Bond movie ranking (Simple list, no details)



  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,243
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Yes, he could become very meek and insecure, or insanely confident and off the wall. A funny and interesting fellow.

    He was a great presence. I miss having him around.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    FoxRox wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    An updated list with some changes.

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. Thunderball
    3. The Spy Who Loved Me
    4. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. Doctor No
    6. Casino Royale
    7. Goldeneye
    8. Skyfall
    9. License To Kill
    10. Live & Let Die
    11. Octopussy
    12. For Your Eyes Only
    13. Goldfinger
    14. The Living Daylights
    15. The Man With The Golden Gun
    16. Quantum of Solace
    17. Moonraker
    18. You Only Live Twice
    19. Diamonds Are Forever
    20. Spectre
    21. Die Another Day
    22. Tomorrow Never Dies
    23. A View To A Kill
    24. The World Is Not Enough

    Really nice ranking! Switch out OP with GF and your favorite 12 would be the same as mine (out of order of course)!
    Thanks @FoxRox. I noticed that we have a lot in the same general vicinity, ranking wise.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Birdleson wrote: »
    GF and QOS are where we mainly disagree. And your ridiculous love of SP.
    Haha. GF has actually moved up a couple of spots since I last did this, on the back of a decent viewing some months a go. QoS is pretty steady (it may have dropped a notch or two due just due to other films moving up).

    SP has fallen a few spots, believe it or not. I was seriously considering placing it below DAD, but couldn't in good conscience purely on account of the excellent production values, filter notwithstanding. The surf, invisible Aston and Halle sealed the deal.
  • Posts: 386
    Good list Bondjames, but I need to see more love for FYEO :)

    If B25 used that as a template I'd be a very happy man.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited August 2017 Posts: 23,883
    Thank you @GetCarter . I was really debating whether to put FYEO higher. I have mentioned a couple of times here that it is my most viewed classic Bond film on blu ray. It just looks beautiful in this format. What objectively stopped me is the score (although I like a lot of it, when it's bad it's really bad!) and the finale at the St. Cyrils Monastery (the climb is ok), which I find very anticlimactic.

    Yes, an FYEO type scaled back adventure with real danger and great stunts would serve as a fitting end to Craig's tenure.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Birdleson wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    GF and QOS are where we mainly disagree. And your ridiculous love of SP.
    Haha. GF has actually moved up a couple of spots since I last did this, on the back of a decent viewing some months a go. QoS is pretty steady (it may have dropped a notch or two due just due to other films moving up).

    SP has fallen a few spots, believe it or not. I was seriously considering placing it below DAD, but couldn't in good conscience purely on account of the excellent production values, filter notwithstanding. The surf, invisible Aston and Halle sealed the deal.

    Production values are meaningless to me if they don't enhance the experience. Give me NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1967) or other cheap raw films that use what little they have to maximum effect.
    I don't disagree. If I was to subjectively rank these films, I'd have SP right at the bottom with TWINE. It does absolutely nothing for me.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    from top left to bottom right

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 40,685
    DAD besting FRWL and three of the Craig installments, don't see that too often!

    I liked how you did it by listing the blu-rays instead of a typed list.
  • edited August 2017 Posts: 12,371
    from top left to bottom right


    I like how you did that! SF, QoS, TB, FRWL, LALD, and CR are too low for my liking, but we do share a few favorites!
  • Posts: 12,371
    After rewatching all 24 within the last couple or so months, and a fair amount of changes within that span, I'll post my current ranking. It's never 100% set in stone, as opinions always change a little and some are practically interchangeable, but I'm pretty happy with the list I have now. This should be my last update for a while:

    1. Casino Royale
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Goldfinger
    4. GoldenEye
    5. Skyfall
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Dr. No
    8. From Russia with Love
    9. Licence to Kill
    10. For Your Eyes Only
    11. Live and Let Die
    12. Thunderball
    13. The Living Daylights
    14. You Only Live Twice
    15. Spectre
    16. Quantum of Solace
    17. Octopussy
    18. Tomorrow Never Dies
    19. A View to a Kill
    20. The World Is Not Enough
    21. The Man with the Golden Gun
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. Die Another Day
    24. Moonraker
  • from top left to bottom right


    A tremendous top row, sir!

    A lot of great ones in all of your other rows, too! ;)
  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    from top left to bottom right


    1. Frwl, CR, QOS are far too low
    2. Why the hell is dr no so high but frwl so low.
    3. Why do you dislike skyfall and qos but then like spectre?
    4. Die another day and twine are far too near CR

    I respect how unique your opinion is
  • Posts: 12,371
    I do think it is the lowest I have seen FRWL ranked - at least in a long time. Most loved Bond film around here.
  • I don't know that I have FRWL quite that low, but it's pretty close to the same spot. Maybe it is the same spot. There's nothing wrong with FRWL, apart perhaps from a somewhat underwhelming quadruple climax. And there is in fact a lot right with the film, beginning with Shaw's Red Grant and Armendáriz's Kerim Bey. I just find there are so many more Bonds that deliver just what I'm looking for, be it fantastical sci-fi Bond or more grounded, story-and-character-driven Bond. I rarely feel the inclination to just throw the film on outside of marathons, the way I might be in the mood to see Sir Roger wooing Kristina Wayborn poolside or Craig shooting fools up to opera and giant dilating eyeballs. The film is well executed and a cherished part of Bond history for me, but not one I would go to bat for with the same vigor as any number of others. It therefore falls into a strange place in my rankings—a kind of, hey nothing wrong with it, but what kind of passion does it stir within me zone. How's that for "(Simple list, no details)"?
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited August 2017 Posts: 9,020
  • Posts: 4,034
    Some of those covers are awful
  • Posts: 19,339
    Covers ?
  • Posts: 4,034
    Blu rays
  • ForYourEyesOnlyForYourEyesOnly In the untained cradle of the heavens
    edited August 2017 Posts: 1,984
    The close-ups are pretty good for the covers. OP and FRWL look particularly wanting, though. And MR's cover completely fails to capture the film.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 6,883
    vzok wrote: »
    Some of those covers are awful

    Especially the LALD and MR covers do the films little justice.
  • Posts: 4,034
    Roger seems to be having a private moment in MR
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited August 2017 Posts: 9,020
  • QQ7QQ7 Croatia
    Posts: 371
    from top left to bottom right


    TND, OP, SPECTRE and DAF in the second row.
    FRWL and TB in the last one.

    well done
    But hey, I respect different opinions.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited August 2017 Posts: 9,020
  • Posts: 684
    Suppose I'll give this a whirl now. I'll tier them instead of rank them. As a general rule, the films tend to stay put in the tiers but depending on mood will shuffle around within the tiers, regularly even.

    At the end of the day I do enjoy them all. I've spent so much time with each (as we all have) that any objectivity has been lost, and it would be near impossible to think of any one of them as being better than any other. At this point they're simply different from each other in accordance with my own perception of what Bond should be.

    For today's list I'll put them in order as my mood currently has them. ;)

    Top Tier - Happy to call any of these my favorite.

    DR. NO

    Second Tier - Wouldn't cite either of these my favorite at the moment, but they are pure class.


    Third Tier - Somewhat flawed, but still hugely deserving of appreciation (will be catching hell for much of this tier).


    Fourth Tier - Largely satisfactory.


    Fifth Tier - Bland.


    Bottom Tier - Nope.

  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited August 2017 Posts: 9,020
  • Hot damn, that is a great Top Tier, @Strog.
  • edited August 2017 Posts: 684
    DAF at No 11 !! Same as me! Totally love the film.
    @BondJasonBond006 Much like YOLT, it's had a hard slog up through the ranking over the years. A matter of watching it the right way. ;) It's actually kind of a bizzaro-YOLT for me, in that I love its script but think what flaws it has are all in the execution. But that flawed execution is nevertheless carried off with enough style so as to not completely derail things. I've come to appreciate it for what it is: a nice coda to all that came before and a benchmark for what was to come.
    Birdleson wrote: »
    @Strog That is a very good list. I just think that you are a bit generous to SP. And you are a bit harsh towards LALD.
    @Birdleson Ha! Well rest assured that SP's prospects are only looking downwards at the moment. The groupings by tiers are essentially my way of pointing at the films and saying, "These are virtually tied." Not so with SP. It's the sludge at the bottom of Tier 5 for a reason. By all rights it should be lower, but part of me feels I've been unfair to it, that I've been deluding myself into thinking it is worse than it is, and that I need some more time with it -- especially as I've had so much more time with all the others. The other part of me knows I'm grasping. I just find it so dire.

    Regarding LALD, I hear that. As I say, the tiers are supposed to be fairly malleable. Could find itself as high as OP soon as tomorrow. ;)
    Hot damn, that is a great Top Tier, @Strog.
    Thanks, @Some_Kind_Of_Hero -- it's a perennial battle for the top slot, but TB has been edging out GF (by a hair) this summer.
  • MansfieldMansfield Where the hell have you been?
    Posts: 1,263
    The tumultuous changes are drawing to a close.

    01. Skyfall
    02. Casino Royale
    03. From Russia With Love ↑1
    04. Goldfinger ↓1
    05. Dr. No ↑3
    06. GoldenEye
    07. On Her Majesty's Secret Service ↓2
    08. The Spy Who Loved Me ↑4
    09. For Your Eyes Only ↓2
    10. You Only Live Twice ↓1
    11. The World Is Not Enough ↓1
    12. Thunderball ↑3
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies ↓2
    14. The Living Daylights ↓1
    15. Quantum of Solace ↑1
    16. The Man with the Golden Gun ↓2
    17. Octopussy
    18. A View to a Kill
    19. Spectre
    20. Live and Let Die
    [-]. Never Say Never Again
    21. Licence to Kill
    22. Moonraker
    23. Die Another Day
    24. Diamonds Are Forever
  • Posts: 12,371
    Mansfield wrote: »
    The tumultuous changes are drawing to a close.

    01. Skyfall
    02. Casino Royale
    03. From Russia With Love ↑1
    04. Goldfinger ↓1
    05. Dr. No ↑3
    06. GoldenEye
    07. On Her Majesty's Secret Service ↓2
    08. The Spy Who Loved Me ↑4
    09. For Your Eyes Only ↓2
    10. You Only Live Twice ↓1
    11. The World Is Not Enough ↓1
    12. Thunderball ↑3
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies ↓2
    14. The Living Daylights ↓1
    15. Quantum of Solace ↑1
    16. The Man with the Golden Gun ↓2
    17. Octopussy
    18. A View to a Kill
    19. Spectre
    20. Live and Let Die
    [-]. Never Say Never Again
    21. Licence to Kill
    22. Moonraker
    23. Die Another Day
    24. Diamonds Are Forever

    Good list. I wish LALD and LTK were higher, but those are personal favorites anyway.
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