Will Craig get his OTT film?

Aziz_FekkeshAziz_Fekkesh Royale-les-Eaux
edited January 2013 in Bond Movies Posts: 403
History has shown us that it usually takes about four movies into an actors tenure for them to get one really big, outlandish movie, after them having supposedly hit their stride with the third film (Moore with MR, Broz with DAD, and Connery with TB, although YOLT makes the former look quaint in comparison). I want to say that Craig's fourth will be more extravagent, but are the producers really past the days of YOLT-sytle films? We got one in 2002, after all. Or is SF as OTT as the Craig era will get? I'm personally looking forward for a film that is more humourous (ala SF, where I thought Craig nailed the funny bits) but that retains a serious story, kind of like TSWLM. And the gunbarrel MUST be at the start of the film!


  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I'm predicting that Bond 24 will be less serious and arty and more of a big, fun Bond movie, except changed a bit to fit Craigs Bond.

    But I've been wrong before.
    And the gunbarrel MUST be at the start of the film!

    Definetly. But if they leave it as an afterthought again and get a decent opening shot they'll probably just stick it at the end again with the terrible QOS design.

    I think it's a shame that a film like SF is lumbered with that terrible gunbarrel.
  • Posts: 30
    An observation -

    Camp is simply a matter of using far more resources than is necessary; it's not so much about revealing your hand or winking at the audience. But people have confused the former with the latter, as I think this poster has.

    I would say, as an example, that From Russia with Love is a far campier (and more enjoyable) film than Die Another Day. It takes as its premise a Hitchcockian Cold War thriller and ladles on things you wouldn't expect, from gypsy fights to exploding briefcases. Whereas Die Another Day takes a far different template as its baseline (teen action film) and barely ramps above what's anticipated. It's essentially a cartoon, and cartoons can't be any more over-the-top than, for instance, opera.

    As a result, Quantum of Solace and Skyfall are far campier than anything the Moore or Brosnan eras produced, because they know how to play with audience expectations. How can a movie like Moonraker be over-the-top when the assumption is that anything can happen? Invisible space stations make perfect "sense" within the logic of Christopher Wood/Lewis Gilbert flicks.

    This is why I hope they stick with the current track. I laughed more at Strawberry Fields in her "undercover" thigh-high trenchcoat than I did at the hover-Bondola or invisible car. Fields was so preposterous in a film that played up (that's right, played up, not aped) current trends, and a perfect extension of Fleming's approach to humour.
  • I personally think Daniel Craig isn't interested in playing a pantomime Bond. It's clear that he puts alot of work into how he's portrayed the character over the last three films, and it sounds like he has more creative input than Brosnan had in his day. I think there's a genuine sense of craftmanship and affinity for the role that will guarantee that we're not going to see anything particularly camp, but based on the success of Skyfall I think it might show that audiences aren't necessarily looking for camp either.
  • Posts: 1,548
    The return of Blofeld is the only nod to the past that I want to see re-introduced.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I think Skyfall and Dan's era in full has had plenty of over the top stuff. But it does it right and doesn't go all crazy with it and lose focus on the plot. Dan's era doesn't fit in with the campiness you get from extreme over the top moments we may have seen previously, but he has had a great catalogue of behemoth action.
  • 002002
    Posts: 581
    Why do people think that Campiness is a bad thing- Look at Evil Dead 2...fantastically OTT film and ofcourse all the previous bond films were terrific

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    TSWLM was a serious story???
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    002 wrote:
    Why do people think that Campiness is a bad thing- Look at Evil Dead 2...fantastically OTT film and ofcourse all the previous bond films were terrific

    Evil dead isn't Bond and after the satirical slaughtering Austin Powers propagated, not to mention 9/11 has changed the landscape of credibility and expectation from certain medias and genres, there's a reason why there's a reluctance to have Bond regress into campville.

  • Posts: 15,024
    I don't think TB was OTT (YOLT was, sure, but not TB). TB was large-scale, but it remained believable. I would love Craig to have his TB, but I don't want the franchise to go in the realm of science fiction.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,355
    In the sense of the known OTT films, we won't go there. Expect things to be grounded for a while or at least how they currently are.
  • Posts: 1,492
    Dan has alot of say in the direction the films go in and doesn't seem interested in the ott bonds and considering the mess dad was - thank god.
  • Posts: 12,526
    I don't think he would want one! He has a big influence on the films, and seeing how his take on the role is so popular and successful? I think we will see more of the same! Which i will be more than happy with! :-bd
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    002 wrote:
    Why do people think that Campiness is a bad thing- Look at Evil Dead 2...fantastically OTT film and ofcourse all the previous bond films were terrific

    Campy doesn't fit with what I envision Bond to be, especially when he parodies himself all through the 70s and former half of the 80s.
  • Aziz_FekkeshAziz_Fekkesh Royale-les-Eaux
    Posts: 403
    Very interesting thread to bump in regards to what direction they chose to go with in SP.
  • Posts: 2,491
    Hmm...do you consider SPECTRE to be OTT movie ? I genuinely want to know what people think, cause I guess you can make the case for it being OTT movie....but I don't see it as such
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited November 2015 Posts: 23,883
    I think SP is his OTT film actually. As OTT as we're going to get from him. Given where he started (CR), I think this is as far as he can go without it feeling a little odd.

    Unless you want him in space or escaping a laser shot from there or something....

    I'd actually prefer that it get dialed back considerably (to a dark thriller) if he decides to stay on, or if another actor takes the role on next. I can get my OTT from Marvel these days (I almost felt I was in a Marvel film when he survived the building collapse without a scratch and when he shot all Blofeld's guards with pinpoint accuracy after enduring the torture......a far cry from getting his balls slapped in CR and then needing to take a month off to recuperate).
  • Aziz_FekkeshAziz_Fekkesh Royale-les-Eaux
    Posts: 403
    Yeah,I have no idea where they can go from here…going further into personal problems would be stretching it and look goofy. I think a dark, socio-mindful espionage film similar to FRWL would be the best way to end the Craig series. Not necessarily going after a mcguffin, maybe trying to stop an assassination that can lead to war or political unrest? I'd be chance to wrap things up nicely for Craig and generate lots of unbearable tension.
  • Posts: 2,341
    No more OTT films PLEEASE.
    Judging from the way SP ended one could not help but get the feeling that this was Craig's Swan Song.
    Similar to Christian Bale saying goodbye to Batman in The Dark Knight Rises
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    Posts: 1,257
    dragonsky wrote: »
    Hmm...do you consider SPECTRE to be OTT movie ? I genuinely want to know what people think, cause I guess you can make the case for it being OTT movie....but I don't see it as such

    Compared to the rest of the franchise, no. Compared to the rest of Craig's films (particularly CR and QOS), yes.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    SP is OTT.
    Crater lair!
    Biggest explosion ever!

    More OTT would be boarding a space shuttle or drive an invisible car.

    SP is perfect, especially the finale which is a great sequence and contrast to the desert sequence.
  • Posts: 12,526
    DC does not need an OTT movie. I don't believe he would want one as it would go against his previous installments.
  • Posts: 11,425
    I think Mendes has brought back plenty of the fantastical elements. There's no need to go completely overboard.

  • TigerTanakaTigerTanaka Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond
    edited November 2015 Posts: 50
    True, the balance is just right with Spectre, in my opinion (the "New York New York" music of 009, and those scenes with Q). Even though I do miss the Moore OTT bond films and Connery's YOLT, it probably just wouldn't work today.
  • Posts: 11,425
    True, the balance is just right with Spectre, in my opinion (the "New York New York" music of 009, and those scenes with Q). Even though I do miss the Moore OTT bond films and Connery's YOLT, it probably just wouldn't work today.

    Yes. We yearn for what we had with Moore and Connery, but without the actor you can't get it back. They tried it with Brosnan and it fell flat. You need to accept that things have to evolve and you hope for something new that matches the best of the past. I thought from a humour perspective SP was perhaps the best for a long time.
  • TigerTanakaTigerTanaka Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond
    Posts: 50
    Oh yes, after Casino Royale, a much needed breath of fresh air most definitely. :)
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited November 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Getafix wrote: »
    Yes. We yearn for what we had with Moore and Connery, but without the actor you can't get it back.
    I agree on this point. I think anything can be done today with the right actor. The actor must 'fit the vision'. You cannot shoehorn the actor into a vision with Bond, because we have such a long history that inevitable comparisons with a better fit for the scenario will be recalled.

    That's why they have to be 'original' with their interpretation and presentation of the character, within his notable confines. Connery is Connery. Moore is Moore. Craig is Craig......but on his recent outing it was getting close to recalling the originals.

    It's a fine line. They crossed it with 'circle of life' imho, and thankfully didn't do that with SP.
  • TigerTanakaTigerTanaka Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond
    Posts: 50
    Glad you mentioned "Circle of Life', now I remember :) It was subtle but man did I laugh the way Craig delivered it.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Why does anyone need an OTT film? Most of these suck. (YOLT, MR, DAD)
    if I were pressed I would say Craig had his OTT film: SF

    Don't get me wrong, Ioved SF but with all the plot holes, and stretches of credibility (Bond being shot by Patrice and Eve , Silva's incredible plan... ) yea I would say this film qualifies as the closest to an OTT film.

    Times have changed and the days of fluff like we saw in MR, the outrageousness of DAD and YOLT are gone. IMO
  • Posts: 613
    Ya he doesn't need an OTT film doesn't fit him.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited November 2015 Posts: 8,344
    OHMSS69 wrote: »
    Why does anyone need an OTT film? Most of these suck. (YOLT, MR, DAD)
    if I were pressed I would say Craig had his OTT film: SF

    Don't get me wrong, Ioved SF but with all the plot holes, and stretches of credibility (Bond being shot by Patrice and Eve , Silva's incredible plan... ) yea I would say this film qualifies as the closest to an OTT film.

    Times have changed and the days of fluff like we saw in MR, the outrageousness of DAD and YOLT are gone. IMO

    I love OTT :D. YOLT, TSWLM, SP, even MR. I wanna see a Lewis Gilbert style romp from Danny Boy!
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