Bond against the Taliban/Al Qaeda/ISIS?



  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    What is the definition of 'daft'?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited November 2012 Posts: 28,694
    00Beast wrote:
    I would love to see James Bond 007 fight off the very evil we are attempting to put down here in good ol' US of A!!! I'd cheer and applaud in the theater if we got to see this!!
    Are we attempting that? I haven't noticed considering some of the stuff we do as a nation over in The Middle East make us look just as bad as terrorists. And our country continues the wonderful tradition of ethnic hatred with anyone that walks through TSA with a tan and turban. I don't want this to turn into a political discussion, but I had to say my piece.
    chrisisall wrote:
    What is the definition of 'daft'?
    One of my favorite words:

    Silly; foolish.
    Crazy: "have you gone daft?".
    crazy - mad - foolish - loony - cracked

  • edited November 2012 Posts: 4,762
    00Beast wrote:
    I would love to see James Bond 007 fight off the very evil we are attempting to put down here in good ol' US of A!!! I'd cheer and applaud in the theater if we got to see this!!
    Are we attempting that? I haven't noticed considering some of the stuff we do as a nation over in The Middle East make us look just as bad as terrorists. And our country continues the wonderful tradition of ethnic hatred with anyone that walks through TSA with a tan and turban. I don't want this to turn into a political discussion, but I had to say my piece.

    Well I mean let's be real here, the Middle Easterners haven't exactly given us any confidence. If I see one, there is an amount of fear that I possess, quite frankly, because I've got no idea if they're friendly or hostile. Yeah it's sad that their extremists have caused that impression on all of them, but hey, there you go, you've got to be careful nowdays. I don't think it is ethnic hatred as much as it is fear of what might happen, since we don't know if they've got hidden motives or not. But then again, they were directly responsible for the September 11th attacks, and many other civilian attacks on our own soil since then, so I mean I can't say I blame anyone who doesn't trust them. There's my piece as well.

    EDIT: Apparently my post was mixed in with Brady's quote, so if it looks weird, that's why!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,129
    All of you always say on here the Bond franchise keeps up with modern times. So why in the hell haven't we seen a Muslim terrorist? It would make a perfect bond movie.

    But I highly doubt we'll ever see a muslim terrorist in a Bond film due to our politically correct culture which is a real shame.

    The way certain muslim groups act violently against negative portrayals of them, I myself would not dare go there either. I don't think it's out of the question that the producers like to play it safe and quite frankly, I don't blame them for that.

    Also, I want my Bond films to be escapist adventures, to be about the romance of it all, the fun. Wars fought by and against the Islam aren't my idea of fun. They're too close to home for my taste and too uncomfortable.

    Yes, they fought the Russians during the Cold War, but that was a different enemy and those were different times. The Russians, at least, had the good sense not to commit to terrorism.

    Despite my interest in seeing Bond kick some terrorist bottoms, I would feel tremendously uneasy in this day and age about bringing up a Bond versus muslim terrorists plot.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,241
    DarthDimi wrote:
    All of you always say on here the Bond franchise keeps up with modern times. So why in the hell haven't we seen a Muslim terrorist? It would make a perfect bond movie.

    But I highly doubt we'll ever see a muslim terrorist in a Bond film due to our politically correct culture which is a real shame.

    The way certain muslim groups act violently against negative portrayals of them, I myself would not dare go there either. I don't think it's out of the question that the producers like to play it safe and quite frankly, I don't blame them for that.

    Also, I want my Bond films to be escapist adventures, to be about the romance of it all, the fun. Wars fought by and against the Islam aren't my idea of fun. They're too close to home for my taste and too uncomfortable.

    Yes, they fought the Russians during the Cold War, but that was a different enemy and those were different times. The Russians, at least, had the good sense not to commit to terrorism.

    Despite my interest in seeing Bond kick some terrorist bottoms, I would feel tremendously uneasy in this day and age about bringing up a Bond versus muslim terrorists plot.

    Yes, for proof just look at the death threats against that Danish cartoonist who drew the cartoon of Allah/Mohammed. Imagine if we Christians were THAT reactionary every time someone blasphemed! There would be hardly anyone left on Earth!
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 246
    Dragonpol wrote:
    Imagine if we Christians were THAT reactionary every time someone blasphemed! There would be hardly anyone left on Earth!
    Well, there'd hardly be any christians left on earth. Pretty sure the secular west would be effective in stamping out that kind of home-grown terrorism on its own turf.

    That and the fact that well-educated people (which is what the secular west aims to churn out) are hardly queuing up to buy into that christ/bible nonsense as it is. If they (the christians) were murderous militants I don't think many in the west would be particularly keen to join in in the first place.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Dragonpol wrote:
    Imagine if we Christians were THAT reactionary every time someone blasphemed! There would be hardly anyone left on Earth!

    Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Its a bit rich for Christians to take the moral high ground.
    I thought you were from NI so you ought to know that better than anyone.
  • Dragonpol wrote:
    Imagine if we Christians were THAT reactionary every time someone blasphemed! There would be hardly anyone left on Earth!

    Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Its a bit rich for Christians to take the moral high ground.
    I thought you were from NI so you ought to know that better than anyone.

    I'm only commenting this in defense of @Dragonpol, as I am also a Christian, I think it wouldn't be really appropriate to blame us for the shameless atrocities of our forefathers, and even of our Church (Jesus Christ, there are many: the Crusades, the Christian Resistance against scientific innnovation during the middle ages, I need more than a dozen fingers to count.) We shouldn't be marked by what the ones before us have done. Remember when Abe Lincoln's son was saved by John Wilke's Boothe's son? We have the right to believe in what we want to believe in, and anyway in some ways more than one we also contributed good for the world (the US Constitution was based on Judeo-Christian Philosophies). So please, let this be the last of the anti or pro religious comments, just to end our senseless wrestling of thoughts. Let's not argue with our own respective beliefs anymore. Okay, please? It doesn't belong here in a James Bond forum site. Thank you.

    As for the 007 vs. Al Qaeda stuff: HELL NO. We all want a tranquil and harmonious life, right? Let's not step on other toes and make lives for each and everyone of us.
  • OligarchOligarch Banned
    Posts: 110
    I would enjoy seeing Bond go against a middle eastern threat , its a fictional story, If Muslims get upset, so be it. It's such a horrid double standard though in which we live in a time where Christianity is constantly made fun of and joked about on television, yet if anybody dares to say a joke about the Jews or Muslims you are instantly profiled as a racist.
  • Posts: 232
    Yay, way to date a Bond film... badly. Go watch Hurt Locker and Green Zone. This topic is a snooze.
  • Posts: 246
    So please, let this be the last of the anti or pro religious comments, just to end our senseless wrestling of thoughts. Let's not argue with our own respective beliefs anymore. Okay, please? It doesn't belong here in a James Bond forum site. Thank you.

    Does that sound reasonable to you? My translation...

    People shouldn't make off-topic comments about religion. I've just made an off-topic comment about religion. I don't want to hear from anyone else now I've done my bit. That's it. I have the last word. Thank you.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Anon wrote:
    So please, let this be the last of the anti or pro religious comments, just to end our senseless wrestling of thoughts. Let's not argue with our own respective beliefs anymore. Okay, please? It doesn't belong here in a James Bond forum site. Thank you.

    Does that sound reasonable to you? My translation...

    People shouldn't make off-topic comments about religion. I've just made an off-topic comment about religion. I don't want to hear from anyone else now I've done my bit. That's it. I have the last word. Thank you.

    And that, is Religion.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Yeah, I have to agree with both @Oligarch and @Jarrod here.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    RC7 wrote:
    Anon wrote:
    So please, let this be the last of the anti or pro religious comments, just to end our senseless wrestling of thoughts. Let's not argue with our own respective beliefs anymore. Okay, please? It doesn't belong here in a James Bond forum site. Thank you.

    Does that sound reasonable to you? My translation...

    People shouldn't make off-topic comments about religion. I've just made an off-topic comment about religion. I don't want to hear from anyone else now I've done my bit. That's it. I have the last word. Thank you.

    And that, is Religion.


    As far as the thread goes I think it would be a bit dull. These people aren't interesting enough to be Bond villains. Most of them live in godforsaken places like Bolton or Dudley making their bombs in the garage. It's hardly grandiose.

    If Bond had gone up against the IRA in the 70s and 80s would that have been any good either? A Bond villain should have a bit if class which none of these people with their tiresome gripes have in the slightest.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    What if Bond was sent into Iran to investigate the disappearance of a particle beam physicist only to discover that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had a secret launch base inside a Mosque ready to threaten the world with a new Goldeneye weapon made from stolen Russian plans, and Bond called in all the available Double-O's to help destroy the base, and capture Ahmadinejad only to discover that he'd had himself genetically altered to become the perfect Ultimate Soldier, but Bond and a female Double-O figure out a way to kill him, thus freeing the world from the threat, and the people of Iran from the clutches of that ruthless dictator...? Wouldn't that BE GREAT?????


    No, you're right; that would suck big time.

    Let's stay to slightly more fancifully removed evil characters. Besides, it might start an actual war.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    chrisisall wrote:

    Let's stay to slightly more fancifully removed evil characters. Besides, it might start an actual war.

    This is the problem people have with Islam. EON are not Theo Van Gogh and are not going to risk upsetting the Muslim world because they don't want to be killed rather than for any artistic reasons.

    You have to say the Muslim approach works because people these days self censor themselves as time and again we have seen what happens if the Muslim world perceives offence of some sort. Whereas if a writer came up with a good story featuring the Vatican as the villains EON would have no problems green lighting it.

    Look at the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. If they had been about Islam people would've died and Dan Brown would still be in hiding.
  • Posts: 246
    Islamic terrorists wouldn't be a suitable foil for Bond, no. A Bond villain has to have a plan that makes sense; reprehensible to us of course, but we need to be able to discern the villain's logic. Yes. Even in a Bond film.

    These religious militants are zealots and only comprehensible by similar religious zealots so as bad guys go they're doomed to be forever two-dimensional hate figures to any normal person. It's alright for the pulp fiction of the day, where audiences needn't question why the angry bearded bible-basher is putting a bomb in the ice-cream stall (it's just 'what they do' isn't it?), but no good for Bond.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    Actually, if you make a Muslim terrorist a Bond villain, as Anon states above, it will result in a *meh* movie. And if you build one up as in my scenario, you only achieve three things: you date the movie itself terribly, you celebrity-ize a douche-bag, and you make Bond instantly irrelevant.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Now I feel like watching 24.
  • Well not only could it put people in danger it'd be bloody boring.

    Bond villians have to be sort of larger than life. Even the more "realistic" villians like Koskov, Orlov, Ourumov, Sanchez, etc have something different about them.

    The only one I can think of who was really bland and generic was Greene and look how that turned out.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    In posting here, I just had a CHUCK-like flash: the reason why back in '87 I was not so taken with TLD!
    In 1987, I was what you might say, more geo-politically aware than most of my American comrades, and I felt that the effort to arm the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviets was a mistake that would end up biting us in the ass in a way similar to the effects of arming the Contras in Nicaragua against the Sandinistas (only bigger). The final act of TLD turned me off then just as most of Rambo III did.
    With some distance, TLD has come to be my favourite Bond of all, but it DID take some time & forgiveness for the political naivete of the screen writers.
    Point being, Bond needs to stay out of REAL LIFE geo-political struggles, and go about the business of thwarting larger-than-life creeps IMO.
  • Posts: 59
    I'd like them to attempt to tie in TLD with a newer Bond, and have Bond sent to kill Cameron Shah (Art Malik's character), formerly Mujahadeen now as with most of them a Taliban figure, could be good use of Bond feeling conflicted at having to terminate his old friend
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    chrisM wrote:
    I'd like them to attempt to tie in TLD with a newer Bond, and have Bond sent to kill Cameron Shah (Art Malik's character), formerly Mujahadeen now as with most of them a Taliban figure, could be good use of Bond feeling conflicted at having to terminate his old friend

    That would be interesting (even more so if it was just done as a low key character driven drama where Bond (ie Timothy Dalton) is brought out if retirement to hunt him down) but to sustain a proper modern Bond film would it be sufficient? Not unless Kamran was planning another 9/11.

    I think a PTS of Al Qaeda (or unamed swarthy looking terrorists that may or may mot be Muslim) taking an airliner and trying to fly it into a building and Bond foils them and swerves the plane past the skyscraper at the last second but then is forced to make an emergency landing on Fifth Avenue after the US airforce cripple the plane before Bond is able to radio that he has control could be pretty decent.

    The only problem is that 98% of that would have to be CGI so it's a thumbs down from me.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    The only problem is that 98% of that would have to be CGI so it's a thumbs down from me.
    Not necessarily- it mainly depends upon the decisions of the producers & director.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    chrisisall wrote:
    The only problem is that 98% of that would have to be CGI so it's a thumbs down from me.
    Not necessarily- it mainly depends upon the decisions of the producers & director.

    Really? Dont think the FAA are going to give you the go ahead to fly a Boeing through Manhattan.

  • Could use minatures for some of it.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    Really? Dont think the FAA are going to give you the go ahead to fly a Boeing through Manhattan.
    Could use minatures for some of it.
    Exactly. Some good miniature work would be nearly indistinguishable from the real thing. Then use CGI to blend elements rather than create them. It's been done recently and very successfully.
  • Posts: 12,526
    Middle eastern villain maybe? But i would not get name specific though in terms of thread.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited January 2013 Posts: 18,241
    Dragonpol wrote:
    Imagine if we Christians were THAT reactionary every time someone blasphemed! There would be hardly anyone left on Earth!

    Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Its a bit rich for Christians to take the moral high ground.
    I thought you were from NI so you ought to know that better than anyone.

    I imagine that all religions (as well as Christianity) have their extremists and bad elements - man decides how he wants to work with religion. Yes, I am from NI, but not a Roman Catholic, so the Spanish Inquisition does not apply to me, sorry. I think that much of Britain has become a very secular place, but here in NI people still believe, contrary to media portrayals of "our wee country".

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Dragonpol wrote:
    I think that much of Britain has become a very secular place, but here in NI people still believe,

    Precisely my point. What 'troubles' have we ever had? Apart from those caused by the IRA or Muslims?
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