Who should/could be a Bond actor?



  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,867
    Hugh Jackman's performance in Prisoners is one of my favorites of the last decade. It's weird thinking about him playing Bond in hindsight but he absolutely would've had the chops for it I believe.
  • I think Jackman could’ve pulled it off too, and I’m sure he would’ve leaped at the opportunity to play the part had he not been involved in the X-Men films.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,159
    I think Jackman could’ve pulled it off too, and I’m sure he would’ve leaped at the opportunity to play the part had he not been involved in the X-Men films.

    After seeing CR, a hint of regret …

  • Posts: 344
    Stuart Martin is a possibility who looks similar to Jackman. Impossible to tell if he would be right for it as he's stuck in Zack Snyder movies.
  • buddyoldchapbuddyoldchap Formerly known as JeremyBondon
    Posts: 173
    Oh man I would have given my left testicle for Jackman over Craig. He can be VERY intense, much more than Craig and also has better wit.
  • Posts: 15,024
    talos7 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    talos7 wrote: »
    I still think Jackman would have surpassed Craig; he would have combined the light charm of Moore and the physicality of Connery and Lazenby. Actors like that are a rare commodity.

    But I don't think it was time for a "light" Bond like Moore, regardless of physicality. And he was already Wolverine.

    He is also a great actor who would have also brought equal depth to the role as did Daniel

    Maybe, although we can never know. I'm very happy with the actor we got. Especially since there was no distracting factor, such as being associated with another iconic character.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    Posts: 2,641
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films
  • buddyoldchapbuddyoldchap Formerly known as JeremyBondon
    edited July 2023 Posts: 173
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited July 2023 Posts: 13,978
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.


    I'd take Richard Johnson over Connery.

    All the actors are replaceable, this is just the way the cards fell.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited July 2023 Posts: 3,118
    There's a few actors I've never been able to picture as Bond. Jackman and Fassbender are two of them. I just don't see it. Sorry, lads!
  • sandbagger1sandbagger1 Sussex
    Posts: 891
    Fassbender would have been great, imo; Jackman I can’t picture as Bond, perhaps because I’ve found his English accent a bit stagy in the past, perhaps because his Wolverine is what springs to mind when I think of him, and it’s nothing like Bond.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,756
    Fassbender would have been great, imo; Jackman I can’t picture as Bond, perhaps because I’ve found his English accent a bit stagy in the past, perhaps because his Wolverine is what springs to mind when I think of him, and it’s nothing like Bond.

    Now it's hard to picture the two of them since they're old enough (agreed about Jackman with the Wolverine one, although he could've soften it a bit when it comes to Bond), but then again, my problem with them are the age (of course now), and another thing: they're too popular.

    Fassbender, even back in the day was too much of a star, he's what Henry Cavill is now, more bigger than the character, even Jackman, they're too much of a star.

    I'd liked my Bond actor not to be that much popular.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    Posts: 2,641
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.


    Listen mate it'd be boring if everyone agreed all the time. I love Craig's portrayal myself, but I can see why fans can't buy into his era.

    I agree I think had Craig not been Bond, Fassbender would have been perfect for the role, that scene in "Inglourious Basterds" alone sold me on him being Bond.
  • Posts: 15,024
    Fassbender would have been great, imo; Jackman I can’t picture as Bond, perhaps because I’ve found his English accent a bit stagy in the past, perhaps because his Wolverine is what springs to mind when I think of him, and it’s nothing like Bond.

    The moment Jackman became Wolverine, he was not going to be Bond. Too associated with one iconic character to become another.
    SIS_HQ wrote: »
    Fassbender would have been great, imo; Jackman I can’t picture as Bond, perhaps because I’ve found his English accent a bit stagy in the past, perhaps because his Wolverine is what springs to mind when I think of him, and it’s nothing like Bond.

    Now it's hard to picture the two of them since they're old enough (agreed about Jackman with the Wolverine one, although he could've soften it a bit when it comes to Bond), but then again, my problem with them are the age (of course now), and another thing: they're too popular.

    Fassbender, even back in the day was too much of a star, he's what Henry Cavill is now, more bigger than the character, even Jackman, they're too much of a star.

    I'd liked my Bond actor not to be that much popular.

    I'd rather have lesser known actors cast as the new Bond as well. And that counts fir the Bond girls and the villains too: I hope they bring back veteran lesser known actress to play baddies. Or only famous "locally", not international stars who won an Oscar.
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 3,833
    I can imagine Fassbender playing a version of Bond in another universe if he hadn't become so famous (it wouldn't necessarily be the same as Craig's/would be different in many respects, but likely interesting). Must admit though, I never saw it from his performance in Inglorious Basterds. I always got the sense that was a very tongue in cheek version of a James Bond/generic English spy character rather than something that would organically point to him having potential for the role. If anything I saw it more from his performance in X Men First Class.
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.


    I'd take Richard Johnson over Connery.

    All the actors are replaceable, this is just the way the cards fell.

    Or indeed someone like Stanley Baker could have gotten it. Both him and Jonson were arguably similar to Connery, and I get the sense the producers at the time were leaning more towards that rugged anti-hero type rather than the 'English gentleman spy' that many readers had in their heads at the time when it came to Bond.

    So yes, it's always about where the cards fall, but I think the producers often have a general idea of what they want for the new Bond that influences who they chose to audition. It'll be interesting seeing what they go with this time around in that respect.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,978
    007HallY wrote: »
    I can imagine Fassbender playing a version of Bond in another universe if he hadn't become so famous (it wouldn't necessarily be the same as Craig's/would be different in many respects, but likely interesting). Must admit though, I never saw it from his performance in Inglorious Basterds. I always got the sense that was a very tongue in cheek version of a James Bond/generic English spy character rather than something that would organically point to him having potential for the role. If anything I saw it more from his performance in X Men First Class.
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.


    I'd take Richard Johnson over Connery.

    All the actors are replaceable, this is just the way the cards fell.

    Or indeed someone like Stanley Baker could have gotten it. Both him and Jonson were arguably similar to Connery, and I get the sense the producers at the time were leaning more towards that rugged anti-hero type rather than the 'English gentleman spy' that many readers had in their heads at the time when it came to Bond.

    So yes, it's always about where the cards fall, but I think the producers often have a general idea of what they want for the new Bond that influences who they chose to audition. It'll be interesting seeing what they go with this time around in that respect.

    Stanley Baker is another good choice. Yes. Baker definitely had the toughness. Innocent Bystanders, though closer to an anti Bond, than Bond itself give an idea of what a Baker Bond might have been like. Minus the 70's 'tache though.

    For Johnson, I imagine something between Deadlier Than The Male and Danger Route, maybe leaning a little more towards the latter.
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 3,833
    007HallY wrote: »
    I can imagine Fassbender playing a version of Bond in another universe if he hadn't become so famous (it wouldn't necessarily be the same as Craig's/would be different in many respects, but likely interesting). Must admit though, I never saw it from his performance in Inglorious Basterds. I always got the sense that was a very tongue in cheek version of a James Bond/generic English spy character rather than something that would organically point to him having potential for the role. If anything I saw it more from his performance in X Men First Class.
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    Connery and Craig are the only two actors I can't picture anyone else in their debut films. The series needed those two actors in those two films

    Connery is the quintessensial irrefutable Bond. Craig however, at least in my opinion, was replaceable. By for example this man, who goes by the name Michael Fassbender. Seen here in 2006:

    He'd have been absolutely perfect. The one who got away.


    I'd take Richard Johnson over Connery.

    All the actors are replaceable, this is just the way the cards fell.

    Or indeed someone like Stanley Baker could have gotten it. Both him and Jonson were arguably similar to Connery, and I get the sense the producers at the time were leaning more towards that rugged anti-hero type rather than the 'English gentleman spy' that many readers had in their heads at the time when it came to Bond.

    So yes, it's always about where the cards fall, but I think the producers often have a general idea of what they want for the new Bond that influences who they chose to audition. It'll be interesting seeing what they go with this time around in that respect.

    Stanley Baker is another good choice. Yes. Baker definitely had the toughness. Innocent Bystanders, though closer to an anti Bond, than Bond itself give an idea of what a Baker Bond might have been like. Minus the 70's 'tache though.

    For Johnson, I imagine something between Deadlier Than The Male and Danger Route, maybe leaning a little more towards the latter.

    I think Baker would have been a great alternative had they not gotten Connery. I know he was considered for the role but for whatever reason didn't want to do it. In fairness I think that 'anti-Bond' idea is something the producers were half leaning into anyway. Not fully, but they certainly emphasised more of a sense of irony and tongue in cheek humour that's not quite the same as the literary character (even Connery said he went into the role with the intention of 'making fun' of the original character). Again, it points to what they wanted from the film Bond and their lead actor. They could just as easily have gone for a Trevor Howard or David Niven type - someone more gentlemanly, English and upper middle class who would have played the role 'straight'. Instead they seemed to lean towards rugged, regional actors from working class backgrounds who would have brought more humour or irony to the role such as Connery, Baker and Johnson.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited July 2023 Posts: 3,118
    I honestly think that if every single element of the early films was the same but they didn't have Connery, then the whole global Bond mania of the '60s wouldn't have happened. Stanley Baker was good, no doubt about it, but I don't think that anyone - literally anyone - would've had the same impact that Connery did.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,159
    Venutius wrote: »
    I honestly think that if every single element of the early films was the same but they didn't have Connery, then the whole global Bond mania of the '60s wouldn't have happened. Stanley Baker was good, no doubt about it, but I don't think that anyone - literally anyone - would've had the same impact that Connery did.

    I agree 100% ; the stars were aligned for the inception of this franchise and Connery was an integral element.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    edited July 2023 Posts: 3,756
    talos7 wrote: »
    Venutius wrote: »
    I honestly think that if every single element of the early films was the same but they didn't have Connery, then the whole global Bond mania of the '60s wouldn't have happened. Stanley Baker was good, no doubt about it, but I don't think that anyone - literally anyone - would've had the same impact that Connery did.

    I agree 100% ; the stars were aligned for the inception of this franchise and Connery was an integral element.

    True, none of them could've brought the franchise into a stardom like Connery did, Stanley Baker and Richard Johnson are both good actors, but none of them could've been possibly a star like Connery was in the role.

    Although if there's a Connery alternative that I could think of, and maybe could've been on par with what Connery done, it's Cary Grant.

    But yes, Connery is the star, nothing could've topped that.
  • buddyoldchapbuddyoldchap Formerly known as JeremyBondon
    Posts: 173
    Exactly. No one could possibly top the effortlessly cool Connery:
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,182
    Without Connery, none of us would be here. At least on this forum because Bond would be over long before now.

    And perhaps literally. It was the swinging sixties, after all. ;)
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 3,833
    The fact is we don't know for sure. To be fair to Baker I think he was both a fine actor and had what one would call that 'x-factor', comparable to Richard Burton or Oliver Reed in many ways, but his career just didn't get to the heights of Connery's (he seemed to stick to smaller scale British films throughout most of his career, although he was quite a big star in this context). I think they certainly got the best deal with Connery, and no one can play Bond in the way he did at his best, but as was said before it's just the way the cards fell. And to an extent they were always going to fall in that sort of way.

    It shows getting the right person is important, but knowing what you want from the wide pool of candidates is equally as important. For DN they wanted someone who could play a sardonic, rugged, but essentially charming anti-hero type. For CR they wanted someone who could push the grittier side of Bond. In both instances rather unusual, but talented candidates were chosen, to the point where few fans can imagine any other actor in the role during their tenures.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,233
    For DN they wanted someone who could play a sardonic, rugged, but essentially charming anti-hero type. For CR they wanted someone who could push the grittier side of Bond. In both instances rather unusual, but talented candidates were chosen, to the point where few fans can imagine any other actor in the role during their tenures.

    Nicely stated @007HallY …I love Jackman, and he was terrific in Prisoner, but I can’t see him cracking open Bond, as Craig did in CR…
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 3,833
    peter wrote: »
    For DN they wanted someone who could play a sardonic, rugged, but essentially charming anti-hero type. For CR they wanted someone who could push the grittier side of Bond. In both instances rather unusual, but talented candidates were chosen, to the point where few fans can imagine any other actor in the role during their tenures.

    Nicely stated @007HallY …I love Jackman, and he was terrific in Prisoner, but I can’t see him cracking open Bond, as Craig did in CR…

    Exactly. And moreover even if Jackman hadn't been a big star at the time I doubt he would have been considered for the part because he wouldn't have been what the producers were looking for (I agree though, Prisoners is a great little film and Jackman is wonderful in it).

    It's a key to casting the right Bond, knowing what they're looking for. And at the moment we don't know what this will be with regards to potential candidates (especially since this will be the first time we'll get a millennial born James Bond, someone born after the Cold War). It might be a bit different to some of the qualities that Craig brought.
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 326
    There can't be many actors that turned down Bond. I mean an actual "here's the contract, sign on the dotted line" scenario. There's huge difference between being approached to play Bond and an offer to play Bond.

    Hugh Jackman said the producers were interested in him. The usual thing actors say. I guess it's flattering to get interest from the producers even if it's not a serious offer.

    From what I understand, Barbara Broccoli was very keen on Craig so I guess his casting was meant to be. Craig did turn down the initial offer but reconsidered and accepted the role.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,061
    What about John Gavin? He was signed to play Bond in DAF, and was paid in full when Connery returned.
    One can only wonder what he would've been like in the role. He didn't seem like an obvious choice, but Cubby and Harry must have seen something in him.
    We'll never know how it would've been panned out.
  • Posts: 326
    I think Gavin would have retained his American accent? Who knows. Thankfully Sean Connery returned so we avoided an American Bond.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited July 2023 Posts: 3,118
    John Gavin might've been pretty good, going just by the photos, although I don't think I've seen his actual acting. Keeping his own accent might've been a drawback, though. I'm not a great fan of the DAF we got and I sort of wish Sean had left it alone, tbh. You know what? I'd honestly rather have had this:

  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    edited July 2023 Posts: 3,756
    Venutius wrote: »
    You know what? I'd honestly rather have had this:


    Indeed, I'd also rather have that one, it's the film I'd have paid to see, my dream Bond film!

    But alas, it would be just only in my dream 😟
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