Bond 24 pre production has started



  • I don't think Purvis and Wade should be allowed to write scripts by themselves. The only time they have have done this was die another day and we all know how terribly that was written with its cringe worthy dialogue. with casino royale and skyfall their scripts have been polished by Paul Haggis and John Logan quantum of solace was mostly theirs as the writers strike begun not long after Paul haggis started work on his draft.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    MrDJWest wrote:
    The only time they have have done this was die another day and we all know how terribly that was written with its cringe worthy dialogue.

    that just words on a page - IMO, it's all in the delivery from actors... but i'll say it's 50/50 - because there were some dialog, that not even the best actors could have salvaged "Wow.... now there's a mouthful..." 8-} .... but again, DAD's screenplay was ripped apart after the fact by Tamahori and crew, so who knows what was in the original screenplay, and what was changed..
  • As for Sam Mendes i can see him returning, i remember at the press conference i recall him saying if he was as excited as he was then at the end of the film he would happily return and reading an interview with him in empire magazine he said hes had a great time. So hopefully he will return.
  • HASEROT wrote:
    MrDJWest wrote:
    The only time they have have done this was die another day and we all know how terribly that was written with its cringe worthy dialogue.

    that just words on a page - IMO, it's all in the delivery from actors... but i'll say it's 50/50 - because there were some dialog, that not even the best actors could have salvaged "Wow.... now there's a mouthful..." 8-} .... but again, DAD's screenplay was ripped apart after the fact by Tamahori and crew, so who knows what was in the original screenplay, and what was changed..

    Yeah good point, I havnt read any of these scripts so this is all based on the films and interviews. I do enjoy qos but it really does feel unfinished.
  • Posts: 9,825
    Am i the only one who thinks there should be a bond 24 section with Barbara's news about India I think it only makes sense...
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497

    Btw: the next Bondmovie will be called Gunbarrel of a lady.
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    Edit: double post. Please delete!
  • JamesCraig wrote:

    I like Arnold. And typing like a 12 year old again? That wasn't funny when you did it on the SF gunbarrel thread, it's not funny now.
    JamesPage wrote:
    They can fire Purvis and Wade.

    Why not wait until you see what they've done with Skyfall?

    I think SF looks great, but SF has had John Logan. I think when they've done good films (TWINE, CR, look like SF), they have a 3rd writer helping them, and even their good films in the past have had some bad dialouge.

    And I think there are just better writers out there.
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    JamesCraig wrote:

    I like Arnold. And typing like a 12 year old again? That wasn't funny when you did it on the SF gunbarrel thread, it's not funny now.
    JamesPage wrote:
    They can fire Purvis and Wade.

    Why not wait until you see what they've done with Skyfall?

    I think SF looks great, but SF has had John Logan. I think when they've done good films (TWINE, CR, look like SF), they have a 3rd writer helping them, and even their good films in the past have had some bad dialouge.

    And I think there are just better writers out there.

    It's not meant to be funny, it's meant to show that some people are never satisfied.

  • Then why type like like a 12 year old?

    I don't mind them coming back but I think there are better writers out there and that the good films they've done have 3rd writers.

    Just because I'm not jumping for joy about Purvis and Wade coming back, it doesn't mean I'm "never satisfied"
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    JamesCraig wrote:

    Btw: the next Bondmovie will be called Gunbarrel of a lady.

    Haha, that is hilarious! :D

  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    Then why type like like a 12 year old?

    I don't mind them coming back but I think there are better writers out there and that the good films they've done have 3rd writers.

    Just because I'm not jumping for joy about Purvis and Wade coming back, it doesn't mean I'm "never satisfied"

    May I ask why you take my posts personally?

    What matters is that we'll get another high quality Bondmovie, which I'd love to see filmed in India and include Q, Moneypenny and Felix Leiter.

  • Posts: 1,548
    2 years to Blofeld's return! (hopefully)
  • Posts: 12,511
    Great news indeed! It would be nice to see the title of Bond 24 at the end of the credits? But thats not gonna happen!
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    LeChiffre wrote:
    2 years to Blofeld's return! (hopefully)

    Why does everyone wants Blofeld back? He is a done case, he was killed off in 1981 and hopefully never going to return.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 12,837
    JamesCraig wrote:
    Then why type like like a 12 year old?

    I don't mind them coming back but I think there are better writers out there and that the good films they've done have 3rd writers.

    Just because I'm not jumping for joy about Purvis and Wade coming back, it doesn't mean I'm "never satisfied"

    May I ask why you take my posts personally?

    What matters is that we'll get another high quality Bondmovie, which I'd love to see filmed in India and include Q, Moneypenny and Felix Leiter.

    Well since I was the one who said they should replace Purvis and Wade I thought it was aimed at me.

    India? Nah, well, maybe for the PTS or something but they spent half of OP there. Australia is where they should go!
    MrBond wrote:
    LeChiffre wrote:
    2 years to Blofeld's return! (hopefully)

    Why does everyone wants Blofeld back? He is a done case, he was killed off in 1981 and hopefully never going to return.

    It could be cool seeing a reimagined Blofeld. He's Bonds arch enemy, I'd like him to return. It'd be a huge draw for the film too, the press would be all over it if he was coming back.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited October 2012 Posts: 13,354
    MrBond wrote:
    LeChiffre wrote:
    2 years to Blofeld's return! (hopefully)

    Why does everyone wants Blofeld back? He is a done case, he was killed off in 1981 and hopefully never going to return.

    I agree. I never want him to return again. There are far better ideas to come up with.
  • Posts: 9,825
    Blofeld is dead may he rest in peace!

    they have done all you can with the character so there is no point in seeing Blofeld return
  • Posts: 12,511
    The only return should be Quantum as it is unfinished business for Craig's Bond!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,685
    If anything, Mendes looks like he'll be able to handle a proper return to Quantum, if they just so happened to do so in 'Bond 24.' I'm curious, though, if Bond would continue to hunt men such as White and Haines, because we have yet to see the alternate ending, or if they would create something entirely new with another member of Quantum.
  • Posts: 9,825
    since they always offer for the director to return we should know fairly soon if Mendes is returning right?
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    Risico007 wrote:
    since they always offer for the director to return we should know fairly soon if Mendes is returning right?

    I'm sure they now however Mendes is returning or not. But they just want to wait to announce it 'til after Skyfall is out on the cinemas.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    James Bond star Daniel Craig has said that the next adventure after "Skyfall" will come sooner rather than later, indicating the series may be back to its two-year cycle again.

    That would place Bond 24, his fourth film, around November 2014 - the spot that Sony were hoping for.

    When asked by <a href=""; target="_blank">MTV</a> Bond 24 will begin production sooner rather than later, Craig said: "Ask the producers. I don't know. I think they'd like to [speed up the timetable], and I think that would be the plan."

    "That was too long last time, although I quite enjoyed the gap, but it's too long. As long as we've got the script and we're ready to go, there's no reason why we can't start shooting."

    As MI6 reported earlier, pre-production work has already begun on Bond 24. To meet the November 2014 release date, filming would have to start around January 2014.
  • I am expecting we found out who the director is and writer is in January 2013 or sometime later......earlier the better
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    If Mendes is returning, we should know for certain before Christmas.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,354
    I think in January we may get the official announcement on the release date and if Mendes is returning.

    Films in 2014 and 2016 will really show confidence in the directions and scripts. Not since the 90's have we had three films with two year spaces between them, so it's about time this happened again.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    The next upcoming event after the release of SF is to hope that Mendes does the next movie too. And if we get Mendes, we also get Deakins and Newman!
  • Posts: 9,825
    Very exciting news :D
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 4,619
    I really don't see Sam Mendes returning. He is a very versatile director, I can't imagine him spending another 2-3 years working on a Bond film.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    edited October 2012 Posts: 11,139
    Well unlike the directors of the last 17 years, Bond is a passion project for Mendes. A labor of love.
    John Glen pretty much grew up as part of the EoN family so he doesn't count. But, when outsourcing directors for Bond since Glen, Mendes is the only director that has a genuine passion and enthusiasm to not only do a Bond film but to be comfortable enough, willing to do another.
    As great as Campbell is with Bond, I get the impression that he did CR begrudgingly as he's all to aware of the huge production scale it requires to do a Bond movie with GE and it's just too much of an undertaking for him to do.
    Mendes on the other hand is still relatively young, has the energy, stamina and charisma to at least do the next Bond film. I also think that for Mendes to do Bond 24 it would be the biggest challenge for him because, where as SF has been and will be a major success, Mendes will have the task of continuing on that wave length. What the series doesn't need is for the ball to drop again. Mendes is a smart, talented, passionate director who knows Bond. As has been the case with SF, for Bond 24, with Sam at the helm again, we can expect another great cast and a great story worth showcasing. Mendes has taken Bond into a new direction. The right direction and I'd like to see him follow through with this journey he's ushered Bond on to. It just makes sense.
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