Who should/could be a Bond actor?



  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    Ms Broccoli is on record as saying that they had their minds set on Craig and the studio made them look at other actors, to be fair.

  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,026
    Since62 wrote: »
    I think ATJ is being forced against his will to become the next Bond. Rescue mission.

    Is that why his voice is so high ?

    It's a cry for help. Oh, the tragedy of it all.
  • Posts: 3,428
    mtm wrote: »
    Ms Broccoli is on record as saying that they had their minds set on Craig and the studio made them look at other actors, to be fair.

    To be fair though, I think producers (especially Bond ones) always tend to mythologise these things in hindsight. Not to say that Craig wasn’t BB’s favourite or that she didn’t work hard at convincing him, but I suspect they kept their options open more than they let on. I mean, presumably if Craig had not done it/an alternative actor had been chosen BB isn’t going to say ‘well, we had someone else in mind, but we settled on this actor and he was the best substitute’. Presumably she’d do a similar spin in order to imply that actor was the one destined to have the part and they found that talent.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    Yes, you may be right there. A bit like how the official DVD docos said that although Brosnan was the first signed up for TLD, Dalton was the one they really wanted even before him.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    peter wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    EON didn’t need to screentest others to decide they wanted Craig. Sure they screen tested some others but only to placate MGM.

    @Colonel_Venus you're making things up. Show me the proof they auditioned Craig to placate MGM, lol!!

    You're now literally creating fibs.

    MGW wasn't sure about Craig, at first.

    Neither was Campbell.

    They HAVE to audition. If Craig pooches the process, Cavill would have won the role.

    You're now making things up to support the rumour you want to be a reality. Please don't do that.

    If by autition you mean "screen test". I never ever said they auditioned Craig to placate MGM. I said they screen tested OTHERS to placate MGM. Also, I would really appreciate it if you didn't call me a liar. From this point on I will ignore your comments.

    The same question applies: show me the the proof that they screentested/auditioned other actors to placate MGM.

    They HAVE to audition actors period, to test their individual talents, and to see how they stack against others.

    The best wins, that's how this works.

    And I didn't call you a liar, @Colonel_Venus , I said you were fibbing, you were making up a story. So, I do apologize as I don't think you're a liar. But I do think you've contorted something to fit your narrative.

    So I do apologize, I should have expanded and explained what I meant by fibbing.

    Please accept my apology, but I understand not replying to me-- which may be for the best, since, as I stated last night, we are chasing tails here...

    Apology accepted. And I apologise for often getting unnecessarily combative.

    @Colonel_Venus , you’re a gentleman. Thank you.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    Posts: 2,628
    I've always had this idea that Barbara hates the public perception that EON just saw Layer Cake and hired Daniel. I think she wants to make it clear she had her eye on him for years before that.

    The glaring omission in Daniel's career highlights in the Being James Bond documentary was Layer Cake, and I don't think that's an accident.
    I personally think Layer Cake cemented the reason for Barbara's insistence on hiring Daniel
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited March 26 Posts: 3,031
    Didn't Dan say that he refused point blank to do something that Campbell asked him to do at the screentest and then just walked out and went home halfway through? He did have a bit of a reputation for being a bit testy and not having any patience back then, but to do that he must've been pretty confident that him getting the role wasn't totally dependent on the screentest, no? Suggests that it may have been pretty much a formality. But if the studio had much preferred Cavill's screentest would/could they have overruled BB over Craig the way that they apparently did to Cubby re. Dalton doing GE?
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    peter wrote: »
    No script.
    No director.
    No coronations (I keep asking: when was the last time Batman was given to someone with zero tests?

    Again, nobody is claiming that there will be a coronation. ATJ has been rumoured to be a contender for well over a year. It's entirely possible that there IS a script and that there IS a director and that they HAVE screentested ATJ.

    We THINK that there is no script and there is no director because they usually announce the screenwriters and the director as soon as they sign the contract. What if it's different this time? What if the director is particulary secretive? What if the director and the writer are the same person? *cough* Nolan *cough*

    No, I am not saying that everything in the article is correct. Articles containing rumours often mix stuff that's true with stuff that isn't. What I do believe is true is that ATJ is a major contender, and probably the frontrunner right now.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

    Tell that to Clive Owen.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    echo wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    No script.
    No director.
    No coronations (I keep asking: when was the last time Batman was given to someone with zero tests?

    Again, nobody is claiming that there will be a coronation. ATJ has been rumoured to be a contender for well over a year. It's entirely possible that there IS a script and that there IS a director and that they HAVE screentested ATJ.

    We THINK that there is no script and there is no director because they usually announce the screenwriters and the director as soon as they sign the contract. What if it's different this time? What if the director is particulary secretive? What if the director and the writer are the same person? *cough* Nolan *cough*

    No, I am not saying that everything in the article is correct. Articles containing rumours often mix stuff that's true with stuff that isn't. What I do believe is true is that ATJ is a major contender, and probably the frontrunner right now.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

    Tell that to Clive Owen.

    Yes, who was the member here who was confident that Owen was being cast and even gave a date; he was so sure. Was it “ Luds” ? Or was that another group?
  • Posts: 3,428
    Venutius wrote: »
    Didn't Dan say that he refused point blank to do something that Campbell asked him to do at the screentest and then just walked out and went home halfway through? He did have a bit of a reputation for being a bit testy and not having any patience back then, but to do that he must've been pretty confident that him getting the role wasn't totally dependent on the screentest.

    I dunno about him walking out, but he did apparently refuse to eat a grape during his first audition with Campbell and seemingly had a little tiff about it.


    I guess because he wanted to play a very different type of Bond and the grape eating thing was a bit too ‘Connery’. I dunno…
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    Ah, yes, that was it - throw a grape and catch it in his gob. 'I'm not going to do that. You do it' does sound like the sort of rep he'd got back then. Rings true.
  • Posts: 3,428
    Venutius wrote: »
    Ah, yes, that was it - throw a grape and catch it in his gob. 'I'm not going to do that. You do it' does sound like the sort of rep he'd got back then. Rings true.


    In fairness it’s a bit stupid. It’s very much a Connery in TB move, pausing from rushing out of a room or whatever to eat a grape. He may well have been right that it wasn’t inkeeping with his Bond, which is kind of fair.

    Also with noting that we don’t know the full context. That comment from Craig may well have been the end of the matter (I can see any director not wanting to cause an argument after a point).
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    edited March 26 Posts: 2,628
    Venutius wrote: »
    Didn't Dan say that he refused point blank to do something that Campbell asked him to do at the screentest and then just walked out and went home halfway through? He did have a bit of a reputation for being a bit testy and not having any patience back then, but to do that he must've been pretty confident that him getting the role wasn't totally dependent on the screentest, no? Suggests that it may have been pretty much a formality. But if the studio had much preferred Cavill's screentest would they have overruled BB over Craig the way that they apparently did to Cubby re. Dalton doing GE?

    That's right mate yeah. Daniel mentions it in this interview with Graham Norton at around 4.05 (he seems to always get the best out of Daniel)

    As for Dalton, I'm sure the studio told Cubby that they wanted a different Bond and EON gave Dalton the opportunity to step down from the role, rather than be seen to be fired.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited March 26 Posts: 3,031
    'Halfway through the day, I went 'Sod this, I'm not doing any more' and walked off'! :))
    Excellent, cheers, Jordo!
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    007HallY wrote: »
    Venutius wrote: »
    Ah, yes, that was it - throw a grape and catch it in his gob. 'I'm not going to do that. You do it' does sound like the sort of rep he'd got back then. Rings true.


    In fairness it’s a bit stupid. It’s very much a Connery in TB move, pausing from rushing out of a room or whatever to eat a grape. He may well have been right that it wasn’t inkeeping with his Bond, which is kind of fair.

    Yes it sounds a bit more of a blasé, casual move, which isn't quite what he seemed to be aiming for. Interesting that he had quite a strong vision for where to go with it even then.
  • Posts: 9,825
    We will see what happens i think its Nolan as director and Hardy as Bond

    Has as much a shot as Dennis V and ATJ
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    I'd rather have Campbell and Cavill but sadly that won't happen.
  • Posts: 9,825
    Murdock wrote: »
    I'd rather have Campbell and Cavill but sadly that won't happen.
    Why not in the days of in between everything is possible
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,116
    Murdock wrote: »
    I'd rather have Campbell and Cavill but sadly that won't happen.

    This is no BS, I was just about to post this exact same thing! Too crazy…
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,243
    007HallY wrote: »
    Venutius wrote: »
    Didn't Dan say that he refused point blank to do something that Campbell asked him to do at the screentest and then just walked out and went home halfway through? He did have a bit of a reputation for being a bit testy and not having any patience back then, but to do that he must've been pretty confident that him getting the role wasn't totally dependent on the screentest.

    I dunno about him walking out, but he did apparently refuse to eat a grape during his first audition with Campbell and seemingly had a little tiff about it.


    I guess because he wanted to play a very different type of Bond and the grape eating thing was a bit too ‘Connery’. I dunno…

    Such a primadonna. 8-|
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    @bjmdds made an infamous comeback and nobody told me??? :))
  • Posts: 1,584
    Risico007 wrote: »
    We will see what happens i think its Nolan as director and Hardy as Bond

    Has as much a shot as Dennis V and ATJ

    Hardy ? I get that Nolan and he have worked together, but...Hardy is too short and stocky (IMDb says 5'9" and they've got Craig at 5'10"). You want a Bond who's got a screw loose - face it, he's an assassin - OK, but are we going now to see a string of films about a tormented Bond ? We just had that. Done quite well, but I suggest it is time for a change. If you find that suggestion - time for a change - agreeable, do you see Hardy doing "fun Bond" as much as him doing "tormented Bond" ? He already does tormented hero with that strange demon in him (Venom, and the creature is more entertaining than the human), and he already portrayed a spy in a "light-hearted romp" (This Means War) and...well...not that the success or lack thereof of that film lies all at his feet.

    I suggest someone else who's on quite a roll, with GREAT hair - they could hire the hair alone and it would be pretty good - and has succeeded at both the heavy and the light - Colin Farrell (for completeness if nothing else - 5'10" per IMDb). I know they prefer lesser known and younger, but we're already discussing better known and more mature.

    BTW yes, actors and other public figures often have exaggerated statements of their height.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    edited March 27 Posts: 14,971
    @bjmdds made an infamous comeback and nobody told me??? :))

    It was a blink and you miss it cameo.
    But sadly we had to send him back to his kind. The village of idiots wanted their lead idiot back (luckily).
    You should check out their page if you want to have a good chuckle.
    Are you still a member there?
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    I don’t think I’ve set foot there since the early years of Craig’s run. I do remember initially enjoying a good spirited debate with a few members there who were at least welcoming of fans who liked Craig in the part. But I do remember the mood in that place souring over time. Not just about Craig, but just about anything going on in the world. It became more of a place to gripe about things and that atmosphere wasn’t really fun. It happened at another forum I used to frequent.

    But that was a long time ago, for all I know they’ve been popping champagne since Craig’s exit. At least I hope.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    I don’t think I’ve set foot there since the early years of Craig’s run. I do remember initially enjoying a good spirited debate with a few members there who were at least welcoming of fans who liked Craig in the part. But I do remember the mood in that place souring over time. Not just about Craig, but just about anything going on in the world. It became more of a place to gripe about things and that atmosphere wasn’t really fun. It happened at another forum I used to frequent.

    But that was a long time ago, for all I know they’ve been popping champagne since Craig’s exit. At least I hope.

    No it's still the same. Like they're stuck in a time vortex and can't move on.
    I'm tempted to make a new account, and have some fun with them. But probably not, I might have too see an image of Katie :-& or bjmdds come out from hiding behind his keyboard cowards basement, and reveal himself.

    But enough of that, time to move on.
    If ATJ is cast I will huff and puff and be really, really, really, angry at EON and Especially Barbara Broccoli and I will call them silly names and stuff.

    All this fuss over ATJ and we're no closer to production starting on Bond 26.
    Even if he is actually in the mix (who knows) there will still be other actors that will also be tested.
    Remember the long list of possible candidates when CR went into production, and it was announced that a new Bond would be cast?

  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    We’ll honestly not know if Eon has anything to announce until they schedule a press conference. That’s really the only indication we’ll know they’re onto something.

    If I had to guess, I don’t think we’ll hear a thing about an actor officially cast until October.
  • edited March 28 Posts: 3,294
    Benny wrote: »
    I don’t think I’ve set foot there since the early years of Craig’s run. I do remember initially enjoying a good spirited debate with a few members there who were at least welcoming of fans who liked Craig in the part. But I do remember the mood in that place souring over time. Not just about Craig, but just about anything going on in the world. It became more of a place to gripe about things and that atmosphere wasn’t really fun. It happened at another forum I used to frequent.

    But that was a long time ago, for all I know they’ve been popping champagne since Craig’s exit. At least I hope.

    No it's still the same. Like they're stuck in a time vortex and can't move on.
    I'm tempted to make a new account, and have some fun with them. But probably not, I might have too see an image of Katie :-& or bjmdds come out from hiding behind his keyboard cowards basement, and reveal himself.

    But enough of that, time to move on.
    If ATJ is cast I will huff and puff and be really, really, really, angry at EON and Especially Barbara Broccoli and I will call them silly names and stuff.

    All this fuss over ATJ and we're no closer to production starting on Bond 26.
    Even if he is actually in the mix (who knows) there will still be other actors that will also be tested.
    Remember the long list of possible candidates when CR went into production, and it was announced that a new Bond would be cast?

    I'm still a member there and have dropped in occasionally over the years. I have to say, they are very welcoming and pleased to see me whenever I do show my face.

    No doubt another forum of a similar kind will be born when the next actor to play Bond is chosen.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    Benny wrote: »
    I don’t think I’ve set foot there since the early years of Craig’s run. I do remember initially enjoying a good spirited debate with a few members there who were at least welcoming of fans who liked Craig in the part. But I do remember the mood in that place souring over time. Not just about Craig, but just about anything going on in the world. It became more of a place to gripe about things and that atmosphere wasn’t really fun. It happened at another forum I used to frequent.

    But that was a long time ago, for all I know they’ve been popping champagne since Craig’s exit. At least I hope.

    No it's still the same. Like they're stuck in a time vortex and can't move on.
    I'm tempted to make a new account, and have some fun with them. But probably not, I might have too see an image of Katie :-& or bjmdds come out from hiding behind his keyboard cowards basement, and reveal himself.

    But enough of that, time to move on.
    If ATJ is cast I will huff and puff and be really, really, really, angry at EON and Especially Barbara Broccoli and I will call them silly names and stuff.

    All this fuss over ATJ and we're no closer to production starting on Bond 26.
    Even if he is actually in the mix (who knows) there will still be other actors that will also be tested.
    Remember the long list of possible candidates when CR went into production, and it was announced that a new Bond would be cast?

    I'm still a member there and have dropped in occasionally over the years. I have to say, they are very welcoming and pleased to see me whenever I do show my face.

    No doubt another forum of a similar kind will be born when the next actor to play Bond is chosen.

    I dropped on yesterday to see what these guys were all about, and they were still obsessing about this site, a few were still banging on about Cr-egg, and it was a strange experience reading their comments. They're incredibly bitter people.

    I'd say they're particularly obsessed with hating Craig, comparing themselves to Mi6, and they have no love lost for @Benny . The brief glimpse I read yesterday, they seem like a tribe of angry haters, most feeding off the other.

    It was almost cultish.
  • Posts: 3,294
    peter wrote: »

    It was almost cultish.

    The forum started that way back when Craig was first chosen, and it remained like that ever since.

    Having said that, they have put up with me being pro-Craig for many years on there whenever I showed my face, and they were always polite and friendly to me in exchanges, even though I was in the opposite camp to them with my viewpoint.
  • edited March 28 Posts: 2,598
    talos7 wrote: »
    echo wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    No script.
    No director.
    No coronations (I keep asking: when was the last time Batman was given to someone with zero tests?

    Again, nobody is claiming that there will be a coronation. ATJ has been rumoured to be a contender for well over a year. It's entirely possible that there IS a script and that there IS a director and that they HAVE screentested ATJ.

    We THINK that there is no script and there is no director because they usually announce the screenwriters and the director as soon as they sign the contract. What if it's different this time? What if the director is particulary secretive? What if the director and the writer are the same person? *cough* Nolan *cough*

    No, I am not saying that everything in the article is correct. Articles containing rumours often mix stuff that's true with stuff that isn't. What I do believe is true is that ATJ is a major contender, and probably the frontrunner right now.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

    Tell that to Clive Owen.

    Yes, who was the member here who was confident that Owen was being cast and even gave a date; he was so sure. Was it “ Luds” ? Or was that another group?

    Yes, it was 'Luds' on these forums. He was convinced Clive Owen was the new Bond.

    I think Campbell said he didn't even audition.
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