NO TIME TO DIE (2021) - First Reactions vs. Current Reactions



  • cwl007cwl007 England
    Posts: 611
    Every one has a legitimate point from their own perspective. No one is right, no one is wrong. The bottom line is if you think of DC Bond as a separate arc or Bondiverse and that works for you, great. If you like to imagine it's a continuation of all the films featuring this man called James Bond, crack on.
    As fans we all enjoy them in our own way and either point of view will mean some will love NTTD, some will hate it and some will be in the middle and we'll all just move on to Bond 26 eventually.
    For what it's worth I've compiled my own film order and fan fiction continuity. It doesn't really make a lick of sense if you think too hard but if I squint and use my imagination I can knock it into shape. It makes my next marathon a bit more interesting and also puts the DC era including NTTD into a place that works for me.
  • Posts: 1,048
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    It's easier to imagine that, than to accept the he's dead, but he'll be alive again in another timeline sci-fi silliness.
  • MinionMinion Don't Hassle the Bond
    edited October 2021 Posts: 1,165
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    It's easier to imagine that, than to accept the he's dead, but he'll be alive again in another timeline sci-fi silliness.

    Thinking in terms of “timelines” was your first mistake then. These are movies made by several thousand different hands over six decades just making stuff up as they go, not documentaries about a historical figure. The crux of your entire complaint doesn’t matter. It’s unimportant to how these films function.

    Edit: Based on your comment of "sci-fi nonsense", I think when we say "timelines" you're approaching this too much in Doctor Who terms, @ColonelAdamski. We're not saying that Sean Connery to Roger Moore is like going from Tom Baker to Peter Davison, or saying that the RTD era starting with Christopher Eccleston is kind of a reboot following Sylvester McCoy ala Dalton to Brosnan, we just mean this isn't a long running concurrent continuity unless you choose to believe they are. That line went out the door with Connery.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    If Brosnan was in FRWL, he would have sniffed Klebb s hair after she was shot, then kissed her, then sniffed her shoe, and finally her other shoe.
  • MinionMinion Don't Hassle the Bond
    edited October 2021 Posts: 1,165
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    If Brosnan was in FRWL, he would have sniffed Klebb s hair after she was shot, then kissed her, then sniffed her shoe, and finally her other shoe.
    I know there's a "What previous movies could Craig have fit into?" thread, but now all I want is a "How would Brosnan overact in past pivotal 007 moments?" thread.
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 3,564
    slide_99 wrote: »

    That being said, it is technically possible that they could be the same literal flesh-and-blood man for the 40 years between DN and DAD. If we suspend disbelief and say that Bond is 25 in DN, he'd be 65 in DAD. Let's just say he took care of himself and had a good diet. It's far-fetched but it could technically work.

    Let's just say that he stopped consuming all that alcohol and ceased using Fleming's recipe for scrambled eggs... that, my friend, is a suspension of disbelief far in excess of anything required by Marvel Comics.
  • Posts: 25
    For some reason I decided to give this a 3rd re-watch. And I found myself liking it a whole lot better. I turned off my brain and ignored some of the plot holes and (let's be honest) blatant things I didn't like (Bond and Madelein's romance). And just watched it for what it was. I focused mostly on Bond and who he was and his character arc and how he fit in all 5 films.

    Honestly I found myself crying at the end. Not because he died, but because of the choice he made and the heart break that he never found true peace/happiness. Such is life sometimes. I watched the film and understood why I loved this man/character so much, what he stands for and why he has stayed the test of time. There are so many things in Craig's Bond I find I can relate to. Someone who is not always pretty. But has a good heart and helps others.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,116
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    If Brosnan was in FRWL, he would have sniffed Klebb s hair after she was shot, then kissed her, then sniffed her shoe, and finally her other shoe.

    You win! ROFL.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    edited October 2021 Posts: 2,628
    How long will NTTD be in cinemas for? In the UK?
    I'm going to try and get another viewing in before it leaves cinema
  • Posts: 372
    NTTD is forever.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    How long will NTTD be in cinemas for? In the UK?
    I'm going to try and get another viewing in before it leaves cinema

    Another month?
  • How about we take this view? Now that EON has gotten it out of their system to kill Bond off (which count me in the group that has grown to appreciate and love the heartbreaking ending) we don’t have to worry about them ever killing him off again! That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!
  • Posts: 12,371
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    How about we take this view? Now that EON has gotten it out of their system to kill Bond off (which count me in the group that has grown to appreciate and love the heartbreaking ending) we don’t have to worry about them ever killing him off again! That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    Basically how I feel - I don't really have any interest in seeing another origin or death movie for Bond. I say leave that stuff, along with close continuity, behind in Craig's era and do random, standalone adventures in Bond's prime like before to more easily keep the longevity.
  • Posts: 1,048
    Minion wrote: »
    That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    Once is happenstance...

  • edited October 2021 Posts: 2,906
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    As I wrote earlier, if the series is still around 60 years from now fans will be comparing Bond's death scenes the way they compare his cars. If the next Bond actor proves propular and sticks around as long as Craig, he has a good chance of getting his own death.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    It’s called rebooting. It’s not rocket science

    We understand the idea of a 'reboot'. The problem is - it's a daft idea.

    And the idea that we just get a younger actor to take over for Craig’s run just because it was done in older films is even more daft. If Craig’a films were stand-alone adventures where the status quo never changed, it could have worked. But that’s not the case, and that’s why I’m open to the idea that Craig’s iteration has a definitive end because the precedent was set with films not only addressing continuity but that Craig’s Bond was actually aging.
    Assuming NTTD is the finale to the rebooted timeline that started with CR, I don’t see the problem. For Bond 26 and onward, they’ll just either revert to the original timeline, DN - DAD or they’ll start anew again (the former is vastly preferable). That way Bond is alive and well and probably younger. This could also mean a new M, Q, Moneypenny, Tanner, but maybe not as they had Dame Judi go from one timeline to another as the same character. I don’t know. All I know is Bond 26 and onward don’t have to explain and resolve what happened in NTTD. Let’s just move on and get back to business.

    I don’t think simply jumping back into the old timeline would work unless you make them period films. Brosnan and his predecessors were clearly active in the Cold War, and it wouldn’t be convincing to have a 35 year old actor today and pass him off as having the same history where Bond fought Soviet Russians.

    Unless they go period, I think it’s best to just keep Bond contemporary but acknowledge that the new Bond already has a history. I doubt they’ll play up Bond Begins.
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    Forgive my plaining speaking but that is to trash the last fifteen years and what happens when young bond gets his memory back.

    As opposed to trashing the past 70 years, which is what they decided to do instead.

    And young Bond doesn't need to get all his memory back. It would be a nice thing to use in future movies if they ever felt the need to resurrect it again. Like a timebomb inside Bond's head.

    Exactly. Well said.

    What has been trashed?

    It’s odd to me because most seemed to accept this era is separate from the rest of the series, which it is, only to say the entirety of the series is now “ruined” because of the directions they took in Craig’s final film? I don’t get it.

    I think many fans hoped that CR as a reboot would just be an anomaly, and that Craig’s following films would simply continue on in the same Cubby formula of changing actors along the way. But that’s not where it went, and I’m okay with that.

    Just because we never saw Bond die in previous iterations doesn’t make it some unwritten rule. I APPRECIATE it when the films try doing new things.
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 1,048
    I'm too old to see it happen, (hooray!), but I bet there'll be loads of Bond deaths in the future. Imagine the debates...

    "the first was the best, when the blonde guy got bombed on the island"
    "Nah, I liked the third one, where he smothered the bomb to save his wife and pet dog"
    "No! His fifth death was the best one, where he rescued his grandkids from Dr Yes"
    "The seventh was the best for me, blown up by his own exploding pen because he stuck it behind his ear like a chippie*"

    *English for carpenter.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    So far Bond has only died once within 60 years of the films span. 70 if you include the book.

    I think EON will be wise to hold off killing Bond for a long time.

    It would be clever if they make a deal with an actor where he secretly only signed on for two films, and that he dies in that second. No one would see that coming, because they all expect him to continue on like Connery, Moore, Brosnan and Craig for 4-7 films.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    edited October 2021 Posts: 2,628
    Stamper wrote: »
    NTTD is forever.

    Or you could say it's eternal 😉

    Cheers @matt_u I'll hopefully be able to catch it again before it finishes. There's something magical about seeing Bond on the big screen
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Yes, NTTD is eternal. It gets under your skin. ;)

    I've seen it 3 times, each time enjoyed it more. It's a powerhouse of a Bond film, with great style, superb action, gorgeous locations, and a Bond I have enjoyed thoroughly.
  • FeyadorFeyador Montreal, Canada
    edited November 2021 Posts: 735
    It's pretty remarkable that the conclusion of No Time to Die remained largely unrevealed throughout the Covid lockdown period, at least to me. Most of us had probably heard the rumors and perhaps even some of us were pretty sure that Bond would die.

    But still, it's remarkable that so few did, myself included. It might be interesting to learn just exactly how the ending was kept so secret? I can only think that the very title of the film, especially given how late it was arrived at, worked as a deflection of any rumors to the contrary - that for Bond there very much would be a 'time to die.'
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    I remember being surprised by how prominent Madeleine appeared in the trailer, because it was looking like she was going to get bumped off in favor of the new ladies given how Lynch and de Armas got more exposure in marketing. I think two reasons for that was the fact that Seydoux wasn’t a new character, so she didn’t get as much emphasis, but also the fact that she’s the mother of Bond’s child is a HUGE plot point that EON didn’t want to put out there.

    Quite a contrast to SPECTRE and the Sony leaks.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    How about we take this view? Now that EON has gotten it out of their system to kill Bond off (which count me in the group that has grown to appreciate and love the heartbreaking ending) we don’t have to worry about them ever killing him off again! That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    He could be like Kenny from South Park. Gets killed in every film, but just returns in the next one as if nothing has happened....
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    I always thought it would be cool if, not Bond, but there was some serial TV show maybe where the main character sometimes lived and sometimes died; you’d think not knowing what the outcome would be would really help maintain high stakes throughout, instead of always knowing that your protagonist would pull through somehow.
  • MinionMinion Don't Hassle the Bond
    Posts: 1,165
    I always thought it would be cool if, not Bond, but there was some serial TV show maybe where the main character sometimes lived and sometimes died; you’d think not knowing what the outcome would be would really help maintain high stakes throughout, instead of always knowing that your protagonist would pull through somehow.

    Space Dandy
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    Fair enough, never heard of it
  • Posts: 7,506
    Minion wrote: »
    I mean, you're welcome to call that daft, but you're also equating Brosnan sniffing an old shoe as proof he went through the events of From Russia With Love. :))

    If Brosnan was in FRWL, he would have sniffed Klebb s hair after she was shot, then kissed her, then sniffed her shoe, and finally her other shoe.

    I'd love to see that =))
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Revelator wrote: »
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    As I wrote earlier, if the series is still around 60 years from now fans will be comparing Bond's death scenes the way they compare his cars. If the next Bond actor proves propular and sticks around as long as Craig, he has a good chance of getting his own death.

    Can’t see it myself. I think there’s another half a century before they go there again. If at all.
  • AceHoleAceHole Belgium, via Britain
    Posts: 1,728
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    How about we take this view? Now that EON has gotten it out of their system to kill Bond off (which count me in the group that has grown to appreciate and love the heartbreaking ending) we don’t have to worry about them ever killing him off again! That would really be dumb to have multiple death scenarios for Bond in the future!

    He could be like Kenny from South Park. Gets killed in every film, but just returns in the next one as if nothing has happened....

  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    Oh, my God, they killed Jimmy...
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