Who should/could be a Bond actor?



  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    Tom hardy is too old, my money is that this is fake
  • Posts: 12,371
    I don’t think it’s going to happen. Seems way too early for them to have already chosen the followup.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited September 2020 Posts: 10,588
    The only way I can see any shred if truth to this is if there’s a script being developed from Chris Nolan with Hardy in mind, in which case he’d probably sign on for a one-off.
  • edited September 2020 Posts: 909
    jake24 wrote: »
    The only way I can see any shred if truth to this is if there’s a script being developed from Chris Nolan with Hardy in mind, in which case he’d probably sign on for a one-off.
    I can't imagine Nolan developing a screenplay at a time when Tenet wasn't even released and, even if he did so, I can't see him doing it for any studio other than Warner Bros. Speaking of Tenet and its box-office, and more broadly the pandemic situation, I really doubt that Eon would fast-tracked a new installment, even a standalone. That they envision Nolan as a big name whose pedigree would make it easier to go beyond the Craig era and introduce a new actor, that seems credible, but certainly not that early.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    Pandemic or not, there's no way EON would cast a new actor, before the current one has officially finished in the role.
    Hardy may very well be on the short list. He's also a credible name to make this 'story' believable.
    I wouldn't get too worked up about a 'story' like this. Click bait at best.
  • Posts: 3,164
    The guy who reported on this is saying he first heard about this in June, fyi. And doesn't tend to dabble in film specific stuff anyway, mostly comic book related (Marvel, DC etc) franchises, especially on TV.... Grain of salt yes but not tabloid making this up based on bookies I'd say. Even mentioned on Twitter he was worried about running this because people will dismiss as fake due to all the existing tabloid stories and that Hardy is a popular fancast.

    And, here's a possible idea...Hardy wouldn't be too old if it's a one film thing. After the serialisation of the Craig era, having a bunch of one offs with different casts each time would be a fresh approach to things, no?
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 14,971
    antovolk wrote: »
    The guy who reported on this is saying he first heard about this in June, fyi. And doesn't tend to dabble in film specific stuff anyway, mostly comic book related (Marvel, DC etc) franchises, especially on TV.... Grain of salt yes but not tabloid making this up based on bookies I'd say. Even mentioned on Twitter he was worried about running this because people will dismiss as fake due to all the existing tabloid stories and that Hardy is a popular fancast.

    And, here's a possible idea...Hardy wouldn't be too old if it's a one film thing. After the serialisation of the Craig era, having a bunch of one offs with different casts each time would be a fresh approach to things, no?

    It's not a terrible idea, but I prefer an actor do three or more. Maybe because that's what we/ I have always been given (with the exception of Lazenby and Dalton) .
    Perhaps a period of one off actors playing Bond would be a good idea. Certainly would be a fresh approach, but would it work?
    I guess if the actor proved financially successful and popular with audiences, they could be asked back. Not sure EON would want the hassle of having to recast so often though.
  • edited September 2020 Posts: 3,164
    Wouldn't necessarily even be EON in this case though I don't doubt they will have major say and sign off but the idea would likely be specific directors pitching actors? Basically the approach DC Comics is taking now which got is Joaquin Phoenix as Joker and Robert Pattinson as Batman. More filmmaker driven. Which is what EON has been trying to balance in the Craig era. Perhaps Boyle could come back with his abandoned idea....

    After all, the power today isn't with actors. Casting is value added. The core power is with the Bond brand.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited September 2020 Posts: 8,243
    mtm wrote: »
    Now Cate Blanchett, my favorite actress alive, is, in fact, cool. She played Bob Dylan before, perhaps she could be the next Bond.

    I'm obviously not actually saying 'get a woman in' at all, but it does make me think how star power and being just incredibly great to watch and charismatic is more important to me than looking like Hoagy Carmichael. Ideally you'd find someone who did both, but if you can't, go for the first one.
    suavejmf wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    suavejmf wrote: »
    GadgetMan wrote: »
    Sam Neill has the same sort of 'Cool' that James Mason had and they sort of even look alike. So I think Sam Neill's would have really exuded 'Calm Confidence' as Bond.

    By ‘cool’ I meant Steve McQueen or Leo Di Caprio. Mason is ‘cool’ in the collected, calm confidence way, as you say.

    A Bond actor has to have both and I think all the actors have so far.

    I think the ideal one has both, but to be honest I think only Connery and Craig have really truly managed it.
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    I've forgotten how to use the spoiler tag, myself.

    Back to Sam Neill, I love the way he seamlessly incorporates "Bond, James Bond" during his Tania scene screen-test.

    Which isn't in that FRWL scene if I remember rightly, is it? I expect they changed the script to give the auditioning actors a chance to say it though!

    Your probably right. Connery and Craig are the ‘coolest.’

    But isn’t being a sophisticated cad, erudite, witty charmer like Moore ‘cool’ too? He is to me. ‘Stiff Brit’, but cool with it, as he doesn’t care.

    He's certainly halfway there as he has the confidence and relaxed nature of someone who is cool, but he's a bit too cheesy to be actually stylishly cool. He's fun, we laugh with him: he doesn't smoulder like your James Deans and McQueens. The closest he's probably come to actual cool is that photo of him drinking a whisky which Habitat sell.

    I love him, don't get me wrong, but he's not McQueen cool- he's doing something else.

    Its amazing and insanely rare when you get someone with both of these qualities like we have with Aidan Turner. They need to seriously consider him when the recasting process gets underway.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited September 2020 Posts: 5,889
    I still refuse to believe it (Tom Hardy). It just seems really odd for EON to cast someone before they’ve even got Craig’s last film out, and also considering they surely wouldn’t have already come up with a story direction and a director for Bond 26.

    While the person who broke the story is considered trustworthy by a few, I’d still have to say I think he’s wrong on this one, and maybe his scoop and information was misinformed, because just seems incredibly unlikely.

    That’s not to say I’d be opposed to Hardy’s casting. I mean it just seems a bit too “obvious”, especially considering that a lot of us, including myself, think the franchise needs some time and a fresher face.

    Also he’s Venom?

    I also feel if it was true, we’d be getting a lot more reports from bigger, more trustworthy sources.
  • edited September 2020 Posts: 6,690
    I’ve said it for years, if slimmy baby face Hardy gets to be Bond, I’ll settle for the series from 1962 to 2020.

    Thankfully, this is faux news :)
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    Denbigh wrote: »
    I still refuse to believe it (Tom Hardy). It just seems really odd for EON to cast someone before they’ve even got Craig’s last film out, and also considering they surely wouldn’t have already come up with a story direction and a director for Bond 26.

    While the person who broke the story is considered trustworthy by a few, I’d still have to say I think he’s wrong on this one, and maybe his scoop and information was misinformed, because just seems incredibly unlikely.

    That’s not to say I’d be opposed to Hardy’s casting. I mean it just seems a bit too “obvious”, especially considering that a lot of us, including myself, think the franchise needs some time and a fresher face.

    Also he’s Venom?

    I like him and I think he'd do it well, but he does seem quite similar in type to Craig.. he'd be a bit of a Craig replacement rather than making it his own.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    But what I will say is that it proves that James Bond is still a topic of interest to a lot of people because my Twitter and Instagram is full of people talking about it.
  • SatoriousSatorious Brushing up on a little Danish
    Posts: 232
    I have no problem with Hardy - but he is 43 now and would most probably be 45 before the film comes out. Unlikely at best - plus the timing is all wrong (they are probably casually looking, but they won't pin anyone down until they have a script). This is speculation at best...
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    Denbigh wrote: »
    But what I will say is that it proves that James Bond is still a topic of interest to a lot of people because my Twitter and Instagram is full of people talking about it.

    Yes indeed, and they're interested in who's playing him very notably. The identity of the actor playing him is just as important as the character name in publicity.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    I saw someone make a good point on Twitter about how Colin Salmon and Colin McMahon were heavily rumoured as being cast in the press about a year or so before Daniel Craig was officially announced.
  • 007InAction007InAction Australia
    Posts: 2,384
  • Posts: 367
    Tom Hardy would be knocking 50 by the time Wilson/Broccoli get around to making Bond 26. The next Bond actor would have to be mid 30's to give them a chance in making several films before getting too old.
  • Posts: 6,690
    Frankly, I find it hard to see the similarities with Craig, and it’s much easier to see Craig’s similarities with Fleming’s creation than with Hardy. That puffy mouth and slimmy hair really irk me to no end. And he’ll be too old by then, thankfully. But to each their own, I guess. If we’re going with those ages, I’d rather have Luke Evans in the role :)
  • ResurrectionResurrection Kolkata, India
    Posts: 2,541

    We are lucky we have Craig.
  • Posts: 6,690

    We are lucky we have Craig.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited September 2020 Posts: 5,889
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 15,681
    Univex wrote: »
    Frankly, I find it hard to see the similarities with Craig,

    I can't see anyone but myself say they see similarities between the two.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,889
    mtm wrote: »
    Univex wrote: »
    Frankly, I find it hard to see the similarities with Craig,
    I can't see anyone but myself say they see similarities between the two.
    I mean the similarities I could guess are that they'd both be more in the direction of a tougher, more viseral version of the character. Although I do think Hardy would possibly be better at the more humorous side.

    Again, I could be onboard with Hardy as the character, and I think it would certainly get people interested, but I do also think like I said before, that they should really go with a fresher face and also someone that can actually commit to a series of films.

    With Hardy being cast in the Venom films, which is getting a sequel and could maybe even become a trilogy, while also probably wanting to still explore more independent and creative films, will he have time to be part of a huge franchise like James Bond? I don't think so.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,138
    I think a lot of the oft-mentioned names like Hardy, Elba etc automatically fell out of the running as soon as EoN and Craig decided to make a fifth film. And that's irrespective of how many people wanted them in the role.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    edited September 2020 Posts: 15,681
    Denbigh wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    Univex wrote: »
    Frankly, I find it hard to see the similarities with Craig,
    I can't see anyone but myself say they see similarities between the two.
    I mean the similarities I could guess are that they'd both be more in the direction of a tougher, more viseral version of the character. Although I do think Hardy would possibly be better at the more humorous side.

    Again, I could be onboard with Hardy as the character, and I think it would certainly get people interested, but I do also think like I said before, that they should really go with a fresher face and also someone that can actually commit to a series of films.

    Yep, I agree on all points there. His character in Inception for example is pretty CraigBond-like: he's very convincingly a Special Forces-type in that.
    Denbigh wrote: »
    With Hardy being cast in the Venom films, which is getting a sequel and could maybe even become a trilogy, while also probably wanting to still explore more independent and creative films, will he have time to be part of a huge franchise like James Bond? I don't think so.

    I think there's a chance he probably could to be honest, he's not really been churning the films out much recently (I guess we should also remember he's technically still Mad Max, isn't he?). I think if all concerned really wanted it to happen, it could happen, but it would mean a few self-imposed rules being broken and I'm not sure they'd get the same benefits they would from a fresher face who can bring something different and potentially last longer.
  • ThunderballThunderball playing Chemin de Fer in a casino, downing Vespers
    Posts: 814
    Univex wrote: »

    We are lucky we have Craig.

  • MSL49MSL49 Finland
    Posts: 395
    We don't need Craig 2.0, we need Bond 00(7).
  • ApolloAARApolloAAR Huntington Beach, CA
    edited September 2020 Posts: 2
    Let me think about that one. Craig was a fine choice for Bond and tough act to follow ! If you need a traffic cop though...I'm your man ! 👮

  • ApolloAARApolloAAR Huntington Beach, CA
    edited September 2020 Posts: 2
    Of all the stand up shots I see on this forum, Tom Hardy stood out as a cool Bond. So I second the motion moving to cast him as next James Bond with Nolan directing. Any objections ? PLMK
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