Last Bond Movie You Watched



  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    True, I never said GF wasn't guilty of that too but I don't think the gadgets in that film were QUITE as comic as TB. Don't get me wrong I liked TB but the jetpack seemed a bit too...out of place and gimicky.
    Which is why I would say that it fits well in the PTS.... The rest of the gadgets (the minibreather, the underwater-infrared camera, the giger-counter watch, the suped-up underwater pack, etc.) are all quite believable. I cannot say that I understand how one gadget that shows up for a few seconds in the PTS makes Bond himself a comic book character.

  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,189
    It's a cheap escape which doesn't really need to be there. Also, I'd argue that a real secret agent is far more likely to use an infrared camera or a giger-counter watch. They are smaller for one thing, can be concealed easily and don't draw as much attention to themselves. A jet pack really belongs in a comic.

    That scene is really the only bit of TB I don't like that much.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,574
    By 1965 I believe the audiences were particularly lapping up the gadget aspects of the films, as much as the glamour and globe trotting. Bonds were going that way, but it made them unique (at the time).

    The car in GF led the way, the jet pack, then Little Nellie were further aspects of this swing. We can't really look back with hind sight and say this was wrong, because in truth it was right. The Bonds were different, spectacular, and these gadgets made them so.
    Non- Bond fans remember the jet pack, Little Nellie and the AM, and they are still talked about today. No one outside of Bond fans talk about aspects of LTK.

    Whatever we want from our Bond films, we shouldn't sniff at the aspects that made the series great, and popular.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    No one outside of Bond fans talk about aspects of LTK.
    Probably because hardly any casual moviegoers has ever seen LTK. Dalton and Lazenby outings are pretty obscure to the general audience.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,354
    No one outside of Bond fans talk about aspects of LTK.
    Probably because hardly any casual moviegoers has ever seen LTK. Dalton and Lazenby outings are pretty obscure to the general audience.

    I'd even say apart from Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig, the majority of the public only think there is one actor that's done only a couple of films and would be shocked to learn there are two: Lazenby and Dalton as for them only the four register as having made an impact.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited May 2011 Posts: 15,696
    the majority of the public only think there is one actor that's done only a couple of films
    And I doubt they could name that actor !!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited May 2011 Posts: 23,864
    I'm fairly convinced the general public knows Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig. One of my pupils recently argued that Arnold had been Bond in at least one film. I told this kid that True Lies wasn't a Bond film but he wouldn't have it. Guess who fails my next series of tests. ;;) (punk)
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,189
    By 1965 I believe the audiences were particularly lapping up the gadget aspects of the films, as much as the glamour and globe trotting. Bonds were going that way, but it made them unique (at the time).

    The car in GF led the way, the jet pack, then Little Nellie were further aspects of this swing. We can't really look back with hind sight and say this was wrong, because in truth it was right. The Bonds were different, spectacular, and these gadgets made them so.
    Non- Bond fans remember the jet pack, Little Nellie and the AM, and they are still talked about today. No one outside of Bond fans talk about aspects of LTK.

    Whatever we want from our Bond films, we shouldn't sniff at the aspects that made the series great, and popular.
    You're absolutely right NicNac. I just can't help but think along the lines of The Rocketeer when I see that scene. It's like "hey kid's, look at James Bond's wonderful new jet pack, now he can sore across the sky". There wasn't even any buildup to it, he just seemed to pick it up off the ground :p

    You can certainly say the same about Little Nellie etc (Nellie always impressed me more to be honest due to its sheer inventiveness) but there we go.
    I'm fairly convinced the general public knows Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig. One of my pupils recently argued that Arnold had been Bond in at least one film. I told this kid that True Lies wasn't a Bond film but he wouldn't have it. Guess who fails my next series of tests. ;;) (punk)
    Well Arnie and Bond do have some similarities - esp regarding women ;)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited May 2011 Posts: 13,354
    I'm fairly convinced the general public knows Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig. One of my pupils recently argued that Arnold had been Bond in at least one film. I told this kid that True Lies wasn't a Bond film but he wouldn't have it. Guess who fails my next series of tests. ;;) (punk)
    In a recent episode of Britain's Got Talent - which I don't watch by the way, it just happened to be on - a contestant was singing the Michael Buble song "Feeling Good". When one person asked another if the contestant got through to the next round he replied yes, by singing "that James Bond song". I decided not to even go there and just laughed to myself.

    Strange world...
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Not the whole movie but for the benefit of my nieces who are going to go on their first trip to California this summer, I showed them the final battle scene of Bond battling Zorin on the Golden Gate Bridge in AVTAK.
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    Posts: 357
    Quantum Of Solace
    quite liked the opening credit sequence, didn't mind the music
    getting used to the fast cutting and shaky cam action after several viewings
    didn't think Mr Whites laugh boy attitude was credible from a representative of such an organisation, he came across like some over confidant punk teenager
    the action chase inside the medieval tower was appallingly shot, even after several viewings
    the chase across the rooftops was cringingly derivative of a Bourne movie, as were several other sequences
    Fields falling for Bond was utterly unconvincing in a movie that takes itself as seriously as this one does
    Mathis was a plus, his death was a minus
    there was a noticeable lack of humour, dry or otherwise, and decent repartee, when compared to Casino Royal
    covering the girl in oil al la Goldfinger was a nice touch, unfortunately the guy who played Dominique Greene was not Gary Oldman
    the conclusion of the dogfight was unconvincing, the parachute opening was spell breaking silly
    king making is a worthy pastime for Quantum, acquiring mineral rights is a worthy pastime for Quantum, however unfortunatley cornering the market in water is not (yet)
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    I'm fairly convinced the general public knows Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig. One of my pupils recently argued that Arnold had been Bond in at least one film. I told this kid that True Lies wasn't a Bond film but he wouldn't have it. Guess who fails my next series of tests. ;;) (punk)
    In a recent episode of Britain's Got Talent - which I don't watch by the way, it just happened to be on - a contestant was singing the Michael Buble song "Feeling Good". When one person asked another if the contestant got through to the next round he replied yes, by singing "that James Bond song". I decided not to even go there and just laughed to myself.

    Strange world...
    Some people just don't know quite how ignorant they are.

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
  • Posts: 4,762
    The last Bond movie I watched was Moonraker. One of my friends is starting to become a Bond fan, and he asked that we watch it. I realized that it's not really as bad as people say it is. It is actually enjoyable in the beginning all the way through the Venice scenes; however, it starts to get cheesy and boring around the time that Bond goes to Rio de Janero; also, Jaws doesn't really help. I like him better in TSWLM.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,696
    00Beast shame you didn't like it all the way - it's my #2 all time Bond outing for me !! :-bd Next time : More popcorn, more drinks, louder sound !!
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    however, it starts to get cheesy and boring around the time that Bond goes to Rio de Janero; .
    Oh I love Rio in MR, the lovely Manuela, the ominous scary clown in the alley that turns out to be Jaws, Bond's reunion with Holly and the banter between them "I still don't know if I trust you." "I don't know if I trust you, either. That's what makes it more exciting doesn't it."

    A film classic and Moore's most fun Bond movie IMHO.

  • Posts: 4,762
    Yeah, it was still a great movie whe they got to Rio, but I didn't see the need for Jaws. I think it would have been better if Jaws either did not return after TSWLM or retained his dark, creepy personality from TSWLM. I just felt he added an unnecessary cheesiness, especially that repulsive romance between him and Dolly.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,696
    A film classic and Moore's most fun Bond movie IMHO.
    I totally agree, PrinceKamalKhan - MR is my 2nd favorite Bond film... just behind TMWTGG !! Moore rocks !! :-bd
  • Posts: 4,762
    DaltonCraig007 said:
    Moore rocks !!

    Agreed! Roger Moore is the best James Bond 007!
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 11,189
    I just felt he added an unnecessary cheesiness, especially that repulsive romance between him and Dolly.
    Agreed. I think the silliness in MR gets too much when she turns up and the cheesey romantic music plays. Pleeaase! 8-|

    That never happened in TSWLM ;)
  • Posts: 4,762
    I agree with you, BAIN123. Jaws in The Spy Who Loved Me was much more menacing, dark, and deadly. In Moonraker, he got soft, and turned good. Thank goodness Everything or Nothing was made and brought Jaws back to being a villain!
  • Posts: 11,189
    To be fair he was comical inTSWLM but he still had a certain menace about him. In MR that sense of menace was taken away completely more or less.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Yeah, he was a bit comical in TSWLM, especially during the pyramid duel, what with him destroying the van and everything. I just wish Moonraker hadn't ruined Jaws as much as it did.
  • Posts: 251
    Connery approached perfection in this film. This is one of the big Bonds for me, always love it. Also one of Barrys best ever scores.
  • Posts: 406
    Goldeneye, was good but looking forward to TND at the end of the week
  • Posts: 251
    You won`t be dissapointed!
  • Posts: 4,762
    Yeah, GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies are Pierce Brosnan's best!
  • Posts: 4,762
    I just finished watching For Your Eyes Only yesterday, after having not watched in a good while. It was much better than I thought the last time I watched it! There are just so many nice touches to it, especially the whole "back-to-basics" approach. I actually find the villains in FYEO better and more sinister than people give them credit for. It's refreshing to see such common criminals like Aris Kristatos, with no motive or grand scheme other than to sell the ATAC off to the Russians for money. He doesn't even want to use it, unlike past villains like Stromberg or Drax. I liked those two villains, but Kristatos is just more real, and so are his henchmen, Kriegler and Locque. The action scenes are also more in reality, and I still find the rock-climbing sequence one of the series best!
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 11,189
    I always rather liked FYEO (its number 8 atm) - in fact I prefer it to TLD. I think Kristatos, whilst not the best lead villain in Bond history, does have more menace to him than Koskov or Whitaker.

    One complaint - the atrocious 1980s hair styles ;)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,696
    One complaint - the atrocious 1980s hair styles ;)
    And yet you love Brosnan in GE with even more dated hairdo...

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