Your Favorite Films?



  • Top 5: yes, I'm a Sergio Leone fan :P

    1. Once Upon A Time In America - just phenomenal. IMO the only true masterpiece of film: languid, harrowing, iconic, memorable, just basically phenomenal. De Niro puts in my all-time favourite acting performance, and he's brilliantly backed up by Woods, McGovern, Weld etc etc.
    2. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - that graveyard scene. That duel. That music.
    3. Goldfinger - the best Bond film by some distance. Utterly iconic
    4. For A Few Dollars More - see 2. Faultless acting, some of the best cinematography and music ever committed to film.
    5. The Godfather/The Damned United/Senna/Fistful Of Dollars - all fantastic, can't pick a fifth out of those four.

    Seriously, if you haven't seen Once Upon A Time In America before, watch it. Set aside four hours of your time - actually, make that about a day.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    i love so many that it's hard to pick just one... excluding film and horror series like James Bond, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, even some of the horror ones - this is probably how my list would look....

    The Man Who Laughs (silent film)
    Nosferatu (silent film)
    Phantom Of The Opera (silent film)
    Dracula (1931)
    Frankenstein (1932)
    White Zombie
    Touch Of Evil
    North By Northwest
    House On Haunted Hill (1959)
    Night Of The Living Dead
    American Graffiti
    For A Few Dollars More
    The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
    The Dirty Dozen
    The Magnificent Seven
    The Wild Bunch
    Death Wish
    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    First Blood
    Terminator 2
    Total Recall
    The Mighty Ducks
    Major League
    The Sandlot
    Little Giants
    The Devil's Rejects
    Walk The Line
    Clerks 2
    True Grit (2010)
    The Assassination Of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
    Pulp Fiction
    Inglorious Basterds
    The Sixth Sense
    The Village
    Falling Down
    American History X
    Fight Club
    The Social Network
    Tommy Boy
    The Hangover

    I'll just cut my list off there.... i could go on and on and on - this is already too long as it is lol.

  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    post deleted
  • Super 8.
    - It instantly took over Inception's place at number 1 for me, i've seen it twice at cinemas (I've only ever seen two films more than once at cinemas, the other being harry Potter 7 part 2). I absolutely adore this film, it's directed by my favourite director; J.J. Abrams, produced by legendary Steven Spielberg, has a great cast, and has things that i can relate to (Mainly the film making side). I just cannot see how anybody could dislike this simply-wonderfully made film.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Tough to make choices. I love so many films. Here are seven of my favs:

    The Full Monty
    Waking Ned Devine
    The Verdict (the amazing Paul Newman at his best!)
    Shakespeare in Love
    Lost in Translation
    Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Imma do a longer list, having just thought of a load of incredibly awesome that my top 5 can't hold :)

    Once Upon A Time In America
    The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
    For A Few Dollars More
    Fistful Of Dollars
    The Godfather
    The Godfather: Part II
    The Godfather: Part III (yes, really)
    Apocalypse Now
    Saving Private Ryan
    ET (yes, really)
    The Damned United
    You Only Live Twice
    The Spy Who Loved Me
    The Untouchables
    Blade Runner
    City Of God
    Pulp Fiction
    Resevoir Dogs
    Jackie Brown (yes, really)

    etc etc.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    Good to see another Senna fan, @anotherbondgeek !! :-bd
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,674
    Ever since we talked about that months ago, @Dalton, I've been dying to see Senna.

    Mine still stands as Munich. Anyone who hasn't seen it, at least needs to give it a shot.

    And to whoever said Heat, that most certainly ranks up there. Mann at his best, as per usual.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited October 2011 Posts: 15,696
    @Creasy47 I bought the special edition of Senna on DVD, but was very disappointed that the filmed interviews of Prost and others were on the 2nd disc, so I couldn't watch the 2.5 hours of the film with the interviews attached to the film... So I suggest, if you are ok with it, to find the torrent on the internet called 'Senna : Beyond the Speed of Sound', which is the only place I found the film in it's 2.5 hours running time. And believe me, it's an even better version than what I saw in theaters - the Prost interviews are a real gem, and offers some great insight as well as comical moments from Prost.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,674
    That's awesome. I'm going to give it a try, gotta find it somewhere.
  • Posts: 2,341
    When I am asked what is my favorite film the one that comes to mind:
    THE GODFATHER (1972)
    I saw it new in the theaters and after a few months I read the book. then went and saw the movie again. it never ceases to entertain me. Of course it was one of the first ones I added to my home library.
    Great performances all around. Brando, Caan, Pacino, Keaton,
    classic scenes like Sonny's murder, Carlo's beatdown, Michael's romance with Appolonia
    Michael's character development from shy war hero to Mafia kingpin. supreb.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,674
    @DaltonCraig007, not sure if you have Netflix Instant Play, but I saw 'Senna' on there the other day, thought of this, and added it to my Instant Queue. Can't wait to give it a watch.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @DaltonCraig007, not sure if you have Netflix Instant Play, but I saw 'Senna' on there the other day, thought of this, and added it to my Instant Queue. Can't wait to give it a watch.

    Can't wait to hear your view on the film !

  • Posts: 9,807
    Non Bond Favourites....

    1. Jaws
    Literally the perfect movie. From the opening to Brody killing the shark the film is absolutely brilliant.
    2. The A-team
    It breaks my heart that G.I Joe and the Expendables both get sequels but we will never see Hannibal (Liam Neeson's) and the boys a second time. My only Solace is in the fact the film is so perfect I don't know how they could do a sequel without feeling like we have been here before. Great Humor Great Acting Great Action sequence and so many quotable lines
    "I'm Sweating like a Whore in church" Lynch
    "I'm B.A and your going to be unconscious"
    "You can't park their that's a handicapped zone"
    Face fire his gun in a crowded train station (translated from german "Oh my god oh my god he has gun that man right there has a gun... suckers"

    Such a brilliant film

    3. Batman Begins/The Dark Knight/ Batman (1989)/ Batman Returns I'm a Batman fan Always have been always will be. my only regret with the batman franchise is the keaton films never focused on batman as much as the Bale films which is a shame as I loved Keaton as Batman.. I'm very excited about The Dark Knight Rises for the main reason of them using one of my favorite villains Bane.

    4. Terminator 2 It's an amazing film and that's it

    5. Die hard Series I love all 4 films and I'm kinda excited to see A good Day to Die Hard.

    6. Indianna jones series Sure temple and Kingdom have their OBVIOUS flaws but I loved all 4 of them and if they announced a 5th one I'd be Psyched!

    7. The Fugitive Another brilliant Film Harrison Ford tommy Lee Jones both are brilliant

    8. Highlander Now I must admit I'm a Duncan Fan more then Conner sorry but still this film is classic!

    9. Clue Tim Curry's best performance and with multiple endings It's just awesome!

    10. The Usual Suspects... Kevin Spacey is brilliant and honestly each time I watch the film I pick up something new!
  • Posts: 12,506
    There are just too many really? But one without a doubt for me personally?
    It's "The Shawshank Redemtion". Freeman and Robins story of hardship and friendship through their time in prision was just awesome! Love that movie!
  • too many to name.

    at the mo I'm loving Senna, Salt, The Third Man, The Killer, The Artist, The Way of the Gun.

  • edited January 2012 Posts: 17,393
    Excluding Bond, I regard these films as my favourites:

    Bullitt - my favourite Steve Mcqueen film (and my all time favourite film along with FRWL). I really like Lalo Schifrin's jazzy score - which I listen to now and then. It's not the most fast-paced action film, but it hold your attention all the way, much because of a good story, good acting and, in my opinion, the best car chase ever.

    Dirty Harry - The first DH-film with Clint Eastwood is just pure gold. I see the Dirty Harry-films as the funnier cousin of Bullitt. Police procedural films aren't my favourite genre, but Dirty Harry is the definition of coolness.

    The International - I can't really put the finger on what I find so interesting with this one. The story isn't mind-blowing, but the cinematography and the focus on using architecture to create a certain mood is worth every second of the film.

    OSS 117 - Cairo, Nest of Spies/ Lost in Rio - There are many spy spoofs out there, but these two films are the only ones which does it perfectly. Jean Dujardin does a incredible job parodying characteristics in the Bond-films and other films set in the same decade(s).
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    The International - I can't really put the finger on what I find so interesting with this one. The story isn't mind-blowing, but the cinematography and the focus on using architecture to create a certain mood is worth every second of the film.

    Finally some love for that film !! :)>- I loved it !
  • @Creasy47 I bought the special edition of Senna on DVD, but was very disappointed that the filmed interviews of Prost and others were on the 2nd disc, so I couldn't watch the 2.5 hours of the film with the interviews attached to the film... So I suggest, if you are ok with it, to find the torrent on the internet called 'Senna : Beyond the Speed of Sound', which is the only place I found the film in it's 2.5 hours running time. And believe me, it's an even better version than what I saw in theaters - the Prost interviews are a real gem, and offers some great insight as well as comical moments from Prost.

    I only just saw senna. I was amazed at how good it was. I'd been meaning to see it for ages because growing up and watching the racing on TV, senna was one of my faves. It was a sad day when he died.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    My fave films (in no order because I can't choose): rocky, raiders, die hard, licence to kill, hotfuzz, scarface, senna, the bourne supremacy, kick ass, First Blood and the hangover.
  • Some of my favorites are: LoTR Trilogy, Zodiac, Se7en, TDK, Source Code and No Country For Old Men!
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 3,169
    'Once upon a time in America' (dir.cut), 'Braveheart' and 'The Usual Suspects'
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited January 2012 Posts: 15,696
    I only just saw senna. I was amazed at how good it was. I'd been meaning to see it for ages because growing up and watching the racing on TV, senna was one of my faves. It was a sad day when he died.

    I've been an F1 fan since I was a kid, but I was too young when Senna died, so I never saw him race on TV.
  • Zekidk wrote:
    'Once upon a time in America' (dir.cut), 'Braveheart' and 'The Usual Suspects'

    In Braveheart who did the soundtrack?

  • edited January 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Still don't understand why so many like Salt, and want a sequel.

    The acting was alright, the storyline was good, but the writing was crap. The action pieces weren't done very well, nor the stunt coordination.

    In my opinion, if it EASILY could have been done better it wasn't too good.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    Zekidk wrote:
    'Once upon a time in America' (dir.cut), 'Braveheart' and 'The Usual Suspects'

    In Braveheart who did the soundtrack?

    the original score was composed by James Horner.
  • Posts: 1,052
    I couldn't pick a favrouite but there are certain films I have loved since I was a kid and always come back to, one of those films is Big Trouble in Little China, i know it's not big or clever but god I love that film.

    Also good shout by Risico007 - I was definitley impressed by the ATeam, I thought there was great chemistry between the cast and some great tounge in cheek humour, nice to see an action film that isn't overly serious in this day and age!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,674
    I loved The A-Team, as well. Spent my entire summer, it seemed, watching the film over and over again. Big shame that Carnahan isn't planning on doing a second one. I found it to be one of the more entertaining summer blockbusters of 2010.
  • Here's my NOW favourite film list (I can't decide on one, so i'll do my top [No order]):
    - Super 8
    - Inception
    - Back to the Future
    - Casino Royale
    - The Shawshank Redemption
    - Source Code
    - Moon
    - The Empire Strikes Back
    - Saving Private Ryan
    - Enemy at the Gates
    - The Bourne Ultimatum
    - Rear window
    - North by Northwest
    - The Great Escape
    - The Dark Knight
    - Gladiator
    - No Country for Old Men
    - The Green Mile
    - X-Men: First class
    - Schinler's List
    - The Prestige
    - Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    - Spider-Man 2
    - The Matrix
    - Terminator 2: Judgement Day
    - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

    - Yeah. I couldn't really decide out of these 27 films...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,714
    The International - I can't really put the finger on what I find so interesting with this one. The story isn't mind-blowing, but the cinematography and the focus on using architecture to create a certain mood is worth every second of the film.

    Finally some love for that film !! :)>- I loved it !

    Tom Tykwer fans, huh? Well, then I most certainly recommend Run Lola Run (original title: Lola Rennt).

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