TONS OF NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN ON SET PHOTOS from "Licence to Kill" - shot in Key West, 1988



  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    I remember the pics in bondage magazine in 88 of license revoked. Great pictures you took:)
  • Posts: 3,687
    Another interesting story tidbit...

    This photo shows my friend Victor Jones posing his wife's small handbag gun (registered, real...and loaded) in the reflection of this car right outside the production office on the morning we set out to the set for the first time. Little did we know WHOSE car this was! Right as I snapped this picture, Victor and I, hearing someone coming down the stair from the Production office, turned to look... Yes, of course, it was Albert R. Broccoli and Michael Wilson - get this - STANDING RIGHT IN THE LINE OF "FIRE." Mortified, and star-struck all at once... we quickly backed away, Victor put the gun down, and we sheepishly apologized. Surprisingly, the two Bond Godfathers took it all in stride, even chuckling about it, and we exchanged a few pleasantries; I cannot remember what specifically. They got in the car and drove off, as Victor, Amy (who was probably rolling her eyes) and I tried to comprehend what had just happened.

    You'll notice the drying raindrops on the windshield. It was drying out after a solid night of downpour.

    [img][/img]16968458406_e5f69d0e25_o.jpg67_Gun_Reflection by ErikHollander, on Flickr
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,687
    So yes, my friend Victor can say he's probably the ONLY Bond fan who ever pointed a loaded gun at Albert Broccoli without getting arrested.
  • Posts: 3,687
    I remember the pics in bondage magazine in 88 of license revoked. Great pictures you took:)

    Were they in Bondage magazine? I don't remember. They did appear in Steven Rubin's book THE COMPLETE JAMES BOND ENCYCLOPEDIA. back in '89.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    EHollander wrote: »
    So yes, my friend Victor can say he's probably the ONLY Bond fan who ever pointed a loaded gun at Albert Broccoli without getting arrested.

    @-) That's a BIG wow-!! ;)
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    I'm not a hundred percent sure, I just remember the key west pics and the airport pics with the governor making his cameo
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,687
    Bond's presence was felt everywhere in town. Even the local retail shops were capitalizing on 007's visit. This one was across the corner street from the production office. The South Florida styles were at the time very heavily influenced by "Miami Vice".

    [img][/img]16993762771_c10ff9ce9e_o.jpg68_Window_Dressing by ErikHollander, on Flickr
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,789
    EHollander wrote: »
    The South Florida styles were at the time very heavily influenced by "Miami Vice".
    Up here in NY it meant we didn't have to shave as often.
  • Posts: 3,687
    chrisisall wrote: »
    EHollander wrote: »
    The South Florida styles were at the time very heavily influenced by "Miami Vice".
    Up here in NY it meant we didn't have to shave as often.

    I'm not a hundred percent sure, I just remember the key west pics and the airport pics with the governor making his cameo

    Hmmm. I'd be curious to know. I used to get that magazine, but have no recollection of seeing any of my photos in it.
  • Posts: 3,687
    [img][/img]16996393605_39cd44c8c9_o.jpg69_GrandLBush by ErikHollander, on Flickr
  • EHollander wrote: »
    Bond's presence was felt everywhere in town. Even the local retail shops were capitalizing on 007's visit. This one was across the corner street from the production office. The South Florida styles were at the time very heavily influenced by "Miami Vice".

    [img][/img]16993762771_c10ff9ce9e_o.jpg68_Window_Dressing by ErikHollander, on Flickr

    Funny how it's evident that the movie was still called 'License Revoked' when they were filming. :p

    Anyway, great quality pictures! Such a fun look behind the scenes.
  • ggl007ggl007 Spain, España
    Posts: 2,541
    This is History, @EHollander! Thanks again!
  • Posts: 11,425
    Great photos - thanks for posting them.
  • icsics
    Posts: 33
    mindblowing !

  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,687
    [img][/img]16998787592_7a65040b1a_o.jpg70_Dalton_Erik_Sheraton by ErikHollander, on Flickr
    Getafix wrote: »
    Great photos - thanks for posting them.
    ics wrote: »
    mindblowing !


    My pleasure. This has been fun for me - looking back at it all. I forgot how much I had locked away. Glad it didn't get lost in subsequent years. I'm glad there is an available venue to cast these things out there.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    This is definitely the place to share it.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,687
    A couple more for today...

    [img][/img]16999477401_0239f2b820_o.jpg71_Glen_Megaphone by ErikHollander, on Flickr

    [img][/img]16812940288_8f413a93f1_o.jpg72_Weapons_Master by ErikHollander, on Flickr
  • SarkSark Guangdong, PRC
    Posts: 1,138
    where he would trade in this old antique hunk of junk and Brooke Shields for an Aston Martin and Maryam D'Abo.

    Not a bad trade.
  • Posts: 267
    What an absolutely fabulous collection.
    I always liked Timothy Dalton as Bond and they so nearly got the movies, particularly LTK, into the right zone. He came quite close to Fleming's Bond.
  • zb007zb007 UK
    Posts: 86
    What a great collection of photos
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    Can't wait for the movie;)
  • Thanks for adding more pictures.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited April 2015 Posts: 17,789
    EHollander wrote: »
    [img][/img]16812940288_8f413a93f1_o.jpg72_Weapons_Master by ErikHollander, on Flickr

    "Okay, for this shot you're gonna run really really slow...."
  • Posts: 3,687

    "Okay, for this shot you're gonna run really really slow...." [/quote]

    To which Hedison is thinking... "Can't they do that in post?" And so a shot is born.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 4,622
    EHollander wrote: »
    [img][/img]no16998787592_7a65040b1a_o.jpg70_Dalton_Erik_Sheraton by ErikHollander, on Flickr
    Getafix wrote: »
    Great photos - thanks for posting them.
    This is a great shot. Dalts looks as though he's got quite used to having you around.....almost as if the photographer interrupted you too buds, unwinding after a full day's shooting.
    Great stuff. Whose turn was it for the next round?
    Did you guys meet any girls at the bar?

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,189
    just chiming in to say these pic's are really, really cool! Thanks for sharing @EHollander!. Any Dutch ancestery i suspect?
  • Posts: 12,526
    A lot of great pictures there!
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    To this day, there are numerous twenty seven year olds in Florida who look a bit like Timothy dalton;)
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 1,497
    These photos are priceless! Great primary source material. The quality of them is great, and you've done an excellent job to preserve them in pristine condition. If it weren't for the short-shorts and the tube socks I would have thought these were taken last week. What wonderful memories you must have.

    The photo with Benecio Del Toro is interesting: he looks like he's still in character even off camera with his toothpick in hand. Was he doing some method acting, or just posing for the camera? Was he a nice guy in general?


    (crazy too you were able to bring a loaded gun on set! That would never happen today!)
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,687
    JBFan626 wrote: »
    The photo with Benecio Del Toro is interesting: he looks like he's still in character even off camera with his toothpick in hand. Was he doing some method acting, or just posing for the camera? Was he a nice guy in general?

    Del Toro was a real cutup on set as I remember it. On one take, while running through the brush, he accidentally ripped a big hole in his pants near his... you know. I was taking random photos when the next thing I knew he saw me with the camera, turned at me and shifted the tear open to expose his junk (thankfully covered by his briefs). He did it quickly and not in time for me to snap a shot. Then he and his villainous co-stars started laughing like schoolboys. Wardrobe then came over with some new britches.

    The picture you refer to with the three baddies: When I asked the trio too turn and pose for me, they did, but at the last second , Alejandro Bracho tweaked St. Cyr's butt, causing the reaction you see in the photo. (I was bummed, because he looked so cool and sinister before his knee-jerk reaction, and I think that was my last negative on that roll of film.).

    At the wrap party, I went over and spoke with Del Toro who was by himself, his eyes completely bloodshot (He was a bit under the table). Among the things I asked him was something like "So, do you get a really cool demise at the hands of 007, or do you not know yet what it will be?" He said something like" Ohhhh yeaahhhh. You definitely won't be disappointed! I can't tell you, but trust me, I get it good."
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