Should we get a new M / Q / Moneypenny for BOND 26 and beyond ?



  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    FoxRox wrote: »
    Speaking of Anyas, I want Anya Taylor-Joy as a Bond girl <3


    If it's going to happen, I feel it would have to be Bond #26. Any later, and she would be out of EON's league. Good for her, bad for us.
  • edited March 2022 Posts: 2,161
    My brother-in-law did text me at the end of screening NTTD with "Now what the Hell does "JAMES BOND WILL RETURN" mean?"
  • peterpeter Toronto
    edited March 2022 Posts: 9,106
    Birdleson wrote: »
    My brother-in-law did text me at the end of screening NTTD with "Now what the Hell does "JANES BOND WILL RETURN" mean?"

    It simply means that James has transitioned into Jane (to be played by Lashana Lynch)!
  • Posts: 12,371
    FoxRox wrote: »
    Speaking of Anyas, I want Anya Taylor-Joy as a Bond girl <3


    If it's going to happen, I feel it would have to be Bond #26. Any later, and she would be out of EON's league. Good for her, bad for us.

    As far as I’m concerned, she’s always been out of *everyone’s* league :3
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    Yes, exactly. That's why the general public barely even know about this, let alone care or are confused by it.
  • Posts: 1,584
    If they do sign up Anya Taylor-Joy for Bond 26 it would be good for a couple to three years to pass before filming. She was born in 1996, and approaches her 26th birthday mid-April. Fine for a quite young Bond, who might be in his early 30s. Any younger than that and it would be a Young Bond film and not one about a double-O agent.
  • Posts: 1,584
    Oh, and if they do sign her up then certainly the film would be a remake of FYEO, right ?
  • edited March 2022 Posts: 2,161
    peter wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    My brother-in-law did text me at the end of screening NTTD with "Now what the Hell does "JANES BOND WILL RETURN" mean?"

    It simply means that James has transitioned into Jane (to be played by Lashana Lynch)!

    I guess that typo added to confusing whatever aspect of the discussion I was trying to insert.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    Birdleson wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    My brother-in-law did text me at the end of screening NTTD with "Now what the Hell does "JANES BOND WILL RETURN" mean?"

    It simply means that James has transitioned into Jane (to be played by Lashana Lynch)!

    I guess that typo added to confused whatever aspect of the discussion I was trying to insert.

    😂 …..!
  • Posts: 1,584
    Um, with some transitions the work does not involve an insertion so much as a deletion, at least, below the waist...
  • Posts: 2,161
    That actually took me a second.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 13,970
    Since62 wrote: »
    If they do sign up Anya Taylor-Joy for Bond 26 it would be good for a couple to three years to pass before filming. She was born in 1996, and approaches her 26th birthday mid-April. Fine for a quite young Bond, who might be in his early 30s. Any younger than that and it would be a Young Bond film and not one about a double-O agent.

    I’m expecting a substantial drop in age between Craig and his successor. So I think Anya Taylor-Joy is still possible for Bond#26. It has to be a younger actor, if 3-4 year gaps are the norm going forward, right? Someone like Nicholas Houston, or of similar age.
  • Informe_James_BondInforme_James_Bond Dominican Republic
    Posts: 101
    For the new actor we must also have a new MI6 team.

    Colin Firth........................M
    Daisy Ridley.....................Srta. Monneypenny
    Sacha Baron Cohen..........Q
    Matthew Macfadyen.........Bill Tanner

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I can see Ricky Gervais as Q.
  • Jordo007Jordo007 Merseyside
    Posts: 2,628
    I hope the next MI6 team are good actors but not as big stars as the Craig era.
    That way the producers won't feel the need to write them their own storylines, focus the next film on Bond himself
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Jordo007 wrote: »
    I hope the next MI6 team are good actors but not as big stars as the Craig era.
    That way the producers won't feel the need to write them their own storylines, focus the next film on Bond himself

    I mean, the Craig era represents the most Bond focused the films have ever (and may ever) get. If anything, a criticism some have of this era is that it was too focused on who Bond was as a man and what made him tick.

    Additionally, while Moneypenny, Q and M were bigger presences in these films compared to some of the old, I wouldn't say they had their own storylines. If anything, they had little arcs that branched a couple films, namely with Moneypenny finding out the field wasn't for her while gradually settling into her traditional position and Mallory stepping into the shadow left by Judi's M (and kinda cocking it up worse than she or any other M could have, actually). Q didn't really have an arc, he was mostly used to best effect as a sour foil to Bond's more stern side, and it was fun to see the two smooth toward one another over time to become respected comrades with genuine care for one another.

    I think the Craig films did a good job of making the MI6 crew feel like more important additions to the cast than exposition generators without them being so much a focus that it distracts from the core story being told. I know some don't like the idea of Bond always talking to someone in his ear, but I don't think this was ever overdone to the point that it detracted from the films and it was nice to see Bond working as part of a team and bouncing off of each character in different ways. It gave more color to his missions, rather than him silently chasing after someone or something. The payoff is the ending we get in NTTD, where each person Bond touched with his presence gave their tribute to him. All the little interactions he had with M, Moneypenny, Q and Tanner built to a very bittersweet end, where a bunch of co-workers gave tribute to a man who was like a strange sort of family.
  • Posts: 12,837
    A gay male Moneypenny could be fun, I think it’d freshen up Bond’s flirting/teasing dynamic with that character, and it’d be a better bit of representation than Q’s throwaway line. Before any blood vessels burst, I’m not suggesting making Bond gay (it’s not like they ever actually shag), just someone comfortable enough in his sexuality to flirt with his gay mate behind the reception desk.

    And if we have to lose Wishaw then maybe they could go back to a more old school feeling Q. Peter Capaldi or someone as an eccentric old scientist type. But I’d like a dynamic more along the lines of NSNA, where Q actually seems to enjoy having Bond and the chaos he brings around, rather than a “grow up 007” sort of one. Because they do the schoolboy winding up his teacher stuff with M now too, so we don’t really need him doing that with both characters. And to be honest, I think that dynamic works better with the boss sat behind the desk, rather than the armourer who makes tech that has saved Bond’s life countless times.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,494
    A former Bond being M will make the codename theory fans celebrate.
    I want a new actor as M, not a former Bond who got promoted as M and being the boss of the new Bond, please!

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    With how seriously continuity is treated these days, I don't ever see repeat actors crossing over from era to era, whether they are playing the same character or a different one entirely. Kind of wild that Dench spanned two eras the way she did; can't imagine something like that happening again.
  • Posts: 3,428
    Moneypenny's so last series. Give me a Loelia Ponsonby.
  • CharmianBondCharmianBond Pett Bottom, Kent
    Posts: 556
    I'd love to see Loelia in the films, Elizabeth Debicki would be around the right height, she's probably slightly too high profile now for what'd be such a small part, but a woman can dream.

    Seeing as a male Moneypenny was mentioned earlier, which we sort of almost got with Villers and I liked his and Bond's all too brief interaction in CR. But what about a female Q? I think Anjana Vasan's a great performer, especially with quite geeky roles, if we're following in the Whishaw mould. I guess my concern would be that a female Q could come across as more bitchy than a male Q would in the same situation. I think it'd a fine line to tread but if you did it right that could add a different dimension to Bond's relationship with them.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    With how seriously continuity is treated these days, I don't ever see repeat actors crossing over from era to era, whether they are playing the same character or a different one entirely. Kind of wild that Dench spanned two eras the way she did; can't imagine something like that happening again.
    Doesn't part of you secretly want Fiennes to play Sir Miles Messervy in the next films, though? Deliberately pulling the same trick twice, no explanations given? Have to say, I feel a slow grin creeping up every time I think of it... ;)
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,031
    what about a female Q? I think Anjana Vasan's a great performer, especially with quite geeky roles, if we're following in the Whishaw mould. I guess my concern would be that a female Q could come across as more bitchy than a male Q would in the same situation. I think it'd a fine line to tread but if you did it right that could add a different dimension to Bond's relationship with them.
    Phoebe WB would make a great Anne Reilly-type. Might not get away with calling her Q'ute, these days, though...
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,411
    Venutius wrote: »
    what about a female Q? I think Anjana Vasan's a great performer, especially with quite geeky roles, if we're following in the Whishaw mould. I guess my concern would be that a female Q could come across as more bitchy than a male Q would in the same situation. I think it'd a fine line to tread but if you did it right that could add a different dimension to Bond's relationship with them.
    Phoebe WB would make a great Anne Reilly-type. Might not get away with calling her Q'ute, these days, though...
    Or Q`ute as a name could take on a rather different meaning in our 21st Century.

  • edited April 2022 Posts: 179
    I'd love to see Loelia in the films, Elizabeth Debicki would be around the right height, she's probably slightly too high profile now for what'd be such a small part, but a woman can dream.

    Seeing as a male Moneypenny was mentioned earlier, which we sort of almost got with Villers and I liked his and Bond's all too brief interaction in CR. But what about a female Q? I think Anjana Vasan's a great performer, especially with quite geeky roles, if we're following in the Whishaw mould. I guess my concern would be that a female Q could come across as more bitchy than a male Q would in the same situation. I think it'd a fine line to tread but if you did it right that could add a different dimension to Bond's relationship with them.

    Wow, I came here to mention a female Q and saw that this was just posted. I bet they do go with a female Q next. They always change something with these characters every time (female, gay, non-white, young instead of old, etc), and I think they'd like how it would seem to be showing that women can be in technological/science fields too. I mean, think about it, wouldn't it be a bad look for Q to be a man yet again?

    Which actresses play the "nerdy" role well? I could see maybe Jodie Comer doing it.
  • Posts: 3,428
    I'm fine with a female Q (long as they don't call her Q'ute like in the Gardner novels, found it stupid even then). Can imagine a character like Shuri from Black Panther. No ideas for any potential actresses.

    M I think will be replaced for Bond 26, but I suspect the new actor will be a bigger name much like Fiennes was. Can see them casting someone like Idris Elba for some reason.
  • CharmianBondCharmianBond Pett Bottom, Kent
    Posts: 556
    I'd love to see Loelia in the films, Elizabeth Debicki would be around the right height, she's probably slightly too high profile now for what'd be such a small part, but a woman can dream.

    Seeing as a male Moneypenny was mentioned earlier, which we sort of almost got with Villers and I liked his and Bond's all too brief interaction in CR. But what about a female Q? I think Anjana Vasan's a great performer, especially with quite geeky roles, if we're following in the Whishaw mould. I guess my concern would be that a female Q could come across as more bitchy than a male Q would in the same situation. I think it'd a fine line to tread but if you did it right that could add a different dimension to Bond's relationship with them.

    Wow, I came here to mention a female Q and saw that this was just posted. I bet they do go with a female Q next. They always change something with these characters every time (female, gay, non-white, young instead of old, etc), and I think they'd like how it would seem to be showing that women can be in technological/science fields too. I mean, think about it, wouldn't it be a bad look for Q to be a man yet again?

    Which actresses play the "nerdy" role well? I could see maybe Jodie Comer doing it.

    Great minds 😄 That's what I was thinking, having Moneypenny as a field agent while good-intentioned never really come off well and having a super-intelligent, no-nonsense woman for Q would be a good role model for girls.

    Elba would be great to get as M, if only to get him into the Bond universe after the decades of rumours.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Rather than have the same old of Q, Moneypenny and M be re-cast and featured more once again, I wouldn't mind if the next time around much of the focus was on other 00s that Bond works with. I wouldn't want Bond to team up with a different agent every movie, overriding the Bond girl role or unfocusing the story from Bond's experience of threats, but I wish the series would give the other agents in the service more utility beyond being mentioned in a throwaway line. I think it would really give the films a nice world building element, where Bond's world and work life is fleshed out more, and it would be interesting to see him interact with other agents. The books have really nice moments where Bond mentions his other 00s, and wonders about how they're doing, worries that those who haven't come back from duty past the mission end date could be dead, and ponders how long he himself will last in the field after so many "ugly" jobs. It would be interesting to get those little details in the films, since they have never been considered or featured to any great effect. And there's many ways and degrees other 00s could be featured, giving the filmmakers a lot of wiggle room.

    I think it'd be interesting for a film debuting a new Bond to open up with a stealth operation where all the 00s are in full cover gear, black ops style, who parachute into a base for some contextual reason and over the course of the mission many of the operatives die and Bond is revealed to be one of the only survivors near the end. It would set up not just how capable he is at surviving threats, but could also lay the seed that the operation may have been compromised, leading him on a chase via M's orders to uncover what could've gone wrong and if foul play was at hand. If the surviving 00s are sent on the mission with Bond to fox out the truth, a lot of tense interactions could come from that, as Bond wouldn't know who to trust, and the higher ups in MI6 may not fully trust him either if he's a newer agent to the service.

    I think that kind of story would be thrilling and engaging to watch, where Bond can't count on anyone around him because he can't fully trust anyone, and even he is being viewed with raised eyebrows so he has to make sure his actions don't paint him as a traitor. I can imagine that a lot of high stakes and intense sequences could be borne out of that kind of narrative, akin to Ronin or The Thing for those familiar with how well those movies created suspense and fear out of implied deceit and uncertainty.

    But I'd even take a simple scene of Bond getting his new mission in a room full of other 00s who are also getting their passports and operational orders, just to get a glimpse of those he works with and to see him interact with some here or there. I just think we're at a point now where so much has been done with the rest of Bond's MI6 team that the other 00s deserve a story that features them as a greater part of it, where we get to know the characters well, but may not be able to trust them given the inherent danger of the mission Bond is placed on with them. I think that'd be great fun.
  • Posts: 3,428
    I think it'd be interesting for a film debuting a new Bond to open up with a stealth operation where all the 00s are in full cover gear, black ops style, who parachute into a base for some contextual reason and over the course of the mission many of the operatives die and Bond is revealed to be one of the only survivors near the end. It would set up not just how capable he is at surviving threats, but could also lay the seed that the operation may have been compromised, leading him on a chase via M's orders to uncover what could've gone wrong and if foul play was at hand. If the surviving 00s are sent on the mission with Bond to fox out the truth, a lot of tense interactions could come from that, as Bond wouldn't know who to trust, and the higher ups in MI6 may not fully trust him either if he's a newer agent to the service.

    I'd be up for the next Bond film revealing more about the 00 section. I can definitely see a future film where the villain kills or kidnaps 00 agents for whatever reason. If we get a new Bond too it could add a cool dynamic to this type of PTS. Even if Bond's not involved in the covert mission, we see these 00 agents carrying it out. They could be masked so we don't see their faces, perhaps only get glimpses of their eyes etc. The viewer's not entirely sure which one is Bond. They're each killed one by one during the mission and it's only then that we reveal none of them are our hero. Bit like the TLD pre titles sequence.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @007HallY, having Bond be none of the agents would be interesting as a twist, but I'd still prefer seeing him as a part of it just so that he feels the intensity and danger of what he's involved in, directly feeling the loss of his comrades and understand just how close he was to dying himself. I think it raises the stakes higher when the truth is revealed and he has his sights set on the villain behind it: he's not just impacted because the dead were his brothers in arms, but also because he was an intended target. Just think it brings it up another notch.

    The TLD pre-title was definitely a big inspiration for what I was thinking of, not just with Bond being revealed gradually over the course of the action and fellow agents dying in perilous ways, but also with that element of ominous danger akin to the "Smiert Spionam" message.
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