The Farewell Thread (or taking a hiatus)



  • Hey guys! I really, really, really wanted to give this MI6 Community a whirl, trust it, give it a chance. My firm wish was that if enough senior, mature members stayed, then it would continue to encourage junior members to post higher level content. And I'm not talking about philosophical analyses or in-depth reviews -- just things like basic grammer, spelling, and manners. But it seems, as I feared, that the new Facebook/Twitter inspired chatroom style has given way to a pretty extremely low level of discourse, and one incident in particular has just convinced me that I need to leave, or else I'm going to start getting cantankerous (read: flaming) towards new/junior (it's hard to tell who's "new" when everyone has new names and low post counts) members and get banned anyway.

    So hopefully I'll see you guys elsewhere on the Internet, and if I choose to return I hope the admin team won't have decided to delete my profile with no warning and no hope of recovery -- because apparently that's the MO around here. As the kids say, TTYL!
  • Posts: 232
    FOUR DOT and TUX and PYTHON gone? Geez, what the hell is the point of staying? I have no interest in social networking, which is what this seems like at first skim, and the content loss issue is significant as well. is finally back up after a multi-year absence, but there is no substantial filmtalk there, but you can find me for a tech question or a bit of gabbing. Got no idea where I'm gonna wind up for significant posting, but it won't be on commanderbond either, thasforsure.


    Kevin H. Martin
  • What a bunch of whiney little kids - loss of posts isn't the end of the world - time to make new ones.

    Everyone complains about change to begin with, but guess what - you will get used to it.

    Stop giving people a hard time because the toys someone let you play with fell out of your pram. They are giving you new toys to play with, which are strange at first but might actually be better than the mouldy old teddy you did have.
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Quoting mccabekev: They are giving you new toys to play with, which are strange at first but might actually be better than the mouldy old teddy you did have.
    I've tossed new toys away to go back to more familiar old ones. Mostly because the old ones where more fun to play with. I have an Action Man rotting in my basement as proof.
  • Quoting Tubes: I have an Action Man rotting in my basement as proof.
    As proof of what? You like it so much it's rotting in your basement?
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Quoting mccabekev:
    As proof of what? You like it so much it's rotting in your basement?
    No, the Action Man is the new toy that sucked. I played with it for 1 week back in 1997 and ignored it for the rest of my childhood. Proof that sometimes that old toys can have more enjoyment than new ones.

    Another example: I've worked hard to keep my old PlayStation still running. Same with my PS2 and Nintendo 64. I have yet to own any game system that was made since then.

    Just because something is new, doesn't mean it's going to be any better.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    Indeed, people grow up and things change. Just see Toy Story 3.

    EDIT: Or not. Sorry Tubes!
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 11
    Quoting Fairbairn-Sykes: Hey guys! I really, really, really wanted to give this MI6 Community a whirl, trust it, give it a chance. My firm wish was that if enough senior, mature members stayed, then it would continue to encourage junior members to post higher level content. And I'm not talking about philosophical analyses or in-depth reviews -- just things like basic grammer, spelling, and manners.

    ...cantankerous (read: flaming) ...
    I don't understand - you use all those, big, impressive words, yet two of the posts I've seen you make today have had 'grammar' misspelt. So, yeah, what's the deal with that? I was old-school MI6, so have no idea who you are - is it some joke I'm missing?

  • Posts: 114
    Well, surprisingly I'm gonna give this forum, community, social network or whatever a chance. As much as I'm throughly bummed about what's gone down I just can't leave it. So I might just dive in head first, give as much feedback as possible. My hope is that the framework of the site is easily changeable, so our input on features and design will be well heeded.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Quoting mccabekev: As proof of what? You like it so much it's rotting in your basement?
    Now now kev, lots of folks are sad about the missing content and it's understandable. You've been away so long it's not troubling you evidently. Be more sensitive!

    @DarthBork - Yup I believe lots can be modified, AndyLucas or James were about to start a thread to explain what features were next on the to do list.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    @DarthBork Good man. That's the spirit... :)
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Quoting Luds: Yup I believe lots can be modified, AndyLucas or James were about to start a thread to explain what features were next on the to do list.
    Well, this is good. At least the boards can be improved now. Maybe we can see some old features back in action.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited March 2011 Posts: 15,730
    The loss of all the posts is very upsetting, to me. The old site was a testimonial of many eras - the release of DAD, the day when Brosnan was officially gone, the day Craig got cast, the release of the first trailer for CR, the release of CR... It was a great mountain of information for several crucial times for the franchise. It was an 'image' of the Bond community at recent important dates in the Bond history. Now it's all gone. I find that an utter disgrace, and I don't think I'll ever come to be OK about it. And the good byes to John Barry were not saved. Given Barry is a true legend to me, I find it unnaceptable that 30+ pages of tributes to Barry were just deleted.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Quoting Tubes:
    Quoting Luds: Yup I believe lots can be modified, AndyLucas or James were about to start a thread to explain what features were next on the to do list.

    Well, this is good. At least the boards can be improved now. Maybe we can see some old features back in action.
    We encourage you all to post suggestions for sure, I know the lads are already working on an option to see all new posts since last login like we had or something along the lines of it.
  • Posts: 114
    That's made me rejoice to a degree. Well, with any luck our feedback will help define the framework for this new forum. On the plus side this forum may even be more tailored to our needs in the long run, who knows but I think it would be hasty to cop out and not give it a shot.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting DarthBork: That's made me rejoice to a degree. Well, with any luck our feedback will help define the framework for this new forum. On the plus side this forum may even be more tailored to our needs in the long run, who knows but I think it would be hasty to cop out and not give it a shot.
    That's the spirit! i agree, since this is a beginning, it's a perfect time for it.
  • Posts: 20
    Yeah, I think I'm out for now too. I don't have time for a forum that is teething and needs work on its interface. Cue the violins.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359

    Come back in a couple of months then won't you? By then things should be much better.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 295
    I feel sorry for the people who were at the other site for upwards of like 8-9 years in some cases-- surely it was a part of their lives to a degree that many of us probably can't fathom. I would probably throw a tantrum too if I was in their shoes. In fact I did throw a tantrum right after facebook did its last major profile update. I got used to those changes though and I can already see many potential advantages to this new layout. I hope many of the people who have departed hastily in the last 24 hours decide to reconsider once the shock and disgust phase wears off.

  • The transition to new forum technology allows us to make continuous changes with a much quicker turnover than previously possible. I hope this will encourage people to stick around and contribute to the improvements - there'll be a lot to talk about in the run up to the next film.
  • Posts: 20
    Like I said, I'm gone for now. I'm sure in time when they work out the kinks it won't be as awkward. I may or may not come back, the site will go on regardless. With a new Bond film on the way, and still being linked to the top Bond site on the web - this place won't die any time soon.

    I can live without my old posts, I'v never seen these boards as more than a time waster where I can talk about something I enjoy while I should be doing something else. I'm not cut up about it. That said, I can certainly see how for others who had significant personal stuff on those boards are frustrated and I empathise with that. I think this certainly could've been handled better and I'm disappointed that it wasn't. A couple of days notice, maybe even a day or two where this got run as a BETA of sorts would've made a massive difference in terms of the good will or lack thereof that's been displayed to this.

    So yeah, no illwill, just a bit of frustration and a lot on my plate.
  • Posts: 91
    @georgelazenby - for sure, but when you've been around for a while change is something that's normal in a way. The community - forum style aside - ebb and flow all the time; membership changes, tastes in what's hot in the Bond world changes, the regulars change and attitudes change. Unfortunately there's been a bit of a catalyst this time around that's made physical changes to the forum come around quickly, but I'm buoyed to see members like @retrokitty and @darthbork to give just two examples, giving the new format time to bed in.
  • Posts: 6
    On second thought, one of the things that kept me around MI6 during the downtime between films was the beauty of the forum. Easy to use, easy to navigate, easy to read.

    Now that that's been flipped on its head, I think I'm gonna take some time off. Navigating this version is just frustrating.

    If things change, I'll come back, but for now, I'm going to head elsewhere. Pleasure knowing you all.
  • Posts: 91
    @jackwade hope you still check in once in a while Wade. :) I'm sure things will come on in leaps and bounds. Take care.
  • I was registered at KTBEU for four years, and I lurked without a username for a year before that. I didn't post a whole lot, but I read KTBEU a lot, and I thought I made a lot of solid contributions to the discussion/community. This whole thing is just a giant farce, and was handled unbelievably poorly. The layout is truly awful, confusing, and claustrophobic. It doesn't even feel like a forum. Fischer Price...yeah, that's what it feels like.

    While I'm not going to say I'm definitely leaving, this new layout is going to make it very tough to visit here like I once did. I'll give it a while to sink in, like everyone probably should, but I don't imagine myself getting used to this, and I also will probably be waving goodbye to MI6 if radical changes aren't made to this format at some point. In the meantime, I think I'll head over to a different site. (I fear for my eyes, though. Black on white on yellow is really difficult to read.)
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    i know i am a relative newbie to the community - if you carry over the amount of posts from the previous boards, i'm probably somewhere around 60 - 65 posts - peanuts compared to the ones who have been here for a substantial number of years....

    But I too was taken aback by the sudden overhaul.. but, with anything, I will give it some time to get used to.. it's human nature to react adversely to drastic change, but in the long run, I don't think this will be any less of a community page than the previous one..
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I realize the switch to the new site could have been handled better, but I really hope those of you that have left or are thinking about leaving reconsider.

    I've been on here for two years now and this has by far been the friendliest forum I've been on. I'm really not that close to anyone on here, but I can't think of a single poster (other than the obvious trolls) that I've not enjoyed having some sort of dialogue with.

    I can't speak for the old days when the forum first started, but I can speak for the last two years, and it has been a pleasure to be here. There are far worst forums to be at.

    There's no reason why new enjoyable memories can't be made here.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 1,310
    Quoting DaltonCraig007:
    The loss of all the posts is very upsetting, to me. The old site was a testimonial of many eras - the release of DAD, the day when Brosnan was officially gone, the day Craig got cast, the release of the first trailer for CR, the release of CR... It was a great mountain of information for several crucial times for the franchise. It was an 'image' of the Bond community at recent important dates in the Bond history. Now it's all gone. I find that an utter disgrace, and I don't think I'll ever come to be OK about it. And the good byes to John Barry were not saved. Given Barry is a true legend to me, I find it unnaceptable that 30+ pages of tributes to Barry were just deleted.
    I only had around 200 posts and I'm starting to miss them...I remember spending a good deal of time writing my detailed Bond reviews...I couldn't agree with you more, DaltonCraig....I just can't help feeling cheated. I will try and attempt to stay, but I feel it is going to be hard. Sigh. I feel like I'm being irrational but I just cannot help it!!!! #-O
  • Posts: 110
    This is is how this thread reads:
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    TO my MI6 friends:

    I know we've had our differences and arguments these last 5 1/2 years I''ve been a member of the MI6 forums; there has been a few times I wanted to strangle some of you and some of you wanted to strangle me.

    But overall, it's been fun!

    This sudden overnight nuke of the entire MI6 forum and subsequently not giving us any advance warning of it happening nor giving us the necessary time to salvage our threads is pretty disheartening!!

    How do you recover from something like this?

    I wouldn't even know how to begin.

    Therefore, I think I will head on to Commander Bond and try to start a new home there.

    "Why do we say Goodbye?

    I know! It's just so final,
    it just doesn't work for me.
    [Now in some far away land,
    people have a single word that means both goodbye and hello;
    it's sort of a generalized all purpose one size fits all verbal gesture.
    Okay, it's a small improvement, very small
    but it doesn't address the full gravity of the question.]

    It's like... if you say goodbye.
    you are not really sure you are ever coming back, not absolutely positive.

    I think goodbye has a bit of an ending
    there is a chance than you'll never see that person again
    I think that people die a little bit everytime that they say it
    So My MI6 Friends:
    promise me that you will never say goodbye
    not until it really is goodbye,
    then you can,
    then i won't mind,

    I will be in a place where I won't mind at all."


    James Roberto DeAngelis
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