A life or death moment to save YOU..one Bond ,which one would you choose and why ?

edited November 2018 in Trivia & Games Posts: 19,339
Self explanatory x which Bond would you trust to save you , and why ?
Think carefully peeps,could be by force or by charm or a mixture of both,your last chance and one Bond.

Connery? Lazenby? Moore? Dalton? Brosnan? Craig ? ...or maybe none of them yet


  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    Connery, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan all seem like solid choices. I’d probably choose BrosBond just because I’d most like to meet him.

    The reasons I wouldn’t pick the others:

    Lazenby is out of the running because he failed to protect Tracy and he was too lazy to go back and make sure Blofeld was actually dead.

    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.
  • mattjoesmattjoes TINY TIM
    Posts: 6,950
    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.

    At least we'd know that after failing to save us, he would experience deep emotion and contemplate the circumstances that led to our demise.

    And then, finally, he would become the Bond we know and love.

  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    mattjoes wrote: »
    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.

    At least we'd know that after failing to save us, he would experience deep emotion and contemplate the circumstances that led to our demise.

    And then, finally, he would become the Bond we know and love.


    =)) And lots of brooding. Don’t forget the brooding.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864

    Because if I were his friend, and some harm was done to me, he would instantly resign to bring down the villain's entire business from head to toe, sleep with the man's girlfriend while romantically involved with a CIA operative, frame the villain's associate to the point where his head would pop, freewheel a bloody truck amidst a sea of fire and proceed to set the villain ablaze with a gift he got from me.

    You see, I'm suffering from an inferiority complex, but when saved or even avenged by Dalton's Bond, I would suddenly feel incredibly appreciated!
  • RemingtonRemington I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
    Posts: 1,533
    DarthDimi wrote: »

    Because if I were his friend, and some harm was done to me, he would instantly resign to bring down the villain's entire business from head to toe, sleep with the man's girlfriend while romantically involved with a CIA operative, frame the villain's associate to the point where his head would pop, freewheel a bloody truck amidst a sea of fire and proceed to set the villain ablaze with a gift he got from me.

    You see, I'm suffering from an inferiority complex, but when saved or even avenged by Dalton's Bond, I would suddenly feel incredibly appreciated!

    Can't argue with this logic.
  • edited November 2018 Posts: 15,954
    Roger. I'd have a much better chance of getting through the situation unscathed, and with my humor intact. Sean would be my second choice, then Pierce.

    If it were Daniel I might end up dead. If it were Timmy, I'd come out alive, but would still probably get my a$$ kicked a bit in the process.

    I'm not so sure George would actually show up to the rescue. He'd be too busy romancing the lovely ladies, then getting locked up in escapable cable car machinery compartments.
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,150
    Stop prying into my private fantasies :P

    Definitely Tim. Protective, gentlemanly, and might even take me to the fair if I was lucky.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Roger. I'd have a much better chance of getting through the situation unscathed, and with my humor intact. Sean would be my second choice, then Pierce.
    I think I'm going to go with the same.

    Rog always went back to precarious situations and put himself in mortal danger in order to save the ladies at least (LALD, TMWTGG, TSWLM, MR, OP) and I can only hope, perhaps foolishly, that he would extend me the same courtesy despite the fact that I'm a fella. As long as I don't end up like poor Luigi or Vijay, I'll be ok.
  • Very difficult to choose but probably Dalton's Bond, as he's my favourite Bond in every way....my idea of a 'real' man!
  • Posts: 19,339
    I love the loyalty being brought out of members psyche to their favourite 007
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    DarthDimi wrote: »

    Because if I were his friend, and some harm was done to me, he would instantly resign to bring down the villain's entire business from head to toe, sleep with the man's girlfriend while romantically involved with a CIA operative, frame the villain's associate to the point where his head would pop, freewheel a bloody truck amidst a sea of fire and proceed to set the villain ablaze with a gift he got from me.

    You see, I'm suffering from an inferiority complex, but when saved or even avenged by Dalton's Bond, I would suddenly feel incredibly appreciated!

    I was going to suggest Lazenby. No ass would be left un-kicked on George's watch. But you have convinced me to go with T-Dalts. He'd headbutt all of the wrongdoers, douse them in liquid cocaine, and set them on fire.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    Let's face it, @MajorDSmythe, this Bond will temporarily side with terrorists if it means getting his job done. He will blow up bridges for the good cause. I think we're in very good hands here.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Meh not with his taste in skeletons in TLD
  • mattjoesmattjoes TINY TIM
    Posts: 6,950
    DarthDimi wrote: »

    Because if I were his friend, and some harm was done to me, he would instantly resign to bring down the villain's entire business from head to toe, sleep with the man's girlfriend while romantically involved with a CIA operative, frame the villain's associate to the point where his head would pop, freewheel a bloody truck amidst a sea of fire and proceed to set the villain ablaze with a gift he got from me.

    You see, I'm suffering from an inferiority complex, but when saved or even avenged by Dalton's Bond, I would suddenly feel incredibly appreciated!

    I agree. In fact, some months ago I was overcharged for cereal at my local supermarket and when complained to the cashier and manager, they laughed in my face. So I told what happened to Dalton Bond, and he immediately dropped his assignment to prevent worldwide nuclear holocaust, instead focusing on exacting swift, brutal justice in my name. The whole supermarket chain went out of business, the CEO is now behind bars, and the cashier and manager were found in a local dump yard, buried under two tons of corn flakes. I understand the rest of the staff that worked in the supermarket is now hiding in the North Pole.
  • Any votes for Rory Kinnear’s Tanner?
  • Posts: 19,339
    Any votes for Rory Kinnear’s Tanner?

    He would need saving from ME , the useless plank !!!
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    When it comes to hiding under desks, Tanner is the best.
  • Posts: 1,548
    Anyone but Moore . Nice bloke Bond but not tough enough.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Nice, @Birdleson. Me, too.
    But just playing along, I'd have to go with:

    They would all be competent; well, except Laz, I think. Hmmm.
    So I'd prefer Daniel Craig. He's the most fit, skilled, and damn near unstoppable.
  • I don't think I would want any of the Bonds looking out for my personal safety. Bond is good at protecting countries—not the people he cares about. He's not even particularly good at protecting himself (emotionally, psychologically, even physically given the beatings he takes).

    If I had to choose one Bond though, it would have to be Woody's. Given all his hang-ups over death, I could use him as a sort of human shield and he would do everything in his power to avoid whatever death might come our way: "I have a very low threshold for death. My doctor says I can't have bullets enter my body at any time."

    The one Bond I would definitely not want looking out for me would be Craig's. Who knows if he'd be drinking himself into oblivion on a beach somewhere or staggering into the wall on his eighth Vesper when the bullets come flying.

    At the end of the day, I think I'll side with Birdleson and 4Ever. God can save the queen, Bond can save the world, and I'll look out for myself thank you.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,574
    Connery, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan all seem like solid choices. I’d probably choose BrosBond just because I’d most like to meet him.

    The reasons I wouldn’t pick the others:

    Lazenby is out of the running because he failed to protect Tracy and he was too lazy to go back and make sure Blofeld was actually dead.

    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.

    By that logic we wouldn't select any of them. I was going to list the people Bond has failed to protect for each actor - and it's far too long.

    Bond's mission in CR was to beat Le Chiffre at cards, which he did.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    NicNac wrote: »
    Connery, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan all seem like solid choices. I’d probably choose BrosBond just because I’d most like to meet him.

    The reasons I wouldn’t pick the others:

    Lazenby is out of the running because he failed to protect Tracy and he was too lazy to go back and make sure Blofeld was actually dead.

    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.

    By that logic we wouldn't select any of them. I was going to list the people Bond has failed to protect for each actor - and it's far too long.

    Bond's mission in CR was to beat Le Chiffre at cards, which he did.

    And get him to come in for protection and questioning from MI6, which he did not.

    But overall you're right, I'm not sure Bond is the best person to be asking for protection.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,574
    NicNac wrote: »
    Connery, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan all seem like solid choices. I’d probably choose BrosBond just because I’d most like to meet him.

    The reasons I wouldn’t pick the others:

    Lazenby is out of the running because he failed to protect Tracy and he was too lazy to go back and make sure Blofeld was actually dead.

    Craig is by far the worst choice. He failed to protect Vesper, and all-around failed his mission in CR. The deaths of both Mathis and Fields in QOS don’t exactly inspire confidence. In SF he failed his mission once again by failing to protect M. In SP he willingly let the bad guy live! Give me a pistol and I’ll do a better job protecting myself.

    By that logic we wouldn't select any of them. I was going to list the people Bond has failed to protect for each actor - and it's far too long.

    Bond's mission in CR was to beat Le Chiffre at cards, which he did.

    And get him to come in for protection and questioning from MI6, which he did not.

    But overall you're right, I'm not sure Bond is the best person to be asking for protection.

    Yes, good point. But would we blame Bond for that? He struck a deal with Leiter so that the CIA could bring Le Chiffre in, so technically Leiter was at fault.

    However, was it Bond's call to agree that deal with Leiter? Or was that his ego once again getting in the way?
  • Posts: 19,339
    Definitely his damaged ego after the defeat by Le Chiffre.

    It's lucky that Leiter was there or Bond would have killed Le Chiffre,and that might have been the end of Bond's career there and then,as well as all the Government funds lost.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Roger Moore x because he is Sir Roger Moore of course !
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 5,185
    Brozzod... only Brozzod, because he's the coolest, and he would come with the biggest arsenal of machine guns and the most overpowered cars. Or in a tank altogether. \m/

    Also, according to Trevelyan, even if he gets me killed he would do the only sensible thing an have a shag right after to get over it. I can respect that.
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