Favourite Bond Moments - Round 26: NTTD- Part 2: Ranking



  • All your “other highlights“ @Some_Kind_Of_Hero are great moments I'm always looking forward to. I.e. the moment with Mr. Bleeker is very funny.

    It's perhaps Hedison's best moment.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,333
    Difficult to pick just five here.

    1. Bond arrives in San Monique
    2. scarecrow surveillance cameras
    3. Kananga reveal/interrogation scene
    4. Bond and Solitaire enter Kananga's cavern lair
    5. train fight with Tee Hee Johnson
  • Posts: 7,016
    Unfortunate coincidence that this round coincides with the announcement of Yaphet Kottos passing!
    Holiday here in Ireland with St. Patricks Day, so will watch LALD in his honour!
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    Unfortunate coincidence that this round coincides with the announcement of Yaphet Kottos passing!
    Holiday here in Ireland with St. Patricks Day, so will watch LALD in his honour!

    That sounds like a very good plan.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 6,883
    All your “other highlights“ @Some_Kind_Of_Hero are great moments I'm always looking forward to. I.e. the moment with Mr. Bleeker is very funny.

    It's perhaps Hedison's best moment.

    I just love that line:
    "I knooow you can't glue the wing back on." :)) :))
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,426
    The film really is just one memorable moment after another for me, great stuff! 👍
  • GoldenGun wrote: »
    All your “other highlights“ @Some_Kind_Of_Hero are great moments I'm always looking forward to. I.e. the moment with Mr. Bleeker is very funny.

    It's perhaps Hedison's best moment.

    I just love that line:
    "I knooow you can't glue the wing back on." :)) :))

    That's a good one. I particularly like his aside with hand over the phone: "Intensive care, but she'll pull through."
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    The diversity of the listed moments was bigger than usual. Only two scenes were mentioned by a majority.
    The results for LALD:
    1. Crocodile farm (33 points)
    2. Boat chase (23 points)
    3. Kananga's reveal and Solitaire's 50/50 chance (16 points)
    4. Train fight with Tee Hee (13 points)
    5. M's visit (11 points)

    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 23: FRWL- Part 1: Suggestions and discussion

    Which obvious moments stand out? Which other "smaller" moments are also highlights for you?
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2021 Posts: 4,489

    End credits with Matt Monro
    Ches Game
    Airport scene. One of my favorite and reasen why i was big of airport scene in QOS.
    Kerim suns and grant follow Bond aka Car Chase (after Airport scene)
    Secret door showed by Kerim Bay
    No Time To Die. Bond is asking of time is oke (followed by explosion).
    Klep, Kronsteen talking with Blofeld about Dr No and James Bond
    Hidden camera in bethroom.
    Bond end with girl trow a way the film
    Bond and girl on the boat in Turkey
    Scene's with gipsy's
    Death of Kronsteen
    Bond and Grant in the church. This scene must be motivation for Casino Royale 1967 opening.
    Music of John Barry
    Llewelyn, Desmond Llewelyn (Intro Q/Quatermaster)
    Bond using the suitecase

    FRWL is one of the more dificult/emotional Bond movies, with ranked 8th the only Connery Bond movie in my Top 10. After OHMSS and LALD and before TLD. In John Barry ranking 4th place (After TLD, OHMSS and Octopussy). Pacing is stil low, but better then Dr No and a lot better then GF and TB. The humor helps a lot too, what i think Goldfinger is missing. TB have his moments. With Airport scene and Taxi ride in QOS i must think about FRWL. Les of fan of PTS, one of my last favorites.

    There don't rush with Blofeld in this one Spectre :bz ,outside of fact i think it is shame that not use Quantum (Using Smersh original name of in books was changed for movies, so using that name now was stil not option, i think at end i have choosen to use Quantum or wait a bit longer with Blofeld) . Stil there is part in me that hopes No Time To Die also means Quantum is stil a life, even more after Fukunaga's: More dangerious then Spectre. Because the way he said it sound like Spectre group is outdated/not dangerious any more, whyle i think that is to soon/to dangerious to say that.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,333
    This is one classic scene after another, but moments I'm especially fond of are:

    'Nond' being stalked in the hedge maze: "Exactly 1 minute 52 seconds. That's excellent."
    reviewing an old case: *smack* "Sylvia, behave!"
    sweeping for bugs: "The room won't do. The bed's too small."
    periscope under the Russian consulate: "Krilencu! So he's back."
    sniper scene in the alleyway: "That pays many debts."
    Bond in his sunglasses at the mosque: "n/a"
    "Once, when I was with M in Tokyo" / "Miss Moneypenny, as you're no doubt listening,"
    train location map montages - Zagreb and "Beograd! Beograd!"
    Grant smirks at the suppressed PPK he took from Bond: "The first one won't kill you..."
  • R1s1ngs0nR1s1ngs0n France
    Posts: 2,039
    Impossible to choose just 5 scenes from such a classic.

    1. What can be said about the legendary train fight that hasn't been said already? It's absolutely perfect and to this day still the pinnacle of action filmmaking.
    The exchange between Bond and Grant leading to it is equally brilliant and shows two mighty actors at their absolute best.
    2. Kerim's death - the first and possibly only time where Connery's Bond showed vulnerability and genuine sadness.
    3. The worlds' introduction to Blofeld and his white persian cat - simply iconic.
    4. PTS and title sequence.
    5. Kronsteen's death. Who wasn't completely taken by surprise when they first saw it?
    6. Grant shadowing Bond from aboard the train. It lasts for less than 10 seconds but I just adore this sequence, the ominous Barry cue lending it a very Hitchcockian feel.
    7. Bond meets Tatiana.
    8. Klebb recruits Grant.
    9. Q's attache case
    10. The belly dancer - love Connery's facial expressions during her performance.
    11. Anita's big mouth.
  • Posts: 7,016
    Oh, yes, another Bond movie with lots of great scenes! Most of them mentiomed above from R1s1ngs0n. Your number 6 especially, that is a beautifully filmed segment.
    The fight scene is probably going to be number 1 and quite rightly so, stunningly brutal!
    I love Klebbs first meet with Tatiana , very creepy, and those glasses of hers make her even more scary, if thats possible! A shoutout too for that superb opening chess match set!
    And the titles deserve a mention, Robert Brownjohn doesn't get enough praise!....I could go on and on, lots to choose from!
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    You all mentioned very good moments. And @R1s1ngs0n s list shows that this movie is full of bigger and smaller standout moments.
    Honestly, you could suggest almost every scene, there isn't anything I don't like here (maybe the obvious back projections of Venice?)
    I remember when I was around 12, 13 years old: I liked it but thought there wasn't enough action (especially too much “talking“ on the train). I obviously changed my mind over the years. The train scenes are a highlight of the series, there is a high tension built by the characters and their dialogues in this awesome “old school spy world“. The airport scene is a great example: you get the feeling that there are spies everywhere and you aren't sure who is on whose side and how (and when?) SPECTRE's plan will hit Bond.
    Klebb, Grant, Kronsteen, Blofeld are an amazing villain ensemble and Kronsteen's death is one of hundred great FRWL moments. Or the one where Grant talks to Nash (and we can't hear it!) and leaves the restroom without Nash but with his stuff is simple and at the same time very effective. We don't see the murder but we still know that Grant is a rel threat for Bond. That's perfect filmmaking for me.

    The scenes with Moneypenny (and Bond's old case) are very funny and would both deserve a mention in my list.

    The train fight is the obvious choice for every top5 list, but the rest is tough. I need more inspiration by other members before I will come up with my top5.

  • Another good moment is Kronsteen’s introduction at the chess game. Great set and a lovey way to introduce the character and get his whole deal across to the viewer without explaining it through dialogue.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    Another good moment is Kronsteen’s introduction at the chess game. Great set and a lovey way to introduce the character and get his whole deal across to the viewer without explaining it through dialogue.

    Yes, the chess game is a great introduction of Kronsteen and SPECTRE.

    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 23: FRWL- Part 2: Ranking
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,333
    1. hedge maze PTS
    2. Blofeld 'reveal' and discussing Klebb/Kronsteen's plan
    3. Bond and Kerim Bey at the Gypsy camp
    4. Kerim Bey snipes Krilencu with Bond's rifle
    5. Grant prepares to kill Bond, and the following train fight

    A few 'K' names in this one.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    1 Bond and Kerim sniper scene
    2 Blofeld feeding his fish
    3 Train fight
    4 PTS
    5 Boat chase, especially the conclusion
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,489
    1.Kerim suns and grant follow Bond aka Car Chase (after Airport scene)
    2.Airport scene
    3. Bond and Grant in the church
    4. Secret door showed by Kerim Bay
    5. Klep, Kronsteen talking with Blofeld about Dr No and James Bond
  • 1. Red Grant confrontation and fight on the train
    2. PTS
    3. Kerim sniping Krilencu
    4. Blofeld reveal
    5. Underground passageway and periscope
  • Posts: 7,016
    1. PTS, Grant stalking "Bond"
    2. Train scene, Grant Stalking real Bond and Train fight
    3. Klebb interviews Tatiana
    4. Gypsy camp set piece
    5. Bond and Kerim sniper sequence
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    I didn't know that the PTS is so much loved. 5 out of 6 have it in their top5 so far. It's good, no doubt, but there are a lot of other scenes that are even more fascinating or thrilling in my opinion.
  • Junglist_1985Junglist_1985 Los Angeles
    edited March 2021 Posts: 1,011
    1. Red Grant train sequence and fight
    2. Klebb / Tatiana recruitment in Istanbul
    3. Karim Bey at gypsy camp
    4. Karim Bey Meeting and Istanbul underground canal
    5. Blofeld reveal/planning
  • Posts: 7,506
    1. Confrontation with Grant and fight on the train
    2. Chess game
    3. Kerim kills Krilencu
    4. Bond meets Tanya
    5. Rosa Klebb has her last kicks
  • edited March 2021 Posts: 6,844
    Another challenging one to rank as there are so many scenes so well played by the cast. Ultimately I have to give the number one spot to what I find the funniest scene in the film: M turning off the recording device and dismissing Moneypenny as Bond begins to tell Tanya about the interesting time he had had once with his boss in Tokyo. Blofeld gets spot number two for his chilling introduction and handy home aquarium analogy.

    1. Tanya describes Lektor while MI6 listens in
    2. Blofeld debuts and talks of English spies and Siamese fighting fish
    3. Bond fights Grant
    4. Klebb recruits Tanya
    5. Bond and Kerim take a scenic boat ride and spy on meeting via periscope

    Other highlights: the chess game, Klebb recruits Grant, picnicking and punting, Bond receives briefing and briefcase, gypsy girl fight, assassination of Krilencu, Bond meets Tanya, stealing the Lektor, and Bond's interrogation of Tanya after the death of Kerim

    @goldenswissroyale, I'm not particularly enamored by the PTS myself. A fine opening, but it would be outshined by a great many of the openings to come as well as by much of the film to follow. In my opinion, of course.
  • DwayneDwayne New York City
    Posts: 2,712
    Like OHMSS, FRWL is a film packed with great moments, moments that have grown even more enjoyable for me over the years.

    1. Bond fights Grant. The whole train car setting this up is great as well (“Red wine with fish. Well, that should have told me something”)
    2. Bond and Kerim take a scenic boat ride and spy on meeting via periscope. This entire scene is outstanding (“you know why I stay in this crazy business….well it could be that you find selling rugs a bore”), as are the moments that lead up to it (“Be still! Ahh... Back to the salt mines.”)
    3. Blofeld debuts and talks of English spies and Siamese fighting fish.
    4. Klebb recruits Tanya (“You're very fortunate to have been chosen for such a simple, delightful duty. A real labor of love, as they say.”)
    5. Tanya describes the Lektor to Bond. I like this scene mostly for the Moneypenny reaction shots. (“…I am as exciting as all of those western girls…”)

    Honorable Mentions: Tanya shoots Klebb, the bedroom meeting between Bond and Tanya, the escape with the Lektor (I especially like that there is a portrait of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the wall), and Kronsteen getting the boot.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    A top 5 list für FRWL is a tricky task. So many great moments that are on a similar level for me.
    The train fight deserves to be the winner. However, the Lektor-talk while Moneypenny, M and some other men are listening is one of the most amusing scenes of the series.

    1. Tanya describes the Lektor while M and Moneypenny are listening.
    2. Confrontation with Grant and fight on the train
    3. Kronsteen gets the boot
    4. Klebb rescruits Grant...with a knuckle-duster
    5. Bond and Kerim take a scenic boat ride and spy on meeting via periscope
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 6,883
    So many great moments in this one. I didn't really know where to start, so picking out the very favourite moments is easier.

    1. Orient Express (can I just pick the whole sequence?)
    2. PTS
    3. Bond meets Tania
    4. Underground spying
    5. Tania describes the Lektor, Moneypenny eaves-drobs
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,411
    Results for FRWL:
    1. (Confrontation with Grant) and fight on the train (45)
    2. Blofeld's first scene (22; with more voters than #3)
    3. PTS (22)
    4. Kerim kills Krilencu (14)
    5. Bond and Kerim take a scenic boat ride and spy on meeting via periscope (13)

    There is only one Bond movie left. And it's my favourite Bond film and my favourite movie in general. I hope there is also a lot to enjoy for all of you.

    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 24: CR- Part 1: Suggestions and discussion

  • God, so many.
    -Bond getting his nuts scratched
    -Parkour chase
    -Bond meets Vesper
    -The poker game
    -Shower scene
    - Bond. James Bond. Cue the Bond theme.
  • edited March 2021 Posts: 7,506
    God, so many.
    -Bond getting his nuts scratched
    -Parkour chase
    -Bond meets Vesper
    -The poker game
    -Shower scene
    - Bond. James Bond. Cue the Bond theme.

    All those are great. I would add:

    - Bond meeting a pissed off M in her appartment
    - Bond seducing Solange
    - Airport action
    - Stairway fight
    - Ordering Vodka Martini for the first time
    - Bond being poisoned
    - "Brother from Langley"
    - Car stunt
    - Vesper drowning
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