What you thought when you saw CR and QoS teaser trailers?

edited May 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 2,491

Honestly CR teaser didnt reveal much and wasnt action filled like QoS or SF but still CR was much much better than QoS. Does this mean that SF will be dissapointment or..?


  • Posts: 19,339
    Well to me they both did their jobs (which isnt much since i love Bond ) but i also think they are better than normal trailers which sometimes show too much.I prefer teasers by a long chalk.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,054
    CR teaser was cool. QOS teaser showed exactly what the film would be like. Too heavily influenced by Bourne.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,623
    I enjoyed them both. I remember my look of QoS was totally different from the finished film, because I don't recall watching the teaser as much as I am with SF, and of course I was younger at the time. But, I still enjoyed both.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,037
    QoS went into production with an unfinished script.

    CR and SF already have it beat on that front.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited May 2012 Posts: 13,351
    It was finished, it just wasn't polished up to the usual standard.
  • Posts: 2
    As, has been the case with any Bond movie, once I see the teaser/trailer...I'm hooked. Sometimes the movie doesn't deliver though. From the teasers, CR had a lot less action than I thought it would and QoS had a lot more. Enjoyed both movies. Hope the next one is more James Bond, less Jason Bourne.
  • Posts: 1,492
    i am not a fan of Bourne (I have never forgiven Matt Damon and Greengrass for slagging off James Bond for publicity after each one came out) and don't really get the citicism of QoS as Bourne influenced.

    To me its its own film. Its original and has a good story and Bond. Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    I like hard thrillers and like the fact that the Bonds can do good hard thrillers. And I like QoS.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited May 2012 Posts: 15,696
    actonsteve wrote:
    Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    No, it means I want to return to proper serious Bond like FRWL, not Bourne-influenced QOS.

    The world is so black and white for you, isn't it ? if someone doesn't like QOS then of course he is 'dumb' and wants another DAD....
  • Posts: 1,492
    actonsteve wrote:
    Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    No, it means I want to return to proper serious Bond like FRWL, not Bourne-influenced QOS.

    How do you know Bourne influenced QoS? Has anyone come out and said it?

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited May 2012 Posts: 15,696
    actonsteve wrote:
    How do you know Bourne influenced QoS? Has anyone come out and said it?

    I am judging the movie. Whenever I watch it I can't help but notice the Bourne influence.

    QOS is not Bond at all, it's Bourne-esque and Crank-esque. Atleast CR has it's own personality, even if the film is not Bond at all either.
  • Posts: 1,492
    actonsteve wrote:
    How do you know Bourne influenced QoS? Has anyone come out and said it?

    I am judging the movie. Whenever I watch it I can't help but notice the Bourne influence.

    QOS is not Bond at all, it's Bourne-esque and Crank-esque. Atleast CR has it's own personality, even if the film is not Bond at all either.

    But have any of the production staff ie writers, directors, cameramen,actors actually come out and say QoS is Bourne influenced? Or is it just conjecture? Or projection?

    No offence DC, I am just curious because I think QoS is its own movie.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    actonsteve wrote:
    But have any of the production staff ie writers, directors, cameramen,actors actually come out and say QoS is Bourne influenced? Or is it just conjecture? Or projection?

    No offence DC, I am just curious because I think QoS is its own movie.

    who cares what the production staff think ? I have my own opinion on the movie, whatever they think won't change my view on the film.

    All the production staff of DAD will tell you they made a great film.... do you believe them ? same for me and QOS. I don't care what they say, the film is Bourne-esque in my view.

  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,054
    The style of the film is undoubtedly similar to that of the later Bourne movies. The presence of Dan Bradley on second unit ensures the camerawork is quite Bourne-ish. It's not just QOS that has carried over this style, many others have too. The style of the Bourne films has had an underlying influence on action films of late, it doesn't have to be directly.
  • Posts: 12,837
    actonsteve wrote:
    But have any of the production staff ie writers, directors, cameramen,actors actually come out and say QoS is Bourne influenced? Or is it just conjecture? Or projection?

    Why would they? They're not gonna come out and thank Bourne for inspiring it. I think it is a bit Bourne influenced, definetly on the action and editing side of things. I don't see as much Bond in it as I did in CR.
    actonsteve wrote:
    i am not a fan of Bourne (I have never forgiven Matt Damon and Greengrass for slagging off James Bond for publicity after each one came out) and don't really get the citicism of QoS as Bourne influenced.

    To me its its own film. Its original and has a good story and Bond. Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    I like hard thrillers and like the fact that the Bonds can do good hard thrillers. And I like QoS.

    I read one article about Damon slagging of Bond, which did piss me off a bit. Never heard Greengrass mention it. QOS has a good Bond. That's about it imo.

    Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    Y'know, there can be a middle ground between QOS and DAD. You can have humour without going OTT. Just because people don't like QOS it doesn't mean they want invisible cars and space battles. If I say "I hope SF has some gadgets and humour" I'm tired of getting responses like "Craig isn't going to have ninjas absailing down a volcanoe and he isn't going to drive an invisible car or do a campy shit Bond", because that's not what I want. I want a middle ground, like TLD, OHMSS, LTK, FRWL, TB, FYEO, etc.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    CR had a decent teaser, but the QoS teaser is one of the best I've ever seen.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,686
    The teaser for CR got me excited in ways words cannot describe. QoS to a much lesser extent. I don't blame this on the movie or the quality of the teasers, mind, but strictly on CR featuring a new Bond film for the first time in four years and with a new actor.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 11,425
    I remember seeing a CR trailer (cannot remember if it was the teaser) and thinking it just looked like an action-fest. The actual film was better than the trailer suggested. By QoS my expectations were higher and I thought the trailer did a nice job. And for me QoS was the best Bond film since TLD.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 7,653
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 114
    The CR trailer brought alot of buzz for me, the idea of something fresh (a new Bond) and the fact it had an actually story to tell. QOS on the other hand, I distinctly remember being not all that excited by it, and felt it lacked any sort of punch. Plus I found the premise that it hinted it (Bond going for revenge) to be a very one dimensional and unbondian story. It had little style and was just a flash of action scenes telling little of it's intentions. SF on the other hand, I had a genuine grin and excitement. This too, fells like it has a story to tell, and the edited shots set a wonderful mood of spy espionage and undoubtable style mixed with bondian action. It feels fresh, and that's ultimately is what excites me. If you want stuff that's been done before I can point you at 22 films prior.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I loved QoS trailer music.

    DUN DUN DUN, DA DUN DUN DUN ba na na.

    Sorry. So.. unique.
  • Posts: 12,837
    SaintMark wrote:
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)

    Quantum of Bourne... Do you mind if I use that?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    my first impression of seeing the CR trailer back in 2006....

    ... was, "F*** YES!"... after DAD, I was ready for a more grounded, back to basics Bond movie - so when i heard that EON wanted to go back to style of FRWL, that got even more excited (since that is my favorite Bond movie).. what this trailer showed me, right off the bat, is that this was going to be a very different Bond than what we had seen over the past 11 years.. this Bond looked cold, ruthless, aggressive.... then once the action montage with Bond theme kicked in, it was all over for me - i was sold/hooked... i'll be honest that I was on the fence with Craig at first... i neither approved or disapproved his casting - i was giving the benefit of the doubt to EON, and I sat on the fence, willing to give the man a shot... this trailer, and i'd hate to say it (the whole book/cover thing) sold me on Daniel as Bond - watching CR later, only confirmed it..

    my first impression of seeing the QOS trailer back in 2008....

    ... was again "F*** YES!"... as the rising action and climax to any story goes, i figured the action would be ramped up in this adventure - which, the trailer shows it was... i think the one thing though this trailer does, is make it seem like we'd get a lot more exposure into QUANTUM and how they operate - which we do, to a degree, but not a lot.... which, in the end is good, milk it - don't give us everything all at once.... i chuckle in hindsight at the line Craig says, "You don't have to worry about me." - amidst this films many preproduction and production problems, Craig's performance seems to hold the film together from completely caving in at times.. so i find that line very prophetic lol
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    actonsteve wrote:
    But have any of the production staff ie writers, directors, cameramen,actors actually come out and say QoS is Bourne influenced? Or is it just conjecture? Or projection?

    No offence DC, I am just curious because I think QoS is its own movie.

    who cares what the production staff think ? I have my own opinion on the movie, whatever they think won't change my view on the film.

    All the production staff of DAD will tell you they made a great film.... do you believe them ? same for me and QOS. I don't care what they say, the film is Bourne-esque in my view.

    it's funny this gets brought up...

    i remember MGW did a presser somewhere, forgive me can't remember at the moment - but he was asked about the editing and camera style used in QOS, and if it was going to continue.. and he more or less said in response, that they wanted to try something new - probably to try and appeal to a mass audience.. but once they heard the negative backlash it had with not only fans - but many casual moviegoers and critics, they nix'd it... in the end, it was a failed experiment, and MGW said that Skyfall (then Bond 23) would be shot/edited in a more traditional manner.... which i applaud him on this aspect for coming right out and answering the question truthfully and honestly - and not going all "politician" and answering the question by not answering it..

    i loved Forster's visual style of QOS (outside of the action scenes - tho i love the PTS).. but it does lack substance... where as to me, CR had substance.... with SF, i feel like this could be the perfect blend of artistic camera work mixed with story substance... or so i hope - the trailer nonetheless has me excited :)

  • Posts: 7,653
    SaintMark wrote:
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)

    Quantum of Bourne... Do you mind if I use that?

    Feel free............. O:-)

  • Posts: 2,107
    Well, I don't exactly remember. But looking back at them now, both trailers made the movies feel more exotic than Skyfall's teaser that show mostly England and nightscenes.
  • Posts: 172
    SaintMark wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)

    Quantum of Bourne... Do you mind if I use that?

    Feel free............. O:-)

    i found very funny for people said that CR and QOS influenced by Bourne, you guys thinks James Bond before Craig involvement is pure original concept?, seriously there is no James Bond film that didn't rip off from other movies
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 3,169
    actonsteve wrote:
    actonsteve wrote:
    Or is it just shorthand describing something as Bourne influenced as "I really want to go back to the wisecracking and invisible cars?"

    No, it means I want to return to proper serious Bond like FRWL, not Bourne-influenced QOS.

    How do you know Bourne influenced QoS? Has anyone come out and said it?
    There's probably a reason why they hired the same 2nd unit director and the same editor, who's known for his choppy blink-and-you-missed-it editing:
    Gave up on watching 'Safe House' the other night. Another potentially great movie ruined by him (and his director).
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,054
    chuck007 wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)

    Quantum of Bourne... Do you mind if I use that?

    Feel free............. O:-)

    i found very funny for people said that CR and QOS influenced by Bourne, you guys thinks James Bond before Craig involvement is pure original concept?, seriously there is no James Bond film that didn't rip off from other movies

    Yep, not gunna deny that one. But most are pretty subtle. You'll notice a trend that the weaker Bond films are the ones that are blatant in what they are influenced by.

    Moonraker - Star Wars
    Die Another Day - xXx and other OTT spy adventures from the early 00's.
    Quantum of Solace - Bourne

    It's only annoying when influences become ridiculous.
  • Posts: 172
    chuck007 wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    CR's trailer brought us the expectation of a new 007.

    QoB the trailer was more coherent as the actual movie and almost as long. :D

    (Richard Pearson editor for QoB and The Bourne supremacy, Dan Bradley director second unit in Bourne Ultimatum & Supremacy as stunt coordinator. And somebody tell me that there was NO direct link between the Bourne movies en Quantum of Bourne) O:-)

    Quantum of Bourne... Do you mind if I use that?

    Feel free............. O:-)

    i found very funny for people said that CR and QOS influenced by Bourne, you guys thinks James Bond before Craig involvement is pure original concept?, seriously there is no James Bond film that didn't rip off from other movies

    Yep, not gunna deny that one. But most are pretty subtle. You'll notice a trend that the weaker Bond films are the ones that are blatant in what they are influenced by.

    Moonraker - Star Wars
    Die Another Day - xXx and other OTT spy adventures from the early 00's.
    Quantum of Solace - Bourne

    It's only annoying when influences become ridiculous.

    The strong Bond films are also influenced by other film my friend, let me begin with (do you mind if use that?)

    Connery era:
    Dr North ( North by northwest rip-off)
    From Northwest with love (aNoThEr North by northwest RiP-off-many believe North by northwest is the FIRST James Bond film)

    Moore era:
    The man with golden fist ( Bruce lee rip-off)
    Moonstarwarker (Starwars rip-off)
    Octopussy Jones (Indiana Jones rip-off)

    Dalton era:
    Licence to Miami (Miami vice rip-off, oh no i think it wasn't a rip-off it like Miami Vice with wales actor in the lead role)

    Brosnan era:
    TomoWoo never dies (inspired by John woo films)
    Die another starwars (austin power rip-off)

  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    edited May 2012 Posts: 8,054
    A Hitchcockian influence can be felt in From Russia With Love in parts.
    But you just proved my point, the reason those films are strong is that they don't allow their influences to overpower them. I fail to see your reasoning on LTK or TND though. How exactly is Miami Vice an influence on LTK?

    And Tomorrow Never Dies is nothing like a John Woo film. Granted, a lot of bullets are fired and there's a priority on action over story, but there's no religious themes, focus on brotherhood, freeze frame close ups, or an overuse of slow motion. Enlighten me as to how you came to that conclusion?

    Edit: And as bad as DAD was, I doubt they looked to Austin Powers for inspiration, especially when the inspiration for Austin Powers was Bond. How can you get inspired by something you inspired? That's just weird.
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