'Anyone for a jelly baby ? ' - Doctor Who discussion thread.



  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989
    echo wrote: »
    After three good episodes Rogue was awful, strong candidate for worst of season.


    Zero plot, bad acting and really weak villains the bird design looked ridiculous.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    QBranch wrote: »
    Bond props in Doctor Who

    Oh wow, great spots. And that's from Planet of Evil with the LALD control panel too?

    I've always suspected that Zorin sits in the Keeper of Traken's chair when he's on his computer in his study with Bond. Reupholstered maybe, but suspiciously similar.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    edited June 11 Posts: 16,211
    @QBranch Does this look familiar? (From Invasion of Time)

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited June 11 Posts: 14,493
    @mtm Yeah, that's Stromberg's console, redressed. Good spot!

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989
    Man what did they do to Stromberg's beautiful console lol I hope that green paint is water based.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,493
    Rogue: Definitely the weakest episode for me, but enjoyable nonetheless. Got half way through before thinking not much had happened, but then to be bombarded with several twists at the last minute! Oh, and another tearjerker? That's three in a row!

    The new Doctor incarnation reveals more of his personality and traits. I wish they'd give Gatwi's doctor a more specific/standout possession in similar vein to a stripey scarf or question mark umbrella (a new sonic screwdriver doesn't count imo). I waited for something like that with Jodie but didn't see it. Unless I missed it?

    Initially, I found it odd that
    a main character's (Ruby) death happened off screen - only then to realize I was tricked into making assumptions! I'm gonna watch the episode again to see if cosplay Ruby's neck makes a cracking sound.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    I'm very interested to see what the new episode of Tales From The TARDIS on BBC Four will be. It's a secret at the moment.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    Looooovvved it.
    All the characters are so instantly loveable, the tension built palpably, and then the payoff is just as good as you're hoping.

    He might not land the payoff, based on previous experience he didn't always, but who cares. Top episode, and Gatwa is absolutely the Doctor.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 15 Posts: 24,989
    The Legend of Ruby Road was a bit of a mess, it felt forced and very rushed. One scene was very good despite the Doctor constantly spouting unnecessary exposition, not keen on the Doctor's overacting.
    It was obvious what was being pointed at in the best scene and the episode suffered from the audience being way ahead of the characters for too long. The characters not realizing the cloaked figure was pointing at the TARDIS just made them look stupid.
    Near the end of the episode I was going to give it the benefit of the doubt as there is a second part, then unfortunately they messed up with some terrible CGI.
    Sutekh should have manifested in the form we are all familiar with, hopefully we will see Sutekh as we know him in part two and dump the bad CGI.

    I saw the villain coming a mile off which I was happy to see, it could not have been anyone else all things considered. This was set up in the David Tennant specials which bizarrely is not considered part of this New Who soft reboot/season 1. They should have just called this season 14, I think the show suffers because of the reduced episode count. (Alternatively the Tennant specials should be part of this season 1).

    Overall the episode was ok but it should have been so much better than what we got.

  • Posts: 5,976
    Well, I liked this episode. One thing bugs me, though :
    Why did the Doctor need a terran time viewer, when he has a better one in his Tardis ? I'm talking, of course, of the one he acquired in "The Space Museum" and used once in "The Chase". ?Or maybe he put it somewhere, and couldn't find it afterwards. It happens to me all the time, and God knows my flat is not the Tardis.

    Apart from that, a good episode, with a good cliffhanger (I missed them this season), and it's always a joy to see Mel/Bonnie Langford.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    This is a good story to watch, to see the 1st Doctor in a broader light (rather than the crotchety old man he often gets Pidgeon holed as). He's quite jovial in the early scenes with Vicki, and then he displays a cunning-ness when he starts to suspect there's more to The Monk, than meets the eye. This is one of my favourite Hartnell era serials, and one of my favourite serials overall.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989
    This is a good story to watch, to see the 1st Doctor in a broader light (rather than the crotchety old man he often gets Pidgeon holed as). He's quite jovial in the early scenes with Vicki, and then he displays a cunning-ness when he starts to suspect there's more to The Monk, than meets the eye. This is one of my favourite Hartnell era serials, and one of my favourite serials overall.

    The Time Meddler is a great episode the last time I watched it was 6 years ago, what struck me around this time of Doctor Who is how many foes were proto Masters.

    The Meddling Monk is a character I would happily see again.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    This is a good story to watch, to see the 1st Doctor in a broader light (rather than the crotchety old man he often gets Pidgeon holed as). He's quite jovial in the early scenes with Vicki, and then he displays a cunning-ness when he starts to suspect there's more to The Monk, than meets the eye. This is one of my favourite Hartnell era serials, and one of my favourite serials overall.

    The Time Meddler is a great episode the last time I watched it was 6 years ago, what struck me around this time of Doctor Who is how many foes were proto Masters.

    The Meddling Monk is a character I would happily see again.

    Wouldn't The Meddling Monk be the first Renegade Timelord we saw?

    Might as well bring in Rufus Hound.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Now that the Shalka Doctor has been canonized, a Shalka Doctor spinoff when, RTD...?

  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    Tales of the TARDIS: Pyramids of Mars on BBC Four this Thursday evening, featuring a re-edited version of the original story with new effects and an introduction with Gatwa and Gibson as the Doctor and Ruby.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 22 Posts: 24,989
    Empire of Death was a painful watch and I wont let a bit of nostalgia excuse nonsensical writing.

    It really does feel like they are just making this stuff up on the fly at this point, nothing feels earned it all falls flat, where is the other Doctor/Tennant and Tardis through all of this.

    The show is just using tropes we have seen a million times before done infinitely better, I was wrong about RTD returning, it was a mistake this show need fresh idea.

    What a waste of a beloved villain.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    mtm wrote: »
    Disney, incidentally, are unlikely to care about the ratings in the one country in the world they don't screen it.

    That's true, however..... Disney have not released their own viewing figures. Whether they do or not, I don't know. Nor have they put something anything out to suggest that they are happy with the partnership. We'll know for certain, next year, whether Disney renews the partnership or not.

    I am by no means revelling in the ratings falling. The way I see it, is that if the show is still on, then there is a chance that the next Doctor will be more to my liking.

    @MajorDSmythe Disney have not released anything to say they’re unhappy with the partnership, there’s no reason to suspect they are. It costs them a fraction of what they spend on other shows. Next year is already commissioned and shot.
    Again: the ratings are fine. As I quoted the expert pointing out in the other thread which we were asked to move this discussion from, they’re not spectacular but they’re no failure either.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 16,211
    I'm sure you'll find a way of saying #4 at the UK box office is a disaster. Someone on youtube probably will.

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 24 Posts: 24,989
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    Why has Perry not returned to DW though admittedly the first fate was far better than the first, that Perry retcon sucked.

    I think the Perry retcon should be wiped from history.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 24 Posts: 24,989
    My RTD series ranking...

    S1 Reboot even though it constantly references past DW, which makes no sense.

    The Waters of Mars was one of his best though obviously a special.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 24 Posts: 13,978
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 24 Posts: 24,989
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

    I vividly remember watching serious 6 opener with Smith before I had to run off to work I was like wow what the hell is going on, and I know it is not popular opinion I loved the Troughton like Rebel Flesh 2 parter which I rewatch a lot.

    After Lets Kill Hitler they dropped the ball big time which was very disappointing, though The Girl Who Waited was amazing.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 24 Posts: 13,978
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

    I vividly remember watching serious 6 opener with Smith before I had to run off to work I was like wow what the hell is going on, and I know it is not popular opinion I loved the Troughton like Rebel Flesh 2 parter which I rewatch a lot.

    After Lets Kill Hitler they dropped the ball big time which was very disappointing, though The Girl Who Waited was amazing.

    I'm struggling to remember any series 6 episodes, they were all forgettable imo. Wasn't there one with a dolls house? :-?
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 24 Posts: 24,989
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

    I vividly remember watching serious 6 opener with Smith before I had to run off to work I was like wow what the hell is going on, and I know it is not popular opinion I loved the Troughton like Rebel Flesh 2 parter which I rewatch a lot.

    After Lets Kill Hitler they dropped the ball big time which was very disappointing, though The Girl Who Waited was amazing.

    I'm struggling to remember any series 6 episodes, they were all forgettable imo. Wasn't there one with a dolls house? :-?

    The dolls house episode was the second weakest of the series, The Girl Who Waited was this episode...

    Still a tough watch years later, this is when DW is earned.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited June 24 Posts: 13,978
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

    I vividly remember watching serious 6 opener with Smith before I had to run off to work I was like wow what the hell is going on, and I know it is not popular opinion I loved the Troughton like Rebel Flesh 2 parter which I rewatch a lot.

    After Lets Kill Hitler they dropped the ball big time which was very disappointing, though The Girl Who Waited was amazing.

    I'm struggling to remember any series 6 episodes, they were all forgettable imo. Wasn't there one with a dolls house? :-?

    The dolls house episode was the second weakest of the series, The Girl Who Waited was this episode...

    Still a tough watch years later.

    Oh yes, that one is coming back to me. And The God Complex is another coming back to me! Very mysterious, very... series 26-ish. I would still rather watch series 6 than anything from the last few years. That clip is also depressing to see how far the show has fallen since.
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989
    Never thought I would see this... Christopher Eccleston on stage, with Paul McGann, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

    That is awesome, I could have gone there it is not far from me.

    Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor, Matt Smith could not have existed if it were not for what proceeded him.

    I honestly think the Smith era was the peak of Doctor Who, Season 5 was incredible.

    This is a good reminder why DW is great, listening to these legends reminiscing.

    I too am a big fan of the Smith era. He's my 3rd favourite behind McCoy & Troughton. Though I feel series 6 was underwhelming, following series 5, Smith was always wonderful to watch as The Doctor. It says a lot about series 5, that my least favourite episode is The Lodger. And that is only down to the casting of James Corden (I have never been able to stand him), I had no issue with any other element of the episode. I have struggled to get onboard with each era since, it has been on a downward slide since 2013.

    This is all from someone that thought Matt Smith was wrong for the Doctor when he was announced. I will gladly admit to being wrong. I think I wanted David Morrisey at the time, but now I can't imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.

    I vividly remember watching serious 6 opener with Smith before I had to run off to work I was like wow what the hell is going on, and I know it is not popular opinion I loved the Troughton like Rebel Flesh 2 parter which I rewatch a lot.

    After Lets Kill Hitler they dropped the ball big time which was very disappointing, though The Girl Who Waited was amazing.

    I'm struggling to remember any series 6 episodes, they were all forgettable imo. Wasn't there one with a dolls house? :-?

    The dolls house episode was the second weakest of the series, The Girl Who Waited was this episode...

    Still a tough watch years later.

    Oh yes, that one is coming back to me. And The God Complex is another coming back to me! Very mysterious, very... series 26-ish. I would still rather watch series 6 than anything from the last few years. That clip is also depressing to see how far the show has fallen since.

    The God Complex with the Minotaur was another second half of S6 episode that was good, Moffat was good at creating parallels with the Doctor and expanding on the lore of DW in a subtle way that was open to interpretation.

    Going to watch the The God Complex now, though I don't believe the Doctors fear is what we saw in Smith's final episode.

    The God Complex Doctors fear should have remained ambiguous.

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    edited June 24 Posts: 24,989
    The God Complex echos The Curse of Fenri regarding faith, the recent series overtly states don;t believe in anything and then it doesn't, utter mess.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    Somewhere, Chris Chibnall is breathing a sigh of relief...
  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 24,989
    The Doctor is in a abstract sense when written well is far ahead of everyone else on the room, it is always a pleasure seeing the Doctor piece everything together, sadly that is no longer present in current writing.
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