SPECTRE Production Timeline



  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    ggl007 wrote: »
    The new Walther PPQ:


    And the HK VP9:


    What do you think? Is Bond's gun or did he take it from another guy?

    If you look at the notches under the barrel, the one Bond's got is definitely the HK VP9. PPQ has a very relevant name for a weapon used by Bond :P which for me would absorb some of the blow of him not using his classic K anymore :'(
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited February 2015 Posts: 12,459
    Very psyched! Loved the short video. And ... let me say it, I don't think it was said since we saw the official vid - not only does Daniel look in great shape and badass, but that includes his hair. Oh yeah! I may have very little to complain about with this film. :D
  • Posts: 1,552
    fjdinardo wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    It's on:

    Oh this is nice! Very old school, it feels like a mixture of OHMSS (the snowy setting) and TB (the men in black).

    Little observation: Bautista seems like such a nice guy. He sounds and looks like a gentle giant.

    Hea a very nice man. Ask any wrestling fans that have met him he really is a down to earth guy an he is not that tall. He's like 6'3. He was 6'6 in his prime
    I'm guessing they'll make him look even bigger using camera angles, much like Michael Clarke Duncan in Green Mile - whilst he was tall (6'5"), he was made to look a giant towering over the 6'4" David Morse.

    Camera trickery - got to love it.
  • edited February 2015 Posts: 14,958
    fjdinardo wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    It's on:

    Oh this is nice! Very old school, it feels like a mixture of OHMSS (the snowy setting) and TB (the men in black).

    Little observation: Bautista seems like such a nice guy. He sounds and looks like a gentle giant.

    Hea a very nice man. Ask any wrestling fans that have met him he really is a down to earth guy an he is not that tall. He's like 6'3. He was 6'6 in his prime

    Still quite large. Anyway, funny how actors playing badguys are often such nice persons in person.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    And did others see this? I rather like it, just for fun ... :)

    tombutler on twitter made this little change to the official photo. He said: "I fixed Bond's snowsuit to make it a little more @sirrogermoore."

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,384
    " a ski suit not a banana, Q". :))
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208

    Video of the Aston Martin DB-10 at Blenheim Palace

    Contains SPOILERS
  • ggl007ggl007 www.archivo007.com Spain, España
    Posts: 2,541
    :-O =D>

    Thanks a lot, @aaron819! Great video!

    Possible meaning of the plate??
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    DB10 - the model of the Aston Martin
    AGB - James Bond's father's name is Andrew Bond, possibly G is a middle name

    just my thoughts
  • Posts: 12,511
    Wow! Wow! and errrrrr WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video blog was excellent and the scenery simply stunning! LOVED the ending where DC drops a baddie and most likely shoots another!

    Not read the article but if its a 2 parter? I assume it will be ANOTHER 3 year wait for Bond 25? :((
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,554
    Are we three months away from a teaser trailer??? =D>
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    TripAces wrote: »
    Are we three months away from a teaser trailer??? =D>

    Yes!!! Can't wait
    2 months since the announcement of SPECTRE. Wow. Time flies
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    I'm really not keen on the whole two parter idea. I am not a fan of sequels, especially when they feel rushed and all it does is build on the previous film. For SPECTRE, it's different because the film itself takes place 2-3 years after the events of Skyfall and has brand new elements to the story and plot, which I enjoy. However sequels like Quantum of Solace that feel rushed and have little to no innovation are not something I favor. I highly doubt Mendes will return to direct another Bond, so this news seems unlikely. How reliable is the source of the news anyway?

    P.S. I love the first official still. The glasses also remind me of the ones Roger wore in AVTAK.
  • Posts: 1,552
    jake24 wrote: »
    However sequels like Quantum of Solace that feel rushed and have little to no innovation are not something I favor.
    That's because QoS was rushed - the screenwriters strike saw to that. I would hope that, if they do plan Bond 25 as a direct sequel, they'd have a lot more time to work on it to make it perfect.

  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    JCRendle wrote: »
    jake24 wrote: »
    However sequels like Quantum of Solace that feel rushed and have little to no innovation are not something I favor.
    That's because QoS was rushed - the screenwriters strike saw to that. I would hope that, if they do plan Bond 25 as a direct sequel, they'd have a lot more time to work on it to make it perfect.
    Not just QOS in particular. Lots of direct sequels feel that way. That's why I'm worried.
  • Pajan005Pajan005 Stockholm, Sweden
    edited February 2015 Posts: 432
    TripAces wrote: »
    Are we three months away from a teaser trailer??? =D>

    We're getting the first teaser on May 22 and the full length trailer on September 4. According to this site: http://projectionlist.com/#/site/trailers
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    edited February 2015 Posts: 11,139
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Video of the Aston Martin DB-10 at Blenheim Palace

    Contains SPOILERS

    Awesome stuff. I can't wait to see the chase on full.
  • Posts: 6,690
    Hey, guys, zoom in on Dan´s left arm, you can see just a bit of it in the official photo. Isn´t that a NATO strap on his wrist? If so, how cool is that? Cheers.
  • Posts: 1,552
    Pajan005 wrote: »
    TripAces wrote: »
    Are we three months away from a teaser trailer??? =D>

    We're getting the first teaser on May 22 and the full length trailer on September 4. According to this site: http://projectionlist.com/#/site/trailers
    I believe this site is just taking educated guesses, nothing concrete
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    WOW, finaly. Thanks for the video \m/
  • aaron819 wrote: »

    Video of the Aston Martin DB-10 at Blenheim Palace

    Contains SPOILERS

    Guys. Fans. My heart 8-X 8-}
  • This is gonna be epic. BOND IS BACK!!
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Univex wrote: »
    Hey, guys, zoom in on Dan´s left arm, you can see just a bit of it in the official photo. Isn´t that a NATO strap on his wrist? If so, how cool is that? Cheers.

    Yep. Omega recently released a line of nato straps.
  • Posts: 822
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Video of the Aston Martin DB-10 at Blenheim Palace

    Contains SPOILERS
    @aaron819;4205856, Will this Aston Martin survive or will be destroy like previous cars? What would think?
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    edited February 2015 Posts: 630
    Those Roma Plates are awful. I just don't understand why..
    This is an example of number plates we had from 1976 to 1985, the bottom one seems to be like the ones they are using.
    This is what we have now, at least from 1999 in this layout, but from 1994 with the two letters, 3 number, 2 letters layout. From 1999 they added the two blue parts on the sides
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    The new ones look like they could be from anywhere on the planet, so maybe that is why?
  • The new ones look like they could be from anywhere on the planet, so maybe that is why?

    Orrrr, it explains a certain narrative? I mean, for all we know these are "special" governmental numberplates, used by diplomats, members of congress, from the military, or even special forces.

    And if that is true, it explains perhaps what the new S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is all about. Off course we all know the secretive "Bilderberg Group". And mostly this goes unnoticed, but Ian Fleming in part based the organizational structure of his S.P.E.C.T.R.E. on this Bilderberg Group:

    Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian Prime Minister Paul Van Zeeland, and the head of Unilever at that time, Dutchman Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion.[5] The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent conservative and liberal points of view.[4] Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference, along with 11 Americans.

    So perhaps we do see here the outlines towards a criminal version of this Bilderberg Group. And this revived syndicate will carry a terrible truth. And it is of my opinion that the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. in "SPECTRE" will probably way way more deadly than the original S.P.E.C.T.R.E. from the early Connery films. A near-perfect oiled machine, and way better organized, more effective and more secretive than QUANTUM.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    The Bilderberg Group is a chat forum for the global elite. this elite goes by many names- for instance Illuminati, Moriah, The Family and interestingly The Octopus.
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    edited February 2015 Posts: 630
    Orrrr, it explains a certain narrative? I mean, for all we know these are "special" governmental numberplates, used by diplomats, members of congress, from the military, or even special forces.
    But they are not! We have CD plates for diplomats, other for military and police corps, those are just some ugly plates that seem to be some we had in the past.
    And other than that, we know SPECTRE is worldwide organization, it had (have) operatives all over the world, so that cars should be rent or something like that.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Am I the only one who thinks it is the new plates that are ugly?
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