NO TIME TO DIE (2021) - Critical Reaction and Box Office Performance



  • Burgess wrote: »
    Surely MGM should have put BOND on PVOD after the Thanksgiving weekend (if just to squeeze a few more millions to add to the box office totale). I think putting it on PVOD before thanksgiving hurt its chances of at least getting to 160M in the US.

    But PVOD is essentially pure profit for the studio. Box Office matters but it’s not necessarily the most profitable part of a film’s lifespan. Theater grosses fulfill two essential functions: 1. Generating hype 2. Paying out or determining back end points.

    For MGM, the theatrical release of NTTD has done its job. NTTD’s theater run proves the continued popularity and viability of the franchise, and maintains the basic pay and money-making structure of studio filmmaking.

    Agree with all your points. But Hollywood likes the numbers. And it seems like releasing the PVOD just before the USA thanksgiving weekend hurt its chances of a holiday bump in its box office figures. They could have held on just a week later and still got the pure profit of the PVOD sales on top of a couple or more extra millions at the box office. As it stands its stuck behind A QUIET PLACE 2 on the USA Box Office chart for 2021.
  • Posts: 207
    Benny wrote: »
    Took my son along to see NTTD last night, was surprised and happy to see a cinema that was 3/4 full.
    A broad demographic of patrons as well. From younger couples, families with teenaged children and seniors.
    After three weeks on release here in Australia, I was not expecting this attendance level.
    Refreshing to see after almost 60 years in the cinema, James Bond can still put bums on seats. Nobody does it better.

    That’s awesome! Hope you and your son had a great time. Always cool to see the broad demographics at the theater when Bond is showing. Was a lot of seniors at my first viewing, and a lot of teenagers at my second.
  • Posts: 625
    Burgess wrote: »
    Box Office matters but it’s not necessarily the most profitable part of a film’s lifespan.

    They get at least one third of the global box office gross. With $780 in the end, that would be $260 million.
    Never ever will they get $260 million out of VOD or Blu-Ray.
  • edited December 2021 Posts: 309
    Jan1985 wrote: »
    Burgess wrote: »
    Box Office matters but it’s not necessarily the most profitable part of a film’s lifespan.

    They get at least one third of the global box office gross. With $780 in the end, that would be $260 million.
    Never ever will they get $260 million out of VOD or Blu-Ray.

    That’s not necessarily true. Anywhere from 60-70% of a film’s revenue comes from ancillary revenue. That’s home media, broadcast, merchandise and PVOD. Disney made $125M from Black Widow on D+, and that was the last reported figure in August. Die Another Day (2002) made $80M in DVD sales and $44M in rentals during its first week of home media release. Physical home media is in decline but the example still stands.

  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    Okay here’s the update with the actual numbers.

    Yesterday NTTD finally hit a great milestone crossing the $600M mark internationally ($605.3M) as is approaching the end of its spectacular run with almost $12M grossed over the last 7 days (-37% compared to the previous week) for an actual $764.8M global cume.

    Australia is providing a slightly disappointing $21M (A$29.5M) and with Spidey coming out in just 10 days it’s quite unlikely that it will gross more than an overall $25M+, while China brings a fine $64M.
    In the US it is almost over as well with just $900K (-47%) grossed throughout the weekend for a $159.5M cume but the good news is that NTTD will be able to best A Quiet Place 2 since it will likely hit $161M.
    In Russia with $14.4M NTTD outgrossed SP's $13.3M.
    On the other hand in the UK Bond stands now at a whooping £96M and it will add at least another million to its cume.

    At this rate a final gross of at least $775M seems locked.
  • edited December 2021 Posts: 214
    It will best AQP2 but will be overtaken by 2 Marvel movies, The Eternals, and of course, Spidey....but still well within the Top 10 US movies for 2021. Spidey will beat NTTD in 3-5 days it seems.

    Disappointed with take from Oz and China but then no movie in Oz has really bought in huge money this year....Bond might seem low but is still #2 there.

    The slow crawl to 770m-775m seems locked, thanks to the rest of the world.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    In China it really did the best Bond could do. $65M without any promotional tour and with $15/20M burned because of covid-related shut downs is quite good.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    This film is doing well. Taken into account its length and troubled production, it really cannot be called a flop or bomb or whatever.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    This film is doing well. Taken into account its length and troubled production, it really cannot be called a flop or bomb or whatever.

    But… but did you see those well nuanced scathing Amazon reviews??? WHAT A FAILURE LOLZORZ!!1!!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    This film is doing well. Taken into account its length and troubled production, it really cannot be called a flop or bomb or whatever.

    But… but did you see those well nuanced scathing Amazon reviews??? WHAT A FAILURE LOLZORZ!!1!!

    Well, some of our clairvoyant members were absolutely sure this film was going to tank. They said so in 2018. Because it was taking too long. And because of Craig and Barbara Broccoli and other "reasons". Nobody was going to like this film and so forth.
  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'

    Please explain. AQP2 didn't do that well, did it? Or are we talking domestic BO?
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'

    NTTD will best AQP2 and thank God that is just an American issue.
  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'

    Please explain. AQP2 didn't do that well, did it? Or are we talking domestic BO?

    I believe AQP2 domestic US box office is currently higher than NTTD? Or have I got that wrong?

    Not that it means much to me. The top ten is basically all super hero films other than AQP2 and NTTD anyway.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'

    Please explain. AQP2 didn't do that well, did it? Or are we talking domestic BO?

    I believe AQP2 domestic US box office is currently higher than NTTD? Or have I got that wrong?

    Not that it means much to me. The top ten is basically all super hero films other than AQP2 and NTTD anyway.

    That's sad, if true. AQP2 was a bit of a letdown for me. Luckily, worldwide BO is kinder to Bond.
  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 2,721
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I think considering SF hit a billion and NTTD has made three-quarters of that with a pandemic to deal with they've done remarkably well. Really happy that the general public is still in love with Bond. Although seeing as this is Bond's swansong and Craig is the most popular Bond in decades it is disappointing it will be trapped behind the very ordinary 'A Quiet Place 2.'

    Please explain. AQP2 didn't do that well, did it? Or are we talking domestic BO?

    I believe AQP2 domestic US box office is currently higher than NTTD? Or have I got that wrong?

    Not that it means much to me. The top ten is basically all super hero films other than AQP2 and NTTD anyway.

    That's sad, if true. AQP2 was a bit of a letdown for me. Luckily, worldwide BO is kinder to Bond.

    Yes - I think AQP2 soared on the strength of the first one. It was a critical and commercial favourite. But really the sequel didn't do anything new with the concept. Unlike NTTD.

    Still, Bond has always had global appeal (I'm about as far away from the States as you can get!) so it will do better internationally. Viva la Bond!
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    Bond will surpass AQP2 in the US. But again, a mediocre theatrical run it’s just an American issue. Internationally Bond did great and there’s not even room for discussing it.

    We are talking about the highest grossing non Chinese film of the pandemic era, folks.

    Craig’s swan song couldn’t asked for something better, given the circumstances.
  • Posts: 532
    matt_u wrote: »
    Bond will surpass AQP2 in the US. But again, a mediocre theatrical run it’s just an American issue. Internationally Bond did great and there’s not even room for discussing it.

    We are talking about the highest grossing non Chinese film of the pandemic era, folks.

    Craig’s swan song couldn’t asked for something better, given the circumstances.

    Yeah I was always higher on its BO potential — but even I'm shocked at how well it did. Topping Spectre in the UK despite a pandemic is hilarious.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited December 2021 Posts: 4,343

    Anyway I’m the first one that feels a little bit underwhelmed by Bond’s domestic performance… but at the end of the day NTTD will end up being the 7th highest grossing film in NA and it was able to achieve that even if it “suffered” from having an older - more reluctant to go back to the theaters - audience compared to the other comic book films that grossed more.
    Let’s not forget that SP back in 2015 ended up 11th at the domestic boxoffice and SF, the highest grossing Bond film ever produced, ended up 4th.
    So NTTD ending up 7th once Spidey will come out it’s not as bad as it may look like. In fact, it’s fine.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    Snooty about Marvel films? Or just not interested?
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    Me..? I personally don’t care about most of them.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited December 2021 Posts: 3,031
    No, no, sorry, matt - me. Something I cracked wise about earlier got misinterpreted as me thinking Marvel films were beneath me - but it's not that, it's just that I'm not interested in superhero films, that's all.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    I made the crack about snooty fans, but of no one in particular @Venutius if you wanna look at snooty, look up the Bond and Beyond forum.
  • There is not much that can be done to compete with Marvel and Disney in the States. The power of that behemoth is immense as it offers the most broadly appealing cookie-cutter escapism.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    I made the crack about snooty fans, but of no one in particular @Venutius if you wanna look at snooty, look up the Bond and Beyond forum.

    Ah,ok, sorry, Makeshift - my bad, as the kids used to say twenty years ago! 😉
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited December 2021 Posts: 4,554
    One of the funniest things to see in Bond fandom is fans acting snooty about Marvel films, when we have stuff like this.

    And this…

    Aaaaaaaand this:

    Indeed. The conversations about what a Bond film is supposed to be or that certain people "don't get Bond" are a bit ridiculous to me. The three scenes you have here are classic examples.

    Moore's Bond was not Dalton's Bond. And Dalton's Bond was not Brosnan's. And, of course, Brosnan's was not Craig's. And that's part of the allure. I fully expect the next Bond to be quite different from Craig's version.

    Moore's version of Bond was as far removed from Fleming as we could get--and there is no harm in that. I think Craig's version (along with Dalton's) was a lot closer. That's good, too. It's like various cover versions of the same song.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    Each actor ultimately does their own take on the character of Bond, and will diverge from Fleming one way or another.

    I consider Dalton to be the closest of all
    actors to getting Fleming’s Bond. However, I also see LTK to be wildly divergent from the source because I really do not think Fleming’s Bond would do what Dalton’s Bond did in that film. And you know what? That’s okay. Because the Dalton and the filmmakers have the right to have their own take on the character. It’s more exciting to see a new spin on a familiar character rather than just see an actor play up familiar beats without adding something new to the mix.
  • DwayneDwayne New York City
    Posts: 2,712
    I saw a link to this article over at Bill Koenig’s “The Spy Command” twitter account on Monday and thought that I would share it here:

    WSJ: “James Bond’s License to Kill Fun: The Daniel Craig movies have taken a dark turn like too many films these days” By Andy Kessler

    This is the new-millennium malaise. Hollywood doesn’t want us to be happy. Sad audiences are easier to manipulate. Sure, the James Bond of the 1960s and ’70s needed to be modernized. But can modern Hollywood still balance fun and sophistication? I doubt it. Amazon is set to buy Bond franchise owner MGM, and I fear that a new 10-part Prime series on 007 fighting climate change and methane-belching cattle may be coming.

    Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed “No Time to Die,” but left disappointed. The only thing that Bond’s film producers seem to have a license to kill is fun. Actually, fun may already have died. I’m shaken, not stirred, by this.

    An interesting POV (if you can get pass a couple of factual errors), but I don’t agree with it. There is something to be said, however, for differing public attitudes towards taking a mission "for King and Country" in the 1960s vs. the present day. In fact, in one of my old posts, I made that argument myself.

    As for many of the reader comments........
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    The notion that Hollywood wants audiences to feel sad is beyond ridiculous. Has this person ever saw a Marvel Studios film? A F&F film? Any The Rock/Ryan Reynolds nonsense?

  • edited December 2021 Posts: 12,371
    Well, I had a substantial amount of fun with 4/5 of Craig’s movies, including NTTD, so I can’t really agree. While I hear out and echo those who want for a little less melodrama moving forward, I feel like certain things don’t have to go back like they were, like the intense camp of DAF onward through the Moore era. Some more lightheartedness would be welcome, but let’s not pretend like Craig’s era was 100% dourness. There was plenty of humor tucked into the dialogue of the films, particularly the last couple.
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