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  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Those are the type of endlessly miserable people who get off on finding outrage where there is none. Sounds pathetic!

    I now need to complete Act 4 on this and then I'm done 100% - incredibly short game, I do feel bad for those who bought it day one at $60; not only for that reason, but I know it was all-but-unplayable with all the bugs and horrid loading times (which are still terrible). Also, what's up with this goofy ass song they play on EVERY loading screen when you jump from zone to zone? I heard it two or three times and already wanted to blow my brains out, now I just mute the TV. Horrid.

    EDIT: 100% done. That was relatively painless.

    I mean to say "no black people", but you got the point. Still, they gave the game some free publicity, and that boycott worked wonders for sales.

    I had to do a second play though of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, due to the dev team shifting a gun from one class to another, and voiding the trophy for anyone playing on a save created before the update.
    I have no idea what the deal was with that song. And as for the loading times, the devs did claim that they reduced them, though I saw no difference.

    Funny, I initially gave it a shot before the update finished, when it told me that the save would no longer be compatible post-update, so I didn't even bother. As for the loading times, they were only bad when you initially started or the game or decided to jump from one region to another. They were horrendous, but nowhere near as bad as the overall checkpoint system the game utilized. I can't get over how terrible and inconsistent it was; even worse than those older GTA titles.

    I remember playing the original Sniper: Ghost Warrior on the ps3, and that was a buggy mess. Hit detection was all over the place. You try to snipe over a wall, and the game thinks you are shooting the wall, yet enemy soldiers could shoot you behind the wall. Because the first game wasn't that good, I skipped the second one. I bought S:GW3 in the hope that the quality might have improved... nothing had changed since the first game. The Sniping mechanics were quite good, but the Sniper Elite series is still #1 one it comes to sniping games.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I noticed wonky hit detection in this one too, where your red dot sight would aim right at someone's skull but not read as a hit, so even if you fired it'd go through the skull and do nothing to them. Quite janky. I read those games were linear and not open world sandboxes either, which likely helped on the performance side.

    Honestly though, despite some technical/performance issues, I quite enjoyed myself. I want to get around to those Sniper Elite games - tried some demos of one and it was quite fun.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Holy hell @MajorDSmythe, this game is something else. I started out by getting my tasks from your father, strolled by to talk to the guards at the gate for that hilt piece I needed, went down to pick up the charcoal (had no gold, but am now realizing I can try and haggle/barter with the food I have on me), and then went to visit Kunesh. Had no luck, tried to be a wordsmith and trick him into helping me to no avail, which leads into a good 5-10 minute fistfight as I was learning the ropes. Took ages but I finally kicked his ass and got the key so I could acquire the other pieces before picking up his ax and moving on, and I can tell already I'm going to be so immersed in this game.

    That fight was fun; started out flailing away with button mashing (which I knew wouldn't work), then took several breaks mid-fight to read the codex on all of the different moves. If fist fighting is this in-depth, I can't wait to see what the rest of the game holds in terms of combat. Challenging, but I can already see it's going to get more and more engaging and exciting the more familiar you are with it.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Welcome to the end of your social life, @Creasy47.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't hold your hand like other games would, but as you no doubt already know, there is a real feeling of accomplishment to win fights, be they fist fights or armed combat.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Welcome to the end of your social life, @Creasy47.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't hold your hand like other games would, but as you no doubt already know, there is a real feeling of accomplishment to win fights, be they fist fights or armed combat.

    My hands were so clammy after that first fight with Kunesh; no exaggeration, it lasted well over five minutes. I was worried I'd have my ass handed to me and get turned off by the game in its opening minutes, but as challenging as it was, it felt SO rewarding at the end of the fight, compared to other RPG's where you hit someone once or twice and it's game over for them. I cannot wait to lose countless hours to this game.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Welcome to the end of your social life, @Creasy47.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't hold your hand like other games would, but as you no doubt already know, there is a real feeling of accomplishment to win fights, be they fist fights or armed combat.

    My hands were so clammy after that first fight with Kunesh; no exaggeration, it lasted well over five minutes. I was worried I'd have my ass handed to me and get turned off by the game in its opening minutes, but as challenging as it was, it felt SO rewarding at the end of the fight, compared to other RPG's where you hit someone once or twice and it's game over for them. I cannot wait to lose countless hours to this game.

    Yeah, fights aren't as simple as wildly smashing the punch buttons. At one point, you will be given access to a horse, and can travel around the map. Be on your guard, that's all i'm saying.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Welcome to the end of your social life, @Creasy47.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't hold your hand like other games would, but as you no doubt already know, there is a real feeling of accomplishment to win fights, be they fist fights or armed combat.

    My hands were so clammy after that first fight with Kunesh; no exaggeration, it lasted well over five minutes. I was worried I'd have my ass handed to me and get turned off by the game in its opening minutes, but as challenging as it was, it felt SO rewarding at the end of the fight, compared to other RPG's where you hit someone once or twice and it's game over for them. I cannot wait to lose countless hours to this game.

    Yeah, fights aren't as simple as wildly smashing the punch buttons. At one point, you will be given access to a horse, and can travel around the map. Be on your guard, that's all i'm saying.

    Duly noted. Something else I noticed (though which stat exactly I can't recall) is that your perks/stats raise in the midst of combat; I know a lot of RPG's do that of course, but I just loved thinking that even one lengthy fist fight made me ever so slightly more adept at fist fighting the next guy I come across. I can only assume if I inevitably practice sword fighting that, if I so chose, I could practice for an hour or two (IRL time) and grow much more accustomed to it without actually dueling with someone.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited July 2018 Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Welcome to the end of your social life, @Creasy47.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance doesn't hold your hand like other games would, but as you no doubt already know, there is a real feeling of accomplishment to win fights, be they fist fights or armed combat.

    My hands were so clammy after that first fight with Kunesh; no exaggeration, it lasted well over five minutes. I was worried I'd have my ass handed to me and get turned off by the game in its opening minutes, but as challenging as it was, it felt SO rewarding at the end of the fight, compared to other RPG's where you hit someone once or twice and it's game over for them. I cannot wait to lose countless hours to this game.

    Yeah, fights aren't as simple as wildly smashing the punch buttons. At one point, you will be given access to a horse, and can travel around the map. Be on your guard, that's all i'm saying.

    Duly noted. Something else I noticed (though which stat exactly I can't recall) is that your perks/stats raise in the midst of combat; I know a lot of RPG's do that of course, but I just loved thinking that even one lengthy fist fight made me ever so slightly more adept at fist fighting the next guy I come across. I can only assume if I inevitably practice sword fighting that, if I so chose, I could practice for an hour or two (IRL time) and grow much more accustomed to it without actually dueling with someone.

    All skills increase the more you perform that action. Want to get good as using sword, then you will have to use a sword in combat. I can't say much about swords, as I haven't used one since the training duel with the guard in Rattay. I use a bow as my main weapon, with a dagger for up close stealth killing, as well as the sneak skill. And then I have light clothing to reduce noise while moving around.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I keep thinking I'll go a light clothing/archery route eventually. Can't wait to get into combat at some point so I can properly beat someone.

    I see an achievement for beating the game without killing anyone, bet that's a pain! Sounds like a run that would require large boosts to speech. I'm eager for this weekend to hit already so I can tune out and play the hell out of this.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    I would have to look at a guide for that trophy/achievement. I imagine you would have to focus almost entirely, if not entirely, on charm/speech.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    @MajorDSmythe, I've put a few hours into the game over the last week and my goodness, is it engrossing. I don't feel like I've even "started" the game yet, which is a good feeling. I gotta say, these lighting/sound effects are simply insane. Watching the corner of a room crackle and dance in light as the flames of a fire warm your room, or hearing the loud beating of rain on the rooftop, just to exit the building you're in and have the rain amplify in sound. It's incredible.

    I got to Talmberg, did the few things required of you, then had a hell of a time trying to save scum because I wanted to escape under cover/via horseback to head back to Skalitz, but I could only afford one lockpick. Tried five or ten times to no avail, so I do some more digging: I find out the one Lady (can't recall her name) that treats you kindly and brings you wine is in a prayer room, so I give her a chat and she not only hooks me up with 25 groschen, BUT gives me a cover story to use on the guard at the main gate. So I buy another lockpick, give the chest another go, and success! Managed to nab a few arrows, too. Sold off some older food, grabbed my horse, and I was on my way.

    Sadly, I had hoped I'd get to enjoy my ride back to Skalitz, but it cuts to a cutscene and transports you to the next town over (can't recall the name). I'm slowly making my way through the heavy rain and dark skies, looting bodies like a madman along the way, when I come across a bandit - slowly try to work my way by because I've no clue if he's a bad guy or a survivor, but sure enough, it's the former. He draws on me, I draw on him, and we have such a cinematic swordfight; halfway through, the sky in the distance completely lights up like a nightclub with a massive, lingering lightning bolt. It was so beautiful, but I was so engaged in what was unfolding and how it all looked i couldn't even take a screenshot. I was beyond shocked that I managed to handle him with relative ease, given it was my first proper sword fight in the game, and I cut him down via that animated mercy kill which was awesome. Loot him, chuck his body behind some bushes in case he has any friends, and I'm now on my way.

    I can't say it enough, this game is so engrossing, but I simultaneously really want to take my time with it. Stunning stuff, really - I think this may be one of, if not the, best RPG's I've ever played.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @MajorDSmythe, I've put a few hours into the game over the last week and my goodness, is it engrossing. I don't feel like I've even "started" the game yet, which is a good feeling. I gotta say, these lighting/sound effects are simply insane. Watching the corner of a room crackle and dance in light as the flames of a fire warm your room, or hearing the loud beating of rain on the rooftop, just to exit the building you're in and have the rain amplify in sound. It's incredible.

    Do some sneaking around the towns at night, when guards are carrying torches. It's a thrill to hear an approaching guard as you are picking a lock, not knowing how close you are the to cone of light cast by the torch.
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I got to Talmberg, did the few things required of you, then had a hell of a time trying to save scum because I wanted to escape under cover/via horseback to head back to Skalitz, but I could only afford one lockpick. Tried five or ten times to no avail, so I do some more digging: I find out the one Lady (can't recall her name) that treats you kindly and brings you wine is in a prayer room, so I give her a chat and she not only hooks me up with 25 groschen, BUT gives me a cover story to use on the guard at the main gate. So I buy another lockpick, give the chest another go, and success! Managed to nab a few arrows, too. Sold off some older food, grabbed my horse, and I was on my way.

    I want to say... Lady Katherine, but I could be wrong.
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Sadly, I had hoped I'd get to enjoy my ride back to Skalitz, but it cuts to a cutscene and transports you to the next town over (can't recall the name). I'm slowly making my way through the heavy rain and dark skies, looting bodies like a madman along the way, when I come across a bandit - slowly try to work my way by because I've no clue if he's a bad guy or a survivor, but sure enough, it's the former. He draws on me, I draw on him, and we have such a cinematic swordfight; halfway through, the sky in the distance completely lights up like a nightclub with a massive, lingering lightning bolt. It was so beautiful, but I was so engaged in what was unfolding and how it all looked i couldn't even take a screenshot. I was beyond shocked that I managed to handle him with relative ease, given it was my first proper sword fight in the game, and I cut him down via that animated mercy kill which was awesome. Loot him, chuck his body behind some bushes in case he has any friends, and I'm now on my way.

    I can't say it enough, this game is so engrossing, but I simultaneously really want to take my time with it. Stunning stuff, really - I think this may be one of, if not the, best RPG's I've ever played.

    I'm gad you are enjoying so much. I count it as one of the most immersive games I have ever played.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I'd say it's easily the most immersive game I've ever played. It's even fun to follow people and watch them engage in their own schedule, like people retreating indoors for the night, heading to a local table in the morning to grab breakfast, working through the day. Such a stunning level of detail. Think I finally, properly got to the start of the game now, spent a good near hour just collecting flowers and bumping my Herbalism skill, seems like it has some nice perks. I'm going to lose so much time playing this.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    I didn't properly get into Herbalism, until I got to the Monastery in Sasau. There are some quests there that require Herbalism. Up until then, I hadn't done anything in that skill set, just picking the occasional flower.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Apparently there are a ton of skills that chain to it after a while - one skill bumps your Charisma by 2, and eventually picking herbs will allow you to increase your Strength, too - then, past that, obviously selling and haggling will help increase Speech, too, so it seems like you could technically pad your character simply by picking daisies all day. Love it.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    Apparently there are a ton of skills that chain to it after a while - one skill bumps your Charisma by 2, and eventually picking herbs will allow you to increase your Strength, too - then, past that, obviously selling and haggling will help increase Speech, too, so it seems like you could technically pad your character simply by picking daisies all day. Love it.

    I knew about how selling/haggling increases speech, as well as the reputation with merchants. But I didn't know that about Herbalism. I should dabble in Herbalism some more. That shows you how deep the skill upgrade system is.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Stumbled upon my first real issue with Kingdom Come - as much as I was loving it, I knew it wouldn't be perfect. So, what's up with everyone being a savant in this game? I had an activity where this guy kept wanting me to rob people in Rattay, and I eventually got a part of the quest where he wanted me to steal this guy's ring. Guy walks past, I track for a while, it's pouring the rain and nobody (and I mean nobody) is around - I triple checked just to make sure. I knock him out from behind, take all of his belongings, and bail across town. Again - no suspicious indicator, no alert that I was seen, nothing whatsoever. I stored all the goods in the miller's chest out of town, sans one piece of clothing I tried to sell to a woman further down the road.

    She somehow knew it was stolen, but she said it was fine and she'd just pay me less for it. I haggle with her so I give her extra (in the hopes that she'd appreciate it further). I collect herbs for an hour, go to sleep, wake up and head back to Rattay, where the very first guard immediately challenges me and tries to arrest me. Excuse me?

    I'm just getting so sick and tired of games where AI have a 300 level IQ and know all things at all times. For a game that prides itself on realism, this is one area that could really use some work. I can only surmise that selling that bit to the woman is what gave me away, but what, did she somehow run to the guards (despite watching her not flee after the sale) to report me? How would she know some generic black jacket is owned by someone in Rattay (someone I knocked out with no witnesses)? Or, if it was the guy I knocked out: how? How does stealthily knocking someone out tell them who you are after they wake up?

    On a realism scale, this game has it all, but again this is the one glaring area that needs some work done. Pickpocketing is a joke, and I don't want to straight up murder people that I'm stealing from, so I've no clue how to go about being successful in this activity without it leading to me going to jail or losing money. Lost a good two or three hours just from having to return to a previous save (because saving in a bed simply does not save at times). It's immersion breaking in a game that's wildly immersive and fun to live in, so hopefully I overlooked something obvious or it's merely a bug that's being worked on.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    I'm not sure what happened there. Stollen goods are best sold to a miller (they act as fences in the game). I don't think I have tried selling stolen loot to a merchant. I don't know if merchants automatically know, but maybe if you sell enough stolen good to them, your reputation decreased, which in turn, attracted the guard the next time you passed through Rattay. If it is stolen, best to just sell to a miller, there are a few placed across the map. I know of 3 off the top of my head: one just outside Rattay, there's one further down the river that runs behind the first, and another in Sasau.

    Pick-pocketing takes a bit of trial and error to get up and running, but like all the other skills in the game, the more you try it, the more perks you will unlock. It's easier when the victim is sleeping.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    Yeah I'm an idiot and realized I should've sold it to the miller instead of her. All I know is it's the sole stolen item I've sold this game, and I sold it to a woman who will never, ever interact with the man in question, so I'm curious how she knew it was stolen. No matter though, had me livid for a bit but I managed to get lucky enough to steal the ring from him versus killing him, so I'm good now thankfully.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Kinect Star Wars

    That is all I have to say on the matter.
  • Posts: 235
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Beat chaos theory again and I plan on playing Alpha Protocol and then who knows

    I replayed Chaos Theory last month. Finally got 100% stealth on Bathhouse. Right now I'm replaying Double Agent.
  • edited August 2018 Posts: 2,107
    I was thinking of restarting Alpha Protocol. Haven't had the chance in a while, because ps4 controller is too sensitive with the lockpicking mechanism. I tried. But now I have a spankin' new ps3 controller. Thanks to MI Fallout, I had to buy a new one so I can get back into the spy fiction.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2018 Posts: 13,978

    Finished it yesterday, and I believe I got the better of the endings.

    Characters, story & setting.

    Right, this might be long winded, but stick with me. In Vampyr, there are three gauges: health, stamina and blood. When health is depleted, you die and are sent back to the last checkpoint. When stamina is depleted, movement is temporarily reduced (you can't dodge), and when the blood gauge is depleted, you can't use any powers. You can use health/stamina/blood syringes to top up any of the gauges. Here's the problem, upon failing and retrying any fights, you don't get back any of the syringes you have used, and your blood gauge is lowered to around 10%. Not only that, but bullets also aren't given back to you. So the game either expects you to go back in, now with reduced supplies, to spend time scouring the districts for supplies. I did find that by quitting out of the game, before dying, I could then reload the game and start the fight with all of my supplies intact, which could be time consuming before you figure out each fight. The enemy AI had a tendency to fight cheaply, though to counter that, I was often able to draw enemy Ekons (vampires), and hunters into fights, to take each other out.

    I have heard that the level of the final boss depends on the level of Dr Reid, the lower Reid's level, the easier the boss. I was around level 26 by the end of the game (having not feed on any citizens), and didn't have much trouble with the final boss. On saying that, having bought the game at GAME, I had the Barker pistol and Dragonbane sword (upgraded to maximum) as part of the free Heirloom DLC.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited September 2018 Posts: 13,978
    Simply... outstanding. This one feels like the a natural successor, in terms of gameplay, to Spider-Man 2 (PS2/XBX). I haven't finished the game yet, but it is a sheer joy to play. Whether just taking in the sights, or looking for side quests, the acrobatic gameplay is so so perfect.

    Another win for single player/story driven games.
  • Posts: 12,446
    I finally bought Sonic Mania Plus for my Switch. Look forward to playing that sometime soon. I love the classic Sonic games, and this one looked really good.
  • edited September 2018 Posts: 2,107
    Marvel's Spider-Man

    Amazing game and so much more than I would have hoped.

    First day dlc purchase for me. I can't get enough of this. Nearing the end of act 2.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    So glad to hear the new spidey game is good. I just hope the story is Good; haven't been too impressed with the stories since the first spider game on the play station.

    I would get this but I know I'm not going tobhave time to play it as I need to finish the latest tomb raider game before getting the new tomb raider tgat comes out in a few days.
  • Posts: 9,841
    SharkBait wrote: »
    I was thinking of restarting Alpha Protocol. Haven't had the chance in a while, because ps4 controller is too sensitive with the lockpicking mechanism. I tried. But now I have a spankin' new ps3 controller. Thanks to MI Fallout, I had to buy a new one so I can get back into the spy fiction.

    Replayed it and going back again I really love this game
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989

    Just ordered this will pick up first thing, no doubt it will keep me preoccupied over the weekend.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,929
    I was intrigued by the gameplay for that, but Red Dead Redemption 2 is a month out, and Hitman 2 a few weeks after that, so I don't want to burn myself out too quickly with third-person action shooters. I might get it around Christmas when it's cheaper.
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