What do you think ? Which James Bond is the most successful womaniser.



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I'm going with Connery. He rarely if at all had to do anything to get a girl. He came, he saw, he conquered. Women either threw themselves at him or he applied the cave man approach and just took it. Connery had charm but he didn't need to use it to get women.
  • I think I agree with @doubleoego. Moore certainly had charm, but Connery made it look more effortless. He had the magnetism that worked wonders for him, more so than the others.
  • Posts: 2,081
    lewisblake wrote:
    Lol well; 'which James Bond was the best womaniser' and asking 'which James Bond was the best with women' are different questions really.

    They are. Therefore it's also not clear what people mean in their replies unless they elaborate and explain.
    lewisblake wrote:
    Then I'd say Craig is the best with women

    He certainly is.

    But with Connery, when he flirts with a women you can understand why she wants to go to bed with him.

    Personally I never understood.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2012 Posts: 14,825
  • Tuulia wrote:

    But with Connery, when he flirts with a women you can understand why she wants to go to bed with him.

    Personally I never understood.

    I mentioned in another thread about how an old girlfriend's mother told me that girls her age (she was a teenager during 60s Bondmania) thought Connery was "sex on wheels". For them he was so manly and forceful that they got weak in the knees watching him, and would willingly do anything that he asked. Some women like that type of thing...and there's also the playful twinkle in his eye.

    Of course, when we look at Connery's old films now we lose the context, such as how did he appear compared to other male stars at the time? Interestingly, people like my old girlfriend's mom thought that Connery was in exceptional shape back in the 60s (well, *early* 60s). I doubt anyone would watch DN now and think "Oh my God that guy has an amazing body!" But at the time they thought that was a huge plus for him...or them. ;-)

  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    Ultimate Womanizers
    1. Roger Moore
    2. Sean Connery
    Most Naked Scenes
    3. Pierce Brosnan
    Ones Who Got Serious
    4. George Lazenby
    5. Daniel Craig
    6. Timothy Dalton
  • Posts: 2,081
    Tuulia wrote:

    But with Connery, when he flirts with a women you can understand why she wants to go to bed with him.

    Personally I never understood.

    I mentioned in another thread about how an old girlfriend's mother told me that girls her age (she was a teenager during 60s Bondmania) thought Connery was "sex on wheels". For them he was so manly and forceful that they got weak in the knees watching him, and would willingly do anything that he asked. Some women like that type of thing...and there's also the playful twinkle in his eye.

    Of course, when we look at Connery's old films now we lose the context, such as how did he appear compared to other male stars at the time? Interestingly, people like my old girlfriend's mom thought that Connery was in exceptional shape back in the 60s (well, *early* 60s). I doubt anyone would watch DN now and think "Oh my God that guy has an amazing body!" But at the time they thought that was a huge plus for him...or them. ;-)

    Ok. I was a toddler in the 60s, and so I can't really view the issue from the 60s perspective. I realize people have different tastes, though. I simply can't believe every woman, or even most women, would have found Connery hot at that time. A lot, I'm sure did, and some still think he was - even those who weren't around at the time. I've read he apparently has a sexy voice and all, and I'm just... "he does? oh, umm..." ;) I have no problem with any of that, obviously. I just don't see the attraction at all myself - I mean I'm not even in the neutral camp... But he was a fine Bond otherwise, imho.

    About the generational thing or different times and all that, I'm sure that has an influence, too, but it doesn't explain everything. People just have different tastes.

    Oh and twinkle is indeed essential, of course. A very important point. ;)
  • Posts: 7,653
    More got rogered by Sir Moore. :D
  • Moore got the most attention. He would walk in a room and all women were flirting with him. Brosnan has the best sex scenes. He is totally believable when he kisses them, bites them gently and puts to use the phrase " I take pleasure in great beauty"
    Lazenby's Hilly was such a joke. But as far as real life goes, Sean was voted sexiest man alive and sexiest man of the century. Pierce was voted sexiest man alive. Can't argue with the ladies
  • If you put Craig against a young Brosnan Pierce would win hands down. Dan has a great physique but Pierce attracts more ladies. I heard on a dating show the contestant saying that her dream man is Pierce and the audience cheered her. Craig is more of a man's man. Times have changed though you never would see Moore sprint his action was different but still great. After all he was the oldest to play the part.
  • Lazenby and Connery. With them you really believed it. Plus their films were made in the "swinging 60s" when such lifestyles were more the norm. Moore shagged more but it it was very seldom convincing. Craig has never seemed much of a womanizer and the less said about Dalton and Brosnan on this topic the better.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Brendoge wrote:
    Moore gets more. :) He was the best at charming the ladies. I think Lazenby and Connery follow respectively.

    You spot on.
    Dalton and Craig ( the most kick ass Bonds) have the worst luck with the ladies...
  • mdo007mdo007 Katy, Texas
    Posts: 259
    Lazenby and Connery. With them you really believed it. Plus their films were made in the "swinging 60s" when such lifestyles were more the norm. Moore shagged more but it it was very seldom convincing. Craig has never seemed much of a womanizer and the less said about Dalton and Brosnan on this topic the better.

    Let's not also forget, the 60's was the time of sexual revolution/sexual liberation:


    During that era, free love and sexual liberation was prominent in that era, I guess James Bond helped the youth to accept premartial sex. Also probably thought people how to get girls in bed just by charming them when you don't have a attractive face.

    My top 3 womanizing Bond:

    1. Sean Connery
    2. Roger Moore
    3. George Lazenby

    honorable mention: Pierce Brosnan.

  • edited December 2012 Posts: 2,081
    Can't argue with the ladies

    I can. :D
    If you put Craig against a young Brosnan Pierce would win hands down. Dan has a great physique but Pierce attracts more ladies. I heard on a dating show the contestant saying that her dream man is Pierce and the audience cheered her. Craig is more of a man's man.

    Welllll... I don't think there is any reliable data available about that, and we can't really know about numbers or whatever... Heck, even if there's a poll somewhere, the results would depend on the type of group that answers. (A magazine, for instance - their readers, etc. No woman that I know reads so called women's magazines or celebrity gossip trash things which tend to be where polls like that might be.) I do know, however, that many women think Pierce is sorta, well, pretty - I think he looks nice, myself - and kinda charming, but that's it. Daniel is... well, he IS, if you know what I mean, and while the physique is admittedly great (and those suits fit), it's not about that - that's just a bonus, but wouldn't get him anywhere with most women in itself.

    Of course, the title of the thread seems to refer to just the amount of women each Bond had sex with, which is basically just mathematics for those interested in that sort of thing.

  • Sir Roger Moore for sure!
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited December 2012 Posts: 1,243
    My interpretation is it depends on the scripts. No question though that Connery was very convincing in how he got laid as Bond. He never looked like he was trying or like he cared if he got it.

    Yes, Moore was a womanising Bond but many women would not fall for that in real life. It is a teenage boy's fantasy approach. Kind of as easy as going to the supermarket and pulling a product off the shelf. Brosnan was more Mooreish. They just wrote in formula. Three women per film in TND as well as TWINE.

    I know many women who disliked Moore's Bond as they felt it was an insulting portrayal that a woman is almost like a whore as in drops her knickers at a wink. We have to look at it beyond the male perspective. Women are extremely complicated and it would be wrong to assume that a one size fits all approach is what does it.

    As for Craig and Dalton. they are more real world and situational. Nothing wrong with that. But Craig and Dalton's Bond if they needed to bed a woman knew how to set it up. But it has to be evaluated in the context of the era. Dalton was great with Kara how he got her where he wanted.

    In QOS, I liked it that he did not end up in bed with the girl at the end or do anything with her during the film. It was still sexy as there was sexual tension.

    But you could write in ten women in a bed with Bond if you want into the script. But that is not just what makes Bond cool. Bond is cool because he can take it or leave it. Bond is hardly a desperate male who needs to hit on anything to improve his chances like many men do.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,491
    acoppola wrote:
    My interpretation is it depends on the scripts. No question though that Connery was very convincing in how he got laid as Bond. He never looked like he was trying or like he cared if he got it.

    Yes, Moore was a womanising Bond but many women would not fall for that in real life. It is a teenage boy's fantasy approach. Kind of as easy as going to the supermarket and pulling a product off the shelf. Brosnan was more Mooreish. They just wrote in formula. Three women per film in TND as well as TWINE.

    I know many women who disliked Moore's Bond as they felt it was an insulting portrayal that a woman is almost like a whore as in drops her knickers at a wink. We have to look at it beyond the male perspective. Women are extremely complicated and it would be wrong to assume that a one size fits all approach is what does it.

    As for Craig and Dalton. they are more real world and situational. Nothing wrong with that. But Craig and Dalton's Bond if they needed to bed a woman knew how to set it up. But it has to be evaluated in the context of the era. Dalton was great with Kara how he got her where he wanted.

    In QOS, I liked it that he did not end up in bed with the girl at the end or do anything with her during the film. It was still sexy as there was sexual tension.

    But you could write in ten women in a bed with Bond if you want into the script. But that is not just what makes Bond cool. Bond is cool because he can take it or leave it. Bond is hardly a desperate male who needs to hit on anything to improve his chances like many men do.

    Fair points overall, and for this part I'd like to say it fits Connery's Bond as well. His women did drop their pants pretty much at first sight. Mind you, I am not complaining, just saying Moore and Connery were different Bonds and had their own appeal, yet also the women in Connery's films couldn't wait to jump into bed with him. That didn't start with Roger. I know more women who love Roger's Bond than Sean's. I, however, love both.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited December 2012 Posts: 1,243
    acoppola wrote:
    My interpretation is it depends on the scripts. No question though that Connery was very convincing in how he got laid as Bond. He never looked like he was trying or like he cared if he got it.

    Yes, Moore was a womanising Bond but many women would not fall for that in real life. It is a teenage boy's fantasy approach. Kind of as easy as going to the supermarket and pulling a product off the shelf. Brosnan was more Mooreish. They just wrote in formula. Three women per film in TND as well as TWINE.

    I know many women who disliked Moore's Bond as they felt it was an insulting portrayal that a woman is almost like a whore as in drops her knickers at a wink. We have to look at it beyond the male perspective. Women are extremely complicated and it would be wrong to assume that a one size fits all approach is what does it.

    As for Craig and Dalton. they are more real world and situational. Nothing wrong with that. But Craig and Dalton's Bond if they needed to bed a woman knew how to set it up. But it has to be evaluated in the context of the era. Dalton was great with Kara how he got her where he wanted.

    In QOS, I liked it that he did not end up in bed with the girl at the end or do anything with her during the film. It was still sexy as there was sexual tension.

    But you could write in ten women in a bed with Bond if you want into the script. But that is not just what makes Bond cool. Bond is cool because he can take it or leave it. Bond is hardly a desperate male who needs to hit on anything to improve his chances like many men do.

    Fair points overall, and for this part I'd like to say it fits Connery's Bond as well. His women did drop their pants pretty much at first sight. Mind you, I am not complaining, just saying Moore and Connery were different Bonds and had their own appeal, yet also the women in Connery's films couldn't wait to jump into bed with him. That didn't start with Roger. I know more women who love Roger's Bond than Sean's. I, however, love both.

    The classic Bond was very stylised when it came to women and how Bond approached them. And they were making a joke out of it because it added in humour sometimes. Some women looked at it too literally and got offended. And the sex in Bond was part of it's selling point back in the day. It was radical for the pre-sexual revolution of the 60's.

    Up until that point, British cinema was prudish and Bond stood out like a sore thumb.

  • I think all the Bonds do a stand up job, so to speak ;)
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    Posts: 1,243
    I think all the Bonds do a stand up job, so to speak ;)

    Bravo! They all have their own unique way. And they all look believable. Some are subtler about it but still effective. I wish I had that skill! :)
  • acoppola wrote:
    I think all the Bonds do a stand up job, so to speak ;)

    Bravo! They all have their own unique way. And they all look believable. Some are subtler about it but still effective. I wish I had that skill! :)

    Me too my friend, me too :)
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    Posts: 1,243
    acoppola wrote:
    I think all the Bonds do a stand up job, so to speak ;)

    Bravo! They all have their own unique way. And they all look believable. Some are subtler about it but still effective. I wish I had that skill! :)

    Me too my friend, me too :)

    Thanks! :)

  • edited December 2012 Posts: 173
    acoppola wrote:
    My interpretation is it depends on the scripts. No question though that Connery was very convincing in how he got laid as Bond. He never looked like he was trying or like he cared if he got it.

    Yes, Moore was a womanising Bond but many women would not fall for that in real life. It is a teenage boy's fantasy approach. Kind of as easy as going to the supermarket and pulling a product off the shelf. Brosnan was more Mooreish. They just wrote in formula. Three women per film in TND as well as TWINE.

    I know many women who disliked Moore's Bond as they felt it was an insulting portrayal that a woman is almost like a whore as in drops her knickers at a wink. We have to look at it beyond the male perspective. Women are extremely complicated and it would be wrong to assume that a one size fits all approach is what does it.

    As for Craig and Dalton. they are more real world and situational. Nothing wrong with that. But Craig and Dalton's Bond if they needed to bed a woman knew how to set it up. But it has to be evaluated in the context of the era. Dalton was great with Kara how he got her where he wanted.

    In QOS, I liked it that he did not end up in bed with the girl at the end or do anything with her during the film. It was still sexy as there was sexual tension.

    But you could write in ten women in a bed with Bond if you want into the script. But that is not just what makes Bond cool. Bond is cool because he can take it or leave it. Bond is hardly a desperate male who needs to hit on anything to improve his chances like many men do.

    Well said as always, @acoppola. ;)

    On this, I agree with you and also @Umustbjocking (on the subject of Pierce). I do think that they all have... "a way" with women, if you know what I mean. The character itself is so appealing, that you'd had to be abnormally awful to not be sexy as Bond. However, I also agree with @myworldisenough in that they all do a stand up job. Different styles and all very compelling in their own way.

    On the subject of Connery, I want to add that I can definitely see the appeal. He was, simply put, irresistible. Very commanding, very compelling and just the kind of alpha male that overpowers a woman with his sexuality and sheer assuredness. Plus the voice and the walk. The man was special.

    As for Brosnan, oh he was BIG when we was Bond. Women went gaga for him where I live, something I haven't seen in that magnitude with Craig. I am not saying Craig is not attractive, I'm just saying Brosnan, not only seemed confident and manly to most women here, they absolutely loved the way he looked too.

  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    In quantity the Best is Roger Moore however the most believable that woman would throw themselves at Bond were Pierce Brosnan and Sean Connery.

    But maybe that's a very subjective point of view since as a woman myself I find Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan the sexiest.
    So for me it's a no brainer that woman would love to be with Pierce and Sean Connery.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The thing with Connery and what made him stand out from the other 5 Bonds is that he was the Bond who women really wanted to f***. Sure, Connery would be on the prowl and go out of his way to seduce women but on the whole, in general women just wanted him. He didn't need tricks, gimmicks or model looks. Connery was pure alpha.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    doubleoego wrote: »
    The thing with Connery and what made him stand out from the other 5 Bonds is that he was the Bond who women really wanted to f***. Sure, Connery would be on the prowl and go out of his way to seduce women but on the whole, in general women just wanted him. He didn't need tricks, gimmicks or model looks. Connery was pure alpha.

    But i think everything you ssid here about Connery also applies to Pierce Brosnan.
    Its Pierce's and Sean's natural sex appeall that influences so much on making them my two favrite James Bond actors.

    I think those two are the greatest definition of a ladies man.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2015 Posts: 14,056
    Moore, Connery's Bond forced himself on the ladies, something Moore never did (though he did trick Solitaire, but that's not the same thing). On saying that, Lazenby's Bond was more busy in OHMSS than any other Bond in just 1 film.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Connery was way too macho and he forced himself onto the women more than once in the movies.

    Moore was charming and had good manners, a real gentleman, but sometimes it felt quite unbelievable that he could get all those women so easily.

    Brosnan, now we're talking.
    Natural charm, suave, elegant, handsome, debonair, pleasant, good manners etc.
    And it felt never forced that he got his women in the Bond movies. And he got many.

    Craig is a chav.
    Dalton is too boring.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2015 Posts: 15,732
    Moore and/or his age was not the problem in his films, but the women they chose for him. As much as I enjoy Sir Rog in AVTAK, I have a very hard time believing a woman like Stacey Sutton would fall for him in that film. Same problem with Bibi Dahl: what on earth did she see in him? I could see her go gaga over Connery circa TB, but he'd have punched her in the face the moment she opens her mouth, or Brosnan from GE. But 53 years old Moore??
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    edited August 2015 Posts: 11,139
    Szonana wrote: »
    doubleoego wrote: »
    The thing with Connery and what made him stand out from the other 5 Bonds is that he was the Bond who women really wanted to f***. Sure, Connery would be on the prowl and go out of his way to seduce women but on the whole, in general women just wanted him. He didn't need tricks, gimmicks or model looks. Connery was pure alpha.

    But i think everything you ssid here about Connery also applies to Pierce Brosnan.
    Its Pierce's and Sean's natural sex appeall that influences so much on making them my two favrite James Bond actors.

    I think those two are the greatest definition of a ladies man.

    I dont think the way women wanted Connery was the same with Brosnan. Sure, Brosnan was sexy and a lady's man but he didn't have tgat Alpha edge tgat Connery had. Brosnan is the type of guy that would....well, look at his love scenes in all 4 of his Bond movies and then compare them to Connery. Connery didn't give a f*** in fact where Brosnan would make love to a woman, Connery simply fucked them. There was always something heroically unromantic that always got the desired result when it came to Connery and the ladies and the skill in that was, women gagged for it and men applauded it. Connery's sexual prowess was carnal and unrivalled.

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