Favourite Bond Moments - Round 26: NTTD- Part 2: Ranking



  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,504
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    Daniel Kleinmans title sequence
    .....eh!..thats it!!!!

    :-/ Whaaat? You don't even like the bungee jump? Or Ourumov? The Q scene? Or the end fight? It's one of the best fights of the series for me.

    I agree that the title sequence is a highlight, too. Probably my favourite Bond title sequence (sorry Maurice Binder). The girls in highheels with hammers are very memorable. And the song itself is also great.

    @M_Balje Nice list and intersting thought. Which link do you see between the fight in GE and the TND fight in Hamburg?
  • Probably my favourite Bond title sequence (sorry Maurice Binder).

    No apologies necessary! Binder paved the way (DN, TB, YOLT, TSWLM, AVTAK being highlights), but Kleinman is in another league entirely. I don't think it's controversial to enjoy his title sequences more. If I were to make a Top 10, six of Kleinman's seven would be on that list.
  • Posts: 7,776
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    Daniel Kleinmans title sequence
    .....eh!..thats it!!!!

    :-/ Whaaat? You don't even like the bungee jump? Or Ourumov? The Q scene? Or the end fight? It's one of the best fights of the series for me.

    I agree that the title sequence is a highlight, too. Probably my favourite Bond title sequence (sorry Maurice Binder). The girls in highheels with hammers are very memorable. And the song itself is also great.

    @M_Balje Nice list and intersting thought. Which link do you see between the fight in GE and the TND fight in Hamburg?

    In answer to your four suggestions..
    Its ok
    He started off fine and then they turned him into a buffoon
    No, HATE that Q scene
    And nope, that fight scene doesn't do anything for me!
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,551
    Chacter is falling down on his back like Alec. Between 1.18 - 1.23
    Actualy you see Bond fight with first one guy and then two others guy started at 1.11-1.18 and 1.23 - 1.31

    Together indeed you can say: Are Bond going to lose another friend trow years. The fight as symbol of fighting him self trow out years. If you whant you see ''friend'' as symbol to him self. Taken element from Tomorrow Never Dies is good choose because i think DC repeat history/ie. Only this time not everthing is seen or said, or said to much like location cards in QOS (the other way around happend in SF with Turkey and Mexico & Italy in SP).

    QOS plot not going about revenge on Vesper, but how Bond must deal with his los and i need QOS to understand Mathis get Burn Notice for his own safety.

    When Daniel Craig era is over i hope symbol / analyziny is over exept that country symbol and langue speaking wil stay. Intresting way to changle people and tell something about culture and things country share or not share.
  • mattjoesmattjoes J.W. Pepper winner J.W. Pepper.
    Posts: 7,077
    M_Balje wrote: »
    Natalya need a lot of PC's.
    I love this scene! The computer salesman is well cast, and understatedly funny. And hearing the descriptions of those older computers is nostalgic.
  • GoldenEye was really the first action movie I recall watching that wasn't science fiction or fantasy, and the death-defying stunts and fantastically choreographed action combined with Brosnan's impossibly cool persona and calm under pressure ensured my lifelong fandom for the world's most famous spy. What stood out to me then still stands out to me now: all those splendid set pieces with Brosnan trading gunfire, running for cover, and evading bullets pinging off corners as Serra's wailing electronics and echoing percussion urge the action along. Gottfried's corrupted General Orumov, played with just the right amount of sneer, and Janssen's hypersexualized Soviet pilot turned gun-for-hire solidified the greatness of a cast made already strong by Scorupco, Bean, Coltrane, Cumming, Dench, and Llewelyn. To single out the best moments in a film that never lets up, I'd have to point to the PTS with its iconic opening bungee jump followed by Bond's equally shocking leap off the runway on motorbike; the whole middle stretch including the statue graveyard, Tiger helicopter escape, interrogation by Mishkin, flight through the archives, tank chase, and standoff on the train; and Bond's climactic battle with Trevelyan atop the satellite cradle which comes to some of the series' most brutal blows. The meeting with Q brought a whole new energy and dynamic to the traditional gadget briefing scenes as well, and Bond's business in and around the Monte Carlo casino, investigation of the Manticore, and barely PG-13 brawl with Xenia poolside rate among the film's more defining moments as well. I'll stop now before I might as well link to the screenplay. ;)
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,820
    One of my Top 5 moments would include Trevelyan's soviet missile train. The ominous-looking front end always reminded me of something, and others have confirmed it to be Sam Eagle from The Muppet Show.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    QBranch wrote: »
    One of my Top 5 moments would include Trevelyan's soviet missile train. The ominous-looking front end always reminded me of something, and others have confirmed it to be Sam Eagle from The Muppet Show.


    They are surely related.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,504
    Yes @General_Graves , we (at least we two) can say that GE is pure awesomeness from start to finish. But don't ask @Mathis1 ;) Thanks for your answers Mathis, I'm still a bit shocked (not in the Connery-positivily way) but I always appreciate your opinion, nonetheless.

    Another wonderful post from @Some_Kind_Of_Hero which I would sign 100%.

    Why do I love GE that much? The PTS is absolutely amazing, on par with the one from TLD. The villains are crazy and all great, so are Mishkin and Zukovsky. I love the Q scene, I always enjoy Dench...to sum it up: I'm a huge fan of the GE cast and characters. The score gives it (mostly) a great atmosphere and I always loved the music when Bond escapes from Ourumov (before the fantastic tanker chase starts).
    And the satellite is a great set and the end fight superbe. Ans so on...
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,820
    Top 5. Difficult task here.

    1. Bond shoots the gas tanks, and escapes the Arkangelsk facility on a Cagiva
    2. Ourumov and Onatopp fire the GoldenEye weapon at Severnaya
    3. Bond ejects the Tiger helicopter cockpit, just to get a kick in the shin
    4. Trevelyan's soviet missile train HQ with helicopter
    5. reveal of the satellite dish hidden under the lake

    Honourable mentions:

    dam bungee jump
    DB5 chase in Monaco
    Bond tracks Onatopp from the Fort Antoine theatre
    Q scene
    visiting Zukovsky
    archive shootout
    tank chase
    everything else!
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,316
    Also one of my favourites, always loved it and that won't change anytime soon.

    1. PTS (great music too!)
    2. Sattelite dish climax
    3. Monaco
    4. Title sequence (my favourite)
    5. Whispering Statues
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,316
    Apparently I've already posted my top 5 during the suggestion part. So many great scenes have luckily already been mentioned, don't think I could add anything sensible anyway. Always liked the Mi6 scenes too, as well as the meeting with Zukovsky and later on the 'chitchat' with Mishkin.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    edited February 2021 Posts: 4,504
    I like it that you chose specific (brief) moments @QBranch.
    The reveal of the satellite is cool. I also always enjoy the moment when Bond and Natalya are sliding down the emptied “lake“ and the tense moment where Boris is pushing the explosive pen.
    And as mentioned before: the middle section, beginning with the statues (reveal of 006 as baddie) up to the moment where the train explodes is perfect (imo).

    @GoldenGun Do you mean the end fight by listing “satellite dish climax“ or also scenes before?

    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 20: GE - Part 2: Ranking
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Not many good moments in this one.

    1 MTS
    2 Bungee jump
    3 Ourumov kills Mishkin
    4 Statue graveyard
    5 Tanner slags off M with her standing behind him
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,551
    1. Pts
    2. Hidden Satelite
    3. Tank chase
    4. 9 years later aka Aston Martin /Firari chase
    5. Goldeneye activated (Meeting Boris, Natalya and her escape from death).
  • 1. Interrogation / archives / tank chase
    2. Fighting Trevelyan above the dish
    3. The PTS
    4. Meeting Janus among the statues
    5. Train standoff and escape
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,316
    Good question @goldenswissroyale! I want to vote for the whole sequence if I can but if I have to make a choice it would be the fisticuffs at very end.
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,426
    Love a Pierce Bond, and GE is my favourite.

    1 The tank chase, channelling his inner Sir Rog
    2 The meeting with Zukovsky (Irina's karaoke definitely adds to the experience)
    3 Ourumov and Onatopp do a little spring cleaning at Severnaya
    4 PTS especially the bungee jump and first 'proper sight' as he gains entry via the toilet cubicle (make your own jokes up here)
    5 Q briefing - I just love the banter between Desmond and Pierce, they bounce off each other so well, helped by the age gap giving the two an exasperated teacher/ cheeky schoolboy vibe.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,504
    It is very difficult for me to narrow it down to five scenes and the ranking could change with the next watch. I'm a HUGE GE fan.

    1. PTS (the whole thing but especially the bungee jump and “You can't win“.)
    2. Tank chase
    3. End fight
    4. Q scene
    5. Train scene
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,504
    There are less votes for GE compared to the last weeks. Anyone else interested in listing the top 5 moments?
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,820
    Last call, James.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,504
    Results for the best GE moments:

    1. PTS
    2. Tank chase
    3. End fight
    4. Title sequence
    5. Severnaya

    LTK was celebrated enthusiastically here. I'm looking forward to read about your thoughts and favourite bits of Dalton's first entry:

    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 21: TLD - Part 1: Suggestions and discussion

  • Last_Rat_StandingLast_Rat_Standing Long Neck Ice Cold Beer Never Broke My Heart
    edited March 2021 Posts: 4,636
    1. Bond and Saunders setting up to protect Koskov.
    2. Escape from Czechoslovakia in the Aston until the cello sled scene.
    3. Interrogating Pushkin in the hotel.
    4. Bond meets with M to plan to assassinate Pushkin.
    5. The plane cargo fight with Necros

    I enjoy most of the first half but once it reaches Afghanistan it kinda loses it for me.
  • Last_Rat_StandingLast_Rat_Standing Long Neck Ice Cold Beer Never Broke My Heart
    Posts: 4,636
    1. Bond and Saunders setting up to protect Koskov.
    2. Escape from Czechoslovakia in the Aston until the cello sled scene.
    3. Interrogating Pushkin in the hotel.
    4. Bond meets with M to plan to assassinate Pushkin.
    5. The PTS.

    I enjoy the first half but once it reaches Afghanistan it kinda loses it for me.

  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    edited March 2021 Posts: 7,316
    Give me either of the Dalton films and I just can't stop talking, or writing in this case.

    Try and keep up, folks ;)

    - PTS
    - Koskov Escapes
    - the Ghetto Blaster!
    - Koskov explains Smiert Spionom while pointing with his shoe (!)
    - Necros Attacks!
    - Following Kara/Rifle discovery
    - Chase to the border
    - Into Vienna
    - Pushkin visits Whitaker
    - Night at the Opera
    - "Saunders, thanks."
    - Stalking Pushkin
    - Pushkin Interrogation
    - Fake assassination/Roof escape
    - Tricked by Kara
    - "Duty Has No Sweethearts"
    - Jailbreak
    - Meet Kamran Shah and his laughing friends
    - "Beautiful in Afghan"
    - Desert sunrise
    - Soviet airfield attack/Hercules escape
    - Bond v Necros
    - "I know a great restaurant in Karachi"
    - Meeting his Waterloo
    - John Barry cameo/End scene
    - "If There Was a Man" by The Pretenders
  • Posts: 7,507
    I am new to this thread. Are we supposed to give a top five ranking already, or are we supposed to discuss different scenes and candidates first?
  • Posts: 7,776
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Give me either of the Dalton films and I just can't stop talking, or writing in this case.

    Try and keep up, folks ;)

    - PTS
    - Koskov Escapes
    - the Ghetto Blaster!
    - Koskov explains Smiert Spionom while pointing with his shoe (!)
    - Necros Attacks!
    - Following Kara/Rifle discovery
    - Chase to the border
    - Into Vienna
    - Pushkin visits Whitaker
    - Night at the Opera
    - "Saunders, thanks."
    - Stalking Pushkin
    - Pushkin Interrogation
    - Fake assassination/Roof escape
    - Tricked by Kara
    - "Duty Has No Sweethearts"
    - Jailbreak
    - Meet Kamran Shah and his laughing friends
    - "Beautiful in Afghan"
    - Desert sunrise
    - Soviet airfield attack/Hercules escape
    - Bond v Necros
    - "I know a great restaurant in Karachi"
    - Meeting his Waterloo
    - John Barry cameo/End scene
    - "If There Was a Man" by The Pretenders

    Yep, thats pretty much it!
    Or simply. THE WHOLE MOVIE!!
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,551
    Bond and Saunders in the opera
    Sniper was a woman (Bond miss)
    The ''Death'' of Pushkin
    Saunders death
    Bond and the meeting with M, Koskov and others.
    Do you like some milk from Necros the milk man
    Horse ride to the opera
    With Kara at the opera
    With Kara at Themepark
    Meeting Kamran Shah
    Horse ride with Kamran Shah
    Car chase on Ice

    Magic with a phone booth

    Magic trick with Jeroen Krabbé

    Magic with a chello
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,820
    jobo wrote: »
    I am new to this thread. Are we supposed to give a top five ranking already, or are we supposed to discuss different scenes and candidates first?
    We can discuss scenes first, or post our top five straight away.

    For the latter, this round will take some thinking. :-?
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,316
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Give me either of the Dalton films and I just can't stop talking, or writing in this case.

    Try and keep up, folks ;)

    - PTS
    - Koskov Escapes
    - the Ghetto Blaster!
    - Koskov explains Smiert Spionom while pointing with his shoe (!)
    - Necros Attacks!
    - Following Kara/Rifle discovery
    - Chase to the border
    - Into Vienna
    - Pushkin visits Whitaker
    - Night at the Opera
    - "Saunders, thanks."
    - Stalking Pushkin
    - Pushkin Interrogation
    - Fake assassination/Roof escape
    - Tricked by Kara
    - "Duty Has No Sweethearts"
    - Jailbreak
    - Meet Kamran Shah and his laughing friends
    - "Beautiful in Afghan"
    - Desert sunrise
    - Soviet airfield attack/Hercules escape
    - Bond v Necros
    - "I know a great restaurant in Karachi"
    - Meeting his Waterloo
    - John Barry cameo/End scene
    - "If There Was a Man" by The Pretenders

    Yep, thats pretty much it!
    Or simply. THE WHOLE MOVIE!!

    Exactly ;)

    The only aspect that's not top-class for me is the title sequence, even though I don't consider it a bad effort either and I like the title song too.
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