"Back of the net!": The Football Thread



  • edited September 2016 Posts: 19,339
    I see Franz Beckenbaur is being investigated over corruption ?!
    Posts: 3,197
    barryt007 wrote: »
    I see Franz Beckenbaur is being investigated over corruption ?!

    That's because of the World Cup 2006. I am still happy that he brought it to my home country, even though it was only possible by corruption. I still think it was one of the very best orld Cups we have had so far without any problems and a relaxed and peacefull atmospheare in the cities. I wonder if it is possible to host a big sport event without being a criminal.

    Posts: 3,197
    By the way. Yesterday was Schweinsteiger's final match for Germany. He was one of the best and most successfull players in the history of the "Mannschaft". Even though it is currently not going so very well for him in Manchester.
  • Posts: 19,339
    I heard he stopped the match to take a 'selfie' !
    Posts: 3,197
    Actually it was a scene similar to the one with Ronaldo at the Euro2016. There was a fan running on the field and making a selfie with Schweini. The atmospheare was quiet calm and relaxed so the bodyguards and Schweini did not prevent it....
  • Posts: 19,339
    So that's his playing career on standby from now on - just sitting out his Man Utd contract...a shame..
    Posts: 3,197
    It depends on how long it takes for Manchester to have their team Manager replaced.
  • Posts: 19,339
    I cant see them replacing Mourinho .
    Not after all the money he has spent and the squad he has brought together.

    Also,the fans love him and they love the new look Utd so,if that's the reason he is waiting it out then he has a heck of a long wait - not a good gamble.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    GBF wrote: »
    barryt007 wrote: »
    I see Franz Beckenbaur is being investigated over corruption ?!

    That's because of the World Cup 2006. I am still happy that he brought it to my home country, even though it was only possible by corruption. I still think it was one of the very best orld Cups we have had so far without any problems and a relaxed and peacefull atmospheare in the cities. I wonder if it is possible to host a big sport event without being a criminal.

    Yep. I paid way over the odds to a dodgy agency for tickets to all England's games.

    When I got my tickets they had written on them as the original owner:

    Eng v Par - Paraguayan Pharmaceutical Corporation
    Eng v Swe - German FA
    Eng v Tri - Trinidad FA
    Eng v Ecu - German FA
    Eng v Por - German FA

    So Franz (and good old uncle Jack Warner) trousered plenty of my cash there despite it expressly stating 'these tickets cannot be resold'. Doesnt seem to bother national FAs in the slightest.
  • Early days though England new era is sending me to sleep.
  • Posts: 19,339
    yep...same old players and same old shit.....
  • barryt007 wrote: »
    yep...same old players and same old shit.....
    Slow and ponderous, England seriously lack creativity and imagination. I-)
  • Posts: 19,339
    This is killling my Sunday afternoon dead......man this is boring as hell....
  • I am having a few beers to numb my numbness, England are the definition of average right now.
  • Posts: 19,339
    im giving this till half time and im putting a film on,on and im on the cider as well FAI,and i might even spike it with a cheeky voddie in a minute just to numb the pain..thank God i have a lamb shank waiting for me for my Sunday din-dins later...
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Christ. As entertaining Sunday evening fare goes I'm dreaming wistfully of Last Of The Summer Wine.
    barryt007 wrote: »
    im giving this till half time and im putting a film on,on and im on the cider as well FAI,and i might even spike it with a cheeky voddie in a minute just to numb the pain..thank God i have a lamb shank waiting for me for my Sunday din-dins later...

    I'm on the Crabbies myself.

    Already had a lamb shank today. What can I say? Eva in The Dreamers always does the business for me.

  • I have vodka on standby ;) I will try to stick with the game though I am not sure how things can improve. Rashford should not have been relegated to under 21's, crazy decision. [-(
  • Posts: 19,339
    Christ. As entertaining Sunday evening fare goes I'm dreaming wistfully of Last Of The Summer Wine.
    barryt007 wrote: »
    im giving this till half time and im putting a film on,on and im on the cider as well FAI,and i might even spike it with a cheeky voddie in a minute just to numb the pain..thank God i have a lamb shank waiting for me for my Sunday din-dins later...

    I'm on the Crabbies myself.

    Already had a lamb shank today. What can I say? Eva in The Dreamers always does the business for me.

    Hahaha love the 'Last of the Summer Wine' comment,sums it up in one good Wizard...i hope u had mint sauce with that me olde matey !!...its dire isnt it ?overpaid ponces...

  • Posts: 19,339
    I have vodka on standby ;) I will try to stick with the game though I am not sure how things can improve. Rashford should not have been relegated to under 21's, crazy decision. [-(

    You are going to need it ,and,yes,i said i would put a film on ,but being a loyal victim,er i mean fan,i will stick with it ,as long as you and the Wiz do.....and spot on,Rashford should be warming that bench up right now....

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Here we go again. Keep saying it can't get worse but we all know it can.
  • Posts: 19,339
    God why do we do this....even if they win its been bollocks.....ok...deep breath and re-fill the glass with cider and a voddie spike...
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Maybe we should have some sort of drinking game to spice it up?

    A shot of vodka every time we have a set piece that comes to nothing or Sterling fails to control the ball.

    See you in casualty for the stomach pump!
  • edited September 2016 Posts: 6,432
    Nasty by Skirtle expect a lengthy ban for that, definate intent.
    Maybe we should have some sort of drinking game to spice it up?

    A shot of vodka every time we have a set piece that comes to nothing or Sterling fails to control the ball.

    See you in casualty for the stomach pump!

    My vodka wont last long, only have half a bottle!

  • edited September 2016 Posts: 19,339
    Skyrtl has always been a dirty bastard.......and,in another Liverpool connection,Lallana is playing like a twat.....must have ran out of his poofy body cream.....
  • Posts: 19,339
    Maybe we should have some sort of drinking game to spice it up?

    A shot of vodka every time we have a set piece that comes to nothing or Sterling fails to control the ball.

    See you in casualty for the stomach pump!

    We wouldnt make it Wiz,we would be D.O.A.......

  • Lets see how bad we play against ten men, England cant break down a sand castle.
  • Posts: 19,339
    A REAL football nation would have put us to the sword by 3 goals at least by now...
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Kane is terrible.

    Let's have Studge on for Christ's sake.

    Any sign of Rashford to terrify them? Oh no he's not even in the f**king squad.
  • edited September 2016 Posts: 19,339
    Sturridge is a good call....there is frick all else there....
    Theo is coming on at least....Kane is a player burnt out,and with confidence shot to shit as well.
  • edited September 2016 Posts: 6,432
    100 million will buy you Sterling and Stones, Hart and Wilshire two so called top players are out on loan... that says it all.
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