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Favourite Fleming Novel
On Her Majestys Secret Service
Favourite Bond Film
Favourite Bond Actor
Timothy Dalton


  • What about Saltzman not selling his shares to Cubby? Another very big mistake, if you ask me. Many production delays were caused by that poor move.
  • thedove wrote: » Are we talking about the film series decisions? I suppose the decision to kill off Bond was a good decision at the time. But in hindsight it's going to cause some interesting things to occur with the next fella. One wonders if …
  • A blond actor is but a dye away from not being a blond actor. I don't think the hair colour is an issue. Connery wore a toupée and that didn't present a problem either.
  • Ryan Gosling could make a fine Felix in my opinion. He's got a charming presence, he can do action and comedy, he looks good in a tux, and he's a pretty good actor overall. I'd certainly welcome him into a Bond movie.
  • Mendes4Lyfe wrote: » Might seem a little out of left field, but hear me out, some fans have been saying for years they want a return to the more hardboiled feel of the early connery films, who better for that in this age than Shane Black? I thi…
  • Get well soon, gents! This isn't a good time to be ill.
  • Fire_and_Ice_Returns wrote: » David Lynch announces new mystery project dropping next week https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/david-lynch-movies-twin-peaks-b2553296.html Funny I watched Inland Empire a few days ago and wa…
  • I also think that after a few days of discussing gyms in a thread supposedly speculating about where Bond goes next, we can, indeed, move on to another topic. So rather than see @talos7 disengage from the conversation, I'm hoping the conversation ca…
  • Bond appeals to me because of the fantasy element. He lives the danger and the good life. He has many vices and gets away with them. He kills in cold blood, drops a line of dry humor, and takes a girl to bed without remorse. His most important skill…
  • mattjoes wrote: » DarthDimi wrote: » mattjoes wrote: » I enjoyed 1, 2, 3 and Dominion. Haven't seen Beginning or Believer. Not a Rennie Harlin fan? ;-) Well, to answer seriously for a moment, I rather enjoy Harlin's Die Hard …
  • sandbagger1 wrote: » DarthDimi wrote: » sandbagger1 wrote: » I think the smoking thing is a non-starter in today's environment. Even smoking weed would be more acceptable than tobacco! Imagine Bond smoking weed. Confronting the bad …
  • sandbagger1 wrote: » I think the smoking thing is a non-starter in today's environment. Even smoking weed would be more acceptable than tobacco! Imagine Bond smoking weed. Confronting the bad guy would be a very different thing. ;-)
  • @CommanderRoss You are correct in your assessment! :-)
  • mattjoes wrote: » I enjoyed 1, 2, 3 and Dominion. Haven't seen Beginning or Believer. Not a Rennie Harlin fan? ;-)
  • peter wrote: » DarthDimi wrote: » Fleming wrote several passages which involved Bond doing a lot of swimming to train for his adventurous mission. There are other ways to build a strong body apart from hitting the gym. Still, I don't see why t…
  • Creasy47 wrote: » @DarthDimi, too right, that was a pipe dream and I find it funny they spent so much and immediately turned around with an apparent turd (haven't seen it myself but the flashes of footage I saw in one or two of the trailers didn't…
  • Fleming wrote several passages which involved Bond doing a lot of swimming to train for his adventurous mission. There are other ways to build a strong body apart from hitting the gym. Still, I don't see why this is even an issue. I don't think Crai…
  • willowlove wrote: » Jeremy Renner on why he stopped playing Brandt; essentially, it was for family reasons. https://collider.com/mission-impossible-jeremy-renner-return/ I understand his motivations. I just think his absence is a loss fo…
  • Risico007 wrote: » DarthDimi wrote: » Funny how that works. They try something, it doesn't work, then they try something else, leaving the previous stuff unfinished. Look at the last 3 Terminator films, the Prometheus / Covenant catastrophy, U…
  • Bad Boys is a fine action flick. Bad Boys 2 is pretty cringe overall, with a couple cool scenes. I loved BB4Life.
  • The Gentlemen is both a great film and an excellent series. I love it. James is really good in it. I keep playing the mental game of picturing him as Bond. I'm half there.
  • Funny how that works. They try something, it doesn't work, then they try something else, leaving the previous stuff unfinished. Look at the last 3 Terminator films, the Prometheus / Covenant catastrophy, Universal's Dark Universe experiments, ... …
  • Mrs. Doubtfire is a bonafide childhood favourite of mine. Mars Attacks is another goofy Burton film that I struggle with each time I watch it. (Burton is not my guy, although some of his films are great IMO.) Regardless of Pierce, I'll always pick t…
  • If we're talking about the books, I can mostly agree. GF is dense and it's got excellent passages in it, but it's one of Fleming’s lesser entries for me. That doesn't mean it's a bad book, though. I still enjoy reading it. Nevertheless, it's one of …
  • @MajorDSmythe I really liked that movie when I first saw it. It's been a while, though. Thanks for reminding me, I'm giving it another watch soon. 👍