Connery did a FRWL game in 2005, which film/actor would you like to see with a game next?



  • Posts: 4,762
    @bondboy007: Agreed on all the games you mentioned above, especially LALD! Could you imagine doing the boat chase on the Louisiana bayou?! That would be so spectacular! Also, a game of OHMSS would be beast for the ski chases!
  • Posts: 267
    Yeah I look at the movies and there's so many moments from them that they could turn into something that would really vary the gameplay. We've never had a proper boat chase, free run sequence, ski chase, etc. and the movies are full of them. One of the reasons I like EoN so much was because of the motorcycle chase and free fall sequence - since then we've gotten more cut and paste Bond games that only have shooting and driving.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,711
    Is the only way we could get a game like OHMSS with Lazenby's likeness now would be for us to be in another in-between period of Bond's like how we got Connery's likeness between Brosnan and Craig?
    Sadly, that's the only way. :-(
  • Posts: 4,762
    That's very true, bondboy007. The motorcycle and free fall levels were excellent additions to a great game! However, the only things lacking for EON were good car chases, stealth in each mission, and intense gun battles. These were all a part of my favorite Bond game, 007 Nightfire.
  • Posts: 2,491
    i think that TLD or LTK would made great game
  • Posts: 4,762
    @dragonsky: Definately! Both of them have extensive action throughout the movie that would just work really well for a video game.
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 4,813
    Ironically enough, all the former Bond actors EXCEPT Connery are able to sound like their younger selves (Moore is debatable)

    Moore sounds great, considering his advanced age- in that recent Post office commercial
    You tube is full of recent interviews of George Lazenby and he sounds great
    Dalton is on a bunch of TV shows lately and sounds like his good ol self.
    Hell, even a game with Pierce could be fun

    Connery sounded so OLD and it was comical hearing that voice come out of 'young Connery'
  • Posts: 4,762
    Master_Dahark said:
    Connery sounded so OLD and it was comical hearing that voice come out of 'young Connery'

    Hahaha! I've always found it hilarious about how different his voice sounds post-DAF! He has all these random shhh sounds in between syllables that make him sound like he's eating a mouthful of food while talking.
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 669
    @JamesBond... Now I know you were Pierce_James_Bond on the old MI6Forums !!

    Anyway, back to topic...
    Why? Is that something bad? And anyway, I stated that I was PJB in "welcoming committee" thread. But, here I have a new name. So, PJB doesn't exist anymore. OK, then. And uh, I didn't attack you or something, don't get it wrong...

    I'm just looking forward to see Timothy Dalton as Bond once more in a new video game based on Gardner's novel "Scorpius", my personal favourite in his series.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,711
    @JamesBond Nothing wrong, I just wanted to be sure you were a member of the old MI6 forums !! ;-)
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I would really consider gaming again if a decent Tim game made its way in stores, TLD preferably.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @Luds: If only that would come true...
    Right now we have to get through Daniel Craig's Bourne/COD style games before ever getting any Bond movie/with their actors games.
  • Posts: 669
    It's nice to see old friends reunited again somewhere.

    I'm just walking through what they are giving, disliking what I'm playing with this new Bourne/COD style Bond games, but I just play them to get ideas (if they're useful) for my novel "Masquerade", Craig's Bond adventure paralleling B23. I'm trying to make it similar to Alexander Dumas' Monte Cristo elements.
  • Roger Moore, George Lazenby
  • Posts: 321
    I'd love to see a game with Roger Moore.
  • Posts: 4,762
    I would like to see a game made from bits and pieces of various Bond movies, sort of like a "Best of Bond" thing. There would be the classic Bond fights (Bond vs. Red Grant, Oddjob, Emiio Largo, Hans, Blofeld, Tee Hee, etc.), the big shoot-outs (YOLT Volcano battle, OHMSS Piz Gloria battle, DAF oil rig, TSWLM Liparus, etc.), and stealth missions (sneaking around Auric Enterprises, Palmyra, Zorin's horse stables, the Afghan airbase, Carver's presses, etc.). Also, for each part of the movie, the proper Bond actor is used, so ultimately you'd get to play as all of them.
  • Posts: 163
    TLD, LTK are my top two
    plus if can get DALTON's voice that would be an added bonus

    and for the hell of it
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited June 2011 Posts: 4,399
    i've always wanted to see the other actors get their own Bond games, it would be fun... so if i had my choice, i would say...

    Roger Moore - The Spy Who Loved Me
    There is more in this movie, than his others, that would have enough to actually carry some fun levels..

    - the PTS, and skiing away from the Russian assassins (with 'Bond 77' playing over top of the action)
    - following Fekesh/Jaws through the Egyptian ruins (a stealth style mission)
    - tailing Jaws from the Mojave Club to the ruins, where you then have to find him - and engage in a small combat
    - the car chase with the Lotus
    - the underwater sub battle with the Lotus
    - the battle on the Liparus
    - confronting Stromberg in Atlantis
    - final showdown with Jaws in Atlantis

    i highlighted the main points from the movie - and there could be some smaller levels thrown in between as well... but i think this would be a great game to play for us Bond fans....... the other game would be......

    Timothy Dalton - The Living Daylights

    there is too much to go into detail about levels with this game - as there is a lot, and i could very well seeing some of it playing as how Splinter Cell : Conviction did - due to some of the subject matter...

    both of these movies would make excellent games
  • Posts: 4,762
    @haserot: I like your level set-up for TSWLM, and I agree. That would make a fantastic video game, if they ever got around to it. The Living Daylights would be a great choice as well, considering the amount of action it has in store!
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited June 2011 Posts: 4,399
    if i had to set up levels for The Living Daylights... this is how i would picture some playing out.... (this is just a rough idea)...

    (1 - Gibraltar)
    you would control 007's safe and undetected descent (skydiving, and parachuting) onto the island... once landed, you need to make your way to the radar installation... but along the way - you notice someone execute one of your fellow 00's, by cutting his climbing rope..... you then pursue him quickly on foot - to where you jump onto his jeep, and fight to stop him - eventually ending how the movie does........ i picture this part being very much like Blood Stone - simple button controls to put you into the action and start things off quick.... it would also be a great way to learn the controls..

    (2 - A Pipeline To The West 1/2)
    this level would start out with you as 007, parking the car in a back alley, and then walking into the music hall to make contact with Saunders in his box..... a small playable sequence, using your binoculars to find Koskov in the audience would take place, before Saunders instructs you that it's time to get into position..... you both leave the hall, and walk across to the building opposite, where Saunders fills you in on the mission... you take your sniper rifle and sit on the balcony, and wait for the music to stop... once it does, and a brief few moments pass - Koskov escapes out the window, and it's up to you to guide him safely to you (meaning shooting out street lamps, so he can hide in the shadows.... this part ends, when you "shoot" at Kara posing as a sniper.

    (3 - A Pipeline To The West 2/2)
    This would essentially be a driving mission - with Koskov in the front seat of your car, you must avoid police detection while driving to the escape route as quickly as possible..

    (4 - A Man and a Woman... and a Cello)
    Yet again another driving level, mirroring the snow and ice chase from the film - but expanding on it a little bit... and ending with you and Kara sleding away from the Russian military on her cello case..

    (5 - You Should've Brought Lilies)
    After the murder of Saunders - all signs appear to point to General Pushkin as being the prime suspect.. the General is attending a conference in Tangier..... the object of this mission is to tail Pushkin from the conference building to his hotel - keeping a safe distance and not to be seen.... once there, you must find a way into the hotel, and obtain info on what room Pushkin is staying in, by listening in on conversations with some of the KGB guards.... you must gain access into the room, before the General returns.

    (6 - Put Up Job)
    You enter the conference building, and walk as to not raise alarm.. - and you must get to the balcony as Pushkin is being introduced as the next speaker... you must quickly draw your gun and fire at Pushkin "killing him"... you must then quickly escape the building, avoiding guards and police - which means you must go rooftop to rooftop on foot, avoiding gunfire, and (nonlethally) disposing of the occasional police officer who happens to get in your way..

    (7 - A Useful 4 Letter Word)
    After being taken prisoner by Koskov and jailed - you must break out of jail, and also free Kamran Shah, from the next cell... you main objective of this mission is stealthly make your way around the airbase, to eventually escape - later with the help of Kamran... you must safely navigate around lights, spotlights, troops and guards - either you or Kara are spotted, your pretty much dead.

    (8 - Getting The Boot)
    A simple fighting button masher, - in which you must dispose of Necros while Kara struggles to fly the massive cargo plane..

    i'm far too lazy to keep typing these out lol... but i think you all get the idea... these aren't all the levels they could do - but it could give you an idea of what could possible with a game based off The Living Daylights... you got action, driving, stealth, actual spying - it's a game that i think would truly be a fun one to play...... especially hearing the Barry score (or something really really close to it) over the gameplay.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Nice ideas @haserot! There could also be a level where you fight off Koskov's soldiers at the airbase in a really big shoot-out as you make your way to the cargo plane. Then maybe you could either fly the plane to the end of the runway or play as Kara and drive the military vehicle into the back of the plane while avoiding gunfire from Koskov and Necros behind you.
  • Posts: 5
    I think The Spy Who Loved Me would make for an amazing video game.
    Agreed 100% It shouts videogame material. In fact as a kid I drew up a level storyline and main objectives...I was a big nerd, but still I'd love to play as Roger Moore fighting Jaws.
  • Posts: 669
    I think The Spy Who Loved Me would make for an amazing video game.
    Agreed 100% It shouts videogame material. In fact as a kid I drew up a level storyline and main objectives...I was a big nerd, but still I'd love to play as Roger Moore fighting Jaws.
    But, unfortunately, it was set in 70s era, which lacks being classy. In 1970s, every "classic" thing has faded away and the casual life has launched for the world. For example, the suits in 60s were very classy, but in 70s and 80s, they were "out" of being a suit, lacks being elegant, they were more sporty. The songs have started becoming casual, knocking off classic songs and musics (think of classical Frank Sinatra songs). Bond also lost being too formal however until FYEO arrived. In FYEO, we've seen a spectacular tuxedo worn by Moore... Y'know what I'm saying.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Contrary to popular views on this Bond movie, I actually think AVTAK would make a great game if done properly. It has some great material to use for epic levels:
    (1.) Pre-titles ski chase
    (2.) Chasing May Day at the Eiffel Tower
    (3.) Snooping around Zorin's horse stables and the small fist fight in the cargo room
    (4.) The horse race, which would be something different for a change
    (5.) Investing Zorin's sea pipeline
    (6.) Fight in Stacey's house
    (7.) Escape from city hall/ fire truck chase around San Francisco
    (8.) Escape the flooded mine and get the bomb out
    (9.) Fight Zorin on the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Posts: 669
    Yes, it has got some potential.
  • Posts: 4,762
    I just thought of this, but I've never understood why Die Another Day wasn't released as a video game? It came out about the same time as Nightfire, and I just don't understand why a game of DAD was made. It has a whole bunch of action ready to be made into a video game. Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure glad that at least Nightfire was made!
  • Posts: 669
    I just thought of this, but I've never understood why Die Another Day wasn't released as a video game? It came out about the same time as Nightfire, and I just don't understand why a game of DAD was made. It has a whole bunch of action ready to be made into a video game. Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure glad that at least Nightfire was made!
    DAD was embarrassing film. The Pre-title and main-title sequence were the worst elements in the cinematic Bond universe. DAD nearly killed Bond, y'know. That's why the franchise was rebooted.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @JamesBond: Well yes, I know that. But considering how much action was put into Die Another Day, you'd think that a game was on the way. In any event, Nightfire was the better choice!
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited July 2011 Posts: 15,711
    DAD nearly killed Bond, y'know. That's why the franchise was rebooted.
    DAD didn't come anywhere close of killing the franchise, and that is a fact.
  • Posts: 4,762
    The only thing that caused the series reboot was that Pierce Brosnan decided to step down as 007. When he left, a new Bond was needed, and Craig certainly didn't fit the style that Brosnan's 007 fit, so they had to go back to the drawing board.
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