Feedback and Suggestions



  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,359
    Quoting JackWade:
    Really? We have to know HTML to post images and such? Not
    user-friendly at all.

    I think (and hope) the plan is to put the buttons back in at a later date.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Jack, I really think this new forum is being built while we use it. There is no way they intend for us to have to scroll through pages to get to the last post as these threads grow. There will likely be a last viewed button as well as other short cuts. I'm ok waiting on those if I know that this is, in general, a work in progress.
  • Posts: 6
    If that's the case, I apologize.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    We'll be posting a 'technical roadmap' later today, to share our list of things we're working on and hopefully answer a lot of questions in one go.
  • Posts: 162
    Since this is like facebook, how about a "like" button? Might as well go all the way with it.... This really is a social networking site that happens to have a discussion forum, like facebook.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Though I've moved into being more of a lurking and actually wanted a like button on the last forum, I don't think that would be productive. It stops people from having to think and enter discussion. (which is why as a lurker I was craving it)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    I'd also add this is still primarily a discussion forum and shouldn't be dragged into the "Facebook era" any more than it arguably has been. A "like" button is not a good thing in my opinion whereas the new "Flag" system is great.
  • Posts: 162
    That was partly meant as a joke :p

    I did find myself looking for the like button on the old forums, though. Too much time spent on facebook, I suppose.

    I might as well list my actually suggestions (i.e. grievances)

    1. Something other than having to type HTML. Buttons. More buttons.

    2. Something other than blank print on a white background. It's not very fun to read.

    3. Bigger profile pictures. It helps you more easily see who is posting.

    4. A format that looks more like a discussion board in organization....I wish I could be more clear, here. The page buttons is one major point in that. The fact that everything is so left justified as opposed to more centered on the page as far as text goes...The whole thing really isn't easy on the eyes. I wish I could explain better.

    5. Some way to see new posts, and go straight to the last page.

    6. A clearer understanding of these new "profiles" and walls, newsfeeds, etc. I can't tell what can be seen and what can't, and where it will be posted.

    7. Polls

    8. Stickied threads

    9. A way to view your posts right after posting it.

    10. A warning when someone has posted before you finished with an oppurtunity to edit (would have been nice at the old forums, too.)

    11. A clearer quoting function (so it's easier to separate when the quote ends and the actual post begins)

    I guess that's all for now....
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting lalala2004: I guess that's all for now....
    Thanks a lot for the suggestions lalala! With a huge list like this, understand if it takes us well more than 12 hours to set it all up ;)
    Ya so seriously, I know it'll be looked at quite in details.
  • Posts: 162
    Don't worry, I thought of more:

    - A "quick post" function like what is here now as well as an option where you can add code (buttons, though, no hand typed html!)

    - Lot's more organization to the threads. The way it was before made it easy to navigate and go straight to what you felt like talking about. So much being shoved in to "Bond Films" doesn't work for me at all. Really keeps me from wanting to post in threads because there are so many to scroll through already, and I'm not always in a mood to talk just anything Bond.

    Mostly it's stuff that's already been mentioned, but I figured I should emphasize how I felt about it, myself....
  • Posts: 91
    I think @lalala2004 has some fab suggestions, and I guess those are the things I'm missing just looking around.

    It's a bit like moving house though... unpack the boxes, hang a few pictures and it'll feel like home again.

    I like the 'preview' option - much better than on the old forums.

    Quick question @Luds - do you happen to know if this is a mobile-friendly format? Can't get onto the forums etc from work so only alternative is the phone during the day and that's something that the old forums wasn't great with when one isn't in possession of an iPhone or similar.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,359
    Quoting Dusty59: do you happen to know if this is a mobile-friendly format? Can't get onto the
    forums etc from work so only alternative is the phone during the day and that's
    something that the old forums wasn't great with when one isn't in possession of
    an iPhone or similar.

    @Dusty59 Some members (I forget who, sadly) have mentioned the new forum works very well for them in their opinion on mobile devices and even better than the old Mi6, so hopefully all users find it user-friendly.

    I myself, don't use mobile devices to log on, so have no idea - sorry!
  • @Dusty59 There's a mobile version of the site that will load automatically on most phones - I checked it earlier and it's very legible and easy to navigate.
  • TubesTubes The Hebrew Hammer
    Posts: 158
    Things I like:

    -Quick post right at the bottom. Efficient and you can reference the page above you.
    -Automatically saved drafts. Great for when your internet gets cut off or other catastrophic events. Or just hitting the back button.
    -Apparently, I can hotlink streaming video.
    -Apparently, the MGM ban is no longer in effect.

    Things that need work:
    -Buttons for text styles.
    -Page numbers at the top of the topic and in the topic title.
    -A members list.
    -More section divisions so stuff is sorted better.

    This site does look like one that works well on a mobile.
  • Posts: 91
    Great news, @andrewlucas & @samuel001 I'll give it a go on the ol' mobile in the morrow.
  • @Tubes Thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure the points you raised make their way onto the roadmap of improvements.
  • Posts: 91
    Also, would be fab to have the opportunity to put more information into one's profile, the profiles certainly seem a little sparse at the moment. Some location info and a bit of a favourites (Bond) questionnaire would be great.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    @Dusty59 Agreed. Not sure we necessarily need any more opportunity for personal detail in the profiles than on the old forum, but some more'd be welcome...
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 91
    @st_george yah with you there - not so interested in the personal info, but it's great to know what timezone you're talking to ;-)

    also, some Bond related icebreakers is something I'd like to see if poss; fave Bond & film for example.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Two questions?

    1. On the old site, there was the option to look at "your posts" in the upper right corner. Any chance of bringing that option back?

    2. I'm really not a prude, but can curse words be censored or automatically edited?
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 107
    Since the forum clearly has a separate style sheet for phone use, might we ditch the whole "fixed width" thing the new forum design has going on and use a percentage-based set of widths? I've seen other Vanilla-powered forums do it. Or would that somehow screw up the automatic resizing of massive inline images (because I really like that)?
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Quoting AndrewLucas:

    Quoting timmer: Maybe an idiot proof "how to" would be helpful
    on the faq for those of us that have done our darndest all these years, to avoid
    learning HTML or using anything that resembles code.
    sort of things would you like covered in the FAQ, timmer?
    Luds answered my questions, (thanks Luds) so I don't have any more questions about how to use the site.
    As for the FAQ. It might be an idea, when the site is finished in terms of its functionality,to have an FAQ on posting 101. Even on the old site, some were much better than others at using multiple quotes in the same post, and actually identifying multiple quoted posters, as opposed to just hi-liting a quote.
    Someone that has mastered the basic funtionality could summarize the tips and tricks to easy posting. Even tips on how to use the image and link short-cuts if those features return. Once its done, its done, and persons that have questions, or who seem to be struggling, could be pointed to the FAQ.

    Quoting Kerim: 2. I'm really not a prude, but can curse words be censored or automatically
    ==I like maintaining this feature. No profanity on the board. The old filters did a good job.
  • Posts: 72
    If this site is going for a Facebook feel, I would prefer to be notified on the page that I have been replied to, quoted, etc just so I could easily transport to the topic and continue the conversation.
  • Posts: 110
    @Agent_OO7 Some of those options are available in your profile under my preferences.
  • Posts: 72
    Quoting Bartleby: @Agent_OO7 Some of those options are available in your profile under my preferences.
    You got me! Wow. That's awesome. I gotta say, folks, I have no complaints.
  • Posts: 72
    Scratch that: I was typing a long post (probably 5-10 minutes) and I somehow got logged out and lost it all. This has happened many times in the past day, very frustrating.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 110
    @Agent_OO7 The autosave feature didn't capture it? Go back into that topic and what you wrote should be waiting for you in the comment box.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,182
    @Dusty59 I'm using my iPod Touch right now, it looks great. Only flaw is that each thread appears as one huge page with all the posts...

    EDIT: When I posted, my post appeared right away. Nicely done guys :)
  • Posts: 6
    Somewhat astonished I notice there are applicants for positions with the real SIS/MI6. Perhaps might be a good idea to install this link somewhere in the contact form:
  • Posts: 19,339
    Yeah i do think that the profiles need more info in them,that's the whole point of a profile.
This discussion has been closed.