my vote to @Baltimore_007
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 3,236
    My vote will go to @Baltimore_007. @M_Balje can have his turn next week.

    I also didn't give my salute to @thelivingroyale, so I'll get to that now.

    Thelivingroyale is a valued member of our fine community here thanks to his always well-reasoned posts, not to mention his first-rate love of all things Dalton and Brosnan, which is always a positive attribute, not to mention his cool username. He's also served his country, much like our reason for being here, James Bond. With that in mind, a happy late Remembrance Day to @thelivingroyale.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited November 2013 Posts: 40,614
    If anyone deserves some praise and kind words this week, it's @Baltimore_007, no question about it.

    Now that this is moving along at a nice pace, I say we start posting the names of everyone who has had a turn on the first post, as not to lose track. May as well do it now while we're still early in the appreciation :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    Throwing my hat in for @Baltimore_007.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Here are all the members who have hitherto been paid praises for @StirredNotShaken to keep track of in his opening post:

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 17,899
    I'll vote for @Baltimore_007 too.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 3,494
    Better get this in for @thelivingroyale before it gets too late. Several points I'd like to make or second.

    First and foremost, the picture of him "defending the realm" commands my respect. I respect any man or woman who volunteers for military service and risks their life for the ideals of freedom.

    Second, he's a fellow Daltonite. Always a redeeming quality in a person for me. And if I remember right, he likes LTK better than TLD, which gives him bonus points on top of bonus points!

    Third, he's a fellow rocker with excellent taste in music. Anyone who holds Ozzy and Alice in such high esteem deserves a salute for that alone!

    Here's a special message for you from Alice, congratulating you for all the good things that you are

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,678
    Some interesting names suggested. I let fate decide.

    @Baltimore_007 gets my vote this week. (But @Sandy is always on my mind and in my heart so you're next, lady. ;))
  • My vote is for @Sandy.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 12,837
    @SirHenryLeeChaChing and @Soundofthesinners, thank you very much. Really does mean a lot :)
    DarthDimi wrote:
    @Baltimore_007 gets my vote this week. (But @Sandy is always on my mind and in my heart so you're next, lady. ;))

    Yeah I had a few names I wanted to vote for (@Sandy being one of them), it's tough choosing. I'd definitely be happy if @Baltimore wins it though, he's a nice bloke and I've always enjoyed his posts, so I was very sorry to hear about his loss the other day.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 17,899
    Thank you for the nice things you said about me @thelivingroyale. I wasn't aware until this thread that you were in the Armed Forces. I salute you for that too; a dangerous job with little thanks but I appreciate all that you do and I hope and pray for your safety at all times when deployed overseas. I once wrote a 20,000 word dissertation on the deployment of the UK Armed Forces overseas, so I do know a little bit about that.
  • It MUST be late in the week, here I finally am with my tribute to @thelivingroyale! The fellow with the scary visual icon; the Dalton fan, the music lover, the veteran of many battles and many, many postings. I only hope I can someday reach a postings total of such proportions. Here's to you, @thelivingroyale -- may your life be joyous and your pleasures uncountable.

    And in the meanwhile, put me down as another voting for @Baltimore_007.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 12,837
    @Dragonpol Actually I left (well technically I'm now a regular reserve but I've never been called back), I work in a garage now. Decided to leave after my initial four years. I made lots of friends and overall I enjoyed my time in the army but I don't really regret it to be honest.

    Anyway thank you (and you too @BeatlesSansEarmuffs ), for the kind words.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Well, thank you very much for the support @4EverBonded, @DarthDimi, @SirHenryLeeChaChing and @thelivingroyale, it means a lot. I too am voting for @Baltimore_007 who needs our support this week.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 17,899
    @Dragonpol Actually I left (well technically I'm now a regular reserve but I've never been called back), I work in a garage now. Decided to leave after my initial four years. I made lots of friends and overall I enjoyed my time in the army but I don't really regret it to be honest.

    Anyway thank you (and you too @BeatlesSansEarmuffs ), for the kind words.

    Ah, I see, but you still gave service to the nation and for that I salute you, sir.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 1,817
    I vote for @Baltimore_007 too.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,043
    0013 wrote:
    I vote for @Baltimore_007 too.

    As I understand there has been a personal loss. And any member needing support should get it, and what better place then here? Put me down for @Baltimore_007 as well.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,614
    @Baltimore_007 is overall a very smart, well contributing individual on these forums. We haven't necessarily seen eye to eye in the past, as both of our attitudes have been misconstrued by one another, but come on, a person that can make any trivia game last weeks at a time while stumping everyone is someone special in my book. He sticks by his word and doesn't let others dictate how he acts or what he says, which is commendable.

    I know you've been going through a lot lately, @Baltimore_007, and I've been more than happy to help you through everything you're going on. I can only wish you the best and as always, feel free to talk to me anytime you need to chat. I hope all of our words gathered up for you in the following week do some good for you and manage to cheer you up, even if it's ever so slightly, as you really deserve as much of that as we can dish out, friend.
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