No Time To Die: Production Diary



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    That's when the Bond franchise "Surfed the Glacier"

    The only thing missing from DAD was Bond quite literally jumping over a shark in that glacier surf sequence. A bit too on the nose, though, right?
    If only a shark could have eaten the second half of the movie. ;)

    @Murdock, but then the second half of the moive would have to be redone from the very start with millions of dollars already used up on the film.

    Roy Schneider's character from Jaws would pop up out of nowhere, kill the shark that ate the second half of the movie, then mumble to Bond, "We're gonna need a bigger budget."

    On the bright side, They would have to scrap the CG heavy scenes and rewrite the scenes to be better.

    I'd settle for an hour of Rosamund Pike doing a striptease, forget about all the rest.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    That's when the Bond franchise "Surfed the Glacier"

    The only thing missing from DAD was Bond quite literally jumping over a shark in that glacier surf sequence. A bit too on the nose, though, right?
    If only a shark could have eaten the second half of the movie. ;)

    @Murdock, but then the second half of the moive would have to be redone from the very start with millions of dollars already used up on the film.

    Roy Schneider's character from Jaws would pop up out of nowhere, kill the shark that ate the second half of the movie, then mumble to Bond, "We're gonna need a bigger budget."

    On the bright side, They would have to scrap the CG heavy scenes and rewrite the scenes to be better.

    I'd settle for an hour of Rosamund Pike doing a striptease, forget about all the rest.
    I'll gladly take that over the whole second half of the film. ;)
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    I think if Craig comes back for one more they will go in territory they havent wandered in before while still making a traditional film.
    That's what I expect too.
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    Mendes wont be lured back, Spectre wasnt the story he even wanted to tell IMO.
    It certainly seems that way. I think SF was the film he really wanted to make, and his passion carried over to the end product.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I don't see anything luring Mendes back, though I think that's a positive rather than a negative for the series going forward. We need new visionaries and ideas, new stories and perspectives.
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 19,339
    I think Craig's Bond needed his GF,TSWLM,DAD (meh),moment and SP provided it...i still think Daniel has one more Bond in him at least ,but get back to CR & SF mode...and stand-alone..(but Christophe Waltz has signed for 2 more films as Blofeld only if DC returns..but it doesnt mean it will be the next film ...)

    The one of many things that Daniel has over Pierce is his dedication,he would never contemplate a DAD.....its against his acting ethics...either 007 is 007 or he rightfully wont do it...and if SP is his 'outrageous film' then i can live with that ,and well done to one of our finest ever actors.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    and not P&W anywhere near any of it.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Spot on Shardlake...
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Although Craig signed off on the ESB element and apparently thought it great so while he wouldn't have done DAD level Bond he thought this was a good idea.

    Look I know some would like to over look this element of the film but I honestly can't see another film with DC & Waltz not wallowing in it.

    They'll feel need to follow through with it, infact I think DC & Waltz will insist on it (imo). They obviously really liked the idea.

    While I don't want P&W near it I'm not counting my chickens we've seen the last of them.

    The smart money would say ditch them but I'm not sure based on recent events EON is that smart in this department.

    As someone who was very much an advocate of this era and loved CR and SF and admired QOS, I can't believe the events of one film as me in such a negative mood going forward in the Craig era but it has.
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 19,339
    I know where you are coming from...but Bond has to be Bond sometimes,he cant be the serious git that is Bourne...Bond occassionally needs a well managed fantasy element,its what sets him apart from the rest...
    And dont forget,we see a scared,beaten Bond on the train by Hinx ,ending up even throwing a lettuce at him in desperation...hardly DAD !!
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    I'm all for that infact Bond is ludicrous fantasy and should never lose sight of that, however gritty. CR was Bourne influenced but even the storyline when IF wrote it was pure fantasy.

    My problem with SPECTRE as it wanted to be a GF, SWLM type adventure but because of Mendes and Logan's influence had to have the personal element, it should have been enough with SF a one off a 50th celebration but that should have been it.

    If only Sam hadn't returned we might have got something more traditional and wasn't being influence by Nolan's Bat films.

    The insistance of waiting for him to be ready meant they wanted another SF and thought he would deliver that, instead Mendes had to work with a half cooked script and then wanted to crow bar loads of references in while keeping the personal element, it was a jarring mess of a film.

    If only we'd got Craig's GF, TB or SWLM I think I would have been happy with that much more than the finished product.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited August 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Shardlake wrote: »
    As someone who was very much an advocate of this era and loved CR and SF and admired QOS, I can't believe the events of one film as me in such a negative mood going forward in the Craig era but it has.
    I agree with you on this. I very much enjoyed CR & SF as well. QoS was a bit disappointing on first watch because it was so different to CR and to what I was expecting in 2008. However, I did enjoy it then and now. I can't say the same for SP, and like you I have soured on the Craig era on account of it.
    barryt007 wrote: »
    I know where you are coming from...but Bond has to be Bond sometimes,he cant be the serious git that is Bourne...Bond occassionally needs a well managed fantasy element,its what sets him apart from the rest...
    And dont forget,we see a scared,beaten Bond on the train by Hinx ,ending up even throwing a lettuce at him in desperation...hardly DAD !!
    Just speaking for myself, I don't have any problems whatsoever with a fantastical Bond film. TSWLM is #4 for me, and it's likely to stay at that rank for some time. My issue with SP is that I think it's a poorly executed fantastical Bond film. Not DAD bad, but bad nonetheless. I have tried to like it, and there are some things I enjoy, most notably Hoyte's lensing (but not his colour filters). However, I find it uninspiring and terribly derivative in an obvious way. I feel the same way about TND as an example, and for the same reasons (too derivative and pastiche). Furthermore, I see tonal variations in the film that make me uncomfortable when watching it, and that reminds me of my experience with TWINE (my lowest rated Bond film by some margin).

    So I don't mind formula at a conceptual level. I just have a problem with formula that I don't find inspiring. The 'brother' thing was terribly unfortunate, but the aforementioned issues are more annoying to me.
  • Posts: 1,680
    I still believe if they would have tweaked the film in a few areas it could have been way better.

    I also feel they are almolst scared to use the Bond theme. We need Arnold back, he delivered some great Bondian scores. Craig needs his "TWINE" Caviar Factory" soundtrack moment in an action sequence.
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 19,339
    Actually that is a good point by you all,that ,although it headed towards a GF,TSWLM,DAD element it still kept the same storyline ,and made it personal,rather than making it stand-alone,one off..almost a confused element..interesting ..i will ponder that .

    This is why i love us real Bond fans....always different ideas but all for the same cause,to make 007 even better.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    So many complaints about SP, the long waits between films, and Babs letting it all go down the shitter; this would never happen under Albert, no, never...

    Oh wait, DAF, TMWTGG, MR, AVTAK... I would also add my least favourites: YOLT and LALD.

    In a series this long, there will be ups and downs. There will be experiments gone wrong. In time, even the films I've mentioned above are seen in a more "cute" light today.

    For all the SP haters, I'm sure you'll soften too in the next ten and twenty years (except for Wizard, that's clear!). SP is a blip on the screen that provided you with great distaste.
    However, in time, there will be another ugly blip, and SP won't look so bad. Forums like these will see it rise in its ranking.

    There will be more failures in this franchise to come, but, luckily for us, there will many more successes.

    Personally, I enjoyed SP immensely, although I see its warts. I find the individual scenes (not including the woeful Denbigh and his interesting, yet underdeveloped, Plot B scenes), to be immaculate, mesmerizing and, at times, hypnotic in the way it was shot (yes, I leave myself open to negative commentary here). However, the over all package doesn't work as a polished film. Individual scenes are one thing. Editing and tightness are another. It's a gloriously wonderful and failed experiment.

    But, to all the haters: the Broccoli's are smart people. They learn from their mistakes and bounce back even stronger.

    So, raising a glass to the unknown, Bond 25, and its future success.
  • Tuck91 wrote: »
    I still believe if they would have tweaked the film in a few areas it could have been way better.

    I also feel they are almolst scared to use the Bond theme. We need Arnold back, he delivered some great Bondian scores. Craig needs his "TWINE" Caviar Factory" soundtrack moment in an action sequence.

    Arnold composed better in my opinion... Backseat Driver, Bike Chase, Come in 007 Your Time Is Up, Iced. Inc etc.
  • Posts: 11,119
    walter1985 wrote: »
    I would love to see Craig getting bored and later angry at the super shopping centre, with a screaming little boy next to him, waiting on Madeleine. it appears the boy isn't James' son, but James is giving it a thought. on the way home - driving a boring car - total silence, very painful and all. at home the two eat in complete silence. then M calls. 'Blofeld escaped, we need you.' Bond says to Madeleine: 'you don't have to stay awake.' and BAM, the title song begins. (would love love love to see the gun barrel sequence and then... the mall!)

    Are you enjoying family life thát much Walter :-P?
  • edited August 2016 Posts: 2,115
    doubleoego wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Again, lumping Bond in with the superhero fare. That depresses me.

    Technically Bond is a superhero. Look at all the shit the guy's been doing for nearly 60 years. It's just as outlandish if not moreso as the superhero movies.


    Yeah, let's not kid ourselves.

    Bond movies have had elements of comic book movies since Goldfinger, such as Odd Job's hat.

    Meanwhile, the original Fleming novels owe a debt of gratitude to pulp novels, which were also an inspiration for comic books in the first place.

    None of this is a criticism of the films or Fleming's novels.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2016 Posts: 12,459
    I want P&W, Jez Butterworth, plus new writer, and David Arnold back. So there. ;)
    And the entire MI6 crew and all stunt coordinators. But Logan and Newman should not be allowed near Bond again.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    I want P&W, Jez Butterworth, plus new writer, and David Arnold back. So there. ;)
    And the entire MI6 crew and all stunt coordinators. But Logan and Newman should not be allowed near Bond again.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Thanks, @jake24. People will either ignore me or try to stomp on me for saying I don't mind P&W back at all. But I don't. I have never seen them as horrible writers. I do want a new writer, somebody else the series has not had before, in addition. I think that may bring something fresh and healthy. God knows, the one thing we can ALL agree on we need is a great script. Getting there is how we will always often disagree, in varying degrees.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited August 2016 Posts: 10,588
    Thanks, @jake24. People will either ignore me or try to stomp on me for saying I don't mind P&W back at all. But I don't. I have never seen them as horrible writers. I do want a new writer, somebody else the series has not had before, in addition. I think that may bring something fresh and healthy. God knows, the one thing we can ALL agree on we need is a great script. Getting there is how we will always often disagree, in varying degrees.
    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I admit to misreading your post and skimming past the P&W part. However, they aren't terrible writers, they're just mediocre. The duo have given us some good material in the past, but it is smarter for EON to secure writers who have a great track record and a better overall sense of the franchise, both literary and cinematic. Of course, nothing is a guarantee of success.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2016 Posts: 12,459
    I thought perhaps you only caught the last bit. ;)

    That's fine. But yeah, I'm still for P&W in it to some degree. Jez apparently was helpful. I'd like a new main writer, but I'm not against P&W having some say, and I think I'd be happy if they did. I do hope a new writer comes on board as the main scriptwriter, and it would be really helpful if that were soon.

    Writing of course could be happening now, whether we have any other news or not (including re Craig). I haven't changed my mind about Daniel Craig either.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited August 2016 Posts: 10,588
    I'm game to have Butterworth, Arnold, the MI6 crew, and the stunt team back again. Getting Lindy Hemming to return would be a bonus too. Get Craig and Denis Villeneuve on board, and we got ourselves one hell of a Bond film.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Oooh Lindy; not a bad idea. :)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    That's the spirit. A little enthusiasm. :)
  • Posts: 6,601
    Lindy knew how to dress him.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    I used to think P&W were ok to put the first draft out then someone come along and polish it and maybe that could happen again, although at this present moment I'd rather their names never appear on the credits of Bond film.

    I think the trap some of us fall into is thinking them as right because of their knowledge of the series and supposedly Fleming but why do we think they are the only writers that are capable of this, just because they have doesn't mean they need to carry on.

    I'm sorry but for all Logan's crimes he had nothing to do with Bond and ESB's past and that awful ring scanning moment that was used to tie everything together. That was Neil Purvis & Robert Wade.

    If Logan had delivered a script that BB & MGW would have signed off on irregardless of what it turned out to be in the finished product you wouldn't have seen them anywhere near SPECTRE, maybe Mendes would have bought his mate Jez on board but P&W were never his intention. I think he wanted rid of them, hence why the claim that he had to beg them back.

    Maybe even P&W were so pissed at the fact they'd been let go that when they were asked back they thought yeah we'll come back but we are really going to stuff them up with what we give them and it will be too late to go anywhere else.

    You can imagine the conversation

    "hey Neil what one thing would really wind up the fans, well Rob you know we've got the rights back to SPECTRE & Blofeld and they don't like what John wrote maybe we can say Ernst was linked to Bond's childhood and use that for a basis for the script, yeah that sounds great and I've also got this real lame idea to tie it all together, yeah Rob that will teach them to dump us, they'll never have us back after this but I couldn't care anyway"
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2016 Posts: 12,459
    "Bond and ESB's past and ring ..." - see that didn't bother me. What you feel is negative and awful were not a problem for me. I enjoy Spectre overall a good deal. The parts of the leaked script I did read (I am pretty sure that was Logan) were beyond ridiculous and we are darn lucky those ideas did not come to fruition.

    I'm happy enough with Blofeld and the whole back story given there in Spectre. I have a few quibbles with the film, but I don't hate on the "personal" aspect or Blofeld at all.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    edited August 2016 Posts: 4,043
    I'm afraid I'm unlikely to shut up, for instance I watched many pull apart the Skyfall script and go on about the plot holes with Silva's scheme and that was for the last 3 + years and some are still going on about it.

    I feel very strongly about what they did here, I'm not a Craig hater as far from as you can get but one film changed my perception of his era.

    That is how I feel and maybe you thought it was fine but as much as I enjoy Nolan's Bat films I don't want Bond taking influence from them and the script from SP clearly was looking at the way TDKR tied all three films together, although that felt like natural progression despite my issues with that film, whereas what was done by P&W was lazy retconning with no thought of the consequnces on going forward with this era.

    Hence why my theory of Purvis & Wade sabotaging the film makes sense to me, it's unlikely but I'm just trying to illustrate what a crap shoot that script was.

    Logan's ideas were nuts but I'm sorry that doesn't give P&W a free pass which because of their attachment to the series some of you just seem to quite happy to do.

    Oh it's Bond so I will accept, any Bond is better than no Bond however lame, it's my only explanation for a good portion of the Brosnan era.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    jake24 wrote: »
    Thanks, @jake24. People will either ignore me or try to stomp on me for saying I don't mind P&W back at all. But I don't. I have never seen them as horrible writers. I do want a new writer, somebody else the series has not had before, in addition. I think that may bring something fresh and healthy. God knows, the one thing we can ALL agree on we need is a great script. Getting there is how we will always often disagree, in varying degrees.
    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I admit to misreading your post and skimming past the P&W part.


    P&W need to go. EoN need to have the balls and to put their hands in their pockets and pay good money for talented writers.
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