Are we all happy now that dust has settled? -Spectre Spoilers



  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Bold Shmold.
    It's true, they were. However not everyone is going to like it. I certainly didn't like Chris Nolan's new and Bold take on Batman. It's not going to please everyone but it's a risk and it was taken and I'm happy for it.

    My brother in bond! =D>

    I was satisfied.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2015 Posts: 17,788
    Those that hate SPECTRE? You get the Loki treatment from me.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2015 Posts: 17,788
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2015 Posts: 17,788
    Can we get a 'delete' function here?
  • Posts: 1,296
    Birdleson wrote: »
    chrisisall wrote: »
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Those that hate SPECTRE? You get the Loki treatment from me.

  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    Is there any spoiler Waltz interview?
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    edited November 2015 Posts: 2,138
    Interesting Mendes says Scott was nearly the main villain, was Denbigh suppose to be Blofeld then they switched it back on to Waltz?
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I think I read somewhere that initially it was meant to be Fiennes, but he objected vigorously and some serious script reworking was required. Not sure. All of this no doubt added to costs.
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    Posts: 2,138
    bondjames wrote: »
    I think I read somewhere that initially it was meant to be Fiennes, but he objected vigorously and some serious script reworking was required. Not sure. All of this no doubt added to costs.

    The initial idea I believe was for it to be Tanner, however after some thought EON opposed the idea going further as he is a Fleming Character and wouldn't want to detract from his role in prior films.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    bondjames wrote: »
    I think I read somewhere that initially it was meant to be Fiennes, but he objected vigorously and some serious script reworking was required. Not sure. All of this no doubt added to costs.

    The initial idea I believe was for it to be Tanner, however after some thought EON opposed the idea going further as he is a Fleming Character and wouldn't want to detract from his role in prior films.
    Yes, I read that too. Glad they didn't go there. It goes to show how absolutely messed up they were at one point. Similar to Jim Phelps going rogue in MI.
  • AceHoleAceHole Belgium, via Britain
    Posts: 1,730
    I enjoyed SP, but to be honest I'm quite glad that it (probably) is the last of the 'Mendes' era. Basically I enjoyed most of SP in spite of the Mendes/P&W/Logan elements, not because of them.

    I'll be pleased when we can be done with the faffing about with overly forced dramatic plot-elements and build on the base hat SP offers - a solid DC now fully '007-end' and all the main characters in place.
  • Walecs wrote: »
    I know it wouldn't be a good idea, and they proved me right.
    Blofeld being Bond's stepbrother... c'mon... How many odds are there?
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Relax my friend, these are our pastimes, not our reason for being. :-c

    Funny that you mention it, because when I was depressed in the last few years and I almost ended my life, Bond gave me the strength to go on.
    Same here actually...

  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    Posts: 2,138
    Walecs wrote: »
    I know it wouldn't be a good idea, and they proved me right.
    Blofeld being Bond's stepbrother... c'mon... How many odds are there?
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Relax my friend, these are our pastimes, not our reason for being. :-c

    Funny that you mention it, because when I was depressed in the last few years and I almost ended my life, Bond gave me the strength to go on.
    Same here actually...

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    I really think in another 5-10 years QOS will be looked upon more favorably, not like Ohmss type of way but well regardarded & different.

    I was really thinking about this the other day. After watching SP a bunch of times and engaging in various discussions about it, I had an agressive itch to rewatch QoS. Now, I've always been a fan of this film especially so considering the troubled production it had and although I standby some of the quick cut editing as being the film's biggest flaw for me. I think now more than ever this film is truly underrated and incredibly unique. I think this film will certainly be reappraised and come out a lot more favourably and I don't think it'll take as long as OHMSS took to be looked upon more favourably.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I'm already reappraising it more positively, and I liked it to begin with.
  • edited November 2015 Posts: 11,425
    I've been a big QoS fan from the day I first saw it. Solid, entertaining entry IMO. Not a classic like OHMSS but it has received a lot of unfair criticism. It has a lot of really nicely done scenes and Bondian moments.
  • RC7RC7
    edited November 2015 Posts: 10,512
    doubleoego wrote: »
    I think now more than ever this film is truly underrated and incredibly unique. I think this film will certainly be reappraised and come out a lot more favourably and I don't think it'll take as long as OHMSS took to be looked upon more favourably.

    Unique; certainly. Underrated; not in my book. I don't actually think it's ever been outright panned, but then neither has it been held at the apex of the canon. I actually think the general consensus is about right. OHMSS is a veritable masterpiece that was, unfortunately, derided over a sustained period of time and developed an unwarranted reputation that was perpetuated over many decades. For that reason I don't think it resides in anywhere near the same sphere as OHMSS. OHMSS is tantamount to being in possession, unknowingly, of a near priceless antique, only to discover it's real worth several decades later. QoS is like being in possession of a valuable piece of art that you regretted buying a week after the fact, but you've grown to see its flaws as its strengths and its intrinsic value is now about what you thought in the first place.

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I've seen a number of people really trash QoS and without hesitation resign it to DAD-levels of hate. However, I agree with you that as good as it is, it's no OHMSS not by a long shot but just like it people, I think, will have or find a better appreciation for it.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    QOS is currently #8 for me.
  • Posts: 7,204
    No. 9 for me! Very under-rated. has many memorable scenes and set pieces. Took my username because Mathis was one of my favourite characters, and I love all his scenes with Craig here!
  • AceHoleAceHole Belgium, via Britain
    Posts: 1,730
    Apart from the ridiculous ADD Bourne style opening car and rooftop chase I like QOS. It has a fucus and energy that SF and SP lack.
  • Posts: 11,425
    AceHole wrote: »
    Apart from the ridiculous ADD Bourne style opening car and rooftop chase I like QOS. It has a fucus and energy that SF and SP lack.

    I definitely prefer it to SF but SP may have topped it for me.

    I actually think the QOS car chase is excellent. And the roof top chase isn't bad either tbh. It's the boat chase and the plane that I think are a bit lame.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I've always liked that car chase. After the first time in the theatre (where it was admittedly disorientating) I have been able to follow it very easily. You really feel like you're in that car with Bond. I actually think it's one of the greatest car chases ever darn hard edged and it really suits Craig's portrayal. He is a coiled animal and that car chase reflects it.

    I agree on the fight though. That should have been filmed better. It was a superb setting and we should have seen more of it and had some more overhead perspective shots when they were running over the rooftops and jumping around everywhere.
  • edited November 2015 Posts: 11,425
    bondjames wrote: »
    I've always liked that car chase. After the first time in the theatre (where it was admittedly disorientating) I have been able to follow it very easily. You really feel like you're in that car with Bond. I actually think it's one of the greatest car chases ever darn hard edged and it really suits Craig's portrayal. He is a coiled animal and that car chase reflects it.

    I agree on the fight though. That should have been filmed better. It was a superb setting and we should have seen more of it and had some more overhead perspective shots when they were running over the rooftops and jumping around everywhere.

    Yes. I read criticism of the car chase with total bemusement. And like you say, it seems an extension of Craig's take on the character. At least the Bond he was portraying in CR and QOS. He's become a lot more chilled out in SF and SP.

    The rooftop chase could have been a lot better. And they could have made much more of Sienna. But it's not bad either.
  • Posts: 183
    Getafix wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    I've always liked that car chase. After the first time in the theatre (where it was admittedly disorientating) I have been able to follow it very easily. You really feel like you're in that car with Bond. I actually think it's one of the greatest car chases ever darn hard edged and it really suits Craig's portrayal. He is a coiled animal and that car chase reflects it.

    I agree on the fight though. That should have been filmed better. It was a superb setting and we should have seen more of it and had some more overhead perspective shots when they were running over the rooftops and jumping around everywhere.

    Yes. I read criticism of the car chase with total bemusement. And like you say, it seems an extension of Craig's take on the character. At least the Bond he was portraying in CR and QOS. He's become a lot more chilled out in SF and SP.

    The rooftop chase could have been a lot better. And they could have made much more of Sienna. But it's not bad either.

    So do you think the car chase in Spectre was filmed with that in mind - it being an extension of his now more chilled out take on the character and therefore being a totally different beast to the Q of S car chase?
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    bondjames wrote: »
    I've always liked that car chase. After the first time in the theatre (where it was admittedly disorientating) I have been able to follow it very easily. You really feel like you're in that car with Bond. I actually think it's one of the greatest car chases ever darn hard edged and it really suits Craig's portrayal. He is a coiled animal and that car chase reflects it.

    I agree on the fight though. That should have been filmed better. It was a superb setting and we should have seen more of it and had some more overhead perspective shots when they were running over the rooftops and jumping around everywhere.

    Got a new 4k telly a few months ago and as I'd seen CR on the big screen a few weeks previous QOS was the first film I watched on it as part of my Craig era build up for SP.

    The car chase, even the shit editing, is still pretty damn good (the single shot of the car going off the cliff is awesome). The rooftop chase is reasonable (although feels like too quick a repeat of the CR parkour) and for me the rope fight is one of the most original action scenes we've seen in a Bond film for ages.

    After that it goes progressively downhill. The Slate fight is nice and brutal but again the editing ruins it (although Bond calmly watching Slate bleed out is great), the boat chase is dreary and goes on too long, the plane chase is not stunning but I don't mind it and some of the photography is nice but the freefall sequence is a f**king abomination almost on a par with the parasurfing in DAD. The burning hotel is no more than average.

    Overall it's not the action that hurts the film it's Forster's moronic 'speeding bullet' notion that the film had to be over as quick as possible. If he'd ditched the unnecessary boat sequence and allowed the story to breathe for another 20 minutes running time we could have had a finished film not far off CR at all and making the 4 films across the Craig era remarkably consistent in quality.

    That said while it's easy to criticise QOS when compared with CR it has some very good scenes (mostly between Bond and Mathis) which are streets ahead of stuff like DAF and TMWTGG.

    It's not the best but it is rather unfairly maligned on occasion, although I don't think it will ever come in from the cold like OHMSS did.
  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    Getafix wrote: »
    I've been a big QoS fan from the day I first saw it. Solid, entertaining entry IMO. Not a classic like OHMSS but it has received a lot of unfair criticism. It has a lot of really nicely done scenes and Bondian moments.

    I have to agree with you, I've been watching a few scenes from it and I forgot how much I used to love it. Have to see it again.
  • Posts: 1,680
    Bond & Mathis on the plane rivals the shower scene in CR IMO.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 11,425
    Even though SP is apparently the longest Bond film so far, I think I actually find the dramatic scenes in QOS more memorable. Anything with Mathis and Felix is always memorable. And I still think the whole Tosca sequence is one of the best in the Craig era. I am actually also a fan of Mathieu Amelric's performance. Dominic Greene is one of the better recent villains IMO - I prefer him to Silva any way.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    bondjames wrote: »
    I've always liked that car chase. After the first time in the theatre (where it was admittedly disorientating) I have been able to follow it very easily. You really feel like you're in that car with Bond. I actually think it's one of the greatest car chases ever darn hard edged and it really suits Craig's portrayal. He is a coiled animal and that car chase reflects it.

    I agree on the fight though. That should have been filmed better. It was a superb setting and we should have seen more of it and had some more overhead perspective shots when they were running over the rooftops and jumping around everywhere.

    Got a new 4k telly a few months ago and as I'd seen CR on the big screen a few weeks previous QOS was the first film I watched on it as part of my Craig era build up for SP.

    The car chase, even the shit editing, is still pretty damn good (the single shot of the car going off the cliff is awesome). The rooftop chase is reasonable (although feels like too quick a repeat of the CR parkour) and for me the rope fight is one of the most original action scenes we've seen in a Bond film for ages.

    After that it goes progressively downhill. The Slate fight is nice and brutal but again the editing ruins it (although Bond calmly watching Slate bleed out is great), the boat chase is dreary and goes on too long, the plane chase is not stunning but I don't mind it and some of the photography is nice but the freefall sequence is a f**king abomination almost on a par with the parasurfing in DAD. The burning hotel is no more than average.

    Overall it's not the action that hurts the film it's Forster's moronic 'speeding bullet' notion that the film had to be over as quick as possible. If he'd ditched the unnecessary boat sequence and allowed the story to breathe for another 20 minutes running time we could have had a finished film not far off CR at all and making the 4 films across the Craig era remarkably consistent in quality.

    That said while it's easy to criticise QOS when compared with CR it has some very good scenes (mostly between Bond and Mathis) which are streets ahead of stuff like DAF and TMWTGG.

    It's not the best but it is rather unfairly maligned on occasion, although I don't think it will ever come in from the cold like OHMSS did.

    Agree with all of this, although I dislike the plane sequence more than you and feel like it exists solely to satisfy the 'four elements' concept Forster seemed so enamoured with.
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