NO TIME TO DIE (2021) - Critical Reaction and Box Office Performance



  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    matt_u wrote: »

    Let’s do some quick math.

    It needs $36M to hit $770M worldwide.
    $10M from US/China + $2M from the UK + $20M from Australia/Malaysia/Philippines = $32M. Let’s add the rest of the world and the $770M figure is a lock.

    770 is great if those regions deliver. I'm looking at close to 750ish next weekend.

    Yeah, with a little push from Malaysia (it opens next Thursday) and the US with Thanksgiving it may even hit the $750M by Sunday.

    I’m hearing Ireland could be imposing a lockdown in early to mid December and Scotland could be requiring the vaccine passport for cinemas from 6th December. Is that true?
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,343
    Three out of the four highest grossing films in the history of the UK... are James Bond movies. £800K to best SP.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @matt_u, that's so awesome. I don't know if SF will ever be topped in that region. Such a crazy, lightning in a bottle release that was. Just great to see the support for Bond in his homeland, not just internationally where the movies always clean up.

    This does a lot to continue to prove naysayers wrong. No matter how the times change, even during a pandemic, Bond always finds a way to overcome it and come out on top. These movies are true event cinema, and feel special. I have unending respect for EON for fighting to keep the movies theater experiences first and foremost, even when there was a big financial risk in doing so. So glad it's paid off for them, seeing NTTD chart high against all odds in an unprecedented time.

    I know it was a particularly special experience to be able to see a Bond movie in the theater again, not just because it was such a long wait, and because it was Dan's last. It was also the feeling of being able to enjoy an experience that I'd taken for granted. The theater is the only way to see these movies properly, and I was absolutely shaking with joy at it all. It's a memory that will stay with me forever.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,106
    Nicely stated @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 ... You come from a genuine and good hearted place, always.
  • Posts: 2,116
    I love that No Time To Die has been released to very strong financial success, critical approval, audience approval, and demonstrated the interest in the series is as strong as it always has been.

    Makes the authors of articles like this look genuinely stupid:
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Mallory, as we've seen, this movie can be very divisive. It's a ballsy movie in a franchise that more often than not plays it "by the book" so to speak, and stays true to formula. I personally find that rather boring after a while, which is why I've enjoyed the ways the Craig era has shaken it up. These are the kinds of risks that are great, because they chart new directions with the character while still being true to him and his world. Bond can't stay the same forever, and I wish people were more open to that. Nostalgia when harnessed with moderation is fine, but you can't keep rehashing old plots and iconography until the cows come home. There has to be new life, new blood to balance it out. The Craig era achieved that for me, having moments of nostalgia, but charting its own course by telling stories that put Bond himself at the center and forefront. We went from having spy adventures with Bond in them to getting the chance to have films that also work as character studies of very fascinating characters, and I ate it all up.

    The doubling down on Bond as a character was the best move they could've made for this era, not just because we haven't seen it done to this extent before, but because they had the perfect actor to explore those meatier sides of Bond with. The Craig era, and its massive success, is a sign that different takes on Bond and more explorations of things not as deeply analyzed in past films isn't something that turns audiences off. I have read countless reactions from people who came out of NTTD talking about how emotional it made them, and even put them into tears despite the fact that movies never make them cry. And these aren't ardent Bond fans like us, they're just regular folk that watch these movies every few years once a new one comes out. Something about what Dan did, and the impact these films have had to connect you to Bond, really struck a chord with people and it's just great to see.

    Bond is alive and well, even when you kill him. And that's exactly why this franchise has and always will be special.
  • Posts: 12,371
    Great write-up. I’d bet Craig’s era is going to be looked at as something of a silver age in the context of the franchise, sitting just below the 60s golden age as the most “popular” or beloved general time of the movies.
  • Junglist_1985Junglist_1985 Los Angeles
    Posts: 1,011
    FoxRox wrote: »
    Great write-up. I’d bet Craig’s era is going to be looked at as something of a silver age in the context of the franchise, sitting just below the 60s golden age as the most “popular” or beloved general time of the movies.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    FoxRox wrote: »
    Great write-up. I’d bet Craig’s era is going to be looked at as something of a silver age in the context of the franchise, sitting just below the 60s golden age as the most “popular” or beloved general time of the movies.

    @FoxRox, it's certainly been my personal golden era. I will never take for granted what we got these last fifteen years. My only regret was that I didn't start getting into Bond from the start of Dan's era so that I could enjoy it fully from the start, but 2009 isn't too far off to hop on the wagon. That being said, it was CR and what Dan did to make this character so much more than I'd ever imagined that made me the fan I was today. I look fondly back at that whole year of 2009, and how I fell in love with Bond fast and it consumed my life.

    I will always love Sean and the work he did, but Dan just stands out so strongly to me above all the others. He made a Bond that I genuinely fell in love with and cried for, because I felt so connected to him. He was just a conflicted and complicated guy trying to do his best, and it was a treat to see him grow into the man he finishes as in NTTD. A helluva inspiration, and he shows us how to live our lives to the fullest.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    @matt_u, that's so awesome. I don't know if SF will ever be topped in that region. Such a crazy, lightning in a bottle release that was. Just great to see the support for Bond in his homeland, not just internationally where the movies always clean up.

    Yeah it's awesome. At this rate I think NTTD will stop its run at £96/97M, maybe it has a chance to even hit £98M if it stays in the theaters til Christmas.
  • Red_SnowRed_Snow Australia
    Posts: 2,515

    NTTD has earned $6.64M during it's second weekend at the Australia box office, for a current total of $20.76M.

    Will be interesting to see if it can stay atop the box office this weekend with the release of Venom. Though, the first one only grossed $15.6M.
  • matt_u wrote: »
    I’m hearing Ireland could be imposing a lockdown in early to mid December and Scotland could be requiring the vaccine passport for cinemas from 6th December. Is that true?

    I don't know, but if there are lockdowns anywhere it will affect Spidey more than Bond. It's the only Marvel movie I really want to see though.

  • Posts: 7,016
    I live in Ireland. Covid numbers are starting to rise again considerably! We are only giving booster shots now. A rumour is circulating that a lockdown is coming, but its unlikely as Government are afraid of the backlash from big businesses! My wife works in a Hospital, and things are quite dire!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited November 2021 Posts: 23,864
    I found this stunningly negative review of NTTD on

    Without any spoilers, the ending of this film, i think tells you EXACTLY how these pathetic producers plan to proceed with this formerly beloved franchise. Wokeness, and the diversity agenda is infesting EVERYTHING, and i couldn't give a tosh how well written it is or how good the action scenes are, either. How dare these producers take something as culturally important as this Character and completely emasculate him. This franchise is done... utterly finished. I knew from reviews and interviews what was coming, but I had to see it to be sure it was as despicable as I thought it would be. R.I.P Bond Series 1962-2021.

    Wow. "Pathetic producers", "formerly beloved franchise", "wokeness", ... And all of it said as if there's some objective truth in all of this and the reviewer is speaking for all of us. But here's the reason I felt compelled to copy the text: "I couldn't give a tosh how well written it is or how good the action scenes are." In other words, this reviewer, one Jordan Taylor, is so angry about how "the diversity agenda is infesting EVERYTHING" that nothing else matters. I'm reading a lot of frustration in it that obscures a fair assessment of the actual quality of the film. This is too bad since I feel that this reviewer is another victim of the confirmation bias. "Wokeness" in NTTD is only there if you really want to find it in my opinion. It's about picking up a few minor bits of nothing and blowing them out of proportion.

    But then I found another Amazon customer's review, ending with,

    Stay clear of this racist anti-western rubbish!

    Either this person saw another film than I did, or didn't see the film at all (which wouldn't be exceptional, as we have recently learned.) Still, these extremely caustic sentiments have found their way to amateur reviews, and not just of NTTD but of films in general. I get the sense that some people cross arms and pout lips even before going in. They seem eager to expose some big Leftwing conspiracy in mainstream films. To be perfectly honest, I never feel offended as a caucasian, "emasculated" or suckered into a "PC" trap when watching NTTD. Maybe that's my confirmation bias; maybe I'm willingly overlooking these things, though I doubt that.
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,527
    Yep. Pointless reviews primed to be summarily ignored.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists morons.
  • edited November 2021 Posts: 1,314
    I have no issue with the supposed and pretty much non existent wokeness. I have an issue with the majority of the cast talking to bond like he is a prick

    I have an issue with killing the protagonist for no reason other than marvel did it and so middle aged men can tweet how “emotional” it is. Our addiction to half arsed emotion not at the service of the story is the bane of movie making now.

    I watched Witness at the weekend for the first time in 30 years. What struck me was how understated and agenda free it was. The male character wasn’t overly irrelevant, incapable and flawed. The female character wasn’t rude and fiesty. There was no heavy handed morale lesson or signposted from reel one. It was intelligent film making that makes it point in an understated, relatable, human way. I can’t remember the last time I saw a mainstream film that did that. Not perhaps the best example but it’s a recent film i rewatched.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    The racism the reviewer hints at is anti-white racism, I presume. I don't see that either, though. Bond and his girl are lily-white blondes, and so is pretty much everyone else. Only MP, FL and, indeed, the other 007 aren't. The reviewer must really have soiled his pants in 1973...
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    edited November 2021 Posts: 8,102
    He probably thinks killing Bond constitutes as a racial hate crime and that the filmmakers are propping up Nomi for the franchise.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 23,864
    I also think it's a little sad that some insist on pulling out the "RIP JAMES BOND 1962 - 2021". Now that's pathetic. But hey,

    in 2017:

    "RIP STAR WARS 1977 - 2017"

    and again in 2019:

    "RIP STAR WARS 1977 - 2019"

    I guess it's just the new "ieuw!"
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    So apparently NTTD will be bombarded with purposely negative, disruptive, hateful "reviews" and ratings by people filled with anger, frustration, and insecurities. Amping up more and more. Skewing ratings everywhere. Extremists, to put it politely, who want to lash out and change things they cannot change and heavy-handedly push other people around. Bullies, to put it politely. And isn't this how one (or all) of the last Star Wars films were treated? By mass crap reviews and taunting and hate mail. I don't follow those films, but I am pretty sure I read that.

    For a naturally divisive film (due to the ending, not anything else in it is truly controversial) NTTD will seemingly get the same treatment. That is too bad, but that is the internet world we live in. Swarming masses of people not having civil discourse and sharing opinions while disagreeing without hurtling abuse. Tons of crap, disrespect, and threats of violence may also ensue; right? Well, how many months will this wave continue? Has it peaked? Just wondering what others think.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent Nomi....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the white western culture are just (white) racist morons to me.
    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the masculinity of Bond are just insecure silly little men.
    Overall, people writing those silly “””reviews””” are just so dumb it’s not even worth the attention.
    They are probably upset that Q is gay as well.

    EDIT: I don’t get the “lol”.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,102
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent Nomi....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the white western culture are just (white) racist morons to me.
    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the masculinity of Bond are just insecure silly little men.
    Overall, people writing those silly “””reviews””” are just so dumb it’s not even worth the attention.
    They are probably upset that Q is gay as well.

    EDIT: I don’t get the “lol”.

    She’s laughing at the absurdity of their “reviews”.
  • NTTD easily in my all time top 6 or 7 Bond films.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent Nomi....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the white western culture are just (white) racist morons to me.
    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the masculinity of Bond are just insecure silly little men.
    Overall, people writing those silly “””reviews””” are just so dumb it’s not even worth the attention.
    They are probably upset that Q is gay as well.

    EDIT: I don’t get the “lol”.

    She’s laughing at the absurdity of their “reviews”.

    I see. It sounded like she was laughing at my post but it didn’t make sense since I’m totally against those kind of people spreading ignorance and hate…

    In the meantime anyway MGM has spoken. Repost from another thread.

    Unnamed and uninformed sources suggesting the film will lose money are categorically unfounded and put more simply, not true,” MGM spokesperson said in a statement. “The film has far exceeded our theatrical estimates in this timeframe, becoming the highest grossing Hollywood film in the international marketplace and passing ‘F9’ to become the highest grossing Hollywood film since the pandemic. With the PVOD release of the film already doing stellar home viewing business, all while continuing to hold well theatrically, ‘No Time To Die’ will earn a profit for MGM, both as an individual film title and as part of MGM’s incredible library.

    MGM get to keep closer to 80% of the money from VOD.
    Those “sources” have a name anyway… the MI6HQ!!! :D
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,459
    Yeah, @Scaramanga1974 Me, too, for now. I feel certain it will stay in my top 10.
  • edited November 2021 Posts: 214
    I was laughing at a word used by someone else, but subsequently edited. :))
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited November 2021 Posts: 4,343
    I was laughing at a word used by someone else, but subsequently edited. :))

    I know it’s a bad word but it’s really that bad? You know English is not my first language haha.

    EDIT: NTTD’s actuals are out and slightly exceeded estimates in the US. Dropped a -39% for a $154.75M cume.
  • RyanRyan Canada
    Posts: 692
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent Nomi....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the white western culture are just (white) racist morons to me.
    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the masculinity of Bond are just insecure silly little men.
    Overall, people writing those silly “””reviews””” are just so dumb it’s not even worth the attention.
    They are probably upset that Q is gay as well.

    EDIT: I don’t get the “lol”.

    She’s laughing at the absurdity of their “reviews”.

    I see. It sounded like she was laughing at my post but it didn’t make sense since I’m totally against those kind of people spreading ignorance and hate…

    In the meantime anyway MGM has spoken. Repost from another thread.

    Unnamed and uninformed sources suggesting the film will lose money are categorically unfounded and put more simply, not true,” MGM spokesperson said in a statement. “The film has far exceeded our theatrical estimates in this timeframe, becoming the highest grossing Hollywood film in the international marketplace and passing ‘F9’ to become the highest grossing Hollywood film since the pandemic. With the PVOD release of the film already doing stellar home viewing business, all while continuing to hold well theatrically, ‘No Time To Die’ will earn a profit for MGM, both as an individual film title and as part of MGM’s incredible library.

    MGM get to keep closer to 80% of the money from VOD.
    Those “sources” have a name anyway… the MI6HQ!!! :D

    But but but... the film needs three trillion dollars paid out in bars of gold from Goldfinger's personal unradiated supply in order to turn a profit!
  • MinionMinion Don't Hassle the Bond
    Posts: 1,165
    Ryan wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    matt_u wrote: »
    Those people are nothing more than extremely dumb, ignorant, insecure, racist and conspiracy theorists cunts.


    Can't think of one moment in that film that was racist. Black Felix, Black MoneyPenny, Black 00-agent Nomi....maybe Bond shouldn't have showered outside among the tropical trees, that made it look like jungle fever or something.

    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the white western culture are just (white) racist morons to me.
    People who thinks NTTD is an attempt to attack the masculinity of Bond are just insecure silly little men.
    Overall, people writing those silly “””reviews””” are just so dumb it’s not even worth the attention.
    They are probably upset that Q is gay as well.

    EDIT: I don’t get the “lol”.

    She’s laughing at the absurdity of their “reviews”.

    I see. It sounded like she was laughing at my post but it didn’t make sense since I’m totally against those kind of people spreading ignorance and hate…

    In the meantime anyway MGM has spoken. Repost from another thread.

    Unnamed and uninformed sources suggesting the film will lose money are categorically unfounded and put more simply, not true,” MGM spokesperson said in a statement. “The film has far exceeded our theatrical estimates in this timeframe, becoming the highest grossing Hollywood film in the international marketplace and passing ‘F9’ to become the highest grossing Hollywood film since the pandemic. With the PVOD release of the film already doing stellar home viewing business, all while continuing to hold well theatrically, ‘No Time To Die’ will earn a profit for MGM, both as an individual film title and as part of MGM’s incredible library.

    MGM get to keep closer to 80% of the money from VOD.
    Those “sources” have a name anyway… the MI6HQ!!! :D

    But but but... the film needs three trillion dollars paid out in bars of gold from Goldfinger's personal unradiated supply in order to turn a profit!
    It’s true! MI6HQ said so!
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