The James Bond Wardrobe/Style Thread



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    This thread is highly entertaining but on a serious note, that pic that @superintendent posted really illustrates and underpins the frustration that some here have with Bond's fit for suits. To be honest, the SF suits and even the SP suits for the most part don't bother me but that pic raises a huge red flag. I just don't understand why they couldn't have kept the same cut he had in QoS, the suits in that film were perfect.
  • Posts: 802

    Vesper Lynd: All right... by the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford or wherever. Naturally you think human beings dress like that. But you wear it with such disdain, my guess is you didn't come from money, and your school friends never let you forget it. Which means that you were at that school by the grace of someone else's charity: hence that chip on your shoulder.

    Mon Dieu SirHilary - have you mislaid your manners along with your sartorial taste?

  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    edited March 2015 Posts: 871
    doubleoego wrote: »
    This thread is highly entertaining but on a serious note, that pic that @superintendent posted really illustrates and underpins the frustration that some here have with Bond's fit for suits. To be honest, the SF suits and even the SP suits for the most part don't bother me but that pic raises a huge red flag. I just don't understand why they couldn't have kept the same cut he had in QoS, the suits in that film were perfect.

    I made these Quantum of Solace - Skyfall comparison photos. I know that some people will disagree, but I think that these photos clearly show the difference between a nice fitting slim suit, and a suit that is one size too small.

    The first suit on the left is from a QoS deleted scene.



  • Posts: 260
    Good grief y'all. Is everyone ten years old?
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 4,619
    doghouse wrote: »
    Good grief y'all. Is everyone ten years old?
    No, you are 5.
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    The pocket-hand in the very last Skyfall photo posted by @Superintendent does frighten me a bit.
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    Posts: 1,257
    I don't take much issue with the fit of Bond's suits in SF and so far in SP. Admittedly, Craig looks excellent in the QOS suits, but Craig's Bond is lean and mean and I think these current suits convey that that quite well.

    I really don't like tab collars though. Its strange how such a small detail stands out so much to me. And I still wish his hair was a bit longer. It looks better than it did in SF but I don't know why they just don't let it grow so they can slick it up and style it.
  • Posts: 1,314
    On connerys FRWL images are the sleeves too long? You can't see half inch of shirt cuff
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    Posts: 2,138
    Put DC in a bin bag he will still look the dogs balls and fans will still go out and buy out what stock is out there. You either get the look or you don't. The skinny look is Mod Rebel look from the 60 ' s it was 2 fingers to the establishment. Very much Dan's Bonds view he has no time for snobs and bureaucrats he's all about getting the job done. It works for DC's incarnation. This Bonds not so fussed about fitting in with high society and more about finding answers and stopping bad guys.
  • Posts: 4,405
    Craig's Bond has definitely evolved sartorially. Personally, I like that he has come in and placed his own stamp on Bond's look. I really feel its a sign of confidence not only on Craig's part but also in EON for letting Craig have more control.

    In CR there was a conscious attempt to try and strip Bond back. Aside from the occasional suit and his tuxedo, Bond avoids formal dress throughout the film. Throughout the first act, Bond only wears casual relaxed clothes which fit with the producers attempt to appeal to a younger, hipper audience. Bond is portrayed early on as a hands-on field agent and therefore his clothes are practical to the environment he is operating in.


    Furthermore, in CR when Bond did wear suits they were often ill-fitting. It almost looks as if they just handed him Pierce's old Brioni suits from off the rail.


    In QOS, they allowed Bond to keep his more casual look, mainly as his mission took place in a decidedly less than opulent setting. It made sense that a field agent like Bond would wear casual attire when operating in places like Haiti and Bolivia.


    However, the suits he does wear throughout the film are fantastic. I think the general fan consensus is that the suits in QOS have been Craig's best.


    I personally love the SF look. It's clear from the opening sequence that Craig and Mendes have embraced Bond's more classical look. Had that opening sequence in Turkey been used in Craig's two previous film, he most certainly would not have worn a suit. I think there is a certain confidence in the team behind SF to put Bond in a suit during this opening, especially after the earlier films made such an effort to really emphasis Bond's position as a practical field agent. The only moments where Bond is dressed casually throughout the film come when the character is at his lowest ebb.


    I understand people have issues with Craig's tight suits but the actor clearly loves them. It seems it's the older fudder-duddys here who don't like Craig's more fashion conscious suits. I'm glad he's taken ownership of Bond and has been bringing his own personal touch to the character. Personally, I like the suits in SF, I had to buy a suit a few months after the film and instantly I gravitated to the tighter fitting one because of Craig. He looks pretty damn sexy and cool in them.

    Personally, I'm pleased to see Craig's Bond evolve in such a way. To me the Bond in CE and QOS was an unrefined rough diamond and by the opening reel of SF, Bond is undeniably the agent we know and love.
  • Posts: 260
    The pocket-hand in the very last Skyfall photo posted by @Superintendent does frighten me a bit.

    That is pretty creepy.
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    doghouse wrote: »
    The pocket-hand in the very last Skyfall photo posted by @Superintendent does frighten me a bit.

    That is pretty creepy.

    He had it during the press conference announcement too.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited March 2015 Posts: 23,883
    As I've said before, there's a simple solution to this. Sack Jany Temime with thanks.

    Then bring back either Lindy Hemming or Louise Frogley.

    Hemming did excellent work on CR and made Christian Bale look like a million bucks as Bruce Wayne for the Batman films.

    Frogley worked on the Ocean films as well as the Limey, Fair Game & QoS.

    I notice that Temime's resume includes Harry Potter, Hercules & Wrath of Titans. I think that says a lot (the 'bustin' out look).
  • Posts: 260
    bondjames wrote: »
    As I've said before, there's a simple solution to this. Sack Jany Temime with thanks.

    Then bring back either Lindy Hemming or Louise Frogley.

    Hemming did excellent work on CR and made Christian Bale look like a million bucks as Bruce Wayne for the Batman films.

    Frogley worked on the Ocean films as well as the Limey, Fair Game & QoS.

    I notice that Temime's resume includes Harry Potter, Hercules & Wrath of Titans. I think that says a lot (the 'bustin' out look).

    This guy gets it :D
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    Lindy Hemming please! I've got a hand sewn replica of her Joker costume from The Dark Knight. She's the best in the industry.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,588
    I was under the impression she was retired.
  • Posts: 4,619
    bondjames wrote: »
    As I've said before, there's a simple solution to this. Sack Jany Temime with thanks.

    Then bring back either Lindy Hemming or Louise Frogley.

    If I directed the next Bond film, I would hire Antonella Cannarozzi, costume designer of I Am Love.

  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    jake24 wrote: »
    I was under the impression she was retired.

    If true, she deserves it.
  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    What you dont like Lindy Hemming?
  • SarkSark Guangdong, PRC
    Posts: 1,138
    Vesper Lynd: All right... by the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford or wherever. Naturally you think human beings dress like that. But you wear it with such disdain, my guess is you didn't come from money, and your school friends never let you forget it. Which means that you were at that school by the grace of someone else's charity: hence that chip on your shoulder.

    Funnily enough, Vesper said this when Bond's suits fit quite differently.

    Will suits a size too small ruin my enjoyment of SPECTRE? No, not really. It won't affect my enjoyment of the film any more than Roger's ridiculous hair in OP (really, why wouldn't they let him part his hair instead of combing it straight back?). And in spite of the much better tailoring, QoS was an inferior film to SF. But this is a thread for (over)analyzing the costumes of SPECTRE. It's not a thread for cheerleading anything EON decides to do.
  • Posts: 802
    doubleoego wrote: »
    This thread is highly entertaining but on a serious note, that pic that @superintendent posted really illustrates and underpins the frustration that some here have with Bond's fit for suits. To be honest, the SF suits and even the SP suits for the most part don't bother me but that pic raises a huge red flag. I just don't understand why they couldn't have kept the same cut he had in QoS, the suits in that film were perfect.

    I made these Quantum of Solace - Skyfall comparison photos. I know that some people will disagree, but I think that these photos clearly show the difference between a nice fitting slim suit, and a suit that is one size too small.

    The first suit on the left is from a QoS deleted scene.



    Without doubt, the QOS suit is by far and away the better fit. Shame they had the best attire for the worst film.
    On a particular note for the self proclaimed 'slim suit experts' - all excellent suits by definition offer the slimmest fits for their clients, tailors seak to achieve it in different ways. A&S achieve it with their house style that is often refered to as 'the A&S drape'. This is much imitated on the Row as it's deemed to be particularly effective for men with broad and muscular upper body shape.
    The other leading houses have their own techniques but all are devoted to a slim silouette.
    I say this because what we are talking about is not 'style' - it is simply a matter of correct tailoring.
    Of course, if somebody piles on the pounds the mission becomes increasingly difficult but this isn't the case with DC. He may not have the perfect tall, lean silouette that tailors love to work with but he is in good shape.
    What you don't do to achieve a slim silouette is to go 'made to measure' which involves adjustments from a standard block. That way, you are just tightening or adjusting from a theoretical standard size. This is the technique that has him busting out all over.

  • Posts: 802

    If I directed the next Bond film, I would hire Antonella Cannarozzi, costume designer of I Am Love.


    A great look.

  • Posts: 802
    bondjames wrote: »
    As I've said before, there's a simple solution to this. Sack Jany Temime with thanks.

    Then bring back either Lindy Hemming or Louise Frogley.

    Hemming did excellent work on CR and made Christian Bale look like a million bucks as Bruce Wayne for the Batman films.

    Frogley worked on the Ocean films as well as the Limey, Fair Game & QoS.

    I notice that Temime's resume includes Harry Potter, Hercules & Wrath of Titans. I think that says a lot (the 'bustin' out look).

    This good be a very good idea but first and foremost, we should get 007 a tailor!

  • What's interesting to me is that the suits in SF don't even look too Tom Fordish. I mean it's not the cut he is known for. I wonder how much Tom Ford himself is involved in Bond's wardrobe, if he is at all. It feels to me like he is missing on the opportunity to dress Bond. I'm not a conservative, but maybe it's time for Bond to go back to a British tailor. I'm also not British.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,574
    Can I just mention that we would love it if everyone respected others opinions on such matters as style and fashion. It's great to read these posts and I learn something every day..but we need to keep it civil at all times.
    Thanks guys.
  • Posts: 802
    What's interesting to me is that the suits in SF don't even look too Tom Fordish. I mean it's not the cut he is known for. I wonder how much Tom Ford himself is involved in Bond's wardrobe, if he is at all. It feels to me like he is missing on the opportunity to dress Bond. I'm not a conservative, but maybe it's time for Bond to go back to a British tailor. I'm also not British.

    This is very true (with the exception of the Rome shot).
    His normal modus operandi is to offer an off the peg or made to measure take on the great Row house, Chittleborough & Morgan.
    He's probably running these off at the Zegna factory and paying for the product placement.
    Doubtless the Spectre suit will appear in his collection in due course and those who are impressed with these things will buy it!
  • Posts: 5,767
    999 wrote: »
    Ahhh the old "its too tight comment" .... With all respect, usually used by someone without an impressive figure and jealous of someone with a figure to show off. I spend alot of time working out and its usually my paper weight, or over weight friends who razz me about wearing suits "too tight".

    Bond is classy, but needs to look like he could beat you to a pulp. I think the Tom Ford look of SP and SF suits Craig best. Love it. Dresses should show off a women's figure in a classy tasteful way... suits are the equivalent for men.
    So we are jealous of Craig´s physique, but not of his elegance? What kind of sense is that supposed to make?
    I think paper weights look better in tight suits than trained weight lifters, but in any case I don´t see any class or taste in tight suits. To show off one´s well-trained physique, a suit would be quite a poor choice in general, because by nature, a suit covers more than it reveals.
    I don´t understand how one can meaningfully compare women´s dresses with men´s suits. Women´s dresses are garments usually worn directly on the skin. The only male comparison I could somewhat understand would be the spandex suits many heavy metal musicians wore onstage in the 80s. Otherwise men´s suits are characterized by not sitting tightly on the skin, moreover a suit jacket is worn over some other garment, unlike a woman´s dress.

  • AceHoleAceHole Belgium, via Britain
    Posts: 1,728
    The 60's style suits from SF were lacklustre and really didn't work for Dan.
    Although he doesn't have Connery's frame (a dream for a tailor if ever there was one - over 6-foot with broad shoulders & long legs) Dan is very lean and fairly well proportioned, so I honestly don't understand how on earth they managed to muck it up in SF.

    And anyhow, we need a bit more 'non-suit' formal attire (think Sean's golf attire in GF, for instance). It doesn't need to be either full suit or full 'field' gear...
  • AceHole wrote: »
    The 60's style suits from SF were lacklustre and really didn't work for Dan.
    Although he doesn't have Connery's frame (a dream for a tailor if ever there was one - over 6-foot with broad shoulders & long legs) Dan is very lean and fairly well proportioned, so I honestly don't understand how on earth they managed to muck it up in SF.

    And anyhow, we need a bit more 'non-suit' formal attire (think Sean's golf attire in GF, for instance). It doesn't need to be either full suit or full 'field' gear...

    I think Bond's casual style is hugely influenced by the actor's personal preferences. I don't know if this goes for all the actors who played Bond, but it definitely goes for Daniel. And again QOS wins for best outfits.


    You can see Daniel sporting similar outfits with that exact type of cardigan in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as well as in his day to day life.
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