


  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    As a Bond fan, it would be hard to say no.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    As a Bond fan, it would be hard to say no.
    Ha ha, I see your point.

    But some of us grew up on the 60's TV Batman, or the comics where he was a detective & scientist, and never killed anyone intentionally.

    I personally latched on to the Burton/Keaton Batman where he's all that, but also just a bit unhinged and occasionally gives a bad guy a rough end (though only when they are in front of him attacking; he doesn't go hunting or anything).
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited March 2016 Posts: 23,703

    This is how I would go.

    01 - Batman ('66)

    This film will help you to draw interesting parallels between Nicholson's Joker and Romero's Joker. Also, it might help you to better understand what they were going for with Batman & Robin.

    02 - Batman

    03 - Batman Returns

    04 - Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm

    The Animated Series took off around the time of Burton's movies. It is undoubtedly one of the top achievements in the history of Batman. And if you don't want to give the entire series a go, at least go for this theatrically released film.

    05 - Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero

    A tragic tale of Mr. Freeze as part of The Animated Series which will help you to better understand the character than what Batman & Robin will feed you.

    06 - Batman Forever

    07 - Batman & Robin

    08 - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

    Just for fun really. It's not all that important.

    09 - Batman: Year One

    In preparation for Nolan's films, which borrowed from this story.

    10 - Batman Begins

    11 - Gotham Knight

    Impressive film with winks to Batman Begins.

    12 - The Dark Knight

    13 - The Dark Knight Rises

    14 - The Dark Knight Returns

    Not only do I honestly think this to be the very best Batman film ever made, it's the best way to prepare for Batman v Superman.

    15 - Batman: Under the Red Hood

    16 - Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

    17 - Assault on Arkham

    Will eventually prepare you for Suicide Squad. Has a very tight link with the wonderful Arkham video games.

    and hopefully in the future

    Suicide Squad, Justice League, The Killing Joke, ...

    Personally, I wouldn't bother with any of the other animated features. I don't think they're quite as good as the ones I listed. That goes double for the Batman / Superman features. The only other animated Batman film I consider a personal favourite is Batman vs Dracula. I dunno, it's its own thing but good fun in some way. :)

  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020

    Batman vs Dracula is my favourite :)
    I got the toy figures of that movie as well
  • Posts: 9,794
    ok so I figured i would discus and rank the various alternate batman and I feel I need to make a few justifications here

    1. NO ALTERNATE BRUCE WAYNE'S will be included. I can't stress this enough Batman from Superman Red sun is cool but he is still Bruce Wayne but in Russia. Batman Year 100 one of my favorite graphic novels still just Bruce Wayne.. Heck Batman Earth One Volume 1 and 2 great stuff still just Bruce Wayne and will not be on this list. too many time I see alternate batmen lists filled with these Bruce Wayne's and it's like really?

    2. No Batman from other mediums either. Adam West's Batman and Ben Affleck's Batman are about as far apart as you can get. but they are still both playing the same character Bruce Wayne orphaned as a kid trains become batman is really good at surfing for some reason lol. We all know the story but honestly it's the same character as Bruce Wayne in the comic

    3. Bruce Wayne himself will not be on this list because he will be number 1 he will always be number 1 he IS batman this is a ranking of Batmen who weren't Bruce Wayne

    So with all of that out of the way here is my list

    1. Dick Grayson: Ok so I am kind of obvious with my first choice but here me out. I Feel Batman Reborn was possibly the greatest batman storyline ever. Dick is Batman but he is his own Batman and I dig it. I love the suit I loved his interactions with Alfred and the rest of the crew i loved Mario Flacone coming in and the new Black Mask I just love this story and reread it every once in a while

    2. Terry Mcginnis: I am putting him above Jim (spoiler are jim gordon is my third choice) because Honestly between Batman Beyond the animated series and some of the good comics I like Terry I don't like that in the comics Bruce still trains him (Damian would of made way more sense which was used vaguely in one story but never used again which is a shame) but the costume is cool the stories were good (though the comic is very confusing now with brother I etc) my only criticism is he doesn't really fit in batman continuity as well as they try but for a potential future I am fine with Terry.

    3. Jim Gordon: With only Dick done right and Terry mostly done right (I only have one issue with him as i said above) we hit the ideas that sound great on paper but aren't great at excution. I have said a lot of criticsms about our most recent Batman and how the story was done so poorly but I will say it again Jim as Batman is kind of cool I love the idea and on paper it makes sense. He was a marine so he can fight and he has stealth skills. He was a Detective so he has detective skills... Jim should of been fantastic I even love both suits they put Jim in but the story is just so god aweful and the characters (especially Alfred) are written so poorly and blandly that I just sorry I hate the story however i was never a fan of Prodigal Son so maybe and a decade or so they will finally do Jim as Batman right.

    4. Thomas Wayne: I know I know he is an alternate Batman from an alternate time line but he isn't bruce... I prefer the Earth Two Thomas wayne batman as he was dark gritty but human and had some decent emotions. plus the idea of using Miracu to be able to fight crime was kind of cool and the costume good lord the costume LOVED it

    5. Damian Wayne: We move on from Father to son. Damian is weak in that he has no real human interactions. Commishnor Barbra Gordon hates him and he has pet cat named alfred over all he is violent brutual and just a dark Batman plus the idea that he cheats kind of annoys me (turning the city into a living weapon instead of using his skills)

    6. Batman 1 million: We know NOTHING about him as batman apart from He lives on Pluto contains crime and has a robot named Robin that is about it yet he was the coolest thing in Dc one million the suit was amazing (thank you WB montreal for putting that in Origins) the character was interesting he was just a cool batman. he is so low as we literally know very little about him

    7. Tim Drake: lets see He was a poor Batman in Battle for the cowl and he doesnt fair much better in beyond. I suppose if better written he could be interesting but he alwas comes off as a Dick Grayson knock off as batman and I prefer Dick as Batman.

    8. Jason Todd: I liked the costume but he was far too brutal (makes Ben Affleck's batman seem like Adam Wests to be perfectly honest) and since we only have one story with him as batman its kind of hard to discuss his role as batman because he was just too... dark i guess.. plus the whole asking everyone to be his robin yeah that was weird

    9. Jean Paul Valley: I loved the suit I disliked the character not much more I can say beyond that.

    10. Kirk Langstrom: I feel that the idea of a villian being batman is interesting but Bruce timm's idea is meh....
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    What are some of your issues with Scott Snyder's storytelling, @Risico007? I've been interested in picking up some trades of his work, but I'm really not familiar at all with his style or anything of the sort.
  • Posts: 9,794
    What are some of your issues with Scott Snyder's storytelling, @Risico007? I've been interested in picking up some trades of his work, but I'm really not familiar at all with his style or anything of the sort.
    I love Snyder on Zero year and His run on detective comics with dick Grayson as batman (the name of the story escapes me) death of the family and endgame were both just ok (I feel joker is used way too much in other mediums the last truely good joker story was 2007 I think, the one where he pretends to be a magician and batman and zatana take him down.) as for his take of Jim as batman the whole run felt forced like because Gotham was a success let's make Jim Batman which fine fair enough but the issue is there are so many other cooler and more emotional ways to bring Jim into the batcave and the batsuit that the route they took just feels lazy. For a truely good Jim as batman story look to Detective comics there Bronze Age story is so fantastic and I love how Jim is bad ass brutal batman and yet still has humanity and fatherly instincts.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited April 2016 Posts: 23,703
    "This is why Superman works alone"
    by Darth Dimi


    It's easy to position Clooney's Batman at the bottom of the list, well below the likes of Keaton, Affleck and Bale, even below Kilmer and West. Clooney should never have been cast as either Bruce Wayne or Batman. He was clearly chosen because his star was rising and women everywhere called him the sexiest man alive. But this is not what Clooney does. And then there's the film. BATMAN AND ROBIN is nobody's darling. If you're into the Batman '66 stuff, you can at best treat this as a guilty pleasure but that's where it ends.

    Yet George Clooney is not the reason B&R failed. I will make the case that Clooney is perhaps the only one in the entire movie who is on our side. Every time he smirks - which gets some people really angry - he's practically telling us, "look, you don't wanna be here, I don't wanna be here, so let's all just go with the flow and hope this thing is over before we know it." Clooney never shied away from expressing his own discontent with how the movie turned out. It was a job, it probably put food on the table, and he went on to do other things.

    There are scenes in B&R where I feel like someone's holding a shotgun to his face. Clooney delivers his lines like he would in his sleep. He knew that he was dropping a big turd and stinking up the place, and he wasn't going to lie about that. That right there may have actually saved his career. What happened to O'Donnell? Silverstone? And if Tarantino hadn't rekindled an old flame, perhaps Uma may have been forgotten too. But Clooney survived this mess by moving on.

    In some ways he reminds me of Halle Berry, who burned her fingers on DAD and Catwoman, yet had the guts to be honest about it. When she received that Razzi, her speech stole our hearts. The shining moment of her entire Catwoman performance? The Razzi award. Clooney was not too different.

    Every time I watch B&R, it is a guilty pleasure film for me. I have a lot of fun seeing George Clooney in a deathmatch against silliness. "Yeah yeah... partners ... turning into compost... Hi, Freeze, it's Batman - look, can we just do the running in front of the Bat sign now and go home? I have some acting to do."

  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020

    I like B&R.
    I can overlook Clooney and enjoy Uma and Arnie, they are great! Even Alicia I can enjoy.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    I cannot lie- I love Batman & Robin. It's absolutely hilarious.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited April 2016 Posts: 28,694
    A treat for you lads:

    A fascinating behind the scenes look at the upcoming animated take on The Killing Joke.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    Looks good.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Aaahhh..... :))

    Oh Dear I'm looking forward more to The Killing Joke than to see BvS again!

    This will be yet another great addition to the already very big DC Animated Feature library!
    And I have decided to do a Marathon of all of them!
    Already seen Doomsday, Brainiac Attacks, Return Of The Joker, Mystery Of The Batwoman, The New Frontier, Gotham Knight, Wonder Woman and First Flight.

    Next: Trouble In Tokyo and Batman vs Dracula :)
  • Posts: 4,813
    Damn, Killing Joke looks GREAT. It's funny, it seems like Mark & Kevin have said 'this is the last one' so many times, only to get lured back whenever a big movie comes around. They're the Roger Moore of the animated movie business, lol. Not that I'm complaining of course!

    As for Batman & Robin, I can appreciate it for what it But imagine being a kid going opening night expecting to see BATMAN. There's a reason it's been hated for so long! That said, as an adult, it's one of the best 'movies to watch while drunk' out there
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Damn, Killing Joke looks GREAT. It's funny, it seems like Mark & Kevin have said 'this is the last one' so many times, only to get lured back whenever a big movie comes around. They're the Roger Moore of the animated movie business, lol. Not that I'm complaining of course!

    As for Batman & Robin, I can appreciate it for what it But imagine being a kid going opening night expecting to see BATMAN. There's a reason it's been hated for so long! That said, as an adult, it's one of the best 'movies to watch while drunk' out there

    I'll never gate the hate for B+R. But then it was popular and successful in Europe, especially the German-language region, so I might be excused for liking it.

    I didn't mind Clooney back then, sure I immediately saw that he is the least good Batsy, but Poison Ivy got my juices flowing and Mr. Freeze is one of my most favourite live action DC comic book characters ever! Arnie is pitch perfect as Mr. Freeze.

    Also it is very cartoonish and I loved it for that, even if it was clear that it's No 4 of the four existing Batsy movies back then.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,703
    I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!!!! :(
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!!!! :(
    Don't go by memory; watch the movie again!
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Some of my DC Blu-ray Steelbook collection :)

  • edited April 2016 Posts: 6,432
    USA (assuming they are USA releas?) art work on blurays is often better than the UK I find. Love the Superman The Movie and Batman 89. All my DC live action blurays are in boxsets for the most part.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Those are the steelbooks for the German/French territory :) I'm from Switzerland.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,703
    chrisisall wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!!!! :(
    Don't go by memory; watch the movie again!

    @chrisisall, I meant the trailer for TKJ! It refuses to play here.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited April 2016 Posts: 28,694
    @BondJasonBond006, I haven't seen that cover for the 89 Batman anywhere, but it'd make for a stellar poster!

    I heard old Jack in my head as I was viewing your collection, going "Where does he get those wonderful steelbooks?" ;)
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    @BondJasonBond006, I haven't seen that cover for the 89 Batman anywhere, but it'd make for a stellar poster!

    I heard old Jack in my head as I was viewing your collection, going "Where does he get those wonderful steelbooks?" ;)

    The Batman 89 and Superman 78 steelbooks are new artwork and only got released last December I think. I got them in February this year. :)
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    edited April 2016 Posts: 1,257
    Batman: The Killing Joke - Official Trailer

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Do we have a release date on this film?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,698
    Mark Hamill voices Joker! I'm IN!!!!
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited April 2016 Posts: 9,020
    Do we have a release date on this film?

    I pre-ordered the exclusive collector's edition with Joker figurine on
    Release date August 4th, 2016.
    Also pre-ordered the exclusive collector's edition of Bad Blood with the Nightwing figuine, also released on August 4th, 2016.

    Thinking of it, it's truly sad, that the animated movies are so much better than that crap Snyder has dished us up lately.
  • Posts: 9,794
    Batman is rumored to be not only in Sucide Squad but Wonder Woman as well. Which makes some sense honestly
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Good. As stupid as Warner and its minions can be, they've always realized the truth of their brand: Batman ALWAYS sells. At this point, he's the only guaranteed hit they have. Get Ben in there as much as he can be, I say. I don't like his Batman, but his performance was by far the best thing that film had to offer.

    It's crazy looking back now. When this film's cast was announced, the only thing anybody worried about was how garbage Ben was going to be as Batman, and how he'd sink the entire film. Fast forward a few years and now he's cited by the majority as the only consistent positive of the film, with everything else being deemed tragic. It's the biggest 'I told you so' of recent memory. I'd be through the roof right now if I liked what they were doing with his character. Hopefully future movies actually develop him and give context to his emotional journey.

    I'm far more worried for Superman, though, as nobody gets him on the Snyder team. And with the same writers on for Justice League, I think we're in for the same mistakes BvS so gallantly paraded in front of us. I imagine Terrio wrote BvS and JL extremely close together, which means that, barring on set rewrites in the extreme, much is already set in stone plot-wise. That has me very worried.

    Speaking of on-set rewrites, I remembering reading a rumor around the time BvS released that said Ben was actively doing his best to fix the script in between shooting. Has this been given more confirmation, or is it total BS? With how he's already taken steps to cementing his creative control over the upcoming solo Batman film, I totally see him doing just that on set when he saw what he and the other actors had to work with. I wonder what he thinks deep down about Snyder, and how he felt being directed by a lesser man? It's like Orson Welles being cast in a leading role in a blockbuster film, being directed by Michael Bay. Ben must have felt like he was talking to a five-year-old who was smashing Batman and Superman action figures together in front of him, during the entire production.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Justice League can more or less already be written off.
    It will not be better than BvS or MoS, it will be more of the same.
    Furthermore it will be a financial disaster for Warner, unless they cut down the budget considerably right now.

    My only hope I have left at this point is the Batfleck movie and the second part of The Justice League which in fact might become a reboot even when the first part will have failed.
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