The Netflix Thread

edited April 2014 in General Movies & TV Posts: 170
Tell us of any of your favorite movies or one's you've liked are currently on netflix

You can also say

(For ex.)
What T.V. shows are on you've liked
Review any of the movies you saw
Tell us of any movies that have been added



  • i will - just as soon as I've finished searching for what i might want to watch...might be sometime...

    and is this for netflix uk version?
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 170
    i will - just as soon as I've finished searching for what i might want to watch...might be sometime...

    and is this for netflix uk version?
    Uk or Us versions. Just say which version its on.

  • edited April 2014 Posts: 5,745
    House of Cards.

    It's that show that I tell everybody I meet to watch. It's just that good. If you've seen the British one, you'll notice some slight similarities, but it is HEAVILY modernized and HEAVILY adapted for the American political landscape, and it is HEAVILY heavier in material and impact. They took the source material and turned it up to 11, and Kevin Spacey and crew are fantastic.

    Also, at least on the US Netflix, I'd encourage you all to watch The American, staring George Clooney. A very slow, very depressed story of an American agent trying to retire in Italy. An excellent film if you take the time and attention it asks for, and it is very rewarding. It's tone and mood are very much what I expected of Skyfall, and not much of what I received.

    I have more, but for later, perhaps.
  • Posts: 315
    Netflix is announcing a $1 to $2(depending on your country) monthly price increase for new members. I don't know if many of you face the same problem we have in the States, but even with HBO/Showtime, etc... there are some nights there is nothing worth watching. I might have to go to Netflix.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 27
    Some that I'd recommend, that are streaming via the U.S. version--


    CHARLEY VARRICK (1973) Incredibly great crime caper, directed by Don Siegel (DIRTY HARRY) and starring Walter Matthau, with a really neat ending.

    ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (1968) Epic spaghetti western masterpiece from Sergio Leone.

    A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS (1964) More Leone goodness.

    FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) Ditto.

    ZULU (1964) Classic epic.

    BRAVEHEART (1995) Ditto.

    BLACK SUNDAY (1960) Super-gothic old-school horror film, with Barbara Steele as a resurrected vampire/witch, directed by Mario Bava.

    BLACK SABBATH (1963) Creepy horror anthology, hosted by Boris Karloff, directed by Mario Bava.

    COP LAND (1997) Along with the original Rocky, Sly Stallone's best dramatic film, and with a really incredible cast.

    EVIL DEAD 2: DEAD BY DAWN (1987)

    THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE (1962) John Ford late-era classic western with the best cast imaginable... Jimmy Stewart + John Wayne + Woody Strode vs. Lee Marvin + Lee Van Cleef + Strother Martin.

    WILD THINGS (1998) A good, twisty neo-noir... and for once, Denise Richards doesn't embarrass herself.

    MAN HUNT (1941) Champion marksman Walter Pidgeon attempts to assassinate Hitler on the eve of WWII, and is pursued by lethal Nazi agents to England. Directed by the great Fritz Lang. Rather proto-Bondian, actually.

    HIGHLY DANGEROUS (1950) Another early, slightly-Bondian effort. Entomologist Margaret Lockwood and reporter Dane Clark must sneak in and destroy deadly bacteria-carrying insects that are being bred in a secret, heavily-guarded facility in the Eastern Bloc. Director Roy Ward Baker (Quatermass And The Pit, several episodes of The Avengers and The Saint) and screenwriter Eric Ambler (Topkapi) also teamed up for the amnesia thriller, THE OCTOBER MAN (1947, also currently being streamed in the U.S.), and later, the classic Titanic movie, A Night To Remember (1958).

    FARGO (1996) One of the Coen Bros' very best... and the new TV series, involving different characters, is shaping up nicely.

    ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS (1964) Dated but compelling/fun sci-fi adventure, which also predicted the camcorder!

    THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) As comparatively low-tech and steeped in 1950s concerns as it is, it easily bests the stupid Keanu Reeves remake from a few years ago.

    DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944) Classic film noir.

    THE AFRICAN QUEEN (1951) Classic adventure/romance.

    TRADING PLACES (1983) A favorite, back in the glory days of both Eddie Murphy and director John Landis. That was so long ago.

    GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS (1992) Great performances all around, working with a killer David Mamet script.

    MASH (1970) Far better and funnier than the long-running sitcom it inspired.

    ZODIAC (2007) Awesome David Fincher account of the hunt for the infamous serial killer in the early 1970s.

    TROLLHUNTER (2010) Fun spoof of "found footage" horror films, with good effects work.

    AIRPLANE! (1980) Back when they knew how to spoof Hollywood cliches with actual hilarity and wit.

    THE NAKED GUN (1987) Ditto.

    THE KILLER IS LOOSE (1956) Cool, old-school crime thriller where Det. Joseph Cotten thwarts Wendell Corey's bank robbery, accidentally killing Corey's wife during the bust... an unhinged Corey escapes prison a year later, determined to kill Cotten's wife as payback.

    JOHNNY COOL (1963) Henry Silva tries to destroy a crime syndicate from the inside, with Elizabeth Montgomery along for the ride.

    OUR HOSPITALITY (1923) The genius of silent film comedian Buster Keaton. Even if you normally are put off by the idea of watching an old silent movie, you should give Keaton a try... his physical antics inspired Jackie Chan, and like Chan, he nearly killed himself on several occasions in the pursuit of making audiences laugh.

    SHERLOCK, JR. (1924) Ditto.

    SEVEN CHANCES (1925) Ditto.

    THE GENERAL (1926) Ditto.

    STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. (1928) Ditto.


    DECEPTIVE PRACTICE (2012) The life of and influences on magician/actor/author/cardsharp Ricky Jay (Tomorrow Never Dies).

    MICROCOSMOS (1996) The bizarre and beautiful hidden world of insects, within a French country meadow, via standout high-speed microphotography (and minimalist narration).

    PANDORA'S PROMISE (2013) Interesting advocacy film involving formerly anti-nuke environmentalists who have looked into the science of nuclear power and have come away supporting it as the best, most efficient and safest (despite the 3 infamous power plant accidents in the US, Russia and Japan) power source alternative to fossil fuels. Environmentalism aside, I watched this with my father, who worked as an engineer, in both nuclear bomb testing in the early 1960s, and the nuclear power industry in the 1970s, but has no ax to grind these days, and he says the information presented is entirely sound and accurate. It's amazing how little the general public understands about nuclear power, and how easily swayed they are by fear-mongering on the subject by both the press and pop culture, who know basically nothing about it themselves.

    MILIUS (2013) Profile of the iconoclastic Hollywood screenwriter/director.

    THE AMERICAN SCREAM (2012) Three neighbors with varying skill levels transform their homes into haunted house attractions on Halloween.

    TOUCHING THE VOID (2003) Amazing, first-hand account of two mountaineers who survived a disasterous climb in the Andes.

    THAT GUY... WHO WAS IN THAT THING (2012) A look at several modern character actors, who many recognize from numerous film & TV roles, but can't put a name to.

    MAN ON A WIRE (2008) Incredible account of the man who clandestinely walked the high-wire between NYC's Twin Towers in 1974.

    BEST WORST MOVIE (2009) Hilarious profile of a dentist who starred in TROLL 2, and his discovery years later of a hipster fan cult that had built around the film and him.

    CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO (2007) Four people whose livelihoods are to dress up as famous superheroes and pose for pictures with tourists on Hollywood Blvd.

    TREKKIES (1999) The scariest movie ever made.

    TV Series:






    A "love-it-or-hate-it" series, at this stage, but I'm in the former camp. Watch it for the journey and the characters, not for solutions to the endless mysteries it regularly generates.


    (if watched purely for entertainment, rather than as an history lesson)

    MISSION IMPOSSIBLE The first three seasons, anyway, before Martin Landau & Barbara Bain left.

    HAWAII FIVE-0 The original 1968-80 series... I'm into season 3, and it's been uniformly solid, so far.

    KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER Darren McGavin vs. the monster-of-the-week. Fun cheese, with a few good scares, and the main inspiration for The X-Files.

    SURVIVORMAN Les Stroud demonstrates how to survive in various hostile natural environments around the world. There are several shows out there like this, but this one is more straightforward and much less sensationalistic than the rest.

    IS IT REAL? Refreshingly skeptical look at all the paranormal subjects that are the usual fodder for so many pseudo-scientific reality/documentary series that flood the airwaves.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Wow, @ProfDentsSpider, well done on that list. If nobody has yet to see the storytelling titan that is Breaking Bad, Netflix is a great way to see all five seasons and binge the hell out of it like I did this past Spring Break. I know that those who haven't seen it are sick of everyone telling them to watch "the greatest show ever" and all that, but it lived up to the hype for me and anyone who loves compelling storytelling and characters should check it out. Walter White and this show will be discussed forevermore, that much is certain.

    As @JWESTBROOK said, The American is a great film to check out. I love it and it features a great character study on an agent running into conflicts with his job while in Italy, playing subtley but brilliantly by George Clooney. It's not a big blockbuster, and more of a slow-burning intelligent thriller. It's all character study, atmosphere and visuals, a nice combination that creates a poignant film.

    All seasons of House M.D. are also now streaming, which I have been watching here and there. I may watch it from the beginning and watch all seasons this summer sporadically. House is a brilliant character, one of the most fascinating I've ever seen on television or film, so if you have yet to explore this show, now is a great time. There's a lot of references to Sherlock Holmes as well, and House himself is very similar in personality to Holmes in a lot of ways. That's a big part of why I adore the character so much.

    Finally, Burn Notice has all seasons streaming now, which I will be catching up on from Season 6 onwards after falling off the wagon a year or so ago. I just want to see how the story ends and finish it off properly. After that I'll probably return to it every once in a while just to watch some episodes I may have missed from earlier seasons or rewatch old favorites. It gives me some inspiration in my own espionage writing from time to time, and I love the characters.
  • @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, thanks. Yes, Breaking Bad is that rare bird that really does live up to the hype, and has one of the most satisfying wrap-ups to a series, ever.

    I like Burn Notice, and had caught up with it some time ago, so watched it fresh off USA Network the last few seasons. Since you are a fan already, sure, watch it to the end, but be prepared to be a bit underwhelmed. The show went on a season longer than it really should have, and took on a darker tone that erased some of the generally fun vibe from earlier seasons, unfortunately, but I won't spoil anything.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 2,341
    My Netflix favs:
    Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren
    The Commander another cop drama from the Brits
    Survivors great British drama bout the end of the world, but was cancelled prematurely.
    House of Cards the US version with Kevin Spacey

    I have a soft sappy spot for British drama. I have got to check out House, MD
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, thanks. Yes, Breaking Bad is that rare bird that really does live up to the hype, and has one of the most satisfying wrap-ups to a series, ever.

    I like Burn Notice, and had caught up with it some time ago, so watched it fresh off USA Network the last few seasons. Since you are a fan already, sure, watch it to the end, but be prepared to be a bit underwhelmed. The show went on a season longer than it really should have, and took on a darker tone that erased some of the generally fun vibe from earlier seasons, unfortunately, but I won't spoil anything.

    Yeah, like I said, I fell off the Burn Notice wagon after the season five finale. For one, I was at college and didn't really have the time or ambition to follow the show week by week after that, and two, I just got sick of how convoluted and never-ending the show became. It seemed that no matter how many people he stopped Mike would never get to the people that burned him and get some resolution. The show brought on so many characters and had so many plots going on at once that it got overwhelming and messy, especially since most episodes would only focus on the main case Michael and the crew were helping someone with and save only the last few minutes to throw in some relevant exposition to the main overhanging plot that was going on. Anyway, I still love the show and will finish it properly, though some stuff has been spoiled for me already.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,071
    I know we've talked about it before, but I stopped watching 'Burn Notice' a few episodes into season two. I didn't like the setup, and I just felt like the whole series was going to be the exact same format.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I know we've talked about it before, but I stopped watching 'Burn Notice' a few episodes into season two. I didn't like the setup, and I just felt like the whole series was going to be the exact same format.

    It kind of does. Every season has its big bad with a whole bunch of lesser obstacles in Michael's way to find out who burned him, and then every episode there is a client he has to help which takes up most of his time. Multiply that by about 24 (episodes a season) and add some time for setting up the next season with a cliff hanger, and you have the Burn Notice formula, at least from what I've seen.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 170
    There's been some new movies added to Netflix over the past couple of days so I thought I'd cover them

    Don Jon (2013)

    Danny Deckchair (2003)

    Instructions Not Included (2013)
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 12,837
    Life On Mars

    Police drama set in Manchester in the 1970s. Well, I say set in the 1970s, it sort of is. In 2006, DCI Sam Tyler gets hit by a car and when he wakes up it's 1973. He continues to work as a cop (with his partner Gene Hunt, one of the best characters ever created) while trying to find a way to get home.

    I saw it when it was on telly but it is on Netflix (UK and US, I just googled it to check). I honestly think it's the best TV show ever made. It's funny, exciting, tense, full of mystery and brilliantly acted by everybody, especially John Simm and Phil Glennister. It has so many quotable lines and it tackles lots of issues like racism, football violence, etc. Way better than your average cop show.

    There's also a sequel, Ashes To Ashes, which is also on Netflix. It's the same premise. Alex Drake is a cop in London in 2008 and she gets shot, waking up in 1981 London, where Gene and the rest of them have been transferred. Sam Tyler isn't in it anymore but you do learn what happened to him.

    Ashes To Ashes isn't as good and it gets off to a sketchy start but it's worth watching because Gene Hunt is brilliant and it reveals what Gene's world is and why Sam and Alex ended up there. It's not really necessary to watch it as the ending of Life On Mars wrapped things up nicely, but it's good and I think it's worth a watch.

    Anyway, watch Life On Mars. You won't regret it.
  • Posts: 4,813
    Arrow and House. That's practically the only thing on TV at my place currently!

    I did finally watch the new GI Joe Retaliation. SO much better than the first movie
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,071
    Arrow and House. That's practically the only thing on TV at my place currently!

    I did finally watch the new GI Joe Retaliation. SO much better than the first movie

    Agreed, though I rewatched 'Retaliation' about a week or so ago with a friend who had yet to see it, and we were tearing the film apart when it came to dialogue. The action, story, all of that was very entertaining, but the script was abysmal beyond belief.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Some more Netflix Hidden Gems
    Satisfaction An Aussie series about sex workers in Sydney. 3 Seasons and quite enjoyable.
    Bitten Just started watching this show about Werewolves. Quite entertaining. The female lead is hot. And for the female viewers, the males actors are also hot.
    Last Tango in Halifax an interesting Brit drama with good performances and interesting storylines.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,071
    For those who haven't seen it (like myself) and don't want to shell out all that money to buy it, Netflix Instant added NSNA to their Queue, along with a bunch of other Bond films.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,071
    Charlie Cox will play Daredevil in the upcoming Marvel Netflix series:
  • Posts: 4,813
    Oh that guy! My girlfriend made me take her to see Stardust and he was the lead in it. He'll do fine I'm sure
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Both the original cut of Apocalypse Now and the extended Apocalypse Now Redux are streaming at this moment on Netflix. Now is the time to catch one of cinema's greatest masterpieces if you haven't already.
  • Posts: 4,813
    Finally got around to watching the Oldboy remake. Not bad- not good... but not bad.
    I will say I liked the ending better than the original
    Instead of using hypnotism to make him forget (which arguably didn't even work), the remake has Josh Brolin pay to be put back in his room FOREVER- his daughter never knows who he really was, and he's content
  • Posts: 4,813
    Here's Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in the new Netflix DareDevil series! I can't wait to see the costume


    A few more pics are here
  • Posts: 2,341
    I want to highly recommend an Aussie Miniseries on Netflix
    "Secrets and Lies"
    This six parter is tops and I give it 5 stars.
    I urge you to give it a look. You won't be disappointed.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I've been watching Luther lately on Netflix since I got back to college. A brilliant series that shows just how flexible our moral values can be. I have only watched the first series, my first time a few years ago, and now heading into series 2 I have no idea what is coming. Quite exciting.
  • ZenMate - gives you access to uk and usa versions of netflix - guys should try it. you can change your vpn to access both. Make the most of your subscription.
  • I have watch some great movies on Netflix the movie I have are Iron man and Captain America Heroes United and Ultimate Avengers the movie and Ultimate Avengers 2.
  • Posts: 1,107
    I have watch some great movies on Netflix the movie I have are Iron man and Captain America Heroes United and Ultimate Avengers the movie and Ultimate Avengers 2.

    Good for you kid .

  • Posts: 2,341
    I prefer the series on Netflix. I had been watching Hostages but that seems to have all but flown off the rails. The first few eps were very compelling but lately...WTH?

    I just watched a couple episodes of Helix. Looks interesting. The ladies are pretty smoking and the lead character used to be on The 4400. Have to wait and see.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I was met with heartwarming news this morning while surfing the web looking at efforts to bring Longmire back to life for a 4th season:

    If ever there was a reason to love Netflix more, it's now.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,071
    If you haven't seen it, go watch 'Blue Ruin' on Netflix as soon as you get the chance. Don't read into it, don't look up the plot, nothing, just jump into it blindly and enjoy.
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