Mad Max (1979 - Present)

edited April 2015 in General Movies & TV Posts: 12,837
Who else loves these films? They're some of my favourites. Road Warrior is probably my favourite, then the original, but Thunderdome is cool especially because of the fight sequence with Max and Blaster. Mel Gibson is crazy now but he really was a badass back then.

Mad Max 4: Fury Road has Tom Hardy as Max, who I think is a great choice.


  • Posts: 5,767
    You give the exact words to my very sentiments, @thelivingroyale. The Road Warrior is an impressionistic masterpiece.

    I´m very much looking forward to this incarnation. I can´t remember right now where I saw them, but the vehicles so far presented on fotos look very cool! And Tom Hardy has my full trust. He´s about the only person coming to my mind who doesn´t have to be shy or afraid to step into Mel Gibson´s shoes.
  • Yep the veichles look great. Whoever designed them did an amazing job.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Just thinking about the project lifts my testosterone level.
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    I cant wait, hope the game by the just cause 2 developer is still coming too
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I really only like "The Road Warrior". "Mad Max" is too slow and boring. "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" is too overrated.
    I am looking forward to the new one and I think Tom Hardy is a great choice for the role.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Different pokes for different folks! I love the original Mad Max, epic. Great story, great characters and some awesome action. Mad Max II (Road Warrior in the US), was good but didn't have the same emotional hook as the first and Thunderdome was god-awful. Parts of that are so boring that I couldn't remember them when I caught it recently on TV. As Barry Norman (British film critic - god to some!) said at the time…"not so much Mad Max as Slightly Cheesed-Off Max" - have to agree there. Think TH is an excellent choice and will go see Mad Max IV when it is released. Hope there is plenty of bike action.
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068

    older article here but a good sign that it may have had a long development.
  • I loved the Just Cause games (hope there's a third), so a Max game from them (or anybody else actually) would be great. The closest thing to a Mad Max game we've gotten so far is Fallout.
    Hope there is plenty of bike action.

    Definetly. I want the Interceptor from the first two to make a return as well, I love that car. Ok it was destroyed in Road Warrior but maybe he finds another.
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    its there. this is perhaps pre road warrior
  • I meant destroyed in the film, the car might be ok in real life.
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    I believe the screen shot to be from publicity that was being done about the massive amount of cars they had made for the new film.
    the film must indeed take place around the road warrior though as you said the car was no more than a camel tow job by film three.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 12,837
    That's one of my favourite things about the Mad Max films, the vehichles.
  • Posts: 3,334
    I remember going to the flicks to see Mad Max 2 in London and being surprised at how good it was. Of course we got the uncut version over here, which hasn't been seen since the early European VHS release was replaced with the US R-rated version. Over here it was an X-rated movie. I think the reason why Thunderdome was so terrible might have had to do with the movie having two directors and the orginal story not being about Mad Max but a group of kids living without parents in the wild - Max as a saviour was suggested later. The fact that it was also a PG and made to appeal to a teen demographic is another reason why it just doesn't feel like Mad Max. It's also reported that George Miller lost interest in the project after his friend and producer Byron Kennedy was killed in a helicopter crash while location scouting. That may explain why Miller only handled the action scenes while George Ogilvie handled the rest. IMO, I just don't think the script was good enough and the casting of Tina Turner, due to US financial backing, was also another big mistake. Who cares about the song?

    I just hope Miller has found his mojo again and makes Mad Max 4 a proper sequel to the Road Warrior, though I think it'll either mostly succeed or fail on Tom Hardy's performance.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I honestly didn't think Thunderdome was bad, I'm suprised so many didn't like it. I do agree with you @bondsum, it needed a higher rating.

    Anyway, had to share this.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 5,767
    bondsum wrote:
    That may explain why Miller only handled the action scenes while George Ogilvie handled the rest.
    I wasn´t aware of that. I have a memory that I liked the action scenes better than the rest, so it makes me feel even better about this new one, Miller being fully in charge.

  • edited August 2012 Posts: 3,334
    boldfinger wrote:
    bondsum wrote:
    That may explain why Miller only handled the action scenes while George Ogilvie handled the rest.
    I wasn´t aware of that. I have a memory that I liked the action scenes better than the rest, so it makes me feel even better about this new one, Miller being fully in charge.
    He is.... but will this Mad Max be aimed at the teen market again and lose it's mystique aura and bloody body count or will it be a hard R like Road Warrior? To be honest I was still a teen when I first saw Mad Max 2 (a late teen) and I thought Humungus and Mighty Wez of the Mohawker gang were what made the movie enthralling. Sadly, the only high point of Thunderdome was Master & Blaster, the kids story was awful and did nothing for me I'm afraid.

    I understand that this Fury Road story is neither a sequel/reboot or prequel, more of a standalone story. The cars and trucks look pretty good from what I've seen so far so it looks more in keeping with the Road Warrior. Fingers crossed, @boldfinger.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,825
    I quite enjoy the first film- although, like many others here, Road Warrior is my favourite of the three. Beyond Thunderdome was pretty good, but I feel it drags a bit once Max meets the tribe. It also lacks a certain grunt the first two films had. Maybe it just needed more vehicle chases. Fury Road is one film I'm really anxious to see, and if it's anything like the first two, then I'll be very satisfied.

    PS: Love the VW's on the tanker doubling as gun towers. Any chance they're remnants of the beetles used in the Skyfall train chase? ;)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,375
    I enjoy the Mad Max series. Road Warrior is my favorite. Mel Gibson is pretty bad@$$ in this movie. I'm anxious to see Fury Road.
  • Posts: 5,767
    bondsum wrote:
    but will this Mad Max be aimed at the teen market again and lose it's mystique aura and bloody body count or will it be a hard R like Road Warrior? To be honest I was still a teen when I first saw Mad Max 2 (a late teen) and I thought Humungus and Mighty Wez of the Mohawker gang were what made the movie enthralling. Sadly, the only high point of Thunderdome was Master & Blaster, the kids story was awful and did nothing for me I'm afraid.
    I understand very much what you mean @bondsum. I sincerely hope that Miller put all his below-R-rating ambitions into the Happy Feet films and will take no prisoners on this one. Camera onto car, car full throttle, that´s all I need ;-). Oh yeah, and some muscle mountains with weird haircuts and weird masks.

  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    @oo7 Well you were right, they were showing off all the cars in that pic. I just found a video of it. Sounds really cool.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited September 2012 Posts: 14,825
    According to, model Megan Gale has now also joined the Fury Road cast. Megan was originally cast in George Miller's (unfortunately stalled) Justice League movie, but had not otherwise been tied to Fury Road until now. Read the full story here:

    Some photos from the set:
    and even more photos here:
  • I saw the original when it was first released and also the second with Tina Turner in 1985, 'we don't need another hero', that was a very good soundtrack. Gibson always seems to get overlooked for these releases, earlier in his career, and I remember him much more vividly as the unbalanced Martin Riggs character in Lethal Weapon, which had simply become stale by the time of the ill advised fourth release

    First Mad Max was the best, the second was maybe the most violent from what I can remember, the third was a bit of a mess, but still enjoyable. Worth watching even for Tina Turner

    I won't be watching the 4th release, and it will be the first Mad Max movie since 1985. Why wait so long or even continue? It just won't be the same. Having Max without Gibson will be like having Darkman without Neeson, or Robocop without Weller, it just won't feel the same. Hardy is a good actor, but not only has it been so long since the last release, I don't feel they should of made enough after such a long time, or even have another actor in the lead role. Obviously Gibson would not be appropriate in the part now, but it's something they never should of resurrected

  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    I love the mad max films especially the first 2.
    Mad max 2 is my favorite and i think the best australian film ever made.
  • "best Australian movie ever made"

    That covers a lot of ground

    Have you ever seen Chopper, Romper Stomper or Wolf Creek ?

    Antipodean movie epics. The latter is a must see for anyone who's yet to see it. None of these titles are advisable for younger viewers though
  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    "best Australian movie ever made"

    That covers a lot of ground

    Have you ever seen Chopper, Romper Stomper or Wolf Creek ?

    Antipodean movie epics. The latter is a must see for anyone who's yet to see it. None of these titles are advisable for younger viewers though

    I've seen Chopper and Wolf Creek.
    Do you think they are better films than mad mad 2?
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

    try this
  • Posts: 5,767
    You mean this was Russel Mulcahy´s ticket for the director´s seat on Highlander?
  • Mulcahy was a bit of a maverick, but was involved before that, directing some music videos, including some fine work with former Bond artists Duran Duran

    And I do believe Chopper and Creek were better Australian movies than Mad Max II, in that I did enjoy the original much more

    can we include Walkabout in this, I don't think it was Australian made, but it was set in the outback and featured Aboriginals and was a decent movie
  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    Chopper and Creek are not the type of films i would watch again because of the brutal type of fims they are. Basically they are true or near true stories.

    Mad max 2 is more of a brilliant fantasy masterpiece creation which i have watched more than once and will rewatch again because of the great action,humour,acting and it's just so entertaining.
  • oo7oo7
    Posts: 1,068
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