'Anyone for a jelly baby ? ' - Doctor Who discussion thread.



  • Posts: 7,653
    My money is on Stephem Mangan
  • Posts: 12,526
    Could be someone completely unexpected like Matt Smith was?
  • Posts: 12,837
    Richard Ayoade should do it.
  • hullcityfanhullcityfan Banned
    Posts: 496
    Dalton12 wrote:
    POLL: Matt Smith Is Leaving DOCTOR WHO. Vote For The Twelfth Doctor
    Read more at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/GraphicCity/news/?a=80716#d4OFaQCwhFdzxIjx.99
    Dont have an account on that but as a Bond fan I want Ben Whisaw!
  • Posts: 3,334
    I see Stephen Mangan is denying that he's the new Doctor on Twitter: "Seriously - I’m not the new Doctor Who. I don’t know where these rumours start."

    I actually think Rory Kinnear would be good in the role.
  • Posts: 12,837
    My money's on an unknown but I would like Richard Ayoade. Mangan would be a good choice too.
  • Posts: 3,334
    I love Richard Ayoade. Maybe he would be too funny in the part though, @thelivingroyale? However one comic actor springs to mind who can do both quirky and serious and that's Eddie Izzard, who I think would make an excellent Doctor.

    Some here think the next will be a complete unknown but I think casting Matt Smith was perhaps a one-off. Even Moffat said he was looking for an older actor but was so impressed with Matt's audition he eventually went with him instead. Viewing figures have been down since the Eleventh Doctor so maybe Moffat needs a more established actor like a Tennant or an Eccleston to boost ratings and keep them there. I hope they don't go young again.
  • Posts: 562
    Here's my list of picks for Twelve: http://www.imdb.com/list/Tjt77cxjldE/
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359
    It's being suggested the Twelfth Doctor will be announced next month and that the next series will air in the Autumn and be 12 episodes long. As Moffat wants to swing the arc the other way, could this mean six two-part adventures? It'd be like Who of old then.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,491
    Geez, Eddie Izzard sounds great! But you all know him better than me (I am not from the UK). I'd be happy with Rory getting the part. Anybody else?
  • Posts: 12,837
    bondsum wrote:
    I love Richard Ayoade. Maybe he would be too funny in the part though, @thelivingroyale?

    Maybe but I think he's talented enough to do the serious stuff well. I think it would be a fairly comedic Doctor though and they might think that'd be too similar to Smith.
    bondsum wrote:
    However one comic actor springs to mind who can do both quirky and serious and that's Eddie Izzard, who I think would make an excellent Doctor.

    I think he's spoken before about wanting the part. Not my first choice but I wouldn't mind him getting it.
    bondsum wrote:
    Viewing figures have been down since the Eleventh Doctor so maybe Moffat needs a more established actor like a Tennant or an Eccleston to boost ratings and keep them there. I hope they don't go young again.

    That's a good point, maybe they'll want somebody with a bit of star power.

    I don't think they'd go for a granddad type again but I think whoever they pick will be older than Smith (probably middle aged).
  • cwl007cwl007 England
    Posts: 611
    I think an older actor would bring something different to the role but I think the casting will be influenced by how many posters they can sell to younger fans rather than who could make a more interesting doctor. For what it's worth (i.e nothing) my choices would be Eddie Izzard, Noel Fielding, Tim Minchin and Bill Night.
  • Hugh Laurie would be a dream casting.
  • Posts: 1,107
    Hugh Laurie would be a dream casting.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 2013 Posts: 14,056
    It wouldn't happen, not now (though that didn't stop the casting of Colin Baker. And at 56, he might be a bit too old to start now), but i'm going to throw Richard E. Grant's name into the ring. For what it's worth, he has prior with the show, both as a villain and as a (non-cannon) Doctor.
  • edited June 2013 Posts: 1,107
  • Posts: 6,070
    It wouldn't happen, not now (though that didn't stop the casting of Colin Baker. And at 56, he might be a bit too old to start now), but i'm going to throw Richard E. Grant's name into the ring. For what it's worth, he has prior with the show, both as a villain and as a (non-cannon) Doctor.

    Well, it would be unlikely, as he's already playing William Hartnell in An Adventure in Time and Space, the docudrama about the creation of the series written and directed by Mark Gatiss.

  • Posts: 3,334
    David Bradley is playing William Hartnell in An Adventure in Time and Space, @Gerard. and not Richard E Grant.

  • Posts: 6,070
    Oops ! My mistake ! I will now sing "My Mistake". (ten points for the reference).

    To make up for it, here's the latest candidate for the role :


    In the immortal words of Damon Wayans: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh......... No !"
  • Posts: 3,334
    Yes, I saw that @Gerard. I know people give the Daily Mail some flack but with all honesty The Daily Star is probably the worse example of a newspaper I can think of.
  • hullcityfanhullcityfan Banned
    Posts: 496
    Has anyone been watching the old series at all on Sky 109 up to Matt Smith's first series and part one of the Weeping Angels episode.
  • Posts: 469
    Richard Armitage anyone ???
    A darker doctor than ever before
  • edited June 2013 Posts: 1,107
    I think Who"ever they pick LOL is going to have some HUGE shoes to fill.


    I hate when someone says that he would be a woman .
    No, the Doctor can NOT regenerate into a woman. If someone watched the show, they would know this If a Timelord is born a MALE then he can only regenerate into a MALE. If a Timelord is born a FEMALE than she can only regenerate into a FEMALE.
  • hullcityfanhullcityfan Banned
    Posts: 496
    Also has anyone watched Doctor Who the movie? Its sick! At the start you see the 7th Doctor land in his Tardis in San Francisco, then he gets shot by gangsters and gets taken to hospital where he regenerates into the 8th and goes after the master and the master goes inside his companions and the Tardis is massive bit like the 11th's first one.
  • Posts: 1,107
    RUMOR: BBC To Announce New DOCTOR WHO Tomorrow; Is It One Of These Three Actors?
    Read more at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/notyetamovie/news/?a=81120#0649kZkpDLBCRYLV.99
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,056
    I don't get that Doctor vibe from any of those three. And i'm surprised that they didn't include an actress in their list. That seems to be the 'in' thing these days.
  • edited June 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Dalton12 wrote:
    I hate when someone says that he would be a woman .
    No, the Doctor can NOT regenerate into a woman. If someone watched the show, they would know this If a Timelord is born a MALE then he can only regenerate into a MALE. If a Timelord is born a FEMALE than she can only regenerate into a FEMALE.

    I'm certain that they've mentioned he could be a woman before.

    I remember when Eccleston's doctor died he said that he could be anything and I'm almost sure they mentioned regenerating into a woman in one of Smith's episodes.

    Personally I wouldn't want a woman doing it as I think changing a characters sex would be a (too) drastic change that I see no need for, but it is possible.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2013 Posts: 13,359
    Domhnall Gleeson has an interesting look. Ginger too.

    Though maybe there's no announcement afterall:

  • Posts: 1,107
    Moffat was shooting for a "middle aged" actor to replace Tennant, and it was only the strength of Matt Smith's audition that won him the role. I'd bet Moffat's back in the "older guy" theme again, since so many of the recent doctors have been young.

    These people asking for big stars have to remember that BBC has almost no budget for this show, much less salary. It will NOT be a big name.
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