A thread for people who dislike Skyfall



  • OligarchOligarch Banned
    edited February 2013 Posts: 110
    I agree with HoppiMike , The first 1/3 was actually great, but when Bond arrived at Silva's island the film completely fell apart. The ending battle was done do terribly and was simply boring . EON had all the big explosions, helicopters,gun shootouts , big stunts and all the usual gimmicks for skyfall, but no story or quality writing whatsoever.

    Hopefully B24 is less cartoonish and more on the scale of CR.
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    edited February 2013 Posts: 290
    Oligarch wrote:
    I agree with HoppiMike , The first 1/3 was actually great, but when Bond arrived at Silva's island the film completely fell apart. The ending battle was done do terribly and was simply boring . EON had all the big explosions, helicopters,gun shootouts , big stunts and all the usual gimmicks for skyfall, but no story or quality writing whatsoever.

    Hopefully B24 is less cartoonish and more on the scale of CR.

    Agreed. One of the main reasons I complain is because I care about the series and want few or ideally no future Bonds to be like this.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 3,494
    Oligarch wrote:
    Ohh so now anybody who has a problem with the bisexual undertones used in skyfall is also now falsely accused of being this touch to kill guy? this is ridiculous. I'm contacting the moderators , until then I'll be silently observing the community until this harassment stops.

    Maybe Silva was, maybe he wasn't, we know Bond isn't, did you talk to the scriptwriters to find out? I'm guessing not. This smacks of psychological warfare and nothing else.

    I believe in live and let live. No, I personally do not approve of alternative sexual lifestyles and I am flagrantly heterosexual but I'm not going on a crusade either, who am I to tell someone how to live when there are people out there who would like to lump me in with all the undesirables because of my religious beliefs and whack me out along with the rest of them? Gay, lesbian, bi, if that's who you are and you are adult enough to make that choice, you have that right. Enough said.

    Some obviously don't feel this should be a part of a Bond film, I get that. Personally, we've never seen a character quite like Silva and this makes him unique and different than the big blond Aryan henchman we get every 10 years or so. I'll take the originality every time, I think this is a one off deal, and only a conspiracy theory type nut job would pursue this ad nauseum.

  • OligarchOligarch Banned
    Posts: 110
    I have nothing against gays or lesbians, they are free to behave however way they want. But it Yanks my chain when I hear Bond saying, " what makes you think this is my first time ". infering Bond may have had gay sex. What are we supposed to believe from this line the writers included?
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 1,661
    "The bit with the guns was dumb yeah."

    I quite liked that scene. It was fun!

    And strictly speaking it is true to the character and world. If Bond has such guns on his car then it's not that dumb to use them. I think we can cut the film makers some slack over that scene. :)
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    Oligarch wrote:
    I have nothing against gays or lesbians, they are free to behave however way they want. But it Yanks my chain when I hear Bond saying, " what makes you think this is my first time ". infering Bond may have had gay sex. What are we supposed to believe from this line the writers included?

    Exactly. It's not homophobia, it's about a specific character and whether it's within context.

    There are lots of characters that make more sense as a specific sexuality - gay, straight or bisexual.

    Skyfall... I dunno. I am genuinely happier when I pretend it doesn't exist rofl

    I was trying to think earlier "How would I have done Skyfall differently?" but for the most part I would have scrapped it entirely and written a completely different film. A few details can be salvaged IMO but I could fit them on a post-it note.
  • tqbtqb
    Posts: 1,022
    Skyfall is a product of the criticisms of CR and QOS. B24 will be a product of the criticisms of all 3.
  • (paraphrasing) And then the rats fell into the CO-CO-nuts pluck pluck pluck pluck.....

    OK, well SF winks the eye at the camera too much. The humor seems forced and you could tell that DC and crew were just trying to satisfy the Moore/Brosnan fans when the whole reason that we like his style in the first place is because he was not like these guys.

    The crane sequence was just phony. The song was alright conceptually but it was under-lyriced. The score got more acclaim when it was inferior to the efforts found in David Arnold's work on CR and QOS.

    M and Kincade did not have a dinner scene where Bond makes quiche (ok maybe this food item is a stretch) to really set the tone of adopted family for Bond. M should have had better music to fit her death.

    It wasn't a bad movie but it had some weak spots that water down the effect of DC's talent. DC was that Bond who you couldn't tell if he was a good or bad guy sometimes and instead they want a clone of past Bonds...it would be a waste of talent.

    Could Silva really have died from a knife to the back? The villain in FYEO didn't die of this, did he?
  • What did Aris Kristatos die of then ? Old age ?, or just waiting for Roger Moore to retire from the part ? What I mean is, that's pretty much how it ended, but whichever way you look at it, both endings were a poor way for the respective villains to go, but Bardem did a better job of the villain part than Glover managed in '81

    Probably already been mentioned, but this looks like a duplicate thread, but doubtless will be allowed to run and run. Only to say, I actually enjoyed Skyfall. Saw it three times, and felt it was money well spent. If people see room to criticize, that's their business, and seems fair enough, but I for one, saw it as one of the best James Bond releases in many a year
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    I'll force myself to rewatch it sometime. Who knows, maybe I'll like it more somehow on the second watch, as sometimes you are seeing something on its own terms the second time, as opposed to with assumptions or expectations.

    Thing is, I just loved CR and QoS a lot - they were SPOT ON for me. And GoldenEye too really. So when they shake up the formula like this I am put off straight away because I liked the old formula!

    Of course I have other criticisms, but as a starting point that was definitely an issue for me.
  • jka12002jka12002 Banned
    Posts: 188
    Im not dissing anybody's opinions as i fully respect them. But i find it strange that Bond fans have wanted a more tradtional Bond film since Craig has taken the role, Thats exactly what Skyfall did. But it still got hate.
  • I don't think the use of CGI went down too well. It's something that shouldn't be apparent or even necessary in a James Bond release. But it looks like it'll go again for subsequent releases. Add to that, a more humorous Craig than before. Lost that ruthless agression that worked so well in his first two appearances

    It's a far improvement on Quantum, but simply can't compare or scale the heights of Craig's debut in Casino Royale. I thought Bardem was a lukewarm main adversary also, and there was one or two other characters I couldn't quite sit with. We can argue it, night and day, but I still don't think having the word F--k should be included in a James Bond release. How others see it, is up to them

    Best Dan Kleinman credits sequence yet though, it has to be said
  • jka12002 wrote:
    Im not dissing anybody's opinions as i fully respect them. But i find it strange that Bond fans have wanted a more tradtional Bond film since Craig has taken the role, Thats exactly what Skyfall did. But it still got hate.
    Exactly. It's like they want the predictable formula which has 19 films mostly from the old series when DC was brought in to change things up after DAD. Sadly DC's talent may become wasted unless the originality factor is allowed to return from CR and QOS if not taken a step even further instead of all these immitations of the Brosnan and Connery eras we kinda saw i. SF.
  • jka12002jka12002 Banned
    Posts: 188
    jka12002 wrote:
    Im not dissing anybody's opinions as i fully respect them. But i find it strange that Bond fans have wanted a more tradtional Bond film since Craig has taken the role, Thats exactly what Skyfall did. But it still got hate.
    Exactly. It's like they want the predictable formula which has 19 films mostly from the old series when DC was brought in to change things up after DAD. Sadly DC's talent may become wasted unless the originality factor is allowed to return from CR and QOS if not taken a step even further instead of all these immitations of the Brosnan and Connery eras we kinda saw i. SF.

    I agree that they should keep the agressive DC Bond and have a little bit of Connery blended in like they did in Skyfall. Roger Moore made Bond fun but i dont think fans would like to see a campy style Bond with Craig so the goofy stuff should be kept out.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,129
    There are still some SF fan reactions and debate threads existing. We don't need another thread, especially one aiming at / for a specific group of people. Also, certain members have been posting the same thing over and over and over ... and over since page 1, so merely on the charge of high spam alert, this one deserves closure.
This discussion has been closed.