Funny/interesting kid memories of Bond in the cinema

chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
edited December 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 17,744
What are yours?
He's a few of mine:

DAF (11 years old)
@ Plenty slipping off her dress "Wow you can see her boobs-yikes my MOM is sitting RIGHT HERE!!"
@ Tiffany & James post shag "She just put that cigarette out on his chest- he's pretty tough."
@ Bond pretending to be kissing someone "That wouldn't work at school..."

LALD (13 years old)
@ Rosie kissing James "If she was Pam Grier this would be way cooler."
@ Kananga's demise "What-? Huh?"

DN, GF, TB, TMWTGG (14 years old)
@ Dent's demise "WOW he just shot that dead guy in the ass!"
@ Goldfinger's private plane shots "Man that is SO fake."
@ Bond slipping on the rooftop & dropping his gun "He REALLY needs shoes without a hard sole."
@ The fight scene outside Hai Fat's "The kung-fu in Men Of The Dragon* was better than this."

MR (19 years old)
@ The here's to us line "I'm ready to walk the **** right out. We should have just seen The Warriors again."

*Cheesy made-for-TV movie


  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Well... success and failure here. Original enough topic to not be closed; not interesting enough to elicit additional anecdotes from viewers. :-?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,340
    Well in 2002 when I was 11, I saw Die Another Day and thought it was the best James Bond movie ever. but since then those thoughts have changed and I think it's top 10 material. And Skyfall was the first Bond movie that made me cry.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Although I never saw it theatrically, OHMSS brought some tears to my eyes...
  • chrisisall wrote:
    Although I never saw it theatrically, OHMSS brought some tears to my eyes...

    Agreed. The ending is surprisingly haunting for a Bond movie, especially the way the credits start without any music or anything.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Surprisingly, I have no real memories at all of TSWLM (I was 17 then) and I can only surmise that Star Wars blotted out all my other cinema memories from that year!
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 5,745
    I remember a fascination with the way Brosnan drives. Most of the time he puts only his palms on the wheel, and his fingers spread out. Mostly notable when he's driving to see Elektra at her pipeline in TWINE.

    I remember wanting to drive like that when I was 12.
  • Oh yeah. I might sound like a Bond virgin, but the only Bond movie I've seen in the cinema was Casino Royale. And that movie left a very strong impact on me. And yes, I had seen tons of Bond movies before that one.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I remember a fascination with the way Brosnan drives. Most of the time he puts only his palms on the wheel, and his fingers spread out.
    Never noticed that- funny what we see, isn't it?
  • Posts: 5,745
    chrisisall wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I remember a fascination with the way Brosnan drives. Most of the time he puts only his palms on the wheel, and his fingers spread out.
    Never noticed that- funny what we see, isn't it?

    Haha. I know it's a really weird one. I try driving like that sometimes. Not safe. Only Brosnan is smooth enough to pull it off.
  • I wasn't quite 4 when GF came out and my mom took me to see it (God knows why.)

    Afterward I supposedly asked her about her new husband (six week marriage, I think, about halfway through at the time) and actually asked if he was the guy pretending to be Goldfinger.

    When I saw TB in reissue with YOLT at age 9 or 10 around 70 or 71, I just could not get over Lucianna Paluzzi. Still can't ... she arrested my development in one way while enhancing my development in another.

    When GOLDEN GUN came out, a guy at school had me read his book report on the Fleming novel. It was hysterical, because he hadn't read the book and just trotted out a synopsis of the movie. Trying to imagine Fleming writing JW Pepper scenes ... even as a teenager that was an eye-roller.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    Only Brosnan is smooth enough to pull it off.
    Speaking of Brosnan...
    GE (35 years old)
    @ Brosnan's entrance as Bond "Nice hair, dude!!"
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    trevanian wrote:
    I just could not get over Lucianna Paluzzi.
    Most hetero male Bond fans can't. ^:)^
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Skyfall makes my heart beat and my eyes water when the Tennyson speech is being recited by M while Bond is running in London. And of course,
    M's death
    makes me teary eyed.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    Judi M.... :((
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,685
    Murdock wrote:
    Well in 2002 when I was 11, I saw Die Another Day and thought it was the best James Bond movie ever. but since then those thoughts have changed and I think it's top 10 material. And Skyfall was the first Bond movie that made me cry.

    Exactly what I came in here to state, only I don't consider DAD to be in the Top Ten. I was 11, so I thought it was the greatest movie ever made, and I enjoyed every aspect about it. I probably thought the CGI parasailing scene was 'super cool,' too.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I remember thinking how awesome it was when Bond jumped onto a moving truck in TLD.

    Everybody cheered during TWINE when the police clamping the car got drenched.

    I was in a bit of a mood going to see GE because Dalton wasn't in it but I forgave the film as soon as the gunbarrel kicked in because there was finally a new Bond movie.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited December 2012 Posts: 9,117
    Not a cinema memory but a bizarre one nonetheless.

    I could have sworn having watched MR as a kid on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and then on VHS every time we went to my uncles (we were too poor to own a VCR in the early 80s) that in the scene where Dolly digs Jaws out of the rubble she is wearing braces on her teeth.

    This was discussed a while back and I wasn't the only one to be 100% certain that this was the case. I always thought that was what had Jaws worried when Drax said that anyone not physically perfect would be eliminated.

    I'm almost prepared to suggest there's some conspiracy going on whereby EON CGI-ed the braces is out for the UE DVD such was my conviction.

    Just goes to prove that witness testimony in court is worth shit.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    chrisisall wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I remember a fascination with the way Brosnan drives. Most of the time he puts only his palms on the wheel, and his fingers spread out.
    Never noticed that- funny what we see, isn't it?

    Haha. I know it's a really weird one. I try driving like that sometimes. Not safe. Only Brosnan is smooth enough to pull it off.

    I had that same fascination. He was so calm behind the wheel and his performance during the ice chase in DAD still makes me smile to this day despite the film. He makes it look effortless, whereas I look like a douche when I do it.
  • Posts: 4,762
    I have only ever seen one Bond movie in the theaters in my life, and that was actually just a few weeks ago for SkyFall! I was born in '96, so from TND-CR essentially, I had no idea what or who James Bond was, simply because I was into Batman, Star Wars, etc., like most other kids of that age. By the time QoS was released, I had become a Bond fan only a few months prior to its release, and my dad did not find it to be suitable for a 12 year old to go see (although in retrospect, it really was perfectly fine!), so that leaves SF to have been made my first Bond theater viewing! The most vivid memories I have are these two: (1) seeing Bond get shot in the chest and fall off the train and into the water, and my jaw just hanging open and eyes wide at the screen in complete shock. Yes, I knew he'd make it and that it was only a phony, like in YOLT, but still, it was very impacting there for a moment, seeing my movie hero go down like that! (2) Being absolutely amazed at what I had just seen once the ending gunbarrel came around, and trying to start a theater-wide clap, which began and ended with......only me. Hahaha, oh well! I had a stiff audience to work with anyway!
  • chrisisall wrote:
    What are yours?
    He's a few of mine:

    DAF (11 years old)
    @ Plenty slipping off her dress "Wow you can see her boobs-yikes my MOM is sitting RIGHT HERE!!"
    @ Tiffany & James post shag "She just put that cigarette out on his chest- he's pretty tough."
    @ Bond pretending to be kissing someone "That wouldn't work at school..."

    LALD (13 years old)
    @ Rosie kissing James "If she was Vonetta McGee this would be way cooler."
    @ Kananga's demise "What-? Huh?"

    DN, GF, TB, TMWTGG (14 years old)
    @ Dent's demise "WOW he just shot that dead guy in the ass!"
    @ Goldfinger's private plane shots "Man that is SO fake."
    @ Bond slipping on the rooftop & dropping his gun "He REALLY needs shoes without a hard sole."
    @ The fight scene outside Hai Fat's "The kung-fu in Men Of The Dragon* was better than this."

    MR (19 years old)
    @ The here's to us line "I'm ready to walk the **** right out. We should have just seen The Warriors again."

    *Cheesy made-for-TV movie

    Fixed it for you :) Always thought she was the best looking black actress back in those days. My memories for each film are on the originals thread, no need to repeat them here.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited December 2012 Posts: 17,744
    At 14, I also remember thinking that Bond got TWO girls killed, and spent a lot of time as a prisoner of sorts, and only avoided being killed by Oddjob & blown up by the skin of his teeth... actually, in retrospect, that was pretty cool, and made him out to be fairly human, as opposed to the invincible secret agent he became in later years.
  • 00Hero00Hero Banned
    Posts: 121
    I got real uncomfartble when Silva ran his hands down Bonds trousers like that I almost screamed.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    00Hero wrote:
    I got real uncomfartble when Silva ran his hands down Bonds trousers like that I almost screamed.

    That was Silva's intention. It was a game between him and Bond.
  • 00Hero00Hero Banned
    Posts: 121
    Well it worked mate. What about you @brady what are your kid memories of Bond.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    00Hero wrote:
    Well it worked mate. What about you @brady what are your kid memories of Bond.

    I got seriously into Bond around age 15, so I don't really have those kinds of "kid's memories".
  • 00Hero00Hero Banned
    Posts: 121
    Heres another one for me from Skyfall. When Qs talking about doing damege in his pyjamas it reminded Mum how I like to tear around the house knocking things over etc. It was funnyer in the theatre imo.
  • Posts: 66
    My first memory of Bond is from when I was five. My dad took me to the theater to see this new movie that he had told me about (Goldeneye). He would talk about how his dad used to take him to see the Bond films and he was excited to have the chance to take me, as this was the first Bond that had come out in my lifetime. So my first true introduction to 007 was in a dark theater setting next to my dad, and a theme begins to play and a well dressed man walks across the screen only to turn and shoot at my father and me. That was a hell of an introduction to 007, true every Bond film begins this way, but the first time seeing it is a memory I will always be fond of.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited July 2013 Posts: 40,685
    @dkem91, sounds like a fantastic memory, and I'm extremely jealous your first Bond outing in theaters was GE. I just remember driving in a dark rain with my mom, aunt, and cousin when I was 11 to see DAD. I'll never forget the entire experience, I was so amped.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    Well my first Bond film that i watched at a cinema was QoS at the opening night. Even though i followed the production of CR closely i didn't i have the age for seeing it at the cinema.
    But i remember that at the opening night of CR i had a "Bond-party" where ten 9-10 year olds where actually dressed in tuxedos and we played Poker and finally watched a downloaded version of CR. So in a way i watched it at the opening night.

    But the first time i watched a Bond-film were when i was 8 year old and TND was on TV. I sat closely to the screen with low volume just in case my parents would hear that i was awake after bedtime. But i watched the film and it was a total revelation for me, a man in tuxedo walking around doing all of these marvellous stuff and cracking jokes and bedding womes was something completely different to the Star-Wars and Spiderman films that i watched back then. Soon after that i went to the library to loan the book "James Bond: Legacy" to learn everything about the films (i was 8 year and Swedish and read a 300 page book in english my parents were pretty baffled by that)

    But at the opening night at QoS me and my friend sat there, at the front row. I remembered the adrenaline-rush that i got when we hear the string instruments playing when the camera fast zooms over the water and into the land. I had a great experience and actually i felt better walking out of QoS the first time than i did when i walked out from SF after the first time.
  • Posts: 2,483
    At age 14 I couldn't understand how Bond could possibly reject BiBi's overtures. FYEO was my second Bond in the theater. I don't have specific memories from MR, my first.
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