'Anyone for a jelly baby ? ' - Doctor Who discussion thread.



  • JamesPage wrote:
    @karatemanchan37 are you saying ep #4 is a barn stormer? It's written by the same guy who did Snakes, I mean, Dinosaurs on a Plane, I mean Spaceship, right?

    Yes, I am quite weary of Chinball's works. However, many have said that this episode hits it out of the park.

    Don't get your hopes up too high though; after all, rule #1 :-D
  • Posts: 1,492
    2You should be more convernd about getting out of here alive Doctor.."

    General Orlov himself is in Dr Who on Saturday.
  • Peter Jackson to direct Doctor Who if they film in New Zeland?

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,355
    Good to hear this about The Power of Three, I thought it would be good and make a mark big enough to be the best of the series yet. The Angels Take Manhattan better deliver too.
  • Posts: 1,492
    Another good one.

    Lots of suspense and those aliens wheeling Brian off in the hospital got me worried for him.

    And a very very caked up General Orlov.

    So far this season is beating season 6.
  • Posts: 5,976
    Well, after tonight's episode, I can say one thing for sure:

    I will never hear the Duck Dance the same way again. Just like for "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", or "I can't decide", or "Mr. Blue Sky".

    Apart from that, very good episode, full of laughs, and some good emotional moments (was it me, or did Matt Smith seem to channel Jon Pertwee at one moment ?). Too bad the BBC site was plagued by too many freezes (most notably during one of the best moments, when we received confirmation of who the character played by Jemma Redgrave was related to. Nice tribute to the Brig, BTW.
  • Posts: 1,492
    Gerard wrote:
    (was it me, or did Matt Smith seem to channel Jon Pertwee at one moment ?). T.

    I missed that. Which bit?

  • Posts: 5,976
    When he was talking to Amy outside UNIT HQ. Reminded me of Jon's sspeech to Jo Grant about how the worst day of his ilife became the best day of his life. And, BTW, the Doctor doesn't seem to have much luck with Henry the Eighth.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2012 Posts: 13,355
    This was far better than the last two. A good set up for the finale next week let's hope, which should be amazing. A shame, the 'villain', only got a few minutes screen time. Such a waste of a good actor too.

    I am the only one who misses a story arc? I suppose it all hangs on next week, right?

    Also, I love Kate Stewart. She better return.
  • Posts: 406
    Another good episode, much better than series 6
  • Posts: 12,526
    A good epsiode! Stephen Berkoff reminded me of the Darth Vader from Return Of The Jedi when Luke removed the helmet! :-O

    I may be in the minority but the first episode is still the best one of the series so far for me! However? I love the Weeping Angels! So i am really excited for the next episode! 8-X
  • Posts: 1,310
    I know I'm a little late with this one, but Matt Smith riding the triceratops like a horse has to be a nadir of this entire nuWho. Whilst watching that scene, I kind of felt the same way I did watching the Beach Boys snowboard scene in AVTAK. What a rubbish episode.

    (The last episode I watched was 'Mercy' and that was better though...)
  • I think the new series has been very good so far, Matt Smith really 'owns' the part so well. He'll arguably go down as one of the very bests when he does eventually pass the baton on to someone else. Looking forward in seeing his chemistry with the new companion when she becomes his regular!
  • Posts: 1,492
    Another good one. Five episodes of good stuff so far. Next episode is Xmas.

    I will miss Amy and Rory they have been a pretty good team and I buy that they care for each other. This one had some good creepy bits particularly the cherub statues giggling in the dark.

    I am going to miss my dose of Matt Smith on a Saturday night.
  • Posts: 7,653
    That was a great farewell, and Amy did love Rory more than the Doctor. He must have known that when being married to their only daughter.
  • Beautiful Conclusion. Shame we have to wait another three months.
    When the Ponds were genuinely going to jump, I did not expect them to survive.
  • Posts: 406
    Good episode, nice to see them leave. I liked them I just thought they stayed long enough. Looking forward to merlin starting again next week now :)
  • Posts: 1,856
    Beautiful Conclusion. Shame we have to wait another three months.
    When the Ponds were genuinely going to jump, I did not expect them to survive.

    I agree, that's totally what I thought.
    Then Steven stabs us again. I actually cried.
    Best episode of who in forever. It was the only way for the Ponds to go, together.
    I give TATM 16353677 out of 10
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2012 Posts: 13,355
    The best of the five without a shadow of a doubt in my mind. Really touching final scenes, hopefully we when see the Doctor next time, he hasn't been on his own for too long.

    To the future now, which I think will be better than we expect. Coleman was fantastic in her one episode so far, so this pairing should make for great TV. Christmas, oh how I love you! :)
  • Posts: 1,856
    Samuel001 wrote:
    To the future now, which I think will be better than we expect. Coleman was fantastic in her one episode so far, so this pairing should make for great TV. Christmas, oh how I love you! :)

    122 days to go....
  • Great episode! Leave it to The Angels to give quality to the show. Didnt have a dry eye at the end of it
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2012 Posts: 13,355
    Virage wrote:
    Samuel001 wrote:
    To the future now, which I think will be better than we expect. Coleman was fantastic in her one episode so far, so this pairing should make for great TV. Christmas, oh how I love you! :)

    122 days to go....

    Or 86 even.
  • Good episode. Farewell Amy and Rory. I have to say though that it didn't make me emotional that they've gone or in the manner they went. Also as much as I like the Angels, I think they've had their shelf life and it's time for a new even scarier set of monsters to be unleashed on Dr Who.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited September 2012 Posts: 1,699
    Must admit, wasn't absolutely blown away by The Angels Take Manhattan, but it was a good yarn (and the very Moffat-y deployment of a storybook to guide the narrative and set rules that are variously followed and broken worked a treat). It was solid, moving, well directed and acted, no question. And the New York setting and some touches (the Statue of Liberty as an Angel) were excellent.

    But it lacked a certain something, for me. Something that I can't quite put my finger on... Like @myworldisenough above, maybe I wasn't quite as moved by the Ponds' departure - and the way they departed - as I'd have wanted to be. I was blown away and really moved by The Big Bang two and a bit years ago; this one certainly didn't do it for me like that did. But no 'NuWho' episode before or since quite has. Still, as exits go (and as DW episodes as a whole go), it was superior stuff for sure. Can't wait till Christmas and Oswin/ Clara(?)'s proper introduction now! :)

    Oh, and by the bye, gotta agree with @RogueAgent, Asylum Of The Daleks was definitely the best of this five-part mini-series - it was one of the very best Moffat efforts (up there with the best of 'Nuwho' then); clever, clever, clever and thoroughly satisfying. Although, Dinosaurs On A Spaceship was a hell of a fun ride and, despite A Town Called Mercy being a bit of a tick-over, The Power Of Three was a great set-up for last night's finale (and intriguing delve into the Ponds' ordinary life), plus Jemma Redgrave's casting as the Brig's daughter was uncannily spot-on - she even looks like Nicholas Courtney! All in all, not a bad clutch of episodes then...
  • St_George wrote:
    Must admit, wasn't absolutely blown away by The Angels Take Manhattan, but it was a good yarn (and the very Moffat-y deployment of a storybook to guide the narrative and set rules that are variously followed and broken worked a treat). It was solid, moving, well directed and acted, no question. And the New York setting and some touches (the Statue of Liberty as an Angel) were excellent.

    But it lacked a certain something, for me. Something that I can't quite put my finger on... Like @myworldisenough above, maybe I wasn't quite as moved by the Ponds' departure - and the way they departed - as I'd have wanted to be. I was blown away and really moved by The Big Bang two and a bit years ago; this one certainly didn't do it for me like that did. But no 'NuWho' episode before or since quite has. Still, as exits go (and as DW episodes as a whole go), it was superior stuff for sure. Can't wait till Christmas and Oswin/ Clara(?)'s proper introduction now...! :)

    It's interesting to me to read all of the praise that The Angels Take Manhattan is getting. Maybe I'll watch it again in the next couple of days because my initial reaction was that it was the sloppiest episode in a long time. So many things made no sense to me at all. Of course, counterbalancing that was all of the great character moments and the emotional whallop(s) at the end. I was pretty choked up at the end and thought that it was quite well deserved - Matt Smith's anguished performance really sold it, but a huge part of it is what a great arc the Ponds have had over their time on the show. The evolutions of the characters and their relationship was incredibly well done so it truly did seem like saying goodbye to family.

    My concerns below, obviously all spoilers...
    The angels themselves were quite poorly served - their mythology was ignored when required. How many times did angels *not* move when people weren't looking at them? How did the statue of liberty become an angel when it isn't made of stone? How could it move through the city without people noticing? How could the angels "set up" the hotel - I can't imagine them going to city hall and paying the electricity bills or the land tax! As I said I'll watch it again in case I missed a lot of things. But even with all of those nitpicks, a very compelling episode...

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    It was an allright episode, maybe not the best of series 7 (series 7.0, if that's what we're supposed to call it), but still better than series 6.

    And after The Angels Take Manhattan, I listened to Black And White. I applaud Big Finish for what they've done with the 7th Doctor lately with Protect And Survive, Black And White & Gods And Monsters (which I need to get a copy of).
  • Am the only one who thought the send off for the Ponds was poorly devised? I mean, the episode was fine - and the writing for this series is the best it has been in Moffatt's era. But why was I left thinking that Rory and Amy deserved a better send off.

    I also find it ironic that just as the writing was good for the Ponds and endearing me to them, they were suddenly 'killed off' lol

    I did however see a Virgin media advert thingy with David Tennant in it and it made me excited about the possibility of him and Smith in a 50th anniversary Doctor Who special and/or movie together.
  • Posts: 12,526
    Just watched the Angels take Manhatten episode. Certainly my favourite of the series now followed by episode one! Never disappointed with the Angels! What brilliant villains! Without doubt the BEST new Dr Who baddies since the whole new series was relaunched with Chris Ecclestone! Great episode, thanks Rory and Amy! Roll on Christmas!
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    DWO have posted thier review of Gods And Monsters with a 8/10 score.


    I have not bought my copy yet, so I decided not to read the review. X_X
  • Posts: 5,976
    RogueAgent wrote:
    Just watched the Angels take Manhatten episode. Certainly my favourite of the series now followed by episode one! Never disappointed with the Angels! What brilliant villains! Without doubt the BEST new Dr Who baddies since the whole new series was relaunched with Chris Ecclestone! Great episode, thanks Rory and Amy! Roll on Christmas!

    Have you seen the "postscript" that was posted on the web ? Very moving, but gives us a sense of closure. Too bad it looked like a similar scene in Blink

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