The DANIEL CRAIG Appreciation thread - Discuss His Life, His Career, His Bond Films



  • edited January 2014 Posts: 6,601
    Nope, the character didn't. But I haven't heard anything new on it, just that they planned it back then.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    And wasn't Peter Jackson involved in that Tin-Tin film? He's been busy for years with the Hobbit films, so that could explain why there hasn't been much news about a sequel.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Peter Jackson was involved in the last film from Newzeeland over a screen. They have planned to turn that around for the next with Spielberg being in from afar. The film did well enopugh, so I see no reason for not doing it, but it takes endless to finish those motion capture things.
  • Pajan005Pajan005 Stockholm, Sweden
    edited January 2014 Posts: 432
    I read on some sites that they might write Craigs character out of the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sequel. I don't think the should, isn't that the main character in the books?
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 6,601
    Pajan005 wrote:
    I read on some sites that they might write Craigs character out of the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sequel. I don't think the should, isn't that the main character in the books?

    That was a rubbish rumour. It said, he asked for too much money. This whole thing is in some sort of development hell, but they are still at it, as I read recently. Script-wise, that is. It still is on him imdb side (ok, that doesn't mean all that much), but no serious source ever said, he was out or confirmed the money rumour..
  • Pajan005Pajan005 Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 432
    Germanlady wrote:
    Pajan005 wrote:
    I read on some sites that they might write Craigs character out of the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sequel. I don't think the should, isn't that the main character in the books?

    That was a rubbish rumour. It said, he asked for too much money. This whole thing is in some sort of development hell, but they are still at it, as I read recently. Script-wise, that is. It still is on him imdb side (ok, that doesn't mean all that much), but no serious source ever said, he was out or confirmed the money rumour..

    Ok, Thanks.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Pajan005 wrote:
    I read on some sites that they might write Craigs character out of the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sequel. I don't think the should, isn't that the main character in the books?

    That's hilarious. Have you read the second novel? Mikael is in the book more than Lisbeth, so there's no way he's getting written out of the script. He and Lisbeth are the points upon which all the events string from.
  • Pajan005Pajan005 Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 432
    Pajan005 wrote:
    I read on some sites that they might write Craigs character out of the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sequel. I don't think the should, isn't that the main character in the books?

    That's hilarious. Have you read the second novel? Mikael is in the book more than Lisbeth, so there's no way he's getting written out of the script. He and Lisbeth are the points upon which all the events string from.

    Thanks for explaining that. I got a bit worried that the rumor was true.
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 6,601

    Those, who are without fail, may throw the first stone.

    We will never know the real circumstances, plus it always needs two, here three. Why would she feel the need to betray Jude? Was it an affair or a one night stand? ...
    I remember a story, that Sienna was sorta having big problems with Jude and Daniel, who was a friend, being at her house at night or rather being seen leaving it in the morning. Maybe consoling her ended in sleeping with her.

    But I really feel bad for Jude, as it seems, he only learned today, that family members sold him - for petty cash.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Seems the real life DC is rather more successful with the ladies than his on-screen alter ego!
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 12,837
    I realised the other day that every girl Craig has slept with in a Bond film has ended up dead. I know they want to show that Bond's life is dangerous, etc, and avoid the cliche of Bond ending up with the girl at the end, but surely they don't all need to die.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,331
    The Greek girl Bond is with in SF survives... from what we know ;)
  • Posts: 11,425
    That's still not a great survival rate...
  • QBranch wrote:
    The Greek girl Bond is with in SF survives... from what we know ;)

    Alright, new rule. If you sleep with Craig Bond and speak, you die. If you don't have any lines then you'll be fine :P
  • Posts: 11,425
    Also just speaking to Bond can be fatal - look what happened to M!
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 12,837
    Getafix wrote:
    Also just speaking to Bond can be fatal - look what happened to M!

    But then Camille and Moneypenny spoke to him and they survived. The rule seems to be that if you interact with Bond for more than a few minutes and sleep with him then you die.

    Based on this evidence, I think it's safe to assume that Bond banged M at some point during SF. She'd still be alive otherwise :P He probably got off with her in the DB5 once they were done talking about his parents (after they pulled over in the countryside).
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Getafix wrote:
    Also just speaking to Bond can be fatal - look what happened to M!

    But then Camille and Moneypenny spoke to him and they survived. The rule seems to be that if you interact with Bond for more than a few minutes and sleep with him then you die.

    Based on this evidence, I think it's safe to assume that Bond banged M at some point during SF. She'd still be alive otherwise :P He probably got off with her in the DB5 once they were done talking about his parents (after they pulled over in the countryside).

    Maybe Bond did sleep with M. ;) That reminds me of this Blog on Skyfall.

    Here's the excerpt that makes me laugh.
    From the Diary of James Bond:
    "Busy year. Lots of it went by in a near-incomprehensible blur. Found out all sorts of stuff about Quantum and managed to not kill the two people associated with it that I wanted to kill the most. M reckons this is progress.

    Quiet year at work. Couldn't find Quantum so stayed in and watched Straw Dogs a lot. I liked the guy defending his isolated home from nutters. I could see myself doing that, only I'm never going home because I hate that place and there's a weird old man who lives there by himself with no supplies of any kind and thinks he's Sean Connery.

    Haven't killed anyone for ages, starting to wonder if I've still got it in me. Found my first grey hair too.

    Not that I'm having a midlife crisis or anything but I decided to soup up the DB5. Took it into Q Branch where they made it right-hand drive and fitted revolving number plates and machine guns like in a film I saw once, then they stuck in an ejector seat for LOLs. Those guys!

    Agent Ronson gave me a new watch for Christmas. It's an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M. It follows in the footsteps of its illustrious predecessors by sporting a raft of specialist diving features including a rotating diving bezel, a chromium nitride diving scale and water resistance up to 600 metres. Also it goes nicely with these Tom Ford suits. Ronson is just the best. I call him 'my new Leiter', LOL! We go to the gym together a lot, although he's much fitter than me. He introduced me to Home Alone, a film about a kid defending his home from nutters with all these crazy traps. As if!

    Still haven't found Quantum. Beginning to worry that I'm losing my edge.

    I'm definitely getting old: thought I saw Quantum's Mr White in Waitrose so I shot him in the head. Turns out it was M's husband buying her weekly bottle of Macallan Scotch. Awk-ward! Not as awkward as the funeral though: I got drunk with M on Heineken (won't be drinking that shit again unless I'm in a VERY bad way) and slept with her. In a way it brought us much closer. Even moved in with her for a while but she kicked me out for watching Straw Dogs and Home Alone all the time. Still got a key to her flat though, never know when it might come in handy.

    Got drunk at the Christmas party and slept with Agent Ronson. Interesting experience. Still, there's got to be a first time for everything. He's taking it all a bit seriously, says he'd die for me, all that stuff. Trying to avoid him by changing gyms and spending all my time there. As a result I'm pretty buff right now, which means that none of my suits fit. Must do something about that.

    Got a bit depressed about the M situation this year so went to the cinema a lot to try and forget. Watched The Dark Knight Rises eight times. Batman sure knows how to pick himself up from a crippling incident that nearly killed him and defeat a formidable ally despite being a bit out of shape! Inspiring stuff.

    Saw M in Waitrose and patched things up. While we were chatting some guy nicked her laptop out of her handbag and neither of us noticed till we got to the office. We're definitely both losing it. Now I've got to go to bloody Turkey with Agent Ronson to try and find it. Hope he stops banging on about dying for me, it's embarrassing. Also some bimbo's coming with us but for some ridiculous reason she won't tell me her name. Says she's 'waiting for the right moment'. Not sure I trust her: I watched her at the shooting range the other day and she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if she was in it. Not to worry, I'm sure she can't do too much harm.

    So I leave for Istanbul tomorrow. Left a note in the kitchen for May, my elderly Scottish housekeeper: "Pls cancel milk. Oh and don't let those MI6 bastards sell the flat. James Bond will return."
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 11,425
    Quite amusing!

    Like the bit about the suits not fitting - how true.
  • Posts: 6,396
    That was actually quite funny. Thanks for sharing @Murdock.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    No problem. The writer of the Blog has done all the Bond films and they are full of funny quips and everything else. I recommend everyone should check out BlogalongaBond. :)
  • edited January 2014 Posts: 6,396
    I'm reading his reviews now. Love this from CR:

    "One website, entirely made by idiots for idiots..."

    Those poor guys at DCINB can't catch a break can they! ;-)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2014 Posts: 12,459
    Germanlady wrote:

    Those, who are without fail, may throw the first stone.

    We will never know the real circumstances, plus it always needs two, here three. Why would she feel the need to betray Jude? Was it an affair or a one night stand? ...
    I remember a story, that Sienna was sorta having big problems with Jude and Daniel, who was a friend, being at her house at night or rather being seen leaving it in the morning. Maybe consoling her ended in sleeping with her.

    But I really feel bad for Jude, as it seems, he only learned today, that family members sold him - for petty cash.

    Yes, we cannot judge that whole messy situation (Jude/Sienna/Daniel - years ago). I had read that Jude was definitely caught, and admitted to, having sex with his children's babysitter - while engaged to Sienna. Yeah. She rather rightfully was upset ... and perhaps turned to Daniel then. But, you know, people often have complicated lives. We just don't know; even though they are public figures, it's not really for us to know.

    I did read today that Jude found out, in court, that a member of his own family was being paid to leak info about him, including his whereabouts with his children. It wasn't said in court - the name was handed to him on a piece of paper so he read it silently. That is really a low blow. I feel for him concerning that.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I realised the other day that every girl Craig has slept with in a Bond film has ended up dead. I know they want to show that Bond's life is dangerous, etc, and avoid the cliche of Bond ending up with the girl at the end, but surely they don't all need to die.

    And the vast majority all died because of what THEY did, not Bond. Vesper was the one employing duplicity, and it was her own guilt that made her kill herself, not Bond's fault at all, especially since he tried desperately to save her and spends most of the next film in a depressed, angry and drunken stupor over her.

    Solange died because she got in deep with a man like Dimitirios who she knew was dangerous, and she was easy bait and quite dispensable when information needed getting. She could have told Bond no when he offered her a drink and hopped off, surviving a bit longer, I'm sure. You can't fault Bond for being appealing.

    Fields died in part because she lashed out at Greene and his crew, giving Elvis a trip and making it very apparent that she was working with Bond/MI6. If she'd have kept her cover better, maybe she would still be alive. She was naive, a female Carter in that respect, though nowhere near as pathetic and incompetent.

    So if we're going to get into this whole "Bond is cursed" argument over and over, let us consider that many of the women he romances write their own tickets out of this world.
  • What is most interesting about these Sienna Miller stories is that back in 2005 time she was a red-hot contender for the Vesper Lynd role.

    The prods were after a 'Sienna Miller' type. Clearly they didn't cast the real deal herself becasue it would have rocked the boat too much with their new leading man and his then girlfriend.

    I'm glad that Miller didn't get to play Lynd as Eva Green was perfect for that part. She'd make a good Bond girl in the future mind.


  • Posts: 11,425
    Almost feel sorry for her. She seems to be known primarily as celebrity totty - associated mainly with lurid tabloid love triangle stories. Can't say I've ever seen her in anything apart from Layer Cake, and that role was hardly challenging. I don't think I'd like to see her in a Bond movie either.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2014 Posts: 12,459
    Sienna has moved on: new loves, had a child.
    Jude has moved on: more movies, a play - don't know his personal romances right this second, but I hardly think the man lacks in that department ... ;)
    And wow! has Daniel moved on: personally and professionally.

    I look at my own little life, from 2005 to now and find ... surprisingly nothing nearly so exciting, for some reason.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Sienna has moved on: new loves, had a child.
    Jude has moved on: more movies, a play - don't know his personal romances right this second, but I hardly think the man lacks in that department ... ;)
    And wow! has Daniel moved on: personally and professionally.

    I look at my own little life, from 2005 to now and find ... surprisingly nothing nearly so exciting, for some reason.

    Sadly that makes us two :P (except maybe PhD in front of my name)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited January 2014 Posts: 12,459
    And well, I do have lots of handwritten letters from 5 and 6 year olds telling me funny stories (things like: "And Jackie fell down, and she cry and cry. Hahahaha!") ... and that they love me. All of which I will always cherish. :x
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