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That's if my memory serves me correctly, though. Haven't watched that feature since shortly after the Ultimate Edition sets came out.
Yeah, I just checked, and it confirms that it's also on the blu-ray. Running time is 52:23. Here's the description:
"An hour-long 1967 made-for-TV "movie" that features a dejected Moneypenny reminiscing about Bond's previous adventures and romantic liaisons—expect lots of archival clips from the first few films—and giving us a preview of You Only Live Twice. In high definition for the first time!"
Yes, it is. I've seen some of it on the YOLT Ultimate Edition DVD released in 2006.
This is because it is in 1:33:1 and 1:33:1 on BD the all format option be no longer suport. The 16:9 subtitle function be with BD now named 16:9 and tv format named Zoomed. This mean if play dvd in your dvd player or as my case DVD/DVD Recorder you stil must change tv format in in 16:9 when you play 1:33:1 tv series. Funny thing be is that with dvd the 2:35:1 format be the problem and now it be 1:33:1. The problems with 2:35:1 of course always be problem how much you see in the middle/the format not be good for to small tv's. The 1:33:1 problems now have to do with fact is no longer widescreen.
The above screenshots not realy give a fear image.
This be more closer
Personaly i not give much about that for older! tv series/documentry's. SD (DVD) be good enough in that case. The Cabel company made it possible people can watch Anolge tv channel's (exept TV5) and Belgium 3 (Ketnet) in SD too. Sometimes that already be a step above on dvd. I only use Anologe tv for my dvdrecorder and tv5 if needed. The audio be for me more reasen why i get for BD and of course image/audio inprove the moost inspecialy with Warner and Disney/animated movies.
It's worth every penny. :)
It was all in keeping with Bondmania at its height.