Would you be interested in seeing a digitally rejuvenated Sean Connery play Bond one more time?



  • Aziz_FekkeshAziz_Fekkesh Royale-les-Eaux
    Posts: 403
    Even if the technology was perfected to the point of being indistinguishable from the real thing, a resounding no.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    The only a CGI character is acceptable in a film is if the actor dies during production and there is no other way around it. Otherwise, stop exhuming the dead!
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Not for 2 hours BUT how cool would it be IF they established that James Bond 007 was a CODE NAME for the best agent of each era and maybe M tells the current "Bond" about a tough mission that the 1st Bond went on- cue flashback with cgi Connery

    Idiocy. Go away. Don't ever come back.

  • Posts: 12,511
    Silly idea!!!
  • Posts: 4,034
    vzok wrote: »

    But all of those are original CGI characters. It is harder for people to invest in CGI recreating real actors.

    How is that worse than real actors recreating cartoon characters?

    I didn't make any comment about cartoon characters.
  • Not for 2 hours BUT how cool would it be IF they established that James Bond 007 was a CODE NAME for the best agent of each era and maybe M tells the current "Bond" about a tough mission that the 1st Bond went on- cue flashback with cgi Connery

    Blasphemy, what in gods name is this?
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Why not establish every character name as a code name because they're played by different actors? ;)
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    To be fair, allegedly this was one of the shit ideas to explain the change to Lazenby in an earlier OHMSS script. Something about plastic surgery.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    Didn't the "This Never Happened to the Other Fella" help fuel the code name theory?
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited February 2017 Posts: 3,157
    please delete
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited February 2017 Posts: 3,157
    I like @Lazenby1971's ideas. I think EON should also add a scene in FYEO with a digitally rejuvenated Moore talking to a digitally brought to life Bernand Lee and having a brief conversation about Blofeld (now that they own the rights to SPECTRE again):

    Bond: "Sir, I'm glad to inform you that I got rid of Ernst Stavro Blofeld while I was in the St. Giles Church's Graveyard."
    M: "Well done, 007! That old bastard had managed to get away from two of our best agents since the mid-60s. By the way, what were you doing there?"
    Bond: "I was paying homage to the dead wife of an old predecessor of mine. I know what it means, my wife was also killed a few hours after our wedding."
    M: "Gee, those using the James Bond code name all seem to lose their wife at some point. Hopefully it won't happen to the next one too - people might believe my codename ruse is utter bulls**t and you're all the same person."
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited February 2017 Posts: 3,157
    - double post, please delete -
  • suavejmf wrote: »
    To be fair, allegedly this was one of the shit ideas to explain the change to Lazenby in an earlier OHMSS script. Something about plastic surgery.

    They had Bond undergoing plastic surgery to he could infiltrate Piz Glorian without being recognized by Blofeld. It was an interesting concept, but had they done that, then they would have to explain EVERYTIME why there is a new actor in the role.
  • No with the whole "codename" thing. So many things wouldn't make sense (M always has a secretary named Miss Moneypenny who always has the same personality and always flirts with Bond?) and the whole idea is just nerdy and lame.

    Personally I view 62-85 as one continuity and each Bond after that as his own guy in a separate universe. TLD and GE really do seem like attempts at "soft reboots" without an origin story like CR.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    suavejmf wrote: »
    To be fair, allegedly this was one of the shit ideas to explain the change to Lazenby in an earlier OHMSS script. Something about plastic surgery.
    The plastic surgery story was to have Bond's likeness changed only. They wanted to get Connery at the last minute, but the idea was vetoed. The codename theory was established in the abominable 1967 satire, but was only implied by the fans after hearing "the other fella" line in OHMSS. That was only said to the audience as a joke breaking the fourth wall. I felt like it was Lazenby speaking about the other actor, not the new Bond about the old Bond.
  • edited February 2017 Posts: 229
    TThe codename theory was established in the abominable 1967 satire, but was only implied by the fans after hearing "the other fella" line in OHMSS. That was only said to the audience as a joke breaking the fourth wall. I felt like it was Lazenby speaking about the other actor, not the new Bond about the old Bond.

    A joke? What are those? Are you telling me all lines in movies aren't intended to be taken 100% literally by the audience? I'm confused.

  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    CountJohn wrote: »
    TThe codename theory was established in the abominable 1967 satire, but was only implied by the fans after hearing "the other fella" line in OHMSS. That was only said to the audience as a joke breaking the fourth wall. I felt like it was Lazenby speaking about the other actor, not the new Bond about the old Bond.

    A joke? What are those? Are you telling me all lines in movies aren't intended to be taken 100% literally by the audience? I'm confused.
    You can research it and see for yourself.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Its good that its there to help out if an actor dies towards the end,as in Gladiator,with Oliver Reed dying,that helps the film,but otherwise no way.
  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    Posts: 871
    I think we could be close to this becoming a reality.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I think we could be close to this becoming a reality.

    That is most impressive. De Niro was perfect in that movie, so wouldn t change the casting for anything, but it is an interesting what if. Would love to see some Bond examples.
  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    Posts: 871
    I think we could be close to this becoming a reality.

    That is most impressive. De Niro was perfect in that movie, so wouldn t change the casting for anything, but it is an interesting what if. Would love to see some Bond examples.

    They have done several face swaps, hopefully they'll do the Bond actors sometimes soon.
  • DoctorNoDoctorNo USA-Maryland
    Posts: 754
    You mean I can finally get Connery in OHMSS? Still wouldn’t move, body language and walk, fight, like Connery. Still I’d like to see it.
  • Posts: 15,954
    I think we could be close to this becoming a reality.

    That was hilarious!
  • edited October 2019 Posts: 1,672

    That clip is like 15+ yrs ago

    Animated Bond series for adults Id like to see but they would need voice soundalikes
  • Posts: 12,371
    1,000,000% NO.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,410
    Tracy wrote: »
    Animated Bond series for adults Id like to see but they would need voice soundalikes
    Animation and CGI are opportunities to properly represent Bond's world.

    Tightly controlled, they can be period 50s Bond. Or 60s Bond and after. Continue a historic Bond actor on a new mission, Connery to Craig. Faithfully capture the Ian Fleming novels. Project Bond in future scenarios. Deconflict real world constraints on production times, actor availability. Offset live action Bond films, which have had extended periods between releases over 3 or even 4 years' time.

    So I have no opinion on that.

  • edited October 2019 Posts: 1,009
    If you want the sort answer, it's NO, NO, NO, dear Iady.

    If you want the long answer is YES, BUT: I won't like a canonical Bond movie with an old Bond actor likeness interacting with real actor. It revolts me to no end. However, like Murdock at the beginning of this thread, I can't deny that if EON wants to try - again, after the bittersweet experience that Jr. was - its hand on [adult] animation with an *alternative* official movie (or even TV) series, then, I'd gladly accept.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
  • My thought is no. I can imagine de-aging being used in the Bond franchise in very limited ways, but never for a lead.

    Something I noticed about Captain Marvel: the de-aging on Sam Jackson's face was outstanding. He looked fantastic and the technique was basically seamless (to my eyes, anyway), even for prolonged periods on a big screen.

    BUT: the can't de-age the actor's body. Jackson's face looked good, but he simply can't move like a young man any more. It was visibly obvious during the fight scenes, and even the more dynamic movement scenes.

    That would be a huge, huge problem for Bond.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    ugh-- no, no way.
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