Feedback and Suggestions



  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting Samuel001: That's done by HTML.
    http://Internet URL goes here.”>Title the visitor sees.

    So your link becomes Click here
    Ah, so the poster and the visitor see different things?
    Got it.
    Thanks for taking your time to explain that.
  • Posts: 110
    @danslittlefinger The poster and visitor don't see different things. If you use the html tag, the link will say what you specify in the tag and will open in the same window and not a new one.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting Bartleby: @danslittlefinger The poster and visitor don't see different things. If you use the html tag, the link will say what you specify in the tag and will open in the same window and not a new one.

    OK I'm now lost.
    Why in your post did it say 'click here" and mine was the entire link?
    How do you do that?
    What is the HTML format for that then?
    Yes I'm thick as two short planks.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    @danslittlefinger Yes, you must use HTML to acheive text appearing as a link

    < a href="your link">Text you want to display< /a>

    Make sure all the spaces are removed from the above line of text, then enter the URL in place of ""your link"" and what you wish the link to read in place of "Text you want to display".

    Try it and see if it works.

    EDIT: @Bartleby Thanks, you've covered it in much more detail than I'd have been able to.

  • Posts: 110
    @danslittlefinger It's okay, we're almost there. I'll link you to the home page of this site in two ways to show the difference.

    Method #1

    This opens in a new window and displays as a full link.

    Method #2
    Type: < a href="">Click here< /a>

    Note:I put a space before the a and /a to illustrate how the tag works without making the browser translate it.

    The same tag above with the space before the a and /a removed:

    Click here

    This link features the text I chose to display (Click here) and will open in the same window.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting Bartleby: @danslittlefinger It's okay, we're almost there. I'll link you to the home page of this site in two ways to show the difference.
    This is SO frustrating. it's not working.
    I'm copying your html thing and entering my own words where click here is and it's not working.
  • Posts: 110
    @danslittlefinger Yes, except you'll have to remove the space between the < and the a and you'll have to ad /a> to the end.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359
    Get rid of that space at the end, between the < and /.
  • Quoting Samuel001: Get rid of that space at the end, between the < and /.
    Nope, still not working. ~X(
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    You must have two of these: " ", either side of you link.

    "Like this"

    There must also be a space the first "a" and "href".
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting Samuel001: You must have two of these: " ", either side of you link.

    "Like this">;"Is this it?"< /a>

    Still not working. i have to be doing something else wrong.
    Anyway you can do the link as it should be, the whole format?
    Sorry guys.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    There must be a space between the first "a" and "href".

    Also I can see a space that should NOT be there at the end of you link, between the "<" and "<" and "/ a>".

    Note: If it does not work this time let's continue our conversation over the PM system, we shouldn't be clogging up the boards like this. Also you'll be pleased to know a link buttom may br added in the future. ;)
  • Posts: 110
    I took a screenshot so you can see exactly how it should look when you type it.

  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting Bartleby: I took a screenshot so you can see exactly how it should look when you type it.
    Thats what I wanted, cheers Bartleby and many thanks Samuel.

    Lightbulb on *-:)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359
    Can you see where you went wrong now, @danslittlefinger?
  • Quoting Samuel001: Can you see where you went wrong now, @danslittlefinger?
    Umm, I think so. I'm an 80's thicko when it comes to computers.
  • Posts: 110
    What we've done here today is show the awesome power of teamwork!
  • Quoting Bartleby: What we've done here today is show the awesome power of teamwork!
    Very much so, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
    Many thanks to you and Samuel (and sorry for clogging this thread up).
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Nice HTML lesson here ;)
  • Posts: 503
    Another question, thanks in advance:

    Why can't we delete posts? Shouldn't we be given the option to do so? At least for a limited time? J/W, thanks.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    @Bond This is something I wasn't aware of, I can at all times, including your own ;)
    You can't delete posts even if there's no reply yet?
    Perhaps we can try to get something changed with this.
  • Posts: 503
    Quoting Luds: You can't delete posts even if there's no reply yet?

    Nope, can't delete them at all.
  • Quoting Bond: Nope, can't delete them at all.
    Me neither.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    That must have been brought up already, right? If not, then yeah, that's a another big issue waiting to be solved.

    Also I respect that the admin team is very busy at the moment but is there any potential timetable for future updates/improvments?

    Add to add, you can't delete your own unreplyed to posts, unless three of us have a problem. ;)
  • Posts: 503
    A few more suggestions:

    1. Most forums tell you who's online at the moment. It'd be nice if that could be implemented here, just so we know if we're all alone online or if the whole crew is at the party.

    2. Most forums also tell you how many times a particular thread has been viewed, in addition to the replies. Not a big deal to have, but it's definitely something that most forum software providers offer.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Actually all of my suggestions have already been posted by others, so no need for me to repeat them, but I would like to add that IMO the old MI6 had the best-looking and eye-friendliest forum layout I ever discovered on the net, and I absolutely don´t think this has to do with getting used to it. Now I don´t mean to say we need the very same thing, but something visually reminiscent would be great :) .
    I know you guys are working on lots of things already, so I don´t worry too much. I find the new way to quote very nice and much better than the old one so far.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,347
    Some additional things which I think haven't been brought up. I'd like:

    Ability to choose default view. Some members prefer to have the category view, some others may want the current default of all recent posts. A setting in your preferences would be good, and the default view will be the one in green at the top of the page ('Discussions' is the green, default one for everyone right now). This default view should also be reachable from the bottom of each page, as of now you can only choose "Back to discussions" and not "Back to categories".

    Show hierarchy more clearly. Perhaps, next to the "Back to discussions" link at the bottom of each page, also put a link back to the category the topic is located in.

    Ability to choose how many posts to show per page. The current setting is way too high for my taste

    Extend the profile to show at least location

    Email notifications. I get an email everytime I get a PM, something I'd like to disable. But I can't find a way to do so.

    Delete member from message discussion. You can add members to a private discussion/PM discussion, but you cannot delete him/her. That would be handy.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    Perhaps having the "007 FAQ" section back up would be good, as many of the "least favourite" whatever threads are getting lost amongst the other film discussions.
This discussion has been closed.