Total Film Mag gives us 15 Bond heir apparents after DC.

edited October 2011 in News Posts: 2,782

Some of these chaps we've discussed here, some not, either way it's an interesting list. And Mods please move it if it has been done before innit?


  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    Robert Pattinson? :-S
  • Robert Pattinson? :-S
    i said it was interesting. don't put it past babs to look at the yuff market with her marketing managers showing her demographics and spend return figs and making a case for a vampire bond.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,354
    Nearly everyone on that list is either too old or not a good enough actor.

    Colin Firth if the timing was right, may have been nice to see.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    I wouldn't consider at all most of the actors of that list as future Bonds (too old, too bad, too odd, too skinny, too wrong, etc)!?! On the other hand they left out some good contenders.
    Still, it's silly to make these lists right now if one thinks about it. Bond23 is just about to start shooting only to be released next year. This means Bond24 will be out no sooner than 2014 and probably (hopefully) still with Daniel Craig as Bond. So we've got a few more years without having to give this subject a second thought.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Nearly everyone on that list is either too old or not a good enough actor.

    Colin Firth if the timing was right, may have been nice to see.
    Fassbender is too old and not a good actor?

    Worthington has potential, but his acting is meh.
    Same with Cavill.

    But I find it taboo to even talk about this stuff yet, I love Craig.
  • Nearly everyone on that list is either too old or not a good enough actor.

    Colin Firth if the timing was right, may have been nice to see.
    I agree a bit left field, but mouthwatering - after viewing this I'm even more convinced that DC was the wrong actor for the reboot. Henry Cavill should have had it. If they didn't do a reboot DC was right for the part.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited October 2011 Posts: 13,354
    Nearly everyone on that list is either too old or not a good enough actor.

    Colin Firth if the timing was right, may have been nice to see.
    Fassbender is too old and not a good actor?
    No, just too old for when Craig leaves I think.
    Nearly everyone on that list is either too old or not a good enough actor.

    Colin Firth if the timing was right, may have been nice to see.
    after viewing this I'm even more convinced that DC was the wrong actor for the reboot. Henry Cavill should have had it. If they didn't do a reboot DC was right for the part.

    Maybe but the reboot is now over so that point's void. Craig should now be " right for the part" for you.
  • Posts: 4,619
    Idris Elba - A great actor but he's black and he'll be too old to start playing Bond by the time Craig hangs up his tuxedo. (If EON wanted to cast a black Bond right now, he would be the perfect choice.)

    Gerard Butler - He's already 42.

    Sam Worthington - I don't think he's right for Bond + he's already the lead actor of a big franchise (Avatar).

    Hugh Jackman - He's already 43.

    Henry Cavill - He would be good, even though he's already Superman.

    Colin Firth - Yeah, he could start at age 54 in 2014...

    Michael Fassbender - I don't really like him as an actor, but I can see why many people want him as the next Bond.

    Colin Salmon - Black or not, he's 49.

    Tom Hardy - Just no.

    Benedict Cumberbatch - He looks weird...

    Ryan Gosling - He's Canadian and too famous.

    Ewan McGregor - Too famous.

    Clive Owen - He's 47.

    Robert Pattinson - Ha-ha-ha.

    Colin Farrell - Too famous.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,354
    We need to be looking for men in their mid to late 20's and I know of none as most are still yet to be discovered I think as is our actor for James Bond. Just my opinion.
  • Posts: 1,310
    It's an interesting list, but like @Samuel001 and others have said, many of the actors mentioned are going to be far too old when Craig departs. I have a feeling that Craig is going to step down after Bond 24, which would theoretically put us in 2014. But let's say Craig is happy with the direction of the franchise and he'll do one more after some begging from the producers and a paycheck he simply cannot refuse.

    So it's 2016, Bond 25 has just come out and Craig says, "Never again." He'll be 48. The only likely actors on that list who will be at a reasonable age will be Henry Cavil (33 in 2016) and MAYBE Michael Fassbender & Tom Hardy (both will be 39 in 2016). I don't like Sam Worthington, he is as stiff as he is vanilla. (He'll be 40 anyway, too old.)

    So then there is...gulp....Robert Pattinson. A lot can happen in a few years, but this guy will have to have a major overhaul done to his image if he wants in on Bond. He'll be 30 in 2016, which is the right age, admittedly, but this guy is going to have to a) Prove he can act and b) Prove he can handle a role like Bond. I'm happy to say that Pattinson hasn't shown anybody that he could do it. But hey, it's a long way down the road, who knows what will happen.

    If you forced me to put money on it right here in late 2011, I would predict Cavill as the 7th Bond. After all, producers apparently liked his screen-test for CR but ended up chosing Craig on the basis that Cavill was too young. Well, he won't be too young in 2016 or even 2014 if Craig steps down then. I'm not sure how I feel about Cavill as an actor as I am completely unfamiliar with all of his work, but simply based on the correct age and his history with the franchise, I would put my money on Henry Cavill.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited October 2011 Posts: 15,696
    I totally agree with @forgetmyusername - Craig was absolutly wrong for the part for the reboot. He was much too old. CR is a complete mess due to his casting. He just isn't believable as a new 00, and his Bond isn't credible to be starting out as a 00 at 38 years of age... Is he a mentally retarded Bond? Craig's casting was all wrong - he should never have gotten the part for CR, or the film should never have been a reboot. The end result for CR is a catastrophic failure of a film.... a total travesty of a film. His Bond in CR is complete and utter nonsense. Just the thought of the way the character was written in CR makes me vomit.

    I don't know about you @forgetmyusername, but for me, B23 is Craig's first Bond film... The last 2 doesn't count, as IMO they aren't Bond films.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,354

    Cavill has Superman, so that rules his out now I think. If it goes well, he'll be too famous.

    As for how far Craig could go with Bond, Brosnan wanted two more after his last at 49 and everyone seemed happy with that at the time. Craig at 48 could also do two more. I don't think he will but it would be there if everyone involved wanted it.
  • I'm with you DC007 and this is what I use when I watch CR, good film, good premise, wrong bond. And B23 will be his first Bond Movie. If you play the video link it is NSFW but it sums up my feelings for DC. Assbender and Cavill for me:
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 12,837
    idris elbra is perfect, i would love for him to be 007. i know alot of people will disagree with me because of his race, but really, would anybody rather have robert patterson than idris elbra just because of race, i ****** hope not.

    the day robert patterson becomes bond is the day i shoot myself in the face

    Mod edit: please refrain from trying to bypass our swear policy.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,331

    For your sake I hope Robert Pattinson doesn't become Bond!
  • @thelivingroyale

    For your sake I hope Robert Pattinson doesn't become Bond!
    i hope so too, he'd just be awful. even if they don't pick elbra or somebody else, there are still plenty of not so big stars who could be better than robert patterson.

    *sorry for my other post mods*
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited October 2011 Posts: 4,489
    Clive Owen and Gerard Butler be discus already before Daniel Craig. My opnion about Hugh Jackman you can read in the thread about him. Sam Worthington is also to old and to fames when DC quite (Clive Owen effect)

    Tom Hardy looks be a bigger problems i have with DC looks with CR, to young (whyle he is from 1977) and not realy looking Bond.

    Hugh Jackman & Ryan Gosling be only serious chooses.


    From a earlier post from 30 September 2011:

    Ryan Gosling remember a litle bit to Daniel Craig when i saw the promotional Driven poster with him in a Cow Boys & Aliens style and some footage from his last movie. (Crazy, Stupid, Love.) If he be 5 years older (1975) and Canada English (Like Roger Spottiswoode directer of TMND) mabey he can have been James Bond number 7. But he is from 1980 and a American who be born in Canada. In 2018 he turn 38 (If have been from 1975 he be 42 in 2018 sam age Brosnan started in Goldeneye.)

    I think he can be the new Ryan Ranolds in the meaning of populair (since Ranolds playing with Sandra Bulock it look like he get more work and a funny thing be this Ryan Gosling dated Sandra Bulock in the past.) or Daniel Craig.[/img][img]ı blue-valentine-new-stills-04[1].jpg - 14 - Daniel_Craig Eva_Green.jpg


    Ryan Gosling if choose him he be first Bond actor who playing Bond who younger then me if so.. 1980 is young, but he have the looks (upcoming star like DC and Ranolds) be born in Canada. If DC made 5 movies he having the age when the replacement coming. If the guy go live in London England now mabey he can make a change.
  • Posts: 7,653
    I said it before today but Total Film is full of the stuff that makes the grass grow green as produced by cattle.
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 1,894
    Robert Pattinson? :-S
    I'd like to see Pattinson as "Bond" when the new actor comes around. He'd only feature in the PTS, though. The opening act would set him up as being James Bond, only for the real Bond to show himself and kill Pattinson, revealing that Pattinson was the target of his operation all along. I can't think of a better way to introduce a new Bond than having him kill Robert Pattinson.

    Kind of like if Timothy Dalton had been the one reading the newspaper in the loo during the GOLDENEYE pre-titles, killing the Brozzer when he intruded.
  • Robert Pattinson? :-S
    I'd like to see Pattinson as "Bond" when the new actor comes around. He'd only feature in the PTS, though. The opening act would set him up as being James Bond, only for the real Bond to show himself and kill Pattinson, revealing that Pattinson was the target of his operation all along. I can't think of a better way to introduce a new Bond than having him kill Robert Pattinson.

    Kind of like if Timothy Dalton had been the one reading the newspaper in the loo during the GOLDENEYE pre-titles, killing the Brozzer when he intruded.
    That is funky. I like it. Imagine DC killing the bloke in the loo in CR who was PB. I love it.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,331
    Definitely works as a parody. Get on it!
  • Posts: 1,894
    I don't know if Total Film are ranking the fifteen in order of their preferences, but this is my order:

    1) Tom Hardy - strong enough to bring smaller films to public attention without beng a big-name actor (though THE DARK KNIGHT RISES might change that); I see the same qualities in him that Craig had pre-Bond.

    2) Michael Fassbender - I think he's too obvious a choice; he's had Bond-like roles, but I think there's too much expectation that he would take the role, especially compared to his interest in it.

    3) Henry Cavill - runs the risk of being typecast as Superman, but if Zack Snyder screws up (which he probably will), Cavill might be a free agent.

    4) Ewan McGregor - I think he's a great actor (I believed he would actually grow to become Alec Guiness in REVENGE OF THE SITH), but I think he's more-interested in arty films.

    5) Idris Elba - I think he'd be convincing as Bond, but it would be difficult to overcome his race, especially given that the press would latch onto it.

    6) Hugh Jackman - might be a little too-closely associated with Wolverine, but would no doubt do a good job.

    7) Colin Firth - I can't see him in the role, but I think he'd make a fantastic M in a few years.

    8) Ryan Gosling - I don't know ... he seems more like a B-movie actor.

    9) Colin Salmon - it's too difficult to explain how he went from being Charles Robinson to James Bond, even in spite of the reboot.

    10) Gerard Butler - I find him over-rated in the aftermath of 300.

    11) Colin Farrell - if he doesn't want the role, there's probably little that could convince him otherwise.

    12) Benedict Cumberbatch - I think being "desperate" for the role automatically disqualifies him; he'd probably try too hard. And he doesn't look much like Bond.

    13) Robert Pattinson - only 13th by virtue of the fact that I've never seen any of his films.

    14) Clive Owen - he tried way too hard to be Daniel Craig in THE INTERNATIONAL, and I've never actually seen him do anything well.

    15) Sam Worthington - I think I just threw up in my mouth.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't look like Bond to you and yet you have Idris and Colin before him?! What is your logic. Look at his work in Sherlock. He has the chops, he just needs to work on his physique. He has great potential.
  • Posts: 1,894
    His looks are not the only thing I'm judging him on. Didn't you read my reasoning? I said that I think describing oneself as "desperate" to play James Bond disqualifies him. I think he'd just try too hard.

    And Bond's race isn't an issue for me. If Elba or Salmon are the best candidates for the job, then by all means, give it to them.
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 4,619
    I don't know if Total Film are ranking the fifteen in order of their preferences, but this is my order:
    My top 5 from that list:

    1. Henry Cavill
    2. Michael Fassbender
    3. Idris Elba
    4. Hugh Jackman
    5. Colin Farrell

    I think Michael Fassbender and Henry Cavill are the only actors on Total Film's list who have any chance at all to become the next Bond. Although I believe it's very early to talk about who will be the 7th Bond as Craig will hopefully play the role until at least 2014.

  • Fassbender and the first thirty mins of x-men just gave use connery's bond. so close yet so far away. the bond we want will be too old by the time he gets the chance.
  • idris elbra remains my top choice, ewan mcgregor not far behind
  • Posts: 1,894
    Fassbender and the first thirty mins of x-men just gave use connery's bond.
    That's why I don't think he's right for the role. Everyone seems to have these expectations that he will be the next James Bond, but he has shown nowhere near the same level of enthusiasm for the role as fans have.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, Sam Worthington, and Clive Owen are the only ones in that list that I could see in the role; Worthington being more of a brute like Craig, the rest being more classic Bond.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    I think only Fassbender, Cavill or Hardy would be decent candidates from that list, and I'm not convinced they'd all want to do it (Cavill would have, but he's Superman now).
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