Is SKYFALL the best Bond film ever? *POTENTIAL SPOILERS*



  • 0iker0 wrote:
    Creasy47 wrote:
    0iker0 wrote:
    Why don't we wait to watch the product and then decide wether we like it or not?
    It's too soon to say it's the best or the worse.
    We should wait, if not we could find ourself in the same situation as many critics saying that Craig wouldn't be a good Bond before watching Casino Royale.

    That's exactly how I feel. Plus, if everyone pumps themselves up for this film, it will have to be absolute perfection for it to actually be 'good' in their eyes, because they're expecting too much.

    That's right, there's way too much hype in this film right now. And we might feel it's rubbish what it's actually gold dust.
    However, it's EON productions the one responsible for this hype with their countdown and videoblogs and controlled leaks.

    Don't forget when one of the producers publicly said she thought it'd be the best one. I agree with you guys, if people hype it too much (best Bond ever!), it'll be a let down for them if it's anything less than perfect.

    We should wait and see before making big claims like it's the best one ever.
  • in my eyes every bond has its merits and its letdowns why not embrace skyfall for what it is .....a bond movie and one that will add to the legacy of bond to be enjoyed for years to come
  • The build up seems to be something worth waiting for, and of course it's the 50th year anniversary, but does that really tell us it's going to be the pinnacle of all Bond movies?

    They've already spoilt it for me with having a younger Q than Bond, and a theme song I fail to recognize, but it's no good crying over spilt milk, and I hope and I believe the rest of the movie will be something special and Craig continues his fine work, even though Solace was a major letdown. I don't believe it will truly be 'Best Bond ever', depends how you want to view it, people may think it's bigger and better for whatever reasons, but it's merely a different generation of viewers and material now. Remember, the bigger the hype, the more propensity there is for a bigger letdown , but I'm sure that won't happen this year. However I feel personally about certain aspects of the upcoming release, I believe it will be a release worth waiting for and quietly confident
  • tqbtqb
    Posts: 1,022
    I seriously hope SF isn't the best Bond ever...because then how will they top it with the next one?
  • From what I've seen up to now, it won't be the best Bond movie ever for me.

    But I think it's a very personal thing.

    Anyway, there are a lot of very well promoted movies that after the release were reviewed as really bad ones.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 463
    NicNac wrote:
    How do you analyse the 'best Bond film ever'?

    Is it..

    a) the one that captures Fleming's books the best (in which case I doubt any modern Bond film can do that)

    b) the best film from an artistic perspective (it has a chance I suppose)

    c) the film that captures all the ingrediants of a great Bond film ie guns, gadgets, girls, martinis, villains etc

    d) the one that satisfies hard core Bond fans the most

    e) the one that makes the most at the box office

    Where do we start to discuss what is 'the best Bond film'?

    Honestly, I'd say it's a film that can stand on its own and be a film where you don't just have to be a Bond fan to enjoy. I'd say that FRWL, GF, GE, and CR all stand in this category. Not that these may necessarily be my favorites but the general population all say that these are considered to be the best ones in the series.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    CrzChris4 wrote:
    Honestly, I'd say it's a film that can stand on its own and be a film where you don't just have to be a Bond fan to enjoy. I'd say that FRWL, GF, GE, and CR all stand in this category. Not that these may necessarily be my favorites but the general population all say that these are considered the be the best ones in the series.

    I see what you're getting at but I'd probably remove FRWL from that list. Bond fans love it but I would argue the man on the street would prefer something more like LALD.

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    FRWL is a slow-burning, real thinking man's Bond movie. The average person's concentration level for a Bond film these days require "fireworks" every 5 bloody minutes.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    doubleoego wrote:
    FRWL is a slow-burning, real thinking man's Bond movie. The average person's concentration level for a Bond film these days require "fireworks" every 5 bloody minutes.

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    This is drifting off topic, and quickly becoming yet another generic Bond movie discussion.
    As Skyfall is still a couple of weeks from release I'd say it's impossible to say whether it will be the best Bond movie ever. And what is the best Bond movie?
    We all have differing views on that. Especially hardcore fans like many members of these forums.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 1,661
    I'm not sure any Daniel Craig Bond film will be the 'best ever' because fans and film goers in general could argue "imagine if Sean Connery were Bond in Skyfall, then it would be the best!" (could be another Bond actor, if you prefer, whichever is your fave) But if you think Craig is the best Bond ever then you may think differently.

    Because the franchise has been going so long and with six Bond actors it's hard to imagine a new Bond film - even future ones - being the very best ever simply because of what's come before. And you could argue the earlier Bond films had more Ian Fleming content so they're likely to be the "best" Bond films. Perhaps Skyfall will turn out to be best Bond film ever of the new *era*. I'm sure it's better than Die Another Invisible Car Day. :P
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 3
    I'm most looking forward to seeing more of the backstory of Bond being revealed. My guess on Silva is that he or his parents were MI-6 assets and were possibly burned by a young M or by someone else close to her . Thus his motive for revenge
  • Posts: 1,548
    0iker0 wrote:
    Why don't we wait to watch the product and then decide wether we like it or not?
    It's too soon to say it's the best or the worse.
    We should wait, if not we could find ourself in the same situation as many critics saying that Craig wouldn't be a good Bond before watching Casino Royale.

    Sanity prevails! I agree 100%. And yet there are still people out there who dont rate Craig still! Well on aint it cool anyway! But that's full of foul-mouthed trolls anyway.
  • Posts: 533

    How on earth are we supposed to answer this? We haven't seen the film. And not all Bond fans share the same opinion on what is the current "best Bond film".
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,744
    doubleoego wrote:
    a,b and c.
    OH! A fellow "Prisoner" fan I see!
  • Posts: 51
    This question is probably asked every time a new Bond film comes out after a 3+ year absence. To properly evaluate Skyfall's standing in the series we should probably wait until after all the anticipation and hype has died down well after its release.

  • People are building this release up as though it's Titanic/ Casablanca and Ben Hur all rolled into one movie, but what we need to do is just wait until the time of release is upon us, go along and pay our money and see what unfolds before our eyes and then talk more on this. Just seems too premature at this point, as we really don't know what to expect. For all the hype, it could well be a major disappointment for all we know

    That's not say it will be, big things are expected, it's the 50th year release, and while there are certain aspects to it I'm not entirely happy about, we have to overlook any problems and realize that it should be a successful event. All we can do is watch this space in a week or two. Far too early to be making proper judgments
  • It may be one of the best but any Bond film minus the gunbarrel at the start immediately loses points for me. If in the 50th anniversary year the film makers cant see its relevance to fans, particularly ones who still remember the excitement that intro ALWAYS gave you, then they are wrong. If it aint broke . . .
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 655
    tqb wrote:
    I seriously hope SF isn't the best Bond ever...because then how will they top it with the next one?

    it could just mean the best bond film to this date. It can still be topped.

    Whats a fact though, is its one of the best bond films in the series, good enough .
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,119
    0iker0 wrote:
    Creasy47 wrote:
    0iker0 wrote:
    Why don't we wait to watch the product and then decide wether we like it or not?
    It's too soon to say it's the best or the worse.
    We should wait, if not we could find ourself in the same situation as many critics saying that Craig wouldn't be a good Bond before watching Casino Royale.

    That's exactly how I feel. Plus, if everyone pumps themselves up for this film, it will have to be absolute perfection for it to actually be 'good' in their eyes, because they're expecting too much.

    That's right, there's way too much hype in this film right now. And we might feel it's rubbish what it's actually gold dust.
    However, it's EON productions the one responsible for this hype with their countdown and videoblogs and controlled leaks.

    I think a hype is not bad. You can never have too much hype about a movie that at the same time is very good too. 'The Dark Knight' got hyped to such weird levels, partially because of Heath Ledger's death.

    And hype has always been part of James Bond. Need I mention the Bond hysteria during 1964 and 1965 when 'Goldfinger' and 'Thunderball' were being produced?

    Please (re-)watch the 'Thunderball Phenomenon' documentary. And be awed by both the Bond mania across the globe and on set :-). Also watch the part from 1min 50sec onwards. It's a documentary inside this documentary about how and where Ian Fleming's young Bond grew up (Scotland) and how he became an orphan. It's so remarkable that Bond's history is actually being used for the upcoming Bond flick 'Skyfall'! :

    The 'Making Of Thunderball' documentary is great too. Be surprised how suave, luxury all cast members felt on set. As if they all were James Bond themselves. They had such a great time on that film :-):
  • Posts: 3,294
    I think there is a fair old chance this could be one of the best Bond films ever, judging by the crew, cast and reviews so far.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,119
    I think there is a fair old chance this could be one of the best Bond films ever, judging by the crew, cast and reviews so far.

    I think Bond films vary from film to film really. Look and compare 'From Russia With Love' and 'Goldfinger' with each other. Both films are unanonimously rated with 4 or 5 stars. But they vary from each other. FRWL is the more gritty one, Sean is a cold assasin, especially in the train fight scene. Whereas GF introduced us to the fully rounded character of Q and all his gadgets. Not to mention the overall 'lighter', 'funnier' feel of this film.

    That's how I compare Craig's 'Casino Royale' with 'Skyfall'. CR seems to me a tiny bit more 'arthouse-y', and truthfull adaptation of Fleming's novel. Whereas SF turns out to become Craig's 'Thunderball'. The villain is a bit more larger-than-life, the production and all the buzz surrounding SF is that of Thunderball-proportions. Not to mention the biggest starcast ever. Even bigger than CR.

    Despite the differences between CR and SF, I wanna bet both Bond films are very much equally rated: 4 to 5 stars :-).

  • I have just seen Skyfall today. I thought it was very good, and when many say its the best bond film to date, they could be right.

    One reason why Skyfall is special and could also be seen as the best bond film is due to it's script. I dont know how they can top it. without spoiling things for everyone, this story can only be told once. Things happen in the story that will shock you but will never happen again.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    I have not seen it yet. But the classic era Bond films had a lot of spontaneity whilst Skyfall is far more calculated to emulate the so called classic style. Back in the 60's they would release a Bond film every year and still be revolutionary despite the little production time. Here they have had four years to think which gives huge advantage.

    Maybe to a new Bond audience it will be perceived that way. But Bond has had so many great films and how can you compare them?. OHMSS is seen as one of the best. But it is too different a film to objectively compare it to Goldfinger for instance. It is one thing to say Skyfall is brilliant but best ever may be a stretch.

    I could be wrong though until I see it and think otherwise.
  • I didn't go in expecting the best Bond ever and I didn't go out thinking I'd gotten it.

    I did go in expecting a good Bond film and I came out thinking I'd gotten a great, top 5 or 10 Bond film that was Craig's best and that was the best one since Goldeneye.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    I didn't go in expecting the best Bond ever and I didn't go out thinking I'd gotten it.

    I did go in expecting a good Bond film and I came out thinking I'd gotten a great, top 5 or 10 Bond film that was Craig's best and that was the best one since Goldeneye.

    I'm glad to hear that you liked it @thelivingroyale !
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,189
    I didn't go in expecting the best Bond ever and I didn't go out thinking I'd gotten it.

    I did go in expecting a good Bond film and I came out thinking I'd gotten a great, top 5 or 10 Bond film that was Craig's best and that was the best one since Goldeneye.

    I'd say it's better than GE and perhaps even better than CR.

    For me it went straight into my top 5.

    Best Bond film ever though? Don't think so. Too early to tell. I DID enjoy it more first time round than most of the other recent ones however.

    Another thing, there are references to previous films (one of which got a huge cheer) but they are done sparingly.
  • Posts: 3,181
    Best Bond movie ever? That depends on how you define "good"!

    For me - I like Bond movies that feature glamour, lots of great action set pieces, exotic locations and a Bond that can hit the mark.

    Foggy Scotland, grey England and a Bond unfit for duty was a different experience, but a great prequel for Bond 24.

  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,189
    Zekidk wrote:
    Best Bond movie ever? That depends on how you define "good"!

    For me - I like Bond movies that feature glamour, lots of great action set pieces, exotic locations and a Bond that can hit the mark.

    Foggy Scotland, grey England and a Bond unfit for duty was a different experience, but a great prequel for Bond 24.

    What about Istanbul and Shanghai?

    Even the more "grey" locations were photographed beautifully.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I thought it was better than CR, not sure if I think it's better than GE. I did spot a few cool references.

    My only problems with the film were the gunbarrel, the CGI in some scenes and I felt like Silva and (especially) Severine were under used.

    Other than that it was brilliant. I'm not sure where to put it on my list though.
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