Do you have any concerns or niggles about NTTD ,or are you full of confidence ?



  • Posts: 3,336
    Loved the 15 sec teaser we got. I am a bit more concerned about the full trailer though. Seems too much like things we have seen before:

    Visiting a captured blofeld (Silva captured)
    Nomi (A copy of Eve in Skyfall)
    More personal stuff and past secrets
    Also a bit dissapointed if Ana De Armas character is not a femme fatale

    On the positive side, the cinematography looks stunning.
  • Posts: 3,336
    The action scenes also looks pretty solid.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,173
    Not really sure what about it feels American, to be honest.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,480
    Very happy with the trailer. This film will be stunning. I'm more than confident in Cary and Linus. Roll on, April! B-)

    Of course there is a story arc, this is Craig's final film, and I never wanted things left at end of Spectre just hanging with no follow up. Just make it a fine, thrilling Bond story told beautifully with stunning cinematography. Bringing certain characters back makes me happy as long as the whole package is top quality Bond. And this sure looks to be. No complaints or concerns at all.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Very happy with the trailer. This film will be stunning. I'm more than confident in Cary and Linus. Roll on, April! B-)

    Of course there is a story arc, this is Craig's final film, and I never wanted things left at end of Spectre just hanging with no follow up. Just make it a fine, thrilling Bond story told beautifully with stunning cinematography. Bringing certain characters back makes me happy as long as the whole package is top quality Bond. And this sure looks to be. No complaints or concerns at all.

    I quite agree. Indeed, the trailer has breathed new life into the characters of Swann and Brofeld. I'm cautiously cheerful about NTTD.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I'm mixed. I'd love it if we didn't seem to be focusing so much on the Madeline angle. But on the flip side it appears that they are no longer together early on in the film, which is a large relief as I was dreading a husband/wife team on this Bond adventure.
    I'm also mildly assuaged that Blofeld seems to be around for a limited amount of screen time and is there for a specific purpose in one specific location. Obviously the continued emphasis on things getting "personal" is a negative.
    I like the quasi-sci fi imagery we're getting, I think we need to push out of the boundaries of reality a bit with Craig's Bond.
    Overall, I'm more optimistic than I was before seeing this trailer.

    i'm actually glad they are doing something more than Tracy 2.0 with it.... i think they'll start off this film together, but something is going to happen that splits them apart - and maybe perhaps reveal that Swann has more skeletons in her closet than we thought, and maybe she isn't all she seems to be?.. we'll see, but i love the dynamic they are setting up.

    and i actually like Blofeld's return in this - its exactly how i envisioned it should be - kind of like that Hannibal Lector-ish scene where Bond needs info from him.. it's perfect.. IMO, Blofeld is too big and important to simply throw away in SP and never be seen or heard from again.. it remains to be seen how big of a role he'll have in this - i doubt it will be anything beyond a scene or 2 (maybe a planned escape at the end??? who knows) but i like what i've seen..
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,314
    I could be wrong and I won't base it on just a brief glimpse in the trailer, but.... I didn't get a Hannibal vibe. Seeing Waltz imprisoned made him seem even weaker and more of a failure, whereas in Manhunter and SOTL, Lecktor was very much in control. I am intrigued to see more and how it all plays out though.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    Not really sure what about it feels American, to be honest.

    Being directed by an American I think may cloud judgements.

    If any Bond film feels American it's the latter three Brosnan films and the insistence of casting an American "it girl". Thankfully, Craig's run has been spared of that.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    Posts: 2,641
    I was massively impressed by the cinematography and the action in the trailer

    My only concerns are Malek will become Dr No, with all the Japanese influence. Not keen on iconic villains being remade

    Nomi being 007 and sharing a lot of the screen with Bond.
    Ms Lynch seems like a great actress, but I don't want Bond to be constantly upstaged and bested. Hopefully my worry is naïve here

    Some of the humour felt a bit odd, if I'm honest, I didn't really find the Bond, James Bond gag as funny as others did but I think that's just because I'm not used to the style of writing. So that's a minor concern

    On the whole I am really pleased about the trailer and stoked for this for film
  • RC7RC7
    edited December 2019 Posts: 10,512
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    WhyBond wrote: »
    It was a great trailer. I will be seeing this on opening day.
    It feels like a direct answer to the last few Mission Impossible films from what I have noticed. It's like EON is modernizing Bond by making it similar to Tom Cruise and Co.

    Yes. I got that vibe big time

    Nothing like M:I. Bond is still doing its own thing.
  • Posts: 16,055
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    I was massively impressed by the cinematography and the action in the trailer

    My only concerns are Malek will become Dr No, with all the Japanese influence. Not keen on iconic villains being remade

    Nomi being 007 and sharing a lot of the screen with Bond.
    Ms Lynch seems like a great actress, but I don't want Bond to be constantly upstaged and bested. Hopefully my worry is naïve here

    Some of the humour felt a bit odd, if I'm honest, I didn't really find the Bond, James Bond gag as funny as others did but I think that's just because I'm not used to the style of writing. So that's a minor concern

    On the whole I am really pleased about the trailer and stoked for this for film

    I didn't think the "Bond, James Bond" joke was funny either. Reminded me of my very least favorite reading of that line from SP. I hope as with TLD teaser trailer, his line reading is different in the final film.

    I seriously doubt Malek is Dr. No. If he is, this film gets a default ranking by me at the bottom. I don't really want any classic villains brought back unless they're outright remaking the original novels.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Not one bit, as someone who hated SPECTRE I was initially cautious about another DC Bond film but as soon as things filtered through and Boyle was gone and Cary on board my optimism shot up, then that Wright was back as Felix. Also Cary, Burns & PWB on script duties reworking P&W's outline, I think we could have the strongest script of the era possibly.

    I think they need to have ESB in there because he is linked to the Bond, Madeline story and if Waltz can deliver a great performance and redeem what he gave us in SP then great.

    Malek looks truly creepy and that voice is fantastic. No problems with Nomi also the dialogue seemed fine to me, I forget how amazing the dialogue was in the Brosnan era, you'll need to remind me.

    Also pieces of dialogue in the trailer are taken out of context and just snatches, they may well have different meaning than is implied here. M is most likely talking about Nomi when he asks where is 007 but we'll have to wait and see.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,788
    Just jumping in (not reading anything to hopefully remain as spoiler-free as I can) to say I am SO looking forward to this!!! I'll be seeing it on day 1- then I'll be back for the inevitable polarized discussions. ;)
  • I'm more excited for NTTD now after the trailer. Yes, it's a definite Spectre sequel and Madeline is a major plot point again. But this looks, feels and sounds more in line with CR/SF.

    I'm also hoping that after No Time To Die is released it will improve Spectre viewing.
  • Posts: 12,421
    I’m also hopeful NTTD can make SP a little better in hindsight. Most importantly I’m optimistic it will at least be better than SP. It’s very premature, but based on everything I’ve seen/heard/speculate, I suspect it won’t beat out any of Craig’s first 3 for me but will top NTTD. 13-18 range in the overall ranking perhaps. I can’t back it up too much but that’s my early gut prediction.
  • 007Blofeld007Blofeld In the freedom of the West.
    Posts: 3,126
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Maybe I’m old fashioned, but regardless of any other aspect of the film, I’ll be bummed out if at the end Bond is not alive, 007 and unattached.

    @Birdleson same I want Bond as 007
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,133
    I'm also hoping that after No Time To Die is released it will improve Spectre viewing.

    I'm at least hoping they improve on Madeleine's character, and the direction they're taking her with NTTD seems more promising and she won't just be a Tracy 2.0 like initially conceived.

    The biggest surprise I don't expect to happen is watch Blofeld's breakout be lead by Mr. Hinx. If that actually happens, it's an automatic 10, just because I'd love to see it, but that I'd commend EON for being able to keep that on a tight lid.

    Again, I don't expect it. But I can dream.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,480
    @Jordo007 besides the Noh mask, what Japanese influence is there?
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited December 2019 Posts: 5,932
    @Jordo007 besides the Noh mask, what Japanese influence is there?
    There's plenty in this shot, including the way they're seated.
  • Posts: 1,680
    Why is bond kneeling like that
  • Posts: 12,421
    Still hoping for the YOLT novel influence! Garden of death, strangulation, amnesia etc!
  • DrinmanDrinman New York
    edited December 2019 Posts: 40
    Denbigh wrote: »
    @Jordo007 besides the Noh mask, what Japanese influence is there?
    There's plenty in this shot, including the way they're seated.
    Is that a splattering of blood in the far left corner? Had to zoom in on my phone to notice it.

  • Posts: 12,421
    Drinman wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    @Jordo007 besides the Noh mask, what Japanese influence is there?
    There's plenty in this shot, including the way they're seated.
    Is that a splattering of blood in the far left corner? Had to zoom in on my phone to notice it.

    Great catch; I believe you’re right!
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,932
    Tuck91 wrote: »
    Why is bond kneeling like that
    If Bond injures his knee during the film it'd be quite interesting torture to make him sit on his knees?
  • Posts: 1,845
    I would not be surprised if they wrote in the "knee that works" line to cover the probable fact that Craig was still limping a little from his damaged ankle. If so, genius.
  • Posts: 3,257
    Do you have any concerns or niggles about NTTD?

    If they decided to put the money shots in the trailer - like they always do - I can't help feeling a bit underwhelmed. Oh, here's Bond on a bike again, and driving his car. What made me a Bond fan in the first place was Bond using all these crazy gadgets and using all kinds of strange vehicles to get out of an impossible situation.

    It's been 40 years since I became a Bond fan. And I still prefer escapism over the more grounded-in-reality-personal-drama-inner-journey stuff they have been feeding us the last 13 years. I now realize that CR wasn't the reboot. All 4 - and probably 5 - are. Great movies on their own, but for the next fase I just don't want Bond's life to suck anymore.
  • Posts: 1,680
    It’s likely safin that tries to kill Bond in Matera. Who else would wire the grave to blow up. Not sure how bond thinks it’s madeline.

    Bond and Dali Benssalah fight in matera. If Jamaica and Cuba are 5 years later and he is there then safin is obviously the connection.
  • Posts: 16,055
    On the latest JAMES BOND RADIO podcast it was speculated that Felix is killed off which motivates Bond to come out of retirement.
    Pure speculation granted, but if that turned out to be the case I probably outright wouldn't like the film at all.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    On the latest JAMES BOND RADIO podcast it was speculated that Felix is killed off which motivates Bond to come out of retirement.
    Pure speculation granted, but if that turned out to be the case I probably outright wouldn't like the film at all.

    Throw him to the sharks.
  • Posts: 16,055
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    On the latest JAMES BOND RADIO podcast it was speculated that Felix is killed off which motivates Bond to come out of retirement.
    Pure speculation granted, but if that turned out to be the case I probably outright wouldn't like the film at all.

    Throw him to the sharks.

    I wouldn't mind that, but I'd rather not have him killed off.
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