FANTASTILICIOUS FUN FOR FILM FANS 089: your top 10's of 2020 and most anticipated films of 2021?



  • ^ Quite simply, WTF?

    Is that your reaction to Balje's eccentric spoutings or this whole question in general Willy old son?

    It was in reference to @M_Balje.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    <center><font color=#E9AB17 size=6><b>013</b>
    The first film that gave you nightmares as a child was...</font></center>

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2014 Posts: 13,354
    The Witches.
  • Jaws.
  • Rosemary's Baby I found quite disturbing back in the day.
  • I'm hard mate so no film has ever given me any nightmares...

    Ok, Temple Of Doom. Mola Ram scared the sh*t out of me when I was little.
  • Villmark (2003)
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited September 2014 Posts: 4,489
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    @M_Balje, please don't take this the wrong way but I have doubts you understand what morally corrupt means.D

    Movies/tv series with or based on controversial opnions / settings

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Only one I can think of truly ... Psycho.
    I almost threw up after the shower scene and remained scared from this film for some time. I was about 9, I think, when I saw it.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Robocop 2. :))
  • edited September 2014 Posts: 2,341
    I had a couple but I will just list one:
    Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte
  • TokolosheTokoloshe Under your bed
    Posts: 2,667
    Watership Down, circa 1985, aged 6.
  • Posts: 7,653
    IT, Tim Curry scared the living daylights out me first in the telemovie and later on in the TV show version. He still does.

    I know that my aversion to clowns in general comes from Pennywise, and I know quite a few people for whom the same applies.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Murdock wrote: »
    Robocop 2. :))
    10 lashes with a wet noodle for you! :))

    Old ones on TV-
    The Crawling Eye when I was 9 & Die, Die My Darling when I was 11.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Robocop 2. :))
    10 lashes with a wet noodle for you! :))

    Old ones on TV-
    The Crawling Eye when I was 9 & Die, Die My Darling when I was 11.

    You watch that movie at a very young age. I think I was nine when I first saw it. Nightmare city! :P
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Murdock wrote: »
    You watch that movie at a very young age. I think I was nine when I first saw it. Nightmare city! :P
    I see what you mean.
  • Posts: 2,341
    SaintMark wrote: »
    IT, Tim Curry scared the living daylights out me first in the telemovie and later on in the TV show version. He still does.

    I know that my aversion to clowns in general comes from Pennywise, and I know quite a few people for whom the same applies.

    I am all too aware about clowns. When I was maybe 6 I saw a television show where this clown was stalking this abusive husband. That did something to me. I am surprised that this was on network TV back then. From that time on I have been apprehensive about clowns.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971

    The opening, the kid on the raft. The man on the boat. The head popping out the boat. And then Quint being eaten. All enough to trouble a young man for many years.
    For years afterwards I wouldn't venture into water other than a shower. To this day I don't go in the ocean. Mainly because I live in Australia now, and there are sharks in it.
  • Benny wrote: »

    The opening, the kid on the raft. The man on the boat. The head popping out the boat. And then Quint being eaten. All enough to trouble a young man for many years.
    For years afterwards I wouldn't venture into water other than a shower. To this day I don't go in the ocean. Mainly because I live in Australia now, and there are sharks in it.

    It was always the blood curdling scream that Quint gives as he's bitten in half that got me most. For years after, I was convinced there was a shark hiding beneath my bed so I wouldn't get into bed with the lights off! X_X
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    I was old enough not to have nightmares over Jaws, but it was gruesome and it stays with you. I grew up in Florida, @Benny, also with shark infested waters. I never swam out over my head and as I got older I just stayed more and more on the beach.

    @OHMSS69, you are right - Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte was incredibly creepy!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    I was old enough not to have nightmares over Jaws, but it was gruesome and it stays with you. I grew up in Florida, @Benny, also with shark infested waters. I never swam out over my head and as I got older I just stayed more and more on the beach.
    I grew up on Long Island, and we went to the beach every summer. I was 17 when I saw Jaws, and while it also gave me no nightmares, I became apprehensive when I entered the water. Being a good swimmer, I regularly tested the lifeguard's patience by swimming far enough out to get 'the whistle' but once I was just about there when some seaweed caught hold of me, and I came back in so fast you'd think I was Mark Spitz (you kids won't know who he was).
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited November 2014 Posts: 4,399
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    I can actually recall two films that kept me awake at night.

    1) IT

    Strong fear of Pennywise the clown as a kid. Made me refuse to turn the lights off for a while. My parents didn't like that and I don't blame them but I couldn't care less about the electricity bills with a killer clown haunting me in my nightmares.


    2) Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

    This may surprise you; however, I found the decapitation and the rapid ageing very hard to endure as a kid.
  • edited September 2014 Posts: 372
    The Gremlins, the boat ride in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, when Winnieh the Poo gets lost in this cave (or I think it was a cave) and he's like all alone, when they eat monkey brains and rip a guy's hart out in Indiana Jones ATTOD, etc. When I was a little older The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Ring and any other horror movie I've watched due to peer pressure. I remember watching this movie called Pay It Forward when I was very young and it didn't really scare me but it left me melancholy for days.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Stephen King's It. Nearly put me off going to McDonalds.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    I just remembered! As a small child I watched a movie on TV called Alakazam The Great, a Japanese cartoon movie from the early Sixties, and the solitary imprisonment scene really did induce a nightmare or two!
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    It's an unimagitive choice, now that it's been mentioned a number of times, but it was Stephen King's It. I don't have a fear of clowns, but there's something creepy about that story.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    <center><font color=#E9AB17 size=6><b>014</b>
    How do you feel about the 'found footage' genre?</font></center>

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    <center><font color=#E9AB17 size=6><b>014</b>
    How do you feel aybout the 'found footage' genre?</font></center>

    I'd rather watch paint dry.
    I recall seeing The Blair Witch Project back in the day. And being told its really scary. Yeah....ooòooo. About as scary as a butterfly.
    Found footage films are not my bag.
  • Benny wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    <center><font color=#E9AB17 size=6><b>014</b>
    How do you feel aybout the 'found footage' genre?</font></center>

    I'd rather watch paint dry.
    I recall seeing The Blair Witch Project back in the day. And being told its really scary. Yeah....ooòooo. About as scary as a butterfly.
    Found footage films are not my bag.

    Couldn't agree more with this.
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