Skyfall Wins Bond's First Grammy -Make That Two Grammy's



  • Well done to Skyfall for picking up a couple of BAFTA's. I'm just happy a Bond film gets an award or two as they have been few and far between in the last 50 years.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Seemed to me a bit of a back handed compliment: just toss SF the dubious 'best British film' award at the top of the show and then get on with the true business.

    Why were both Judi and Javier listed last in their categories and why, when they read out all the 'boring' categories at the end, did everyone except Thomas Newman have some of their acceptance speech shown?

    Can't say I'm getting too excited about the Oscars - Adele the only likelihood and perhaps Newman after this I suppose.
  • Seemed to me a bit of a back handed compliment: just toss SF the dubious 'best British film' award at the top of the show and then get on with the true business.

    Why were both Judi and Javier listed last in their categories and why, when they read out all the 'boring' categories at the end, did everyone except Thomas Newman have some of their acceptance speech shown?

    Can't say I'm getting too excited about the Oscars - Adele the only likelihood and perhaps Newman after this I suppose.

    Couple of antiquated, staunchly spoiled Bond fans are whining in here. Pathetic [-( !

    I am CELEBRATING those two wunderful BAFTA's for 'Skyfall'. Need I remind you and everyone else that there has NEVER been a Bond film who won more than one BAFTA? Except 'Skyfall'! Another award milestone for 'Skyfall'....and the entire Bond franchise.

    Babs, Michael, Sam, Thomas? WELL DONE. I take a deep bow for all of you!
  • @Gustav I don't see how it's sad. I thought the score fit in well with the film but was a bit flat, bland and unmemorable. I thought it was one of the weaker aspects of Skyfall. And therefore I didn't think it deserved to win a Bafta.
    They are all mad that John never got one so any composer (no matter how good they are) will be held in contempt for their success because of it. Pathetic, I know.

    Or maybe I just didn't like the score and didn't think it deserved to win an award? If not like a movie score makes me pathetic then so be it. If you loved the score why not just be happy with that instead of calling me pathetic because I wasn't a huge fan of it?

    I think it's time we sometimes judge a film out of the Bond scope. Purely as a film, and not necessarily a Bond film, I thought Newman's score for 'Skyfall' was brilliant. I loved the score and with pleasure I added my favourite tracks of 'Skyfall' to my 'Thomas Newman Favourites' music folder.

    David Arnold did good work. But if I compare his score for QOS with Newman's score for SF, Newman wins handily. You know I am a fan of John Powell and his electronic percussions mixed with orchestrated music parts. Thomas Newman excelled himself with that. This was truly his first action packed music score.

    The scenes in London, when Silva attacks the tube and the committee chamber, got so much more gravita thanks to Newman's dramatic score combined with typical American Beauty-esque percussions. Wunderful! I keep rewatching these scenes.

    Same with the train fight during the opening credits. By jolly, simply marvellous. And I keep rewatching it. That's not the case with Arnold's scoring for the pre credits of QOS.

    Newman's music took 'Skyfall' to more serious, deeper levels that could not have been achieved with David Arnold. THAT'S why I think 'Skyfall' is not only one hell of a Bond film, but also one hell of a spy thriller on the whole; one hell of a movie. With 'QOS' I do not have that feeling.

    I go one step further. Hire Thomas Newman again for Bond 24!! And I hope other Bond fans will go on the bandwagon with me on this. Support Thomas Newman!

    PS @thelivingroyale: Let's just agree to disagree then ;-).
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 2,081
    High-five, Gustav! I also love Newman's score. :x I think the tracks I've listened to most are She's Mine and The Moors, I just keep skipping back and listening to them again... and again. But I pretty much love the whole score, and can't seem to get enough of it. There's a moment there in there that - even tho nothing sexual is happening in the movie at that point - I find incredibly sexy (and that's putting it mildly), but I spare you good people the details of that, lol. ;)
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
  • Posts: 2,081
    Thanks, marketto! That was great. :D
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited February 2013 Posts: 4,471
    Imdb have post a couple of picture's of Olga Kurylenko at this Bafta event where Sam Mendes, Ben Wishaw, Hellen McCory also be.

    So the first contact between her and possible Bond 24 directer and Q happend.

    She lost some waight.
    DCisared wrote:
    Why are the bond lot with cooper and affleck? And why isn't DC their?

    Bond 25 Anouchment..

    Ben Afleck take the stick over form Sam Mendes, Pervis and Wade are back, Jessica Simpson is the new Bond girl and DC isn't there because Cooper replaced him. :^o
  • Posts: 2,081
    Skyfall wins Outstanding British Film award at Baftas 2013

    Daniel Craig's latest James Bond outing Skyfall has been named Outstanding British Film at the 2013 movie Baftas, beating Anna Karenina, The Best Exotical Marigold Hotel, Les Miserables and Seven Psychopaths to the award.

    Director Sam Mendes accepted the honour, saying "1,292 people worked on Skyfall and I stand here on behalf of all of them. We all had high expectations for this film and this is really the icing on the cake."

    Mendes said the film had been "built around" Daniel Craig, praising the star for "his bravery, his friendship and his sheer bloody-mindedness", saying it was "the curse of Bond" that he had not received a nomination himself.

    "It was an incredible performance but because Bond is the spine of the movie... You take it for granted," said Mendes.

    Speaking to reporters earlier in the evening, Mendes suggested he would be up for directing a second 007 film: "I've had a great time, it's been a huge learning curve and we would want to make a better movie next time around, and if we thought we could do that they might let me have another go again."

    The 23rd Bond adventure - the highest grossing movie ever at the UK box office - co-stars Javier Bardem as villain Raoul Silva, Judi Dench as M, Naomie Harris as Eve Moneypenny and Berenice Marlohe as Severine.

    Skyfall also picked up the Bafta for best original music at the ceremony, which was held at the Royal Opera House in London and hosted by Stephen Fry.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited February 2013 Posts: 40,615
    So it sounds like it's more of their choice as it would be Mendes' choice, in terms of directing 'Bond 24.' Very interesting. I wouldn't have a problem with him returning.

    And of course, congratulations, SF, on the two BAFTA wins.

    I hope Adele already has her speech prepared for her Oscar win in less than two weeks time.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 4,619
    Roger Deakins won the 'American Society of Cinematographers Award' for Skyfall!
  • RC7RC7
    edited February 2013 Posts: 10,512
    Seemed to me a bit of a back handed compliment: just toss SF the dubious 'best British film' award at the top of the show and then get on with the true business.

    Why were both Judi and Javier listed last in their categories and why, when they read out all the 'boring' categories at the end, did everyone except Thomas Newman have some of their acceptance speech shown?

    Can't say I'm getting too excited about the Oscars - Adele the only likelihood and perhaps Newman after this I suppose.

    Couple of antiquated, staunchly spoiled Bond fans are whining in here. Pathetic [-( !

    Sorry GG but you're wrong. I don't know whether it's because you're not in the UK, but believe me when I say, The Wiz is right. It's got nothing to do with being spoiled, quite the opposite. It's patronising, it's purely a back handed compliment.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Roger Deakins won the 'American Society of Cinematographers Award' for Skyfall!

    Great news! It is a truly prestigious award.

    Thanks for posting the video @Marketto007. The body language/face expression of Mendes when the interviewer starts talking about the next one speaks volumes, I think he's closer to directing another one than he ever was.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Do the math(s) GG.

    SF better than Les Mis in the eyes of BAFTA (well both nominated for best British picture and SF won so that would appear unarguable) yet Les Mis gets nominated for Best Picture but SF doesn't?

    A best picture nomination worth far more than this parochial pat on the back.

    Well done Thomas Newman though.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 6,601
    Do the math(s) GG.

    SF better than Les Mis in the eyes of BAFTA (well both nominated for best British picture and SF won so that would appear unarguable) yet Les Mis gets nominated for Best Picture but SF doesn't?

    A best picture nomination worth far more than this parochial pat on the back.


    Even though Wiz and RC7 come out of different corners then me (feeling the need to belittle every achievement of SF), I have to totally agree with this statement.
    Of course, Babs and Co will celebrate it as a huge achievement. What else are they supposed to? Plus Sam made it clear, that he wasn't in agreement with DC's snub.

  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    I missed the bit where Sam mentioned DC being snubbed, did the Beeb cut it out?
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Germanlady wrote:
    Even though Wiz and RC7 come out of different corners then me (feeling the need to belittle every achievement of SF)

    Not at all GL I think SF was a triumph but I try not to let my love for Bond cloud my objective judgement.

    Your position of thinking SF is utterly flawless in every respect and the best film in history and your near stalking of DC is even more perplexing.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    I don't think SF is flawless, for me it's not the best Bond ever and neither is it my favourite (at least at the moment) but it's damn good and I'm glad Bond films are no longer regarded as disposable entertainment! I've never been prouder of being a Bond fan than I've in these past few months.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 6,601
    Sandy wrote:
    I don't think SF is flawless, for me it's not the best Bond ever and neither is it my favourite (at least at the moment) but it's damn good and I'm glad Bond films are no longer regarded as disposable entertainment! I've never been prouder of being a Bond fan than I've in these past few months.

    Agreed. I never said it was. If you think so, show me the post. Some people here have their dislike of me clouding their judgement of my posts, I think. Seriously, don't interprete more into what I write then there is.
    As far as stalking goes - you and many others here have been following JB, who doesn't even exist - VERY closely. They live, breather JB and can talk about him for ever. At times, I cannot believe, what topic you guys find interesting. I have been following DC as closely probably - so, where is the difference? Because you don't like everything that goes with the territory? If you had read my posts, you'd know, that I don't either. Again -. just because its such a fun game to jump at me, try to THINK first nevertheless

    Mendes said the film had been "built around" Daniel Craig, praising the star for "his bravery, his friendship and his sheer bloody-mindedness", saying it was "the curse of Bond" that he had not received a nomination himself.

  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    @Germanlady, this wasn't directed at you at all!
  • Posts: 6,601
    Sandy wrote:
    @Germanlady, this wasn't directed at you at all!

    No, I just agreed and hence quoted it ;)
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited February 2013 Posts: 9,117
    Sandy wrote:
    I don't think SF is flawless, for me it's not the best Bond ever and neither is it my favourite (at least at the moment) but it's damn good and I'm glad Bond films are no longer regarded as disposable entertainment! I've never been prouder of being a Bond fan than I've in these past few months.

    I agree with this entirely.

    I have no problem with you GL (I've even agreed with you on occasion). The best I can say is that where your character is clearly one of endless optimism and positivity mine is one of cynicism and always picking holes in the quest for perfection.

    Watching on the BBC last night I remember Sams tribute to Dan but I don't recall the dig about him not getting a nomination. Does anyone else remember this or was it axed?
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Germanlady wrote:
    Sandy wrote:
    @Germanlady, this wasn't directed at you at all!

    No, I just agreed and hence quoted it ;)

    That's better #:-S
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 6,601
    Sandy wrote:
    I don't think SF is flawless, for me it's not the best Bond ever and neither is it my favourite (at least at the moment) but it's damn good and I'm glad Bond films are no longer regarded as disposable entertainment! I've never been prouder of being a Bond fan than I've in these past few months.

    I agree with this entirely.

    I have no problem with you GL (I've even agreed with you on occasion). The best I can say is that where your character is clearly one of endless optimism and positivity mine is one of cynicism and always picking holes in the quest for perfection.

    Watching on the BBC last night I remember Sams tribute to Dan but I don't recall the dig about him not getting a nomination. Does anyone else remember this or was it axed?

    Must be from the RC. Doesn't look like it was axed from the speech.

    RC7, I think, the problem is, that fanboydome is clearly more acceptable then fangirldome around here, which makes sense, since I am in a mans/boys world. So - to a large degree I accept that and continue doing what I do, but at times, I feel, its too unfair and i start moaning. :((
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Germanlady wrote:
    RC7, I think, the problem is, that fanboydome is clearly more acceptable then fangirldome around here, which makes sense, since I am in a mans/boys world. So - to a large degree I accept that and continue doing what I do, but at times, I feel, its too unfair and i start moaning. :((

    Sorry, what's this in response to?

  • Posts: 6,601
    RC7 wrote:
    Germanlady wrote:
    RC7, I think, the problem is, that fanboydome is clearly more acceptable then fangirldome around here, which makes sense, since I am in a mans/boys world. So - to a large degree I accept that and continue doing what I do, but at times, I feel, its too unfair and i start moaning. :((

    Sorry, what's this in response to?

    OOps - sorry. It was directed at Wizards post. But you two somehow mix in my mind. :-\"
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 2,081
    About when Sam made the comment about the snub:


    Collecting the award, handed out by Ben Affleck and Bradley Cooper, director Sam Mendes said:

    "On behalf of the 1500+ people who made this award we're accepting this. We had high expectations of this film and it surpassed them all. I also have to single out the man around whom we built this film, and that's Daniel Craig.” [Tuulia's comment: how hard is it to get quotes correct?]

    Later on at a backstage press conference, Mendes continued with this theme, saying Craig had suffered ‘the curse of Bond’ after not being nominated for Best Actor.

    "It was an incredible performance but because Bond is the spine of the movie... You take it for granted."


    GL, well, you know, the more men know about the object of their fandom - a movie franchise and its characters, a sportsteam, a band, a star, etc. the better fans they are. Their dedication is to be applauded. Women in similar situation are not better fans, they're apparently hysterical, or stalkers or otherwise suspicious, and are to be looked upon with contempt. ;) Compare men/women and other things... the amount of sexual partners, for instance. The same principle works.
    It's all the same thing, really, of, course, but for many men it just isn't.
  • Posts: 7,653
    I do not feel that SF or DC got snubbed, if anything they got some extra attention by being nominated. And while the 007 franchise might be most peoples' favorite in these threads having seen most movies (will still have to see Amour and most certainly will based upon the fragments I have seen) SF is an actioner compared to some serious movies where the acting is topnotch. And Skyfall winning the bets British award is a crown for all its work, I do feel however that it was Le Mis that got snubbed here it being a brilliantl movie as well as brilliant musical and great book by Victor Hugo.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Reg. Les Mis and others and this question is really just out of interest..

    If you compare the rating of SF and Les Mis at RT and others its 70% to 92% and something like that with bits of differences at others. You may change the names of the films here. They are just examples.
    Why is it, that Mis gets a BP nod whereas for SF people feel, its not worth it. SF got more critical acclaim overall then some of the nominated films.

    I would like some serious answers and no bashing please.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 2,081
    @SaintMark, yes, well, I think acting in SF was also top notch. :) Besides, NOT being nominated is not the kind of extra attention any actor/filmmaker would want... ;) The talk of snubs was not of not winning, but not having been nominated (DC for actor, SF for best film).
    What Judi Dench said about the awards is, of course, also true in general - that it's difficult when there are many good, deserving ones to be nominated for an award.
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